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MedicalCareer版 - 知名药厂招聘信息-CNS-Clinical Scientist
[OPENING] Clinical Data Analyst-Shanghai请给些建议
请叫个私人问题, 还是困惑.match主要看重什么
关于照片和ERAS Form推荐信
我也来说说我的externship,通过Americlership的。选择的犹豫 请大家介绍利弊
国内知名药厂招聘信息-Clinical Pharmacology(上海&北京)-8年industry经验迷茫,最大的敌人还是自己?
求助:产科问题 - 早唐筛查 (转载)有谁能推荐好的公司修改PS?
话题: 61656话题: clinical话题: cns话题: study话题: excellent
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12
Basic Function:
Provides medical input to all areas of clinical development projects
related to CNS in AP including the Product Development Plan (PDP), Study
Protocols, case report forms (CRF), data evaluation, clinical study report,
publications, NDA submission and response to regulatory enquiries. Ensures
that all documents are developed with sound, valid clinical judgment in a
timely manner Represents PDCC-M in the Local or International Project Team (
IPT) as core member
Primary Responsibilities include:
 Drafts clinical development plan with the support from
clinical project team.
 Assesses the global study feasibility, designs and writes
local or regional clinical study protocols, assures protocols will adhere to
standard clinical practices, and develops the case report form with data
management team.
 Builds strong relationship with KOLs and maintains the
contact, selects suitable clinical consultants for clinical trials or
therapeutic area
 Works with operation team to resolve the issues during the
study conduction, monitors patients safety in the ongoing clinical studies
 Secures the conditions essential for safety, efficacy and
medical usefulness of a drug
 Works closely with biostatistics and decides how the
resulting data should be analyzed.
 Preparation of abstracts, posters and publications
 Represents PDYC in the local and global project teams as
core member
 Drafts clinical study report, NDA submission and response
to regulatory enquiries.
 You’re someone who wants to influence your own development
. You’re looking for a company where you have the opportunity to pursue
your interests across functions and geographies, and where a job title is
not considered the final definition of who you are, but the starting point.
Qualification and Experience:
 M.D. degree with specialty training in neurology/psychiatry
/neuroscience, he/she should have soundable medical knowledge in this
therapeutic area.
 More than 2 years in clinical practice in CNS department,
and has the experience taking caring Psyche patients
 At least 2-3 years clinical research experience in
pharmaceutical industry or academic institute specifically in the neurology
therapeutic area (focus on study design).
 Excellent communication and influence skill with different
stakeholders (Chinese and English)
 Established relationship with Key Opinion Leaders &
Investigators, especially for renal and metabolic diseases (at least a brief
name list)
 Excellent ability of innovation, independent leading and
strategic thinking (at least a real case to demonstrate)
 Excellent ability of project execution (at least a deep
understanding of execution)
Jane Lee 李艳
HR Consultant
GEN Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.
Tel:+86 21 5155 8084 Email:j****[email protected]
发帖数: 22
Interesting choice of venue. To fellow board visitors, how much would it
take for you to take such a job in Shanghai? Would 900K Yuan (i.e. $150K)~1
.2 million Yuan (i.e. $200K), the typical base salary of a fresh industry
clinical research physician in the US pharmaceutical companies do the trick?
Just curious.


【在 j******8 的大作中提到】
: 地点:上海;要求:CNS相关专业,临床医生背景;项目类别:AP(新药3期)
: Basic Function:
: Provides medical input to all areas of clinical development projects
: related to CNS in AP including the Product Development Plan (PDP), Study
: Protocols, case report forms (CRF), data evaluation, clinical study report,
: publications, NDA submission and response to regulatory enquiries. Ensures
: that all documents are developed with sound, valid clinical judgment in a
: timely manner Represents PDCC-M in the Local or International Project Team (
: IPT) as core member
: Primary Responsibilities include:

1 (共1页)
draft推荐信是长点好还是短小精悍好呢国内知名药厂招聘信息-Clinical Pharmacology(上海&北京)-8年industry经验
请扫盲:CNS publications是指什么?求助:产科问题 - 早唐筛查 (转载)
[OPENING] Clinical Data Analyst-Shanghai请给些建议
请叫个私人问题, 还是困惑.match主要看重什么
关于照片和ERAS Form推荐信
话题: 61656话题: clinical话题: cns话题: study话题: excellent