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Military版 - Taliban nearly down a top general's plane by rockets
19 US soldiers killed in af since Sato8 and Karzai talked: Poor Afg
老塔们学土八路就是学不像==阿富汗塔利班打死 6名北约士兵(据说都是美军)==
NATo killed dozens of Afg美军31个特种兵被塔利班击落,祸不单行啊
阿穷汉清真寺又爆炸了,死二十人(包括一州长)要死的伊拉克老兵给Bush 和 Cheney 的信
塔利班打下黑鷹,死了七個美國兵A Massive Truck Bomb Attack in Kabul killing 90 people, wounding 400.
听说奥巴马窜访阿富汗Uniform-wearing Afghan kills 6 U.S. troops
US soldiers burn Quran In Afghan baseNATO说是自我防卫,小巴先动手ZTguardian
Wars become a tool of US military corruption阿富汗好像又有两个美军高阶军官被杀了
话题: rockets话题: nato话题: dempsey话题: aircraft话题: staff
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 901
Insurgents fired two rockets at the main NATO airbase in Afghanistan,
damaging an aircraft used by U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Martin
Dempsey, a NATO spokesman said on Tuesday. The general was not on board at
the time.
Dempsey arrived in the country on Monday in a C-17 transport aircraft which
was parked at Bagram Airbase, north of Kabul, when two rockets landed near
the apron late on Monday night, slightly wounding two ground staff.
"He was nowhere near the aircraft. We think it was a lucky shot," NATO
senior spokesman Colonel Thomas Collins said.
The aircraft was only being used temporarily by Dempsey and his staff.
Shrapnel from the rockets also damaged a nearby helicopter.
Dempsey, who had been in the country for talks with NATO and Afghan
commanders on a string of recent rogue shootings, was sleeping in his
quarters when the rounds struck and left the country afterwards on another
"No one was seriously injured in the attack," a Pentagon spokeswoman said.
Bagram, which is home to around 30,000 military and civilian personnel, is
occasionally targeted with rockets and mortar shells fired by insurgents
from surrounding hills and fields. In 2007, the heavily guarded base was
targeted during a visit by former U.S. vice president Dick Cheney.
发帖数: 901
reason to revenge?
1 (共1页)
Afghan riots up, many killed, wounded听说奥巴马窜访阿富汗
Life in Afghan? only $210, if killed by NAziTOUS soldiers burn Quran In Afghan base
US Ready For “Military Response” In UkraineWars become a tool of US military corruption
19 US soldiers killed in af since Sato8 and Karzai talked: Poor Afg
老塔们学土八路就是学不像==阿富汗塔利班打死 6名北约士兵(据说都是美军)==
NATo killed dozens of Afg美军31个特种兵被塔利班击落,祸不单行啊
阿穷汉清真寺又爆炸了,死二十人(包括一州长)要死的伊拉克老兵给Bush 和 Cheney 的信
话题: rockets话题: nato话题: dempsey话题: aircraft话题: staff