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Running版 - question about Andy Palmer's training program
有谁知道跑个头上的run_for_fun是版上的是版上的哪位吗?两个训练的傻问题 Andy Palmer 和 BM
再问Andy Palmer的训练计划AM里的100m interval换成什么好?
Any Palmer也很难啊Couch potato想问一个关于准备马拉松的问题
在平时的LHR或者easy run加入一两迈MP没关系吧[合集] My recent thoughts on distance running
Andy Palmer 里面LHR以后的训练为啥没有Tempo呢?感觉30MPW是个坎
最后两个礼拜里面的rest day重要么?AP 里面的 double 我都改成一次完成,有关系么?
Andy Palmer的tapering训练质量还是很高的AP M basic 计划第一周 summary
跪求鸵鸟训练计划。[合集] 运动强迫症?? :(
话题: andy话题: palmer话题: pm话题: program话题: am
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 56
Phase I of Andy Palmer's 24 weeks program has double runs at Monday and
Friday. 4 at AM and 4 (or 6) miles at PM. Why double on rest day? Just for
miles? If you have done this, can you share some of your thoughts about this
program? Thanks
发帖数: 10018
I usually run 4 miles in the PM at recovery effort <70%, even <65%. They
should be very easy, like charging up your battery. Although sometimes
because of schedule issues, I move them to the hard days, or skip them.
Sometimes I run more than two double days per week. You shouldn't worry
about them at all.


【在 g*******n 的大作中提到】
: Phase I of Andy Palmer's 24 weeks program has double runs at Monday and
: Friday. 4 at AM and 4 (or 6) miles at PM. Why double on rest day? Just for
: miles? If you have done this, can you share some of your thoughts about this
: program? Thanks

发帖数: 56
How about the 4miles at AM? also recovery? It's easier to understand a hard
workout at AM and a short easy one at PM for recovery. But two easy runs as
double is new for me. Maybe I will test it for couple of weeks to see if I
can understand it better. But I guess I will skip the PM run later since it'
s too much trouble.
1 (共1页)
[合集] 运动强迫症?? :(Andy Palmer 里面LHR以后的训练为啥没有Tempo呢?
5/17/10-5/23/10跑步日记最后两个礼拜里面的rest day重要么?
纯灌水:大家都是每天都跑吗?Andy Palmer的tapering训练质量还是很高的
Junk mile怎么定义跪求鸵鸟训练计划。
有谁知道跑个头上的run_for_fun是版上的是版上的哪位吗?两个训练的傻问题 Andy Palmer 和 BM
再问Andy Palmer的训练计划AM里的100m interval换成什么好?
Any Palmer也很难啊Couch potato想问一个关于准备马拉松的问题
在平时的LHR或者easy run加入一两迈MP没关系吧[合集] My recent thoughts on distance running
话题: andy话题: palmer话题: pm话题: program话题: am