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TexasHoldem版 - Tight is right
[合集] Tight is right今天赌场一把2/3
AQ flopped A, how to play?crazy people in wynn vegas
昨天亏了worst bad beat ever in live game today
同样在打micro. 同人家比真的还差好远play mid pair on a raised pot
我tilt 了TT at SB
what do you think about this call?人品守恒。。。
有图有真相,嘿嘿interesting hand
FT,你太不了解weak tight了fulltilt是挺夸张的
话题: mp话题: button话题: bet话题: pot话题: flop
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3398
Last night I had AA at UTG, open raised 3bb, MP and button called. We had
80bb each.
Flop K87 rainbow, I checked, MP checked, button bet 10bb. I called. MP
called. Turn blank, I thought for a while and checked, MP checked, Button
checked. River blank. I thought for a while and checked. MP checked. Button
Button showed KTs. MP showed 77!!!
总结: 我这次这么谨慎有三个原因, 一是周一被人无数次bad beat,二是看了书,
flop后没有大牌就control pot, 三是button pot bet flop 后, 我本来准备raise一
下看他的牌力, 但是考虑到MP其实还可能在后面来个check raise, 所以我忍了, 就
发帖数: 15860
no, no, no.
1) 3bb is just too small for AA at UTG, it's almost like limping. for sure
you'll get at least 1 or 2 callers IN position against you post flop. if SB/
BB are loose enough, they might come along too... worst case for AA.
2) i'd not check call here. the pot is getting much bigger and still, you
only have 1 pair (very unlikely to improve on late streets);
3) actually i like MP's play, he only fails with his river trapping here. it
's a typical way ahead situation for him, he's deeply d

【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: Last night I had AA at UTG, open raised 3bb, MP and button called. We had
: 80bb each.
: Flop K87 rainbow, I checked, MP checked, button bet 10bb. I called. MP
: called. Turn blank, I thought for a while and checked, MP checked, Button
: checked. River blank. I thought for a while and checked. MP checked. Button
: checked.
: Button showed KTs. MP showed 77!!!
: 总结: 我这次这么谨慎有三个原因, 一是周一被人无数次bad beat,二是看了书,
: flop后没有大牌就control pot, 三是button pot bet flop 后, 我本来准备raise一
: 下看他的牌力, 但是考虑到MP其实还可能在后面来个check raise, 所以我忍了, 就

发帖数: 3398
我UTG都是3bb, small pair, sc, monster,这样不让对手read。UTG open raise的话, 后面的人如果有Position awareness, 没有好牌的话, 一般跟的不多。所以我现在有small pocket pair, UTG的位置我会bet 3bb去偷blinds, 在MP的位置我反而fold。
AA/KK的牌, 最希望的局面是有人3bet, 自己再flat or 4 bet, open raise 太多, 容易吓跑人。
另外, 这把如果是head up, 我flop就check raise测试对手, 三个人的话, 我小心一点没错。
AA/KK只在preflop是Monster, 一旦看了flop, top pair, over pair都不是大牌,尤其是multi-way的情况下。


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: no, no, no.
: 1) 3bb is just too small for AA at UTG, it's almost like limping. for sure
: you'll get at least 1 or 2 callers IN position against you post flop. if SB/
: BB are loose enough, they might come along too... worst case for AA.
: 2) i'd not check call here. the pot is getting much bigger and still, you
: only have 1 pair (very unlikely to improve on late streets);
: 3) actually i like MP's play, he only fails with his river trapping here. it
: 's a typical way ahead situation for him, he's deeply d

发帖数: 15860
one problem is that if MP or button bets on turn, or river with a "
reasonable" amount, 90% chance you'll still call, you don't save anything.
but if you act earlier on flop, the decision is much easier to make, and you
leave yourself some more room to fold. the basic problem with calling is we
got no info., they could have anything.
stack size is another factor, with 80bb effective stack (medium), not much
to worry about.

