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TexasHoldem版 - 谁帮我分析一把牌
is there any hand that i beat here other than a bluff?bluff or not ?
got bluffed or not?今天玩rush poker的一手AA
Got set.To bluff or not to bluff river
it is nobody here?most profit table ever
catch a bluff or not.Not every call flop and raise turn
2 interesting hand last night.大家谈谈自己最好的bluff把
bluff or not?!学S 神看来不容易.
话题: fcf话题: cmis91话题: river话题: bluff话题: flop
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 457
帖一手最怪的牌,也是自己最牛的bluff,是和fcf heads up。
PokerStars Game #54941638740: Hold'em No Limit ($3/$6 USD) - 2010/12/27 17:
51:09 ET
Table 'Ginevra X' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: cmis91 ($1285 in chips)
Seat 2: fcf ($2633 in chips)
fcf: posts small blind $3
cmis91: posts big blind $6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to cmis91 [Tc 7s]
fcf: raises $6 to $12
cmis91: calls $6
*** FLOP *** [6h 5d 3h]
cmis91: bets $36
fcf: calls $36
*** TURN *** [6h 5d 3h] [5c]
cmis91: bets $72
fcf: calls $72
*** RIVER *** [6h 5d 3h 5c] [9d]
cmis91: checks
fcf: bets $114
cmis91: raises $198 to $312
fcf: folds
Uncalled bet ($198) returned to cmis91
cmis91 collected $467.50 from pot
cmis91: doesn't show hand
发帖数: 7793
你后来打HU 有盈利吗?
发帖数: 9164
what are you trying to rep when c/r on the river?


【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: 最近在研究以前打的牌,有些牌我都不知道自己当时的逻辑是什么
: 帖一手最怪的牌,也是自己最牛的bluff,是和fcf heads up。
: 但是现在看来从preflop到flop,turn,river,觉得自己是彻头彻尾的donkey
: 谁帮我分析一下。
: PokerStars Game #54941638740: Hold'em No Limit ($3/$6 USD) - 2010/12/27 17:
: 51:09 ET
: Table 'Ginevra X' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
: Seat 1: cmis91 ($1285 in chips)
: Seat 2: fcf ($2633 in chips)
: fcf: posts small blind $3

发帖数: 3932
saw some players talking about such river c/r during HU game, and most of
the time it is a bluff because the range is so narrow - near nuts or air.
for this hand i guess fcf would call you if he had a pair. but he had
nothing (not even K high) and had to fold his bluff to your bluff (he must
think you were bluffing most of time here).
but u could c/r with a river hit pair of 9's too. some people might continue
betting if they hit the 9, and hope to get called by a smaller pair. or you
could check, knowing your opponent would often bluff here, then c/r for
more value from smaller pair or A high because a good player would put you
on a bluff. instead you're very thin raising and knowing 9's is the best
then again, why did fcf bet the river? could he get any value? he actually
is bluffing most of the time here, too. and that justifies your c/r. he
should know you know he's bluffing most of the time, but he might just let
go this hand because he doesn't have K high.
That goes into leveling game..
i think people like patrik antonius bluff c/r in this situation often. it's
still hard for others to call his bluff because he just mixes up so well.

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: what are you trying to rep when c/r on the river?
: 17:

发帖数: 1500
发帖数: 1770
I guess fcf was bluffing from starting of this hand. So no matter what you
have, your raise in the river will push him fold in big chances if fch only
had A high or face cards.


【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: 最近在研究以前打的牌,有些牌我都不知道自己当时的逻辑是什么
: 帖一手最怪的牌,也是自己最牛的bluff,是和fcf heads up。
: 但是现在看来从preflop到flop,turn,river,觉得自己是彻头彻尾的donkey
: 谁帮我分析一下。
: PokerStars Game #54941638740: Hold'em No Limit ($3/$6 USD) - 2010/12/27 17:
: 51:09 ET
: Table 'Ginevra X' 2-max Seat #2 is the button
: Seat 1: cmis91 ($1285 in chips)
: Seat 2: fcf ($2633 in chips)
: fcf: posts small blind $3

发帖数: 1458
我觉得你donk flop还不如c/r flop,因为你call oop本来就很loose而且donk flop
frequency也很高,在这个flop上fcf可能call 100%。c/r之后如果turn出来9/8/6/5/3
还可以2nd barrel。你这个bet bet c/r我是看不懂,不过呢,fcf可能觉得你donk
flop bet turn(其实turn就是brick吧)基本上只说明you got two cards that is
high想fold掉你一些ace high missed draw,但是你这个river c/r确实有点像98/97/
96. 56/74s你大概会c/r flop吧?
发帖数: 1458
I like fcf's river bet. if you want to check behind and give up, I think you
should not call the turn in the first place. overall, I like fcf's line given that
cmis call oop very loose and donk flop so often. his river c/r is very impressive, but
not sure whether it is +EV.


