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TexasHoldem版 - getting comfortable with NL50 & $12 NL Sit&Go
如果limp 很多,如何平衡?Some Sick Hands during weekend live game in AC
test water in NL200 rushrake back竟然占了18%的收入
Damn, I wish every flop can be like this way. Simply beautiful. Although only won $50Anyone tried online training?
how did you guys do this week?读30而立悲惨downswing遭遇有感
Sum up my last couple days' actions in FTP Rush poker NL 200纪念玩NL Holdem一周年
Compare FTP with PS from 2+2好像有点找到感觉了
话题: nl50话题: poker话题: go话题: sit话题: nl
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15
a bit of BSO from 新人. 终于有时间不受干扰打了7个小时。NL50入账$400多,打了
一次$12 sit&go拿到第二名, $396.00, hourly rate for about $100+. 感觉NL50大
部分人range太tight.我打惯NL500live game的在NL50range很大,很容易trap人all-in
. 看来先在NL50 build up我的bankroll在move up 了。Look forward to learning
more from this board.
发帖数: 1500
7个小时8个buyin进帐,再加上一个mtt的2nd,非常非常的火! huge congs!
“我打惯NL500live game的在NL50range很大,很容易trap人all-in”
allin 然后无奈降级的50NL fish
btw,想讨教下,我猜你是loose aggressive
你玩的是full ring 还是 6 max?
发帖数: 1989
like to share a few hands?
发帖数: 15
我觉得不scared of money很关键。yeah, I am LAG. usually full ring. AT NL50,
no bet scares me so I am able to make sound judgement based on my reading. I
played NL200 a few games and felt I was scared of money and could not play
发帖数: 15
22s&44s were my winning hands yesterday. Called on 3x-6xBB and caught sets
many times on flop and turn and every time I trapped all-ins. of course luck
was part of the winning reasons:).
发帖数: 1621
you are ruuning hot, no doubt.
i am not questioning your skills, but don't expect this will last forever
and the game is easy. the will be days when your 33s or 44s caught set on
the flop and your opponents got bigger sets on the turn and clean your
stacks. it may happen to you not once but twice in one session and ppl two-
outter you like it is nothing and you watch helplessly as the profit you
built in a week can evaporate in couple hours if you dont know when to quit.
Welcome to online poker anyway.


【在 l*********l 的大作中提到】
: 22s&44s were my winning hands yesterday. Called on 3x-6xBB and caught sets
: many times on flop and turn and every time I trapped all-ins. of course luck
: was part of the winning reasons:).

发帖数: 7793
"caught sets many times".. Very nice.. hehe..
Crush them NL 50 fishes. they all suck except a few anyway.
发帖数: 1989
I bet he played yesterday, SUNDAY
发帖数: 15860
nice run, or one of those sucking days, hehe, depending on which side of the
fence you sit on.
my last session (sat.) was unfortunately on the other side, or the most
extreme one since i started to play rush one year ago or cash game online 2
years ago.
all my 4 AAs (or the ones got called) got shot down in the way you got "
1) AA 6x vs. limping 44, surely 4 was on the flop and action started on blank
turn, lol;
2) AA 4x vs. BB's 22, same thing;
3) AA 6x vs. UTG's limping 3h8h, c-bet on K93 rainbow, 3h8h donk caught 3 on
4) AA vs. 44 yet again;
5) 99 called MP's 3x, board as JJ9QA, JQs was betting big all the way, guess
i could fold, hehe;
6) 88 called 3x in 5-way, flop check raised big on 832 rainbow, CO calls big
and hits 9 turn with 99;
7) JJ shove vs. BTN's 4-bet steal, he snap called me with A8o, of course
rivered an A.
i don't even want to blame anything, since i know this is the ultimate BS in
a row, hehe, actual loss of -$398 vs. -$22 EV for the session.


【在 l*********l 的大作中提到】
: a bit of BSO from 新人. 终于有时间不受干扰打了7个小时。NL50入账$400多,打了
: 一次$12 sit&go拿到第二名, $396.00, hourly rate for about $100+. 感觉NL50大
: 部分人range太tight.我打惯NL500live game的在NL50range很大,很容易trap人all-in
: . 看来先在NL50 build up我的bankroll在move up 了。Look forward to learning
: more from this board.

发帖数: 15
haha, my problem yesterday was not getting any callers with my AAs with only
a 3X bet. true, one of my hot days given that i only played for about 2
weeks so far online. poker和炒股很类似,最关键是有个plan then be very
disciplined to stick with it. I made a strict rule of quiting for the day if
I am down 3 buy-ins. Just like "keep profit running and cut loss short" in
stock trading.
Compare FTP with PS from 2+2Some Sick Hands during weekend live game in AC
打HU有啥必读的书么?rake back竟然占了18%的收入
怎么办?Anyone tried online training?
发帖数: 15860
yes, but in reality almost no one (let him be a top pro or donk) does, hehe,
i like the jokingly line someone wrote at kungfu-poker, 怎么办,赢钱的时候
when we run hot, we all feel that we only got a little "lucky", and the most
comes from our improved skills, good read, timing, donkness of our
opponents, discipline to stop (and run, hehe), ...
many (poker players or stock traders) all feel the same way (they're doing all
right and have disciplines/plans) until they hit that bump, and then most of
them never come back.


