

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TrustInJesus版 - What Love is This?(50)加尔文主义的根基在于"重生先于信心"
What Love is This?(25) sin cityWhat Love is This?(67)加尔文主义定义的邪神
What Love is This?(87) 愿上帝拣选更多!Calvinism is a cult zz
What Love is This?(1) A new Calvinistic Pastor【置顶]】改革宗/归正宗是邪教 名至实归
What Love is This?(48)一些加尔文派相信人能够接受福音What Love is This?(33) 阿民念改革加尔文主义
Question: "Calvinism vs. Arminianism - which view is correct?"What Love is This? (34) 加尔文的国家机器
What Love is This?(65)上帝的话是真诚的吗?Heresies of Calvinism!
What Love is This?(51)荒谬的"重生先于信心"请问基督徒亲属去世如何慰问
What Love is This?(64)看加尔文解经:约1:13What Love is This?(75)难以自圆其说的拣选
话题: calvinism话题: engelsma话题: depravity话题: infancy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3781
Nevertheless, viewing depravity as inability, which necessitates regeneratio
n before salvation, is the very foundation of Calvinism. Engelsma acknowledg
es, "Deny this doctrine and the whole of Calvinism is demolished." 11 To be
fair, we must, says Engelsma, "let Calvinism speak for itself." 12 That is e
xactly what I am trying to do.
Inasmuch as Total Depravity requires regeneration before faith or salvation,
the Calvinist assumes it could take place - and probably does - in infancy.
Thus Hoeksema reasons that "regeneration can take place in the smallest of
infants ... in the sphere of the covenant of God, He usually regenerates His
elect children from infancy." 13 One would therefore expect that the childr
en of Calvinists would behave in a sanctified way far different from other c
hildren, but that cannot be shown to be the case.
1 (共1页)
What Love is This?(75)难以自圆其说的拣选Question: "Calvinism vs. Arminianism - which view is correct?"
What Love is This?(81)你会孝敬父母,爱护小孩吗?What Love is This?(65)上帝的话是真诚的吗?
What Love is This?(83)皇帝的新衣What Love is This?(51)荒谬的"重生先于信心"
What Love is This?(84)死人能做好事吗?能做坏事吗?What Love is This?(64)看加尔文解经:约1:13
What Love is This?(25) sin cityWhat Love is This?(67)加尔文主义定义的邪神
What Love is This?(87) 愿上帝拣选更多!Calvinism is a cult zz
What Love is This?(1) A new Calvinistic Pastor【置顶]】改革宗/归正宗是邪教 名至实归
What Love is This?(48)一些加尔文派相信人能够接受福音What Love is This?(33) 阿民念改革加尔文主义
话题: calvinism话题: engelsma话题: depravity话题: infancy