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USANews版 - 今天伊利诺伊州成为最后一个有CCW law的州
底特律警察局长:枪威慑、阻止了犯罪德州左逼女学生为抗议CCW law号召带假阳具到教室
[纪录片]Chiraq:芝拉克——禁枪城之殇 (转载)一个有趣的枪支法案在众院
明州的案子其实基本上都水落石出了.concealed carrier vs. possess on premises
反对CCW的一位民主党人自己偷偷带枪上飞机London Mayer: no excuse to carry a knife
主张禁枪的,进来看,事实说话。 (转载)一记响亮的耳光,伊利诺伊终于解放了
昨天教育了LD为什么CCW(持枪证)那么重要 (转载)坏人总是有枪的。好人现在多了一个选择 (转载)
话题: illinois话题: concealed话题: state话题: carry话题: quinn
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Today Illinois Enters the 21st Century: Last State in USA to Have Concealed
Carry Laws »
by Jammie
Of course not without a fight. The raving anti-gun nut in the governor’s
mansion is fighting tooth and nail in opposition but the court order will
take effect today, and even Democrats are vetoing his weak last minute
amendment. So, law-abiding citizens of Illinois, today you catch up with the
rest of America. You know, it’s almost as if these hacks in Illinois don’
t believe in the Second Amendment. Funny, that.
The Illinois House, with no debate, voted 77-31 today to override Gov.
Pat Quinn’s changes to a compromise plan to regulate the concealed carrying
of firearms in the state.
The state Senate must also vote to override Quinn’s rewrite of the bill
for the measure to become law. That vote is expected later today.
The measure got 89 votes in its original House roll call at the end of
May. It needed 71 House votes to override Quinn’s amendatory veto.
Illinois is the only state that bans so-called concealed carry — but
faces a court-mandated deadline of today to enact regulations after a
federal appellate court ruled the state’s prohibition unconstitutional.
If the full General Assembly overrides Quinn’s rewrite, gun owners will
not be able to carry a concealed firearm without a valid concealed carry
license issued by the Illinois State Police — a process that state police
would have 180 days to develop. Possessing a valid Firearms Owner
Identification Card, or FOID card, is not sufficient on its own to carry a
concealed firearm, state police say.
The cost for the new concealed carry license would be $150 for five
years for Illinois residents, under the legislation. Applicants also would
have to complete 16 hours of firearms training, including classroom and
range instruction, to qualify.
Perhaps now the citizens in Chicago might have a fighting chance against
the marauders who’ve overrun the city.
1 (共1页)
伊利诺伊州长挑战工会达到白热化主张禁枪的,进来看,事实说话。 (转载)
伊利诺伊州允许穆斯林在驾照照片里面带burqa昨天教育了LD为什么CCW(持枪证)那么重要 (转载)
底特律警察局长:枪威慑、阻止了犯罪德州左逼女学生为抗议CCW law号召带假阳具到教室
[纪录片]Chiraq:芝拉克——禁枪城之殇 (转载)一个有趣的枪支法案在众院
明州的案子其实基本上都水落石出了.concealed carrier vs. possess on premises
话题: illinois话题: concealed话题: state话题: carry话题: quinn