【在 l*********l 的大作中提到】
: haha, my problem yesterday was not getting any callers with my AAs with only
: a 3X bet. true, one of my hot days given that i only played for about 2
: weeks so far online. poker和炒股很类似,最关键是有个plan then be very
: disciplined to stick with it. I made a strict rule of quiting for the day if
: I am down 3 buy-ins. Just like "keep profit running and cut loss short" in
: stock trading.

发帖数: 15
totally agreed. not again after I almost bankcrupted myself by being not
able to hit a stop when down. I loaded up almost $1mil margin to trade and
ended wiping out my total gains a few years back and I think I am a changed
man for good(still a thrill seeker but with better money management and plan
execution). lucky i did not own the broker margin $$$.... so now everything
I do in trading I think the worst, not the best...... sigh, that alsom
means i am getting old....
发帖数: 7793
我输钱的时候也觉得自己特牛B, 怎么办?
是不是因为我赢钱时也是一大傻B? 请版主指教。。。
发帖数: 7793
imagine one day ftp and poker star can let you gamble with margins.. how sick would that be?
"Oh fuck.. i just lost a 50bb pot and i got a margin call... please help!!!"
ev mm replies: "that's what you get for playing NL10000 with a NL50 bank roll. Didn't I tell you not to use margins as soon as it came out???" lol..


【在 l*********l 的大作中提到】
: totally agreed. not again after I almost bankcrupted myself by being not
: able to hit a stop when down. I loaded up almost $1mil margin to trade and
: ended wiping out my total gains a few years back and I think I am a changed
: man for good(still a thrill seeker but with better money management and plan
: execution). lucky i did not own the broker margin $$$.... so now everything
: I do in trading I think the worst, not the best...... sigh, that alsom
: means i am getting old....

发帖数: 15860
a lot of top pros like daniel negreanu, isildur1, john juanda, faraz jaka,
brian townsend, even durrrr all went broke big or close to be at one or a
few times...
isn't gus hansen a genius? he's the top backgammon/poker player in the world
, yet he's a huge loser in poker with -$10M loss. tons of other big name
pros "disappeared" too after a few years of hot runs, and current stars don'
t likely last for long.
legenary players like nick "the greek" dandolos and johnny moss both died
broke after a whole life of successes and disasters, let alone those
internet kids.
in my eyes, only 2 ppl made great $$ in poker, chris ferguson and doyle, not
from playing actually, but from successful side businesses related to poker
or investment in other businesses like real estate.


【在 l*********l 的大作中提到】
: totally agreed. not again after I almost bankcrupted myself by being not
: able to hit a stop when down. I loaded up almost $1mil margin to trade and
: ended wiping out my total gains a few years back and I think I am a changed
: man for good(still a thrill seeker but with better money management and plan
: execution). lucky i did not own the broker margin $$$.... so now everything
: I do in trading I think the worst, not the best...... sigh, that alsom
: means i am getting old....

发帖数: 15860
lol, then that's ego.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 我输钱的时候也觉得自己特牛B, 怎么办?
: 是不是因为我赢钱时也是一大傻B? 请版主指教。。。

发帖数: 15860
yes, they are, at least for FTP, they still haven't taken my deposits since
jan., lol, i got freerolled.
if they piss me off, i'll just go ahead and close those bank accounts.

sick would that be?
roll. Didn't I tell you not to use margins as soon as it came out???" lol..

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: imagine one day ftp and poker star can let you gamble with margins.. how sick would that be?
: "Oh fuck.. i just lost a 50bb pot and i got a margin call... please help!!!"
: ev mm replies: "that's what you get for playing NL10000 with a NL50 bank roll. Didn't I tell you not to use margins as soon as it came out???" lol..
: changed
: plan
: everything

发帖数: 7793
that is totally different from margin.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: yes, they are, at least for FTP, they still haven't taken my deposits since
: jan., lol, i got freerolled.
: if they piss me off, i'll just go ahead and close those bank accounts.
: sick would that be?
: !"
: roll. Didn't I tell you not to use margins as soon as it came out???" lol..

发帖数: 15860
if i got greedy, i could totally go like this, deposit as often/much as
possible in a short period of time, play higher stake and then transfer
money to some other "well-established" accounts, then withdraw from there,
then close all accounts.
i figure FTP/PS is having a lot of troubles these days for this with the
long e-check delay, and FTP has to cover wire fees a lot too for withdrawals.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: that is totally different from margin.
: since
: ..

发帖数: 1989
still not since Jan?! Howhow, How?
Do you open account with your name (used at pre-existing one)?!


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: yes, they are, at least for FTP, they still haven't taken my deposits since
: jan., lol, i got freerolled.
: if they piss me off, i'll just go ahead and close those bank accounts.
: sick would that be?
: !"
: roll. Didn't I tell you not to use margins as soon as it came out???" lol..

