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Parenting版 - 纳税日,看看UCB把你们的税钱供谁免费读大学了 (转载)
纳税日,看看UCB把你们的税钱供谁免费读大学了 (转载)大家都说州立大学
Re: 纳税日,看看UCB把你们的税钱供谁免费读大学了 (转载)急问:幼儿癫痫 (转载)
@uvachjaNow the college admission committee has more reason to reject Asian kids
今天在daycare丢糗了Free Museum admission for Bank of America Cardholders (转载)
2015 年横扫藤校的七位高中毕业生美国好学校为什么不择优录取,而是根据父母财力?
纽约钢琴老师财迷妈问一下seaworld门票事宜 (转载)
Bias Against Asians in College Admission?合买please touch museum membership. (转载)
话题: chuk话题: hero话题: admissions话题: his话题: nigeria
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8291
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: wildtiger (wildtiger), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 纳税日,看看UCB把你们的税钱供谁免费读大学了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 16 02:13:37 2015, 美东)
Admissions Hero has been receiving a flood of decisions these past few weeks
and we have only just finished tracking down our students across 10
countries to tally the final results.
However, before we post all of our results (please wait another 2-3 days),
we would like to share one student’s story that has been particularly
inspiring to us. Chukwuemeka Darlington Eze (nicknamed “Chuk” by the
Admissions Hero team) is a student from Nigeria. Chuk found Admissions Hero
through a random google search at a library in his home country and told us
his story.
Chuk grew up in an extremely poor family in Nigeria and worked daily in a
local laundromat to afford his education at an extramural school. Having
always desired an education, Chuk worked extremely hard, quickly excelling
in JAMB examinations (similar to AP exams here in the US). Chuk’s hard work
paid off, landing him an admissions offer at the University of Nigeria
Nsukka (one of the top schools on the continent). Chuk’s father had finally
achieved an income level to partially afford the school, and was ecstatic
to send his son to university. Within a few days however, Chuk’s father
tragically died of an illness. The tuition for the university was only N97,
500 ($650), however Chuk could no longer afford it and could not enroll.
Chuk did not give up. He immediately applied to multiple other schools in
Nigeria and Ghana, but each time was met with a tuition bill he simply could
not afford. With his dreams of attending a university shattered, Chuk
decided instead to start his own preparatory school for disadvantaged
students; if he could not attend university, he would make it his goal for
others to have a chance.
Fast forward a few months and Chuk had reached out to Admissions Hero
inquiring about international schools and education. The founders of
Admissions Hero were so inspired by Chuk’s story that they offered
comprehensive Admissions Hero services and SAT tutoring completely for free
and personally worked with him on his applications to US schools.
We are pleased to announce that Chuk has made his final decision and will be
attending UC-Berkeley in the fall because of the financial package they
offered him. Not only was Chuk accepted to Berkeley, but he was also offered
full tuition for four years, free airfare, room and board, dining, paid
study abroad and internship sourcing, and a stipend for other miscellaneous
expenses he may incur during his study. In short, Chuk will never have to
worry about finances again.
We are sharing Chuk’s story because we believe it deserves to be shared. We
are so proud of his accomplishments, and so glad that we had the
opportunity to help him achieve his dreams. Best of luck at Berkeley next
year, Chuk! You have a very bright future ahead of you!
发帖数: 216
There is nothing wrong with it. Don't be 鼠目寸光。
1 (共1页)
合买please touch museum membership. (转载)2015 年横扫藤校的七位高中毕业生
How They Really Get In - New Research on How Elite College Make Admission Decision说说我眼里的美国华人。
终于拿到一个学校的 Master Admission,可是很纠结到底要不要去Bias Against Asians in College Admission?
纳税日,看看UCB把你们的税钱供谁免费读大学了 (转载)大家都说州立大学
Re: 纳税日,看看UCB把你们的税钱供谁免费读大学了 (转载)急问:幼儿癫痫 (转载)
@uvachjaNow the college admission committee has more reason to reject Asian kids
今天在daycare丢糗了Free Museum admission for Bank of America Cardholders (转载)
话题: chuk话题: hero话题: admissions话题: his话题: nigeria