h***i 发帖数: 34 | 1 The triage nurse for a women'healthcenter receives a phone call from each of
following women.Which women should be directed to come to the health care
1.A multipara woman who is 4 weeks pregnant and reporting unilateral,dull
abdominal pain.
2.A primipara woman who is 7 weeks pregnant and reporting an increase in
whitish vaginal secretions.
3.A primigravida woman who is 5 weeks gestation and is having vaginal
spotting and some cramping.
4.A multigravida woman who is 6 weeks |
q***z 发帖数: 543 | |
h***i 发帖数: 34 | |
l******0 发帖数: 1362 | 4 1
【在 h***i 的大作中提到】 : The triage nurse for a women'healthcenter receives a phone call from each of : following women.Which women should be directed to come to the health care : facolity IMMEDIATELY? : 1.A multipara woman who is 4 weeks pregnant and reporting unilateral,dull : abdominal pain. : 2.A primipara woman who is 7 weeks pregnant and reporting an increase in : whitish vaginal secretions. : 3.A primigravida woman who is 5 weeks gestation and is having vaginal : spotting and some cramping. : 4.A multigravida woman who is 6 weeks
L******X 发帖数: 216 | 5 答案1-宫外孕,大出血的危险急症
4-可能Spontaneous miscarriage,not as urgent as 1. |
q***z 发帖数: 543 | 6 因为我觉得经产妇比较初产妇来的危险所以,2.4的可能性比较大,相比之下4就比2
又更危险,个人认为:),请指教 |