纪念玩NL Holdem一周年rush玩家7月红利$250
好像有点找到感觉了这NL100 还是比NL50 难打..
发帖数: 1500
wow 终于让我找到 原来哥儿们就是传说中 赌性很重的人物
死,很少能够活的很滋润(比如ev mm),最终慢慢转型,扔掉新手的帽子。而如果采
回到哥们儿的“caught sets many times”,因为你的table image非常的破,造成对
醒的头脑,做出合理的抉择。 赌是必要的,但是明知概率已经很低,还硬着头皮上的
发帖数: 4896


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: if i got greedy, i could totally go like this, deposit as often/much as
: possible in a short period of time, play higher stake and then transfer
: money to some other "well-established" accounts, then withdraw from there,
: then close all accounts.
: i figure FTP/PS is having a lot of troubles these days for this with the
: long e-check delay, and FTP has to cover wire fees a lot too for withdrawals.

发帖数: 15860
hehe, your question should be: anyone here who made a deposit since last
winter (whenever they srarted to have e-check problems) got their deposits
cleared from banks?
i'm curious to know too.

【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: still not since Jan?! Howhow, How?
: Do you open account with your name (used at pre-existing one)?!
: since
: ..

发帖数: 15860
when poker was hot a few years ago, i believe 比较保守,稳扎稳打 can still
make you good $$$ at a relatively fast pace.
but now, like a pro said, any decent 2/4NL player can beat 50/100NL games a
few years ago...

【在 d*****0 的大作中提到】
: wow 终于让我找到 原来哥儿们就是传说中 赌性很重的人物
: 我觉得从文化上来讲,中国人普遍比较保守,稳扎稳打,踏实渐进,但这样也决定了绝
: 大多数人,平平庸庸,几年下来,只是有所小成。
: 落实到poker上,我觉得也差不离。新来者用保守的打法,基本上不是苟活,就是慢慢
: 死,很少能够活的很滋润(比如ev mm),最终慢慢转型,扔掉新手的帽子。而如果采
: 用激进打法的,除了绝大多数人立马死,总有一部分人会活的很精彩,在不断胜利中扔
: 掉新手的帽子。其实,我个人觉得,两者殊途同归(0EV)。
: 回到哥们儿的“caught sets many times”,因为你的table image非常的破,造成对
: 手大幅度的降低你的手牌强度的range,从而用些中等牌力,甚至弱牌来抓你诈唬,所
: 以你运气好的时候暴利是非常非常合理的。但是另一面,你也要小心,运气不好的时候

发帖数: 15
thanks jim for the advice. so far i am able to do at NL50 but not higher...
发帖数: 2063
Gus is hot now.
Must admit he has the guts, and he is the most diligent high stake regs
I do not see a lot of regs even durrrr online that often. He gets so many hands in high stake games.
Gus won 2.4 million on FEB!!!!


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: yes, but in reality almost no one (let him be a top pro or donk) does, hehe,
: i like the jokingly line someone wrote at kungfu-poker, 怎么办,赢钱的时候
: 觉得自己特牛B,输钱了又觉得特傻B。
: when we run hot, we all feel that we only got a little "lucky", and the most
: comes from our improved skills, good read, timing, donkness of our
: opponents, discipline to stop (and run, hehe), ...
: many (poker players or stock traders) all feel the same way (they're doing all
: right and have disciplines/plans) until they hit that bump, and then most of
: them never come back.

发帖数: 2063
This is just hot sessions.
2nd finisher is not that often!
NL50 get 7 buyins -----en, if you can run that hot, just stay your buyin
level, you could be very rich, but it is impossible. Your win rate should be


【在 l*********l 的大作中提到】
: a bit of BSO from 新人. 终于有时间不受干扰打了7个小时。NL50入账$400多,打了
: 一次$12 sit&go拿到第二名, $396.00, hourly rate for about $100+. 感觉NL50大
: 部分人range太tight.我打惯NL500live game的在NL50range很大,很容易trap人all-in
: . 看来先在NL50 build up我的bankroll在move up 了。Look forward to learning
: more from this board.

发帖数: 15
thanks for all the encouragements. i can not get rich by playing NL50. i am
mainly using it to fix my leaks for live cash games. my up/down swing in
stock trading a day is probably more than i can ever win at NL50... I guess
it is also a cheap and fun way to kill time for a man at mid-life crisis:)
other than women&cars.
发帖数: 7793
woman & cars >>>>>> winning small money in poker.
发帖数: 1500
人跟人就是有差别 /thumbsup
1 (共1页)
rush玩家7月红利$250Sum up my last couple days' actions in FTP Rush poker NL 200
这NL100 还是比NL50 难打..Compare FTP with PS from 2+2
is this a bluff or what?打HU有啥必读的书么?
fcf 大侠的quote.怎么办?
如果limp 很多,如何平衡?Some Sick Hands during weekend live game in AC
test water in NL200 rushrake back竟然占了18%的收入
Damn, I wish every flop can be like this way. Simply beautiful. Although only won $50Anyone tried online training?
how did you guys do this week?读30而立悲惨downswing遭遇有感
话题: nl50话题: poker话题: go话题: sit话题: nl