s****8 发帖数: 8 | 1 从来没被病人骂过,即便是非常难缠的病人,但今天例外。
一中年女性因为“剧烈头痛”被夜班受入院,CT,LP,MRI 以及其他检查全部正常,对
MORPHINE 有“过敏”, 夜班开了DILAUDID。我看她时,她在和别人打电话, 谈笑风
的,快的药!要不我来这儿干嘛!我家里有VICODIN,PERCOCET 等等(但是她自己报的
HOME MEDICATION LIST 上没有一种止痛药), 你没有权力停掉DILAUDID!我说我是根
据我的JUDGEMENT 做的决定,为出院作准备,总不能让您在家里也用IV药吧。总之,
LONG CONVERSAtion.最后她说“have you ever been in my shoes before?”. I
answered "no, but I have seen so many patients | s****8 发帖数: 8 | 2 跟大家SHARE一下神经科会诊的记录吧,看看累加怎样很含蓄的描述的 : )
HPI: The patient is a XXX-year-old female who presented to
the emergency room last night with headache of about two weeks duration. She
states that she has a headache that started about two weeks ago, and she
describes it in a very nondescript way. It is bifrontal, facial, temporal,
occipital, neck and into the shoulders and upper thoracic region. The
patient's description is very vague, and there is a lot of emphasis on the
severity rather than any descr |