【在 h*******s 的大作中提到】
: saw some players talking about such river c/r during HU game, and most of
: the time it is a bluff because the range is so narrow - near nuts or air.
: for this hand i guess fcf would call you if he had a pair. but he had
: nothing (not even K high) and had to fold his bluff to your bluff (he must
: think you were bluffing most of time here).
: but u could c/r with a river hit pair of 9's too. some people might continue
: betting if they hit the 9, and hope to get called by a smaller pair. or you
: could check, knowing your opponent would often bluff here, then c/r for
: more value from smaller pair or A high because a good player would put you
: on a bluff. instead you're very thin raising and knowing 9's is the best

发帖数: 327


【在 h*******s 的大作中提到】
: saw some players talking about such river c/r during HU game, and most of
: the time it is a bluff because the range is so narrow - near nuts or air.
: for this hand i guess fcf would call you if he had a pair. but he had
: nothing (not even K high) and had to fold his bluff to your bluff (he must
: think you were bluffing most of time here).
: but u could c/r with a river hit pair of 9's too. some people might continue
: betting if they hit the 9, and hope to get called by a smaller pair. or you
: could check, knowing your opponent would often bluff here, then c/r for
: more value from smaller pair or A high because a good player would put you
: on a bluff. instead you're very thin raising and knowing 9's is the best

发帖数: 457
实打的错误很大。preflop没有必要loose call,flop没必要donk bet,因为这种board
很容易被fcf float。现在反省一下,我当时太追求打牌的creativity,过分的追求
balance/widen range,让别人猜不到我的牌。preflop的loose call就是让对手知道我
的preflop call可能是any two card。殊不知,过于的balance range会丧失
optimality(EV)。好像某个pro说过,你永远不能perfectly balance range,因为那
时。如果我在flop,turn上double barrel,他从来不会在river 上thin value bet。
他应该连King high都没有)。所以我就rebluff他,represent66 33,99
不过我觉得river check raise倒是

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 你后来打HU 有盈利吗?
发帖数: 1128
“太追求打牌的creativity,过分的追求balance/widen range,让别人猜不到我的牌
。preflop的loose call就是让对手知道我的preflop call可能是any two card。殊不
知,过于的balance range会丧失optimality(EV)。”
————这个我严重同意。我有时就犯这种错误,比如pre-flop open with 10 9o之类
想着post flop可以outplay对手,其实要让对方把好牌FOLD了没那么容易,特别在别人


【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: 还盈利呢,以前不是发帖说过我输了不少么。所以现在才重新review我以前打的这些牌。
: 希望大家那我当个反面典型吧。poker就是这样,有时候虽然你赢了某一手牌,但是其
: 实打的错误很大。preflop没有必要loose call,flop没必要donk bet,因为这种board
: 很容易被fcf float。现在反省一下,我当时太追求打牌的creativity,过分的追求
: balance/widen range,让别人猜不到我的牌。preflop的loose call就是让对手知道我
: 的preflop call可能是any two card。殊不知,过于的balance range会丧失
: optimality(EV)。好像某个pro说过,你永远不能perfectly balance range,因为那
: 样的话会损失太多的value。这有点像辩证法里面的矛盾。
: 不过我觉得当时的river打的还是对的,也有创造力。主要是当时和fcf已经打了一个小
: 时。如果我在flop,turn上double barrel,他从来不会在river 上thin value bet。

1 (共1页)
学S 神看来不容易.it is nobody here?
Odds advantage(OA)catch a bluff or not.
NL1002 interesting hand last night.
回家前最后一把牌,tough spotbluff or not?!
is there any hand that i beat here other than a bluff?bluff or not ?
got bluffed or not?今天玩rush poker的一手AA
Got set.To bluff or not to bluff river
话题: fcf话题: cmis91话题: river话题: bluff话题: flop