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Poetry版 - Whiteout
冰花 (ROSE LU)女士在第31届世界诗人大会参赛和获奖作品:翻译打油诗作
Gone With The Flowers雪中的小屋,和红尘
The TempestInto The Night Sky
Love After Love瞎翻现代诗,疑问和感触 (转载)
【诗】A Wild Goose Chase (转载)DC大雪阿
初来乍到 诉衷情2.14 @ Mt. Washington 80-100 wind whiteout
A black turtleneck and 5 minutesWinter Storm Watch for Greater Lake Tahoe Area
[文海三月征文] 鲸鹿 (转载)West coast fishing (转载)
话题: whiteout话题: white话题: couldn话题: sky话题: winter
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1642
A fairly tame winter so far
until a monster storm loomed.
We watched strange clouds fill the sky,
our hearts swelled with them.
When the sky couldn't hold any longer,
it erupted like a supernova.
What came down even weirder.
Toilet paper in small pieces!
A lot of them. I mean, more than
the whole mankind ever needed
in their entire history,
from start to end, and beyond.
They piled up quickly,
drifting in the gusting wind.
Before long, they covered the ground
with a few feet of this white stuff.
Witnessing such a supernatural event,
we couldn't do nothing but kneel down,
as such, we became as tall as the winter,
above which nothing else to be found.
There were no other colors in sight.
We were buried in the white.
White was in the middle of everywhere.
Who's to say white shall dominate our fate?
发帖数: 946

【在 L****o 的大作中提到】
: Whiteout
: A fairly tame winter so far
: until a monster storm loomed.
: We watched strange clouds fill the sky,
: our hearts swelled with them.
: When the sky couldn't hold any longer,
: it erupted like a supernova.
: What came down even weirder.
: Toilet paper in small pieces!
: A lot of them. I mean, more than

1 (共1页)
West coast fishing (转载)【诗】A Wild Goose Chase (转载)
今天鱼情简报[附图]初来乍到 诉衷情
以色列停建定居点的法令到期,新的冲突就要开始了?A black turtleneck and 5 minutes
车被广告牌砸了,求建议![文海三月征文] 鲸鹿 (转载)
冰花 (ROSE LU)女士在第31届世界诗人大会参赛和获奖作品:翻译打油诗作
Gone With The Flowers雪中的小屋,和红尘
The TempestInto The Night Sky
Love After Love瞎翻现代诗,疑问和感触 (转载)
话题: whiteout话题: white话题: couldn话题: sky话题: winter