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TexasHoldem版 - No one is worried 15 months without online poker?
Did FBI say online poker is illegal?俺觉得其实网络扑克前景挺好的
PS events (I guess we can play some)Pokerstars 出rush了
FTP可能又让FBI搞了NJ 筒子马上要解放了。
仔细研究了一下online pokerPPA@pokerstar 发信给我了。
some FTP news/answers from 2+2 ftp DougFull Tilt Poker中文版FAQ(3/13/10更新)
经济不景气bank will never get involved with deposit from Poker site?
【连载】扑克两年间(十五):上纲上线(online)Question on Ironman Medal and Full Tilt Points
我觉得pokerstars怪怪的Multi-entries MTT @FTP
话题: bill话题: pokerstars话题: players话题: ppa话题: merge
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6301
If the current bill get passed the end of next week, it could be 15 months
before US players can have a online room to play poker.Pros like fcf will
have a hard time.
发帖数: 7793
Read that this morning from 2+2. It is out of our hands. Worst come to the
worst, we just go back to live game for easier money for 15 month.. 15month
later, the fish pond is going to be full again. It is well worth it IMO.
发帖数: 5415
多数人不是靠这个吃饭,所以最多是少了一份side income而已。
发帖数: 15860
under current circumstances, i don't think it will pass this time. after all
, FBI just cracked down ewalletexpress and UIEGA seeems to be more serious
than ever.
i guess the most likely case would be a few similar bills passed at state
level, like NJ which is almost a done deal (state senate passed yesterday)
and CA/FL, ... then after a while, things look like working well...
although i believe a revised version will eventually get the green light.
but for now, there're too many details to be worked out.

【在 w***w 的大作中提到】
: If the current bill get passed the end of next week, it could be 15 months
: before US players can have a online room to play poker.Pros like fcf will
: have a hard time.
: http://www.parttimepoker.com/what-is-harry-reid-online-poker-bill#1a
: http://www.parttimepoker.com/poker-regulation

发帖数: 7793
NJ bill is passed. bad news. I like the fed bill better
发帖数: 490
you can still play with NJ bill?
发帖数: 7793
no, not on ftp
发帖数: 15860
it would take some time before the bill takes effect bah?
but time to think about how to cash out all those stupid points.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: no, not on ftp
发帖数: 7793
好像ftp withdraw from WA 之后可以把tournament ticket 换成钱。。 那我就把ftp
point 都买了ticket~~~
i am working on some 26$ 45people sng now with ticket I bought with the
ironman medal.
发帖数: 15860
hoho, i would love this.


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 好像ftp withdraw from WA 之后可以把tournament ticket 换成钱。。 那我就把ftp
: point 都买了ticket~~~
: i am working on some 26$ 45people sng now with ticket I bought with the
: ironman medal.

