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Tennis版 - Sorry, Guys.
good deal for tennis racket??Is fishing string good for tennis?
谁用过Dunlop M-Fil 200 16x19The frame of my racquet broke yesterday
看来网球和羽毛球不可兼得阿Aluminum rackets?
Re: Head i.prestige 感受L2, L3, L4, L5 etc.
Re: 考虑换一支球拍,请推荐拍子grommet破了,有什么影响?
Re: prince TT hornet original black and请帮助比较两个拍子吧:)
Choose the right racket工欲善其事 必先利其器
change rackets within a match?发现动作是否标准果然也是浮云啊
话题: sorry话题: badminton话题: guys话题: tennis话题: rackets
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 341
Sorry, guys, I might bought some heat on this board. or
we might need a little bit here. :P
we welcome discussion of the pros and cons of badminton and tennis.
all the sports have their beauty. everyone has their desire.
Pick up what you love. right. as I say this again. i never say to stop badminton.
I also declared that why I post on the badminton. boz I think they are
all rackets sport. some similar.
Tennis after all is not a popular sports in china. I just want those rackets sport lover
to k
发帖数: 6639
en. never heard of a broken eye ball playing tennis. we will see who's more
dangerous! heh heh.
but seriously, broken eye balls do happen in badminton.
1 (共1页)
发现动作是否标准果然也是浮云啊Re: 考虑换一支球拍,请推荐
How long string does one racket need?Re: prince TT hornet original black and
哪种线好绷?Choose the right racket
又想买球拍了change rackets within a match?
good deal for tennis racket??Is fishing string good for tennis?
谁用过Dunlop M-Fil 200 16x19The frame of my racquet broke yesterday
看来网球和羽毛球不可兼得阿Aluminum rackets?
Re: Head i.prestige 感受L2, L3, L4, L5 etc.
话题: sorry话题: badminton话题: guys话题: tennis话题: rackets