话, 后面的人如果有Position awareness, 没有好牌的话, 一般跟的不多。所以我
现在有small pocket pair, U

【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: 个人风格吧
: 我UTG都是3bb, small pair, sc, monster,这样不让对手read。UTG open raise的话, 后面的人如果有Position awareness, 没有好牌的话, 一般跟的不多。所以我现在有small pocket pair, UTG的位置我会bet 3bb去偷blinds, 在MP的位置我反而fold。
: AA/KK的牌, 最希望的局面是有人3bet, 自己再flat or 4 bet, open raise 太多, 容易吓跑人。
: 另外, 这把如果是head up, 我flop就check raise测试对手, 三个人的话, 我小心一点没错。
: AA/KK只在preflop是Monster, 一旦看了flop, top pair, over pair都不是大牌,尤其是multi-way的情况下。
: SB/
: it
: ,
: %

发帖数: 3398
80BB很多了, 你们一个比一个有钱啊。
我现在资本积累阶段, 减少variance, 逐步增长是我的目标。


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: one problem is that if MP or button bets on turn, or river with a "
: reasonable" amount, 90% chance you'll still call, you don't save anything.
: but if you act earlier on flop, the decision is much easier to make, and you
: leave yourself some more room to fold. the basic problem with calling is we
: got no info., they could have anything.
: stack size is another factor, with 80bb effective stack (medium), not much
: to worry about.
: 话, 后面的人如果有Position awareness, 没有好牌的话, 一般跟的不多。所以我
: 现在有small pocket pair, U

发帖数: 1240
cool check on the turn.


【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: Last night I had AA at UTG, open raised 3bb, MP and button called. We had
: 80bb each.
: Flop K87 rainbow, I checked, MP checked, button bet 10bb. I called. MP
: called. Turn blank, I thought for a while and checked, MP checked, Button
: checked. River blank. I thought for a while and checked. MP checked. Button
: checked.
: Button showed KTs. MP showed 77!!!
: 总结: 我这次这么谨慎有三个原因, 一是周一被人无数次bad beat,二是看了书,
: flop后没有大牌就control pot, 三是button pot bet flop 后, 我本来准备raise一
: 下看他的牌力, 但是考虑到MP其实还可能在后面来个check raise, 所以我忍了, 就

发帖数: 15860
haha, someone even calls 80bb as low-medium, and refers to 200bb as deep.
this hand is kind of lucky for you since 77 guy was very sneaky. or in
another common case, if KT (KQ, KJ) guy catches another pair somewhere...
a few other ways to control variance:
1) lower stake, but with more tables;
2) short buy-in, and stronger preflop.

【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: 80BB很多了, 你们一个比一个有钱啊。
: 我现在资本积累阶段, 减少variance, 逐步增长是我的目标。
: you
: we

发帖数: 1240
mp是不是应该bet turn啊?要不然怎么能赢钱呢?


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: no, no, no.
: 1) 3bb is just too small for AA at UTG, it's almost like limping. for sure
: you'll get at least 1 or 2 callers IN position against you post flop. if SB/
: BB are loose enough, they might come along too... worst case for AA.
: 2) i'd not check call here. the pot is getting much bigger and still, you
: only have 1 pair (very unlikely to improve on late streets);
: 3) actually i like MP's play, he only fails with his river trapping here. it
: 's a typical way ahead situation for him, he's deeply d

发帖数: 3398
我如果flop先bet pot, 他们两个flat call, 我一样没有信息。
反而是我check call, 看见MP在两个人pot size bet的情况下还call, 我觉得信息还多一点。
turn or river, 如果MP继续bet 20+BB, 我90%就fold了,因为信息已经很明确了, 在两家已经表示至少是top pair的情况下, 他还主动lead, 我有理由相信他要么两对, 要么set, 要么他纯bluff。各算1/3吧, 我2/3的情况下被beat, 所以就fold了。
我现在已经接受了这个观念: 被人bluff并不可耻。
话说回来, 扑克运气成分很大, rush poker tight还是王道。


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: one problem is that if MP or button bets on turn, or river with a "
: reasonable" amount, 90% chance you'll still call, you don't save anything.
: but if you act earlier on flop, the decision is much easier to make, and you
: leave yourself some more room to fold. the basic problem with calling is we
: got no info., they could have anything.
: stack size is another factor, with 80bb effective stack (medium), not much
: to worry about.
: 话, 后面的人如果有Position awareness, 没有好牌的话, 一般跟的不多。所以我
: 现在有small pocket pair, U

发帖数: 15860
very dry board, yeah, a teasing bet on turn may be better in general, yet
another teasing bet on river...
i guess MP guy may have some very good history with button, and believe he'
ll bet river > x% times. as for thirtystand, MP may totally put him on
missed hands.
the nightmare would be that button bets river, thirtystand calls and MP
squeezes (medium size)...