【连载】扑克两年间(十五):上纲上线(online)Pokerstars 出rush了
我觉得pokerstars怪怪的NJ 筒子马上要解放了。
发帖数: 6301
Las Vegas Sun Write Up
Andrew Feldman’s Review of Current Bill Draft
Nothing terrible breaking this morning; a couple of statements from rooms
and more guesses about Reid’s chances to actually get the bill through.
New Draft Available to Everyone: The draft Feldman was quoting from last
night is now available to everyone here, thanks to KevMath for the link.
Online Poker Bill Has 33% Chance: That’s the word from Brian McGill, of
Philadelphia-based Janney Capital Markets, in this article from the Philly
Inquirer , who says the bill passing “a one-in-three shot.”
Someone call Joe Cada and get him behind this bill.
Other “credible estimates” in the 2+2 thread put the chances in the 30-50%
range, so this new estimate isn’t out of line, but only a few people in
the world know what’s actually happening, and they’re not talking.
Stars Makes Statement: It wasn’t an official statement insomuch that it’s
not posted on their website not emailed to players, but a Stars rep on 2+2
posted the following:
There has been some discussion lately of possible legislation that, if
passed, might or might not affect the ability of players from the USA to
play online at PokerStars. This legislation may not be voted on this year,
and even if it is, the content and impact are still very much unknown.
At this point, nobody knows exactly what will or won’t happen with
legislation in the coming weeks. Until the legislation is passed and signed,
PokerStars has no way to set or communicate an exact policy.
At this time we plan to continue offering real money games to all of our
currently served markets. If legislation does pass in the USA regarding
online poker, PokerStars will respond in accordance with legal advice, based
on the final bill. If our policies change as a result, we will communicate
the details to any affected players as quickly as possible.
We do recognize that the timing of this uncertainty is particularly
troubling for players who are aiming for yearly VIP Club goals such as
Supernova VIP status, Milestone Cash Credits, and Supernova Elite VIP Status
. As always, PokerStars is firmly committed to treating players fairly.
Progress towards these yearly goals will be given consideration if
PokerStars must stop service to a group of players.
One thing that is certain right now and for the future is that your
funds are safe in your PokerStars account. Your funds will always be made
accessible should you want to withdraw them.
Don’t forget that all American voters can have a voice in this process.
If you have strong opinions about the outcome, there is no better time than
now to contact your elected representatives to let them know. PokerStars
also suggests that you consider contacting the PPA (www.ppa.org) to find out
how you can get more involved.
That endorsement of the PPA as the PPA is ramping up a campaign urging
players to support Reid’s bill adds credibility to previous reports that
Stars is in fact supporting the Reid effort.
Merge Network Comment: Again, super-unofficial, but a rep from Merge said
the company isn’t going anywhere. The comment was in a thread discussing
Spin32’s decision to leave the Merge Network; a Merge Business Development
Manager responded to the discussion saying “Its business as usual for Merge
we aren’t leaving the US market we are looking to build on what has been a
great year and are very excited about what the new year will bring.”
PPA Calls For Action: The PPA is asking players to write their Senators now
to offer support for Reid’s efforts. You can do that automagically here.
We’ll Know Soon Enough: PPA says we’ll know by the end of next week at the
latest; an article from CGW (currently down, probably thanks to said
article) put the timeline at 48 hours from last night. Gambling Compliance
says possibly this week.
发帖数: 1500
好像说15month blackout 期间,美国外的网站还可以玩,虽然他们是非法,但是玩家
不是,希望我的costa rica的网站不会被block什么的
发帖数: 5415
难道要我们VPN到英国上ftp?然后找个online checking账户收钱?总用wire收钱毕竟
发帖数: 121
no one knows what's going to happen with it now. The bill may or may not
pass, and the draft could be changed drastically even if it is passed.
I am guess it would be very bad for poker pros in the short term, it will
impact me much less than some other pros since I am fairly confident that I
can make decent income outside of poker anyway. For the long term, it's
probably a good thing. 15 months of blackout is very long, but it might be
worth it after all.
发帖数: 15860
而且,这个草案动机就很坏,纯粹为帮助MGM, Harrahs这样的传统赌场集团"合法"的消
该草案也很不成熟,缺乏大量如何具体收license fees,个人税的细节,比如光说个20
%,这个依据是什么? 如何"保证"政府的好处等等,这个都不是三言两语能说清楚的,


【在 f*f 的大作中提到】
: no one knows what's going to happen with it now. The bill may or may not
: pass, and the draft could be changed drastically even if it is passed.
: I am guess it would be very bad for poker pros in the short term, it will
: impact me much less than some other pros since I am fairly confident that I
: can make decent income outside of poker anyway. For the long term, it's
: probably a good thing. 15 months of blackout is very long, but it might be
: worth it after all.

发帖数: 5415
“Harrah” Reid可是Majority leader啊...其实可以效仿法国的制度。
1 (共1页)
Multi-entries MTT @FTPsome FTP news/answers from 2+2 ftp Doug
Get a lot of double points经济不景气
newbie reporting for duty【连载】扑克两年间(十五):上纲上线(online)
Has FTP disabled bank transfer completely? How do you get money out我觉得pokerstars怪怪的
Did FBI say online poker is illegal?俺觉得其实网络扑克前景挺好的
PS events (I guess we can play some)Pokerstars 出rush了
FTP可能又让FBI搞了NJ 筒子马上要解放了。
仔细研究了一下online pokerPPA@pokerstar 发信给我了。
话题: bill话题: pokerstars话题: players话题: ppa话题: merge