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Statistics版 - quick question in R
在R里想做这个效果的图SAS plot question
adding colors to data points in scatter plot in R如何做microarray的scatter plot图?
[合集] 请教一个统计问题data prediction by regression or better ways
请教一个r的问题一般什么样的数据,分析起来要做log transformation?
R: how to convert a scatter plot to a contour color plot?求助:pairs plot in R
How to plot multi-curves in one single chart by R请教大家一个关于check normality的问题
话题: col话题: data话题: matrix话题: legend话题: color
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 543
when i use pairs to plot the scatter plot, i used "col= " option to
differentiate 4 different groups. but in the output picture, how can i ask R
to write the legend of each color on it, indicating which color reflects
which group.
thank you so much
发帖数: 543
thanks a lot but actually i didnt quite get it. Actually following is the
statement i wrote in R to create the plot. But i wish to have description
for each color in the picture.
R create the color automatically for me and I even dont know which color indicates each group (but sure, i can check that in the data set, but just wondering whether there is a way to do that automatically in R)
Thanks a lot
发帖数: 375
col=Data_Matrix[,8] is equivalent to col = as.factor(Data_Matrix[,8])
you can use
pairs(Data_Matrix[,2:7],pch=22,col= c("black", "green", "red", "blue"))

indicates each group (but sure, i can check that in the data set, but just
wondering whether there is a way to do that automatically in R)

【在 p*****o 的大作中提到】
: thanks a lot but actually i didnt quite get it. Actually following is the
: statement i wrote in R to create the plot. But i wish to have description
: for each color in the picture.
: pairs(Data_Matrix[,2:7],pch=22,col=Data_Matrix[,8])
: R create the color automatically for me and I even dont know which color indicates each group (but sure, i can check that in the data set, but just wondering whether there is a way to do that automatically in R)
: Thanks a lot

发帖数: 543
actually I tried and then use the legend statement:
legend(0.1,0.1,legend=c('Cluster1','Cluster2','Cluster3'), col=c("yellow","
but still didnt see the legend...not sure where I messed it up...

【在 w*****n 的大作中提到】
: col=Data_Matrix[,8] is equivalent to col = as.factor(Data_Matrix[,8])
: you can use
: pairs(Data_Matrix[,2:7],pch=22,col= c("black", "green", "red", "blue"))
: indicates each group (but sure, i can check that in the data set, but just
: wondering whether there is a way to do that automatically in R)

发帖数: 375
panel.tt <- function(x, y, labels, cex, font, ...)
legend(median(x), median(x), c('Cluster1','Cluster2','Cluster3'),
pch = c(1))
pairs(mm[1:3, 2:4], diag.panel = panel.tt, col = c("yellow","green","red") )

【在 p*****o 的大作中提到】
: actually I tried and then use the legend statement:
: legend(0.1,0.1,legend=c('Cluster1','Cluster2','Cluster3'), col=c("yellow","
: green","red"))
: but still didnt see the legend...not sure where I messed it up...

1 (共1页)
plot in RR: how to convert a scatter plot to a contour color plot?
[R问题]how to make matrix from list (or the other way around)How to plot multi-curves in one single chart by R
关于基因表达的统计学问题, 不知发这是否合适求助--基因之间表达量回归分析软件
在R里想做这个效果的图SAS plot question
adding colors to data points in scatter plot in R如何做microarray的scatter plot图?
[合集] 请教一个统计问题data prediction by regression or better ways
话题: col话题: data话题: matrix话题: legend话题: color