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TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌
flopped baby flush, got raised on the turn. what to do?这两手牌是否太保守?
AQ flopped A, how to play?饭了最愚蠢的错误!!!!!
大家看看这手牌该怎么打?One Hand
pocket 7's一把牌求帮助(新手)
set vs setdid i make the right fold?
fold my AAwhat is your calling range?
话题: lag话题: guy话题: button话题: flop话题: set
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1934
me $350 (middle position, maybe 3 or 4), guy after me(X guy, dont know to
much) $300 ,button $450 (local guy, LAG)
hole cards, JsQs, limp in
X guy raised $12, button called, I called.
flop: 4d6cQd
I checked, X guy raised to $20, button called, I called.
turn: Jc
I checked, X guy raised to $60, button thinked 20s, went all-in.
What should I do? fold? All-in?
发帖数: 267
My thought:
I would fold, just don't want to break on two pairs.
Plus it is already too dangerous based on their bet there.
发帖数: 1169
Button got set, period.

【在 d**x 的大作中提到】
: me $350 (middle position, maybe 3 or 4), guy after me(X guy, dont know to
: much) $300 ,button $450 (local guy, LAG)
: hole cards, JsQs, limp in
: preflop:
: X guy raised $12, button called, I called.
: flop: 4d6cQd
: I checked, X guy raised to $20, button called, I called.
: turn: Jc
: I checked, X guy raised to $60, button thinked 20s, went all-in.
: What should I do? fold? All-in?

发帖数: 6301
Set is one possibility.
He could also had two pairs.
Button is LAG,plus, a LAG could reraise peflop with JJ,plus, it is a live
poker where people play more loose.
So I would slightly favor a call.
发帖数: 15860
is this 1/2NL game?
JsQs is a "beautiful" but speculative hand (as harrington calls, most of time
a TROUBLE hand), WITHOUT position, you need to play it cheap and hit a big
flop, so:
1) your pre-flop call is problematic, 6BB limp/call is too much. if you
really want to play it, a raise like $7 is even better than limp/call;
2) you hit an OK flop only. yes, you hit your Q, but 80% of your hand
potentials are now gone (no spade flush, no straight draw). your hand is
actually much weaker than

【在 d**x 的大作中提到】
: me $350 (middle position, maybe 3 or 4), guy after me(X guy, dont know to
: much) $300 ,button $450 (local guy, LAG)
: hole cards, JsQs, limp in
: preflop:
: X guy raised $12, button called, I called.
: flop: 4d6cQd
: I checked, X guy raised to $20, button called, I called.
: turn: Jc
: I checked, X guy raised to $60, button thinked 20s, went all-in.
: What should I do? fold? All-in?

发帖数: 1153
i call

【在 d**x 的大作中提到】
: me $350 (middle position, maybe 3 or 4), guy after me(X guy, dont know to
: much) $300 ,button $450 (local guy, LAG)
: hole cards, JsQs, limp in
: preflop:
: X guy raised $12, button called, I called.
: flop: 4d6cQd
: I checked, X guy raised to $20, button called, I called.
: turn: Jc
: I checked, X guy raised to $60, button thinked 20s, went all-in.
: What should I do? fold? All-in?

发帖数: 1153
set can be discounted a little bit since you would imagine he would reraise
most flopped set on that drawy board at least some portion of the time. the
board is so drawy and a LAG is definitely capable of doing this with some co
mbo draws. now add some lower two pairs into his range and you have a profit
able call imo. if it doesn't work out hit a Q on the river is the plan B.

【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: i call
发帖数: 3277
I would call for sure. even against low trips, you are not drawing dead,
and agaisnt LAG, two pairs are just very profitable. I consider folding
as a major mistake. Against a rock, it's probably ok to fold although
doesn't have to be wrong either. LAG may simply push a lot of weaker
hands, like 4-6, Q-4, Q-6, J4, J6...and he may have hands like: DTD9, DKDT
to push, or even KQ or AQ or even QT are possible.
Also, there are already about 160 in the pot before the lag push,
so it is really

【在 d**x 的大作中提到】
: me $350 (middle position, maybe 3 or 4), guy after me(X guy, dont know to
: much) $300 ,button $450 (local guy, LAG)
: hole cards, JsQs, limp in
: preflop:
: X guy raised $12, button called, I called.
: flop: 4d6cQd
: I checked, X guy raised to $20, button called, I called.
: turn: Jc
: I checked, X guy raised to $60, button thinked 20s, went all-in.
: What should I do? fold? All-in?