【在 t*****s 的大作中提到】
: mp是不是应该bet turn啊?要不然怎么能赢钱呢?
: SB/
: it
: ,
: %
: off

what do you think about this call?今天赌场一把2/3
有图有真相,嘿嘿crazy people in wynn vegas
FT,你太不了解weak tight了worst bad beat ever in live game today
发帖数: 3398
哈哈, 你提到的两点正我是做的,由以前一个full buyin改成2到3桌short stacks.
昨天刚买了两个23"的LCD屏幕, 为multi-table做准备呢。

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: haha, someone even calls 80bb as low-medium, and refers to 200bb as deep.
: this hand is kind of lucky for you since 77 guy was very sneaky. or in
: another common case, if KT (KQ, KJ) guy catches another pair somewhere...
: a few other ways to control variance:
: 1) lower stake, but with more tables;
: 2) short buy-in, and stronger preflop.

发帖数: 15860
no, i meant that you should check raise on flop, say, 25BB, very dry flop, a
lot of information, especially from MP, because button is more likely
having a Kx hand (10BB pot bet in position to end game).
there're only very few likely hands on flop, 77 is the most likely one if MP
calls. this specific situation sucks, but in more common situations, MP
will get out of you two's way.

【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: 我如果flop先bet pot, 他们两个flat call, 我一样没有信息。
: 反而是我check call, 看见MP在两个人pot size bet的情况下还call, 我觉得信息还多一点。
: turn or river, 如果MP继续bet 20+BB, 我90%就fold了,因为信息已经很明确了, 在两家已经表示至少是top pair的情况下, 他还主动lead, 我有理由相信他要么两对, 要么set, 要么他纯bluff。各算1/3吧, 我2/3的情况下被beat, 所以就fold了。
: 我现在已经接受了这个观念: 被人bluff并不可耻。
: 话说回来, 扑克运气成分很大, rush poker tight还是王道。
: you
: we

发帖数: 15860
kao, someone with 昨天刚买了两个23"的LCD屏幕 was crying poor minutes ago, DD!
i only got 2 old 20" widescreen, and 1 was bought cheaply for ebay, wuwuwu.
well, i actually only use one to play (can fit 4 windows without shrinking
fonts), the other one is for stats, etc.

【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: 哈哈, 你提到的两点正我是做的,由以前一个full buyin改成2到3桌short stacks.
: 昨天刚买了两个23"的LCD屏幕, 为multi-table做准备呢。

发帖数: 3398
我同意,如果是head up, 我多半check raise。
比如 MP bet pot and button folded, 我会check raise 去测试MP. 但是MP check,
button pot size bet, 我真是考虑到后面还有个MP, 决定flat call的。


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: no, i meant that you should check raise on flop, say, 25BB, very dry flop, a
: lot of information, especially from MP, because button is more likely
: having a Kx hand (10BB pot bet in position to end game).
: there're only very few likely hands on flop, 77 is the most likely one if MP
: calls. this specific situation sucks, but in more common situations, MP
: will get out of you two's way.
: ,

发帖数: 15860
haha, want an easy life?
follow me, (in rush poker) over shove with AA from UTG or EP preflop like a
donk! yes, 90% of time i got no business and looks like i waste a premium
hand, but when i do get called by someone, i easily beat that 5bb/100 hands
for a session.

【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: 我同意,如果是head up, 我多半check raise。
: 比如 MP bet pot and button folded, 我会check raise 去测试MP. 但是MP check,
: button pot size bet, 我真是考虑到后面还有个MP, 决定flat call的。
: a
: MP

发帖数: 3398
我一个接笔记本, 一个装台式机, 最近又没deal, 好像买贵了, 不过想想打牌一乱
打, 几百就输出去了, 买装备反而舍不得钱,不是瞎搞么。
前段时间还还买了一个Microsoft Natural Wireless Laser Mouse 6000,
75刀, nnd, 没觉得特好用。你们没买的就别买了。


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: kao, someone with 昨天刚买了两个23"的LCD屏幕 was crying poor minutes ago, DD!
: i only got 2 old 20" widescreen, and 1 was bought cheaply for ebay, wuwuwu.
: well, i actually only use one to play (can fit 4 windows without shrinking
: fonts), the other one is for stats, etc.

