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USANews版 - Cavuto采访一个示威学生,该学生得表现让人尴尬
狐狸台新闻Neil Cavuto采访了杨安泽司法观察主席汤姆·菲顿今天将有两次电视节目,讨论FBI的决定
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话题: mullen话题: cavuto话题: said话题: percent话题: earners
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
BY: Blake Seitz Follow @@BlakeSeitz
November 12, 2015 3:01 pm
Fox Business host Neil Cavuto engaged a scholar in earnest Socratic dialogue
Keely Mullen is a national organizer for #MillionStudentMarch, a movement
that demands “tuition-free public college, cancellation of all student debt
, and a $15 minimum wage for all campus workers” in response to the crisis
caused by rapacious corporate education.
“#MillionStudentMarch is a movement for a more equitable and fair system of
education as opposed to the really corporate model we have right now,”
Mullen said.
Mullen is a graduate of the prestigious Francis W. Parker School and
political science student at Northeastern University, according to her
LinkedIn profile.
Cavuto asked how #MillionStudentMarch’s agenda would be financed.
“Great question, I mean, you know, so—I’m not sure if you’re talking
about a national level or per school?” Mullen said.
When pressed, Mullen said that the top one percent of earners needed to pay
tax rates upwards of 90 percent, a rate 10 percentage points higher than
that proposed by socialist Thomas Piketty. Mullen said it was worth it.
“I live in a world and I see a system around me where there is a population
that is doing nothing to contribute to the progression of society,” Mullen
said, referring to the freeloaders at the top who pay more in taxes than
the bottom 90 percent of earners combined.
When Cavuto pointed out that even a 100 percent tax on the top one percent
of income earners would be insufficient to fund Medicare for three years,
much less free college tuition and a $15 minimum wage, Mullen delivered a
devastating rebuttal.
“Yeah, I don’t believe that,” Mullen said.
In a rare point of agreement, Mullen and Cavuto said that rich Fox Business
Network anchors were unlikely to sign up for 90 percent tax rates.
“You know, people in your position, you know, don’t want to pay 90 percent
in taxes, because—” Mullen said.
“I dare say unless you’re high as a kite you wouldn’t volunteer to pay 90
percent,” Cavuto said.
Mullen said that capital flight could be avoided by holding the rich “
“Those people need to be accountable,” Mullen said about high earners in
Greece who fled high tax rates imposed by Syriza.
发帖数: 10729
这个左女才是KarenKitty (开运精灵)所说的
"你们蜜罐养大的自然很naive,不懂得生活, 哈哈"
发帖数: 61690
1 (共1页)
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话题: mullen话题: cavuto话题: said话题: percent话题: earners