发帖数: 1934
he got pocket 6s and hit a set on flop.
this is the only hand i dont want to think about ..

【在 c********e 的大作中提到】
: My thought:
: I would fold, just don't want to break on two pairs.
: Plus it is already too dangerous based on their bet there.
: 还请高人指点

发帖数: 1934

【在 D*A 的大作中提到】
: Button got set, period.
set vs set这两手牌是否太保守?
fold my AAOne Hand
发帖数: 1934
i called... and lost the whole stack..
no regret..

【在 w***w 的大作中提到】
: Set is one possibility.
: He could also had two pairs.
: Button is LAG,plus, a LAG could reraise peflop with JJ,plus, it is a live
: poker where people play more loose.
: So I would slightly favor a call.

发帖数: 1934
yes, 1/2 nl @ reno.
6bb call is surprising to me as well... I want to change the way I played at
that hand..haha


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: fold.
: is this 1/2NL game?
: JsQs is a "beautiful" but speculative hand (as harrington calls, most of time
: a TROUBLE hand), WITHOUT position, you need to play it cheap and hit a big
: flop, so:
: 1) your pre-flop call is problematic, 6BB limp/call is too much. if you
: really want to play it, a raise like $7 is even better than limp/call;
: 2) you hit an OK flop only. yes, you hit your Q, but 80% of your hand
: potentials are now gone (no spade flush, no straight draw). your hand is
: actually much weaker than

发帖数: 1934
me 2.... and lost all my chips to set of 6....
the problem is i dont have time for winning back...snowboarding plan on the
next morning...
lost $200 in 3 hrs.

【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: i call
发帖数: 267
发帖数: 1153
can't win them all


【在 d**x 的大作中提到】
: me 2.... and lost all my chips to set of 6....
: the problem is i dont have time for winning back...snowboarding plan on the
: next morning...
: lost $200 in 3 hrs.

发帖数: 13670
q3,q4,j4,j6 not very possible even for a lag..., could be a set or semi-
bluff with some flush+straigh draw. op is either a big dog or 3 or 4: 1
favorite. Also it's a 3 way pot..., so more like a set... I would incline to

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: I would call for sure. even against low trips, you are not drawing dead,
: and agaisnt LAG, two pairs are just very profitable. I consider folding
: as a major mistake. Against a rock, it's probably ok to fold although
: calling
: doesn't have to be wrong either. LAG may simply push a lot of weaker
: hands, like 4-6, Q-4, Q-6, J4, J6...and he may have hands like: DTD9, DKDT
: to push, or even KQ or AQ or even QT are possible.
: Also, there are already about 160 in the pot before the lag push,
: so it is really

发帖数: 1934
after 15min, this local guys lost all his $1000+(including all me chips...)
money to another local shithead.... who flirted with every woman on the
table trapped him with the same tactic...10s hit set on flop....
what a drama...

【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: can't win them all
: the

发帖数: 1934

【在 c********e 的大作中提到】
: 北加生活真是丰富多彩啊!!!
发帖数: 15860
hehe, nowadays i hate to label a guy as LAG, like he's crzay about every
hand, instead, i would pay more attention to his betting patterns and
mistakes(like over plays middle PP or TP no kicker).
in this hand, 44 or 66 fits much better. he's more worried about you (more
like a high flush draw), straight draw? not likely. he could afford a pot
building on the flop (with enough re-draw possibilities), but on the turn, ~
$160 already, he has to stop it.
the other guy's pattern is "standard" for a Q

【在 d**x 的大作中提到】
: yes, 1/2 nl @ reno.
: 6bb call is surprising to me as well... I want to change the way I played at
: that hand..haha
: time
: better
: to

1 (共1页)
what is your calling range?小pair在EP怎么打?
这手牌玩得有没有问题?set vs set
今天玩rush poker的一手AA昨天的一手牌
easy fold??fold my AA
flopped baby flush, got raised on the turn. what to do?这两手牌是否太保守?
AQ flopped A, how to play?饭了最愚蠢的错误!!!!!
大家看看这手牌该怎么打?One Hand
pocket 7's一把牌求帮助(新手)
话题: lag话题: guy话题: button话题: flop话题: set