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Military版 - 既然猪瘟也来自蝙蝠病毒,猪才是最大最可怕的传染源!
在云南的中华菊头蝠群体中,找到了2003 SARS病毒的全部基因组成NY是典型的不测不知道
武汉肺炎的责任老将喜讯:travel ban之前,75万中国人进入美国是传染源头ZT
CNN说 蛇吃蝙蝠,武汉人吃蛇乳化啦 foxnews要求中国向全世界道歉
美国人对封城的看法Nature comment on Wuhan virus
Don’t panic unless you’re paid to panic习大大还没有邀请CDC
Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?李文亮去世前接受了CNN采访
lubbock用一个本科生google来的东西为病毒所辩护过程说明zz: 纽时的这篇op-ed太毒了,哈哈哈
话题: li话题: wei话题: sars话题: zhang
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4736
亡。 而这一病毒的来源,同样也是蝙蝠的冠状病毒,其相似度竟然也是96%。 如是说
不信? 那就请看了!
Nature Letter Published: 04 April 2018
Fatal swine acute diarrhoea syndrome caused by an HKU2-related coronavirus
of bat origin
Peng Zhou, Hang Fan, Tian Lan, Xing-Lou Yang, Wei-Feng Shi, Wei Zhang, Yan
Zhu, Ya-Wei Zhang, Qing-Mei Xie, Shailendra Mani, Xiao-Shuang Zheng, Bei Li,
Jin-Man Li, Hua Guo, Guang-Qian Pei, Xiao-Ping An, Jun-Wei Chen, Ling Zhou,
Kai-Jie Mai, Zi Xian Wu, Di Li, Danielle E. Anderson, Li-Biao Zhang, Shi-
Yue Li, Zhi-Qiang Mi, Tong-Tong He, Feng Cong, Peng-Ju Guo, Ren Huang, Yun
Luo, Xiang-Ling Liu, Jing Chen, Yong Huang, Qiang Sun, Xiang-Li-Lan Zhang,
Yuan-Yuan Wang, Shao-Zhen Xing, Yan-Shan Chen, Yuan Sun, Juan Li, Peter
Daszak, Lin-Fa Wang, Zheng-Li Shi, Yi-Gang Tong &
Nature volume 556, pages255–258(2018)Cite this article
Cross-species transmission of viruses from wildlife animal reservoirs poses
a marked threat to human and animal health1. Bats have been recognized as
one of the most important reservoirs for emerging viruses and the
transmission of a coronavirus that originated in bats to humans via
intermediate hosts was responsible for the high-impact emerging zoonosis,
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Here we provide
virological, epidemiological, evolutionary and experimental evidence that a
novel HKU2-related bat coronavirus, swine acute diarrhoea syndrome
coronavirus (SADS-CoV), is the aetiological agent that was responsible for
large-scale outbreak of fatal disease in pigs in China that has caused the
death of 24,693 piglets across four farms. Notably, the outbreak began in
Guangdong province in the vicinity of the origin of the SARS pandemic.
Furthermore, we identified SADS-related CoVs with 96–98% sequence identity
in 9.8% (58 out of 591) of anal swabs collected from bats in Guangdong
province during 2013–2016, predominantly in horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus
.) that are known reservoirs of SARS-related CoVs. We found that there were
striking similarities between the SADS and SARS outbreaks in geographical,
temporal, ecological and aetiological settings. This study highlights the
importance of identifying coronavirus diversity and distribution in bats to
mitigate future outbreaks that could threaten livestock, public health and
economic growth.
1 (共1页)
zz: 纽时的这篇op-ed太毒了,哈哈哈Don’t panic unless you’re paid to panic
央视网2018年04月05日 科学家发现新型冠状病毒WHO在中国的发现
说穿山甲是感染人的宿主纯粹是瞎扯蛋!Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?
在云南的中华菊头蝠群体中,找到了2003 SARS病毒的全部基因组成NY是典型的不测不知道
武汉肺炎的责任老将喜讯:travel ban之前,75万中国人进入美国是传染源头ZT
CNN说 蛇吃蝙蝠,武汉人吃蛇乳化啦 foxnews要求中国向全世界道歉
美国人对封城的看法Nature comment on Wuhan virus
话题: li话题: wei话题: sars话题: zhang