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Literature版 - Prince Maximilian's Travel to America's West
Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald催转顺产经+奔宝宝
Fur Trade in New World2010 Alhambra 讀書會
The Making of a Logo下周Omaha出差一周,有啥推荐的?
小王子(但愿没人贴过)beijing mm 这下怎么办?jiawa逃跑了
THE HAPPY PRINCE油价大跌50%引发的后续反应 加拿大或排外潮再起
2009初奔:Happy New Year!the only woman in his life ... other than his wife
Prince Maximilian's Travel to America's West中文纹身美女
老虎.伍兹牌全套成人用品流入市场 备受瞩目(组图)2009.12.06 Hiking - Blockhouse Point Loop
话题: fur话题: american话题: america话题: company话题: wall
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
Stuart Fugerson, From the Rhine to the Wild West; Four months after
Tocqueville, another European aristocrat toured America and wrote down what
he saw. Wall Street Journal, Feb 2, 2011.
(book review on Stephen S. Witte and Marsha V. Gallagher (ed), The North
American Journals of Prince Maximilian of Wied. Volumes I & II. University
of Oklahoma Press, 1833)
My comment:
(a) American Fur Company
(The American Fur Company was founded by John Jacob Astor in 1808.[1] The
company grew to monopolize the fur trade in the United States by 1830, and
became one of the largest businesses in the country. The company was one the
first great trusts in American business. It went out of business in 1842.)
* I introduced John Jacob Astor (1763-1848) before, in
Michael Taube, The Riches Came Pelting Down; How the quest for beaver, otter
and buffalo fueled America's westward expansion. Wall Street Journal, July
10, 2010.
(book review on Eric Jay Dolin, Fur, Fortune, and Empire. Norton, 2010)
(b) Fort Benton, Montana
(a city in and the county seat of Chouteau County, Montana; population 1,594
at the 2000 census; With the decline of the fur trade, the American Fur
Company sold the fort to the US Army in 1865, which named it for Senator
Thomas Hart Benton of Missouri)
(c) amidships (adv): "in or toward the part of a ship midway between bow and
(d) blockhouse
(e) pooh-bah (n; character in Gilbert and Sullivan's opera The Mikado (1885)
bearing the title Lord-High-Everything-Else):
"1: a person holding many public or private offices
2: a person in high position or of great influence
(f) Joslyn Art Museum
(The museum opened in 1931, a gift to the people of Omaha from Sarah H.
Joslyn in memory of her husband, George A. Joslyn)
It is non-profit.
(g) parapet (n; Italian parapetto, from parare to shield (from Latin, to
prepare) + petto chest, from Latin pectus):
"1: a wall, rampart, or elevation of earth or stone to protect soldiers
2: a low wall or railing to protect the edge of a platform, roof, or bridge
—called also parapet wall"
See an illustration in
1 (共1页)
2009.12.06 Hiking - Blockhouse Point LoopTHE HAPPY PRINCE
丽莎姐,大王,Wei老大~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2009初奔:Happy New Year!
向做生物制药的同学请教Prince Maximilian's Travel to America's West
老虎.伍兹牌全套成人用品流入市场 备受瞩目(组图)老虎.伍兹牌全套成人用品流入市场 备受瞩目(组图)
Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald催转顺产经+奔宝宝
Fur Trade in New World2010 Alhambra 讀書會
The Making of a Logo下周Omaha出差一周,有啥推荐的?
小王子(但愿没人贴过)beijing mm 这下怎么办?jiawa逃跑了
话题: fur话题: american话题: america话题: company话题: wall