发帖数: 3398
我还真搞了两次, 当时有150+bb, 都被吓走了,不过一想, 总比flop后被人bad
beat 好。


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: haha, want an easy life?
: follow me, (in rush poker) over shove with AA from UTG or EP preflop like a
: donk! yes, 90% of time i got no business and looks like i waste a premium
: hand, but when i do get called by someone, i easily beat that 5bb/100 hands
: for a session.

发帖数: 3398
我是MP的话, turn肯定1/2 到2/3 pot了。

【在 t*****s 的大作中提到】
: mp是不是应该bet turn啊?要不然怎么能赢钱呢?
: SB/
: it
: ,
: %
: off

发帖数: 13670
en nice check, mp is idiot


【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: Last night I had AA at UTG, open raised 3bb, MP and button called. We had
: 80bb each.
: Flop K87 rainbow, I checked, MP checked, button bet 10bb. I called. MP
: called. Turn blank, I thought for a while and checked, MP checked, Button
: checked. River blank. I thought for a while and checked. MP checked. Button
: checked.
: Button showed KTs. MP showed 77!!!
: 总结: 我这次这么谨慎有三个原因, 一是周一被人无数次bad beat,二是看了书,
: flop后没有大牌就control pot, 三是button pot bet flop 后, 我本来准备raise一
: 下看他的牌力, 但是考虑到MP其实还可能在后面来个check raise, 所以我忍了, 就

发帖数: 13670
mp 在3 way pot 这么passive with a set, 我觉得他玩的糟糕透顶, 他该拿的没拿,
如果turn和river 来个A,他就要输整个stack. worst way to play bottom set


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: no, no, no.
: 1) 3bb is just too small for AA at UTG, it's almost like limping. for sure
: you'll get at least 1 or 2 callers IN position against you post flop. if SB/
: BB are loose enough, they might come along too... worst case for AA.
: 2) i'd not check call here. the pot is getting much bigger and still, you
: only have 1 pair (very unlikely to improve on late streets);
: 3) actually i like MP's play, he only fails with his river trapping here. it
: 's a typical way ahead situation for him, he's deeply d

play mid pair on a raised potinteresting hand
TT at SBfulltilt是挺夸张的
发帖数: 13670
turn 不bet倒是正常,river不bet简直就是白痴,rush poker,if you have good hand
bet bet bet, rasie raise raise, allin allin allin

【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: 我是MP的话, turn肯定1/2 到2/3 pot了。
发帖数: 6301
Played like a home game.
发帖数: 7793
MP is an idiot. even though his hand looks very strong already he has to lead turn. He calls 3 way pot out of position when utg already call. Everyone knows that he has got a good hand.. make a half pot bet appearing to be a block bet on a draw, button might just raise you. if not at least the pot is much larger if called. He can win much more just by another half pot river bet.
我觉得thirtyhand 这手打得不错. 3 way pot out of position. you can only do so much...
pocket AA can just limp utg reraise al
发帖数: 7793
Why are people getting this completely opposite? Why are people 3
barreling with air but check 2 street with set? It is good to mixed it up
but majority of time it is way better to play ABC poker.. Big hand big pot,
small hand small pot... No need to be fancy.
发帖数: 13670
这次我占你这一边,哈哈, 喜欢玩tricky的,早晚被bite ass


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: Why are people getting this completely opposite? Why are people 3
: barreling with air but check 2 street with set? It is good to mixed it up
: but majority of time it is way better to play ABC poker.. Big hand big pot,
: small hand small pot... No need to be fancy.

1 (共1页)
fulltilt是挺夸张的我tilt 了
德州扑克在中国what do you think about this call?
小pair在EP怎么打?FT,你太不了解weak tight了
[合集] Tight is right今天赌场一把2/3
AQ flopped A, how to play?crazy people in wynn vegas
昨天亏了worst bad beat ever in live game today
同样在打micro. 同人家比真的还差好远play mid pair on a raised pot
话题: mp话题: button话题: bet话题: pot话题: flop