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USANews版 - 说高税收对经济有利的看看Illinois好了
90%的美国人口生活在一党控制州长和议会的州, 各州是民主的试验场
芝加哥继续加税, 老百姓继续跑路
今天伊利诺伊州成为最后一个有CCW law的州
Do Republicans Ideas Lead to Job Growth?
Indiana Democrats Fleebagging Again, Abandoning Their Jobs
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发帖数: 29846
What's the Matter With Illinois?
The Great Lakes region offers a test of different economic policies.

April 14, 2014 7:14 p.m. ET
If the states are laboratories of democracy, then a great comparative policy
experiment is taking place in America's Great Lakes region. Democrats in
Illinois have been pursuing their blue-state model of higher taxes and union
-dominated government. Neighboring states since 2010 have gone for lower
taxes and union reform.
The comparison is especially apt because Illinois Democrats are doubling
down on their strategy in this election year. Governor Pat Quinn has
announced plans to make permanent the "temporary" tax hikes that were
supposed to sunset at the end of this year. Illinois House Speaker Michael
Madigan last month floated a 3% surcharge on income over $1 million, only to
have it shot down by some in his own caucus. Yet Democrats are still
flogging a progressive income tax, which Mr. Quinn all but endorsed last
All of which makes it an ideal moment to consider how the Quinn-Madigan
policies are working. One way to judge is to compare Illinois with four
other Great Lakes states that the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
lumps together for its annual survey of economic performance by the 50
Start with Illinois's 8.7% jobless rate, which is the country's second
highest after Rhode Island's 9% and has fallen by a mere 0.7 percentage
points since Mr. Quinn began his second term in January 2011. That's when
Illinois increased its flat income tax to 5% from 3% and the corporate rate
to 9.5% from 7.3%.
The nearby chart shows the jobless-rate trend in five Great Lakes states
since 2010. Note the sharp decline in Michigan, where Republican Governor
Rick Snyder and a GOP legislature cut corporate taxes. In the last three
years, the rate has fallen to 7.7% from 11% in the Wolverine State, to 6.5%
from 9.1% in Ohio, to 6.1% from 9% in Indiana, and to 6.1% from 7.7% in
Wisconsin. Only Illinois has raised taxes, while Ohio cut taxes, Michigan
and Indiana have passed right-to-work laws and Wisconsin famously reformed
collective bargaining.
Illinois has also recorded the slowest personal income growth in the Great
Lakes. Between 2012 and 2013, personal income rose by 2.1% in Illinois
versus 2.7% in Wisconsin, 2.5% in Michigan, and 2.3% in Ohio and Indiana.
But get this—about a third of Illinois's personal-income growth last year
was driven by "transfer receipts" (i.e., food stamps, workers' compensation,
disability, welfare, Medicaid, Social Security, Medicare, earned income tax
credits, unemployment benefits). According to BEA, these payments increased
5.2% in Illinois in 2013, the third most in the U.S., while wages and
salaries ticked up only 1%.
Some 31,000 Illinois workers left the state's labor force in 2013, while
Michigan's workforce expanded by 2,000 and Indiana's grew by 11,000.
Illinois also lost about 9,000 manufacturing jobs in the last year while
Michigan gained 17,000 and Ohio and Indiana each added 12,000.
AM Manufacturing and Carl Buddig & Co. recently announced plans to move
operations a few hundred yards across the Illinois border to Munster,
Indiana. Kenall Manufacturing, Hanna Cylinders and EMCO Chemical are
relocating to Wisconsin.
It's easy to see why. Illinois's 9.5% corporate tax rate is the highest in
the Great Lakes and fourth in the U.S. Michigan levies a 6% corporate tax,
and Indiana Governor Mike Pence recently signed legislation to cut his state
's corporate rate to 4.9% from 7.5% by 2023. Nine years is an overlong phase
-in, but at least businesses know taxes are trending down.
Democrats say Illinois taxes aren't all that high and have room to grow. The
state's 5% flat personal income tax is lower than the top rates in Ohio (5.
392% on income over $208,500) and Wisconsin (7.65% over $240,190), but
higher than the flat rates in Michigan (4.25%) and Indiana (3.4%). However,
sales taxes are 14% to 33% higher in Illinois than in other Great Lakes
states, according to the Tax Foundation. Property taxes are the second
highest in the country (after New Jersey) and climbing.
Democrats want to impose a progressive income tax because they don't want to
extend their "temporary" tax hikes on their low and middle income
constituents. They'd try to sell a progressive tax to voters as a tax cut
for the middle class, even though legislators could later ratchet up rates
on everyone when they want more revenue, which they always do. Public unions
have proposed top tax rates starting between 9% to 11%.
The real reason Democrats want higher taxes is the state's exploding
government-employee pension costs, which will increase this year despite the
nips and tucks legislators made in December. Illinois this year will spend
$7 billion from its general fund (not counting federal funds) on primary and
secondary education—but another $7.5 billion on pensions. According to the
Illinois Policy Institute, teacher pensions have gobbled up 70% of new
education spending. The next tax increase would be, like the last one, a
more or a less a straight income transfer to government worker pensions.
Democrats in Springfield are also teeing up a bailout for Chicago's pension
funds, which are $30 billion in arrears. The city must make a $1.07 billion
balloon payment next year while Chicago schools must cough up an additional
$405 million this year.
Taxes and public union governance aren't the only policy differences in
these states, but they have been the most notable since 2010. Judging by the
record so far, nothing would make the four Republican Governors of
neighboring states happier than for Illinois to keep soaking its
发帖数: 7463


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: What's the Matter With Illinois?
: The Great Lakes region offers a test of different economic policies.
: April 14, 2014 7:14 p.m. ET
: If the states are laboratories of democracy, then a great comparative policy
: experiment is taking place in America's Great Lakes region. Democrats in
: Illinois have been pursuing their blue-state model of higher taxes and union
: -dominated government. Neighboring states since 2010 have gone for lower
: taxes and union reform.
: The comparison is especially apt because Illinois Democrats are doubling

发帖数: 754

【在 m********8 的大作中提到】
: 主要是民心不古,偷逃赋税,以致府库乏匮
: 如厘,徭,役,田赋,口赋,春捐,秋捐,贡捐,丝捐,茶税,盐铁专卖,漕运,辽饷
: ,练饷,
: 剿饷,全数收缴到位的话
: 民有所安也不是难事
: 所以问题根源还在户部稽征不利,宝泉局发行宝钞太慢也是一个原因。
: policy
: union

发帖数: 7463

【在 d*****n 的大作中提到】
: 建议版主把这家伙送精神病院吧
发帖数: 10554
why? have you ever watched the TV show by Tieling Zhang?

【在 d*****n 的大作中提到】
: 建议版主把这家伙送精神病院吧
1 (共1页)
Indiana Democrats Fleebagging Again, Abandoning Their Jobs
Trump to spend in Indiana
Live: Pence rally in Fort Wayne, Indiana (9-30-16)
有空看看这个 --- pence back to indiana speech
创总还要去Illinois 拉力
话题: illinois话题: indiana话题: democrats话题: michigan话题: lakes