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Military版 - Splitting Taiwan's Baby
Cat and Mouseunidentified_title
“以武拒统”已无成算 台对美军购失望中降调门中国新雷达性能被指碾压F35 将令枭龙3统治南亚天空
外媒:中国空军约有500架先进战机 日本难言取胜首批4架F-16V出廠測試
空軍:改良F-16可對抗殲20 有信心zt中国宣布歼-20列装作战部队
配套JF-17 Block-III的有源相控阵雷达现身 接近F-22的AN/APG-77性能美国军工巨头诺格公司为F-35交付第500台火控雷达
歼-20隐形不输F-22 扮演蓝军吊打三代机(ZT)为何俄国与大陆仍忌惮F-16战机?
巴基斯坦空军订购50架“枭龙”最新型号 配有源相控阵雷达孟晚舟亲妈怎么坐视女儿受苦呢?
话题: taiwan话题: aug话题: us话题: amur话题: tynda
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
Editorial: Splitting Taiwan's Baby; Upgrading old F-16s is inadequate for
the US aly's defense. Wall Street Journal, Aug 22, 2011
("These aging [F-16 A/B] airframes reportedly will get sophiscated radars
and electronic countermeasures that on some ways will make them more capable
than the US Air Force's own F-16s. So in order to make up for the shortfall
in Taiwan's defenses caused by its unwillingness to sell plain vanilla F-16
C/Ds, the Obama Administration is risking this more advanced technology
falling into Beijing's hands by way of its espionage rings on the island.
Taiwan does not need the most advanced weaponry on the market to defend
itself; it needs reasonably capable wea[ons in sufficient quantities")
(a) Leithen Francis had a report published a week ago at Aviation Week,
considering it unlikely that missing F-16 C/Ds this time would give Taiwan a
better shot at F-35, due to concern about China's espionage network in
(b) Around that time, Mr Francis also wrote
Asian F-16s Could Get AESA Radars. Aviation Week, Aug 15, 2011
("If the State Department blocks Taiwan’s purchase of AESA radar, then that
leaves the country with just one more option: buy a more recently developed
mechanically scanned radar, such as Northrop Grumman’s APG-68(V)9. If this
scenario occurs, then Northrop Grumman is likely to try and placate the
Taiwanese by highlighting that with a mechanically scanned radar, Taiwan can
make repairs in-country. With AESA radar, the units would have to be sent
to the U.S. Also, Taiwan may have an opportunity to produce some parts
locally for the APG-68(V)9. Israel, which has one of the world’s most
advanced air forces, has mechanically scanned radars because of in-country
maintenance support.")
(1) 中国感兴趣欧亚美洲交通走廊 俄欢迎. VOA Chinese, Aug 22, 2011.
My comment:
(a) Bering Strait
(53 miles (85 km) wide, with an average depth of 98–160 feet (30–49 m); at
its deepest point is only 300 feet (91 m) in depth)
(b) Amur Yakutsk Mainline
(AYaM; on and off since 1972; starting out from Bamovskaya northward to
Tynda and gradually extending further to the north; expected to complete in
2013, ending at Yakutsk)
Thus, AYaM will intercept
(i) Trans-Siberian Raiway at Bamovskaya and
(ii) Baikal Amur Mainline (BAM) at Tynda.
Both Bamovskaya and Tynda are within Amur Oblast.
* Trans-Siberian Railway
(Moscow to Vladiovostok; the longest railway in the world; Line length 9,
259 km (5,753 mi); takes 6 days 4 hours to travel end to end; built from
1891 to 1916)
* Baikal Amur Mainline
(Tayshet to Tynda to reach the Pacific Ocean at Sovetskaya Gavan; the 4,324
km (2,687 mile) long; BAM runs about 610 to 770 km (380 to 480 miles) north
of and parallel to the Trans-Siberian railway)
(c) Currently London - Brussels - Cologne - Moscow rail takes 18 1/2 hours.
(d) Delagates from Russia, US, China and Britain held a 3-day conference at
Yakutsk (Aug 17-19, 2011). Russia approved but does not have enough money to
build its own part. \
(e) The Times of London reports that supporters claims the rail, when built,
will be "cheaper, faster than container ships."
(f) No report about US thinking. And I doubt US is interested in its part.
Firstly there is no media report about this grandiose project. Secondly,
Americans are not interested in traveling by rail. Thirdly building rail (
for cargo transportation) costs too much.
(2) 金正日访俄 聚焦天然气 施压中国. VOA Chinese, Aug 22, 2011.
(3) 拜登直指美中人权分歧 川大校友反应各异. VOA Chinese, Aug 22, 2011.
Note: 聖約翰大學 (上海)
(1879-1952; established by Episcopal Church USA 美國聖公會; 原校址位於現在的
1 (共1页)
孟晚舟亲妈怎么坐视女儿受苦呢?空軍:改良F-16可對抗殲20 有信心zt
晚舟如果狠打引渡官司,实际是不明智的配套JF-17 Block-III的有源相控阵雷达现身 接近F-22的AN/APG-77性能
withoutacar,你个SB五毛滚出买买提歼-20隐形不输F-22 扮演蓝军吊打三代机(ZT)
这个非洲猪瘟座实了又是米帝搞的巴基斯坦空军订购50架“枭龙”最新型号 配有源相控阵雷达
Cat and Mouseunidentified_title
“以武拒统”已无成算 台对美军购失望中降调门中国新雷达性能被指碾压F35 将令枭龙3统治南亚天空
外媒:中国空军约有500架先进战机 日本难言取胜首批4架F-16V出廠測試
话题: taiwan话题: aug话题: us话题: amur话题: tynda