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Investment版 - 今天再一次证明市场不会崩溃
银子又往回涨communism here in US now!!!
Roth is better than tradition if tax rate is the same从资产债务平衡表谈美国次房贷风波zz (转载)
Chinese Central Bank Q1 Monetary PolicyBernanke's Cash Injections Risk Eclipse of Fed's Benchmark Rate
Monetary velocity on 3/17/2009[合集] 周末闲聊 --- 美国股市什么时候到底
黄金表现得越来越像货币了What does 0%-0.25% mean?
What is gonna happen when interest rate rises againWells Fargo的 preferred share 很诱人啊 (转载)
股市新高,如何投资[合集] FNM & FRE : Federal Takeover Confirmed (转载)
[合集] inflation?very bullish
话题: market话题: what话题: stock话题: rate话题: money
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5417
buy equity+gold in dip 是大本任期内的投资主旋律。
发帖数: 1980
Monetary policy has its limitation. Bernanke cannot push a string. What can
he do anymore? Short-term treasury rate is already zero (although FED did
poll primary dealers if they would accept negative rates). Long-term
treasury rate is also low enough. He can only probably further lowing the
mortgage rate, but with tough qualification and high unemployment rate, the
applicant pool is limited.
In fact, all these policies have negative consequences. Now investors are
holding cash and don't dare to invest as a result. Want to buy a rental
property? What if tomorrow, the mortgage deduction for investment property
is eliminated or qualification of rental property loan is changed? (In CA,
what if prop 13 is repealed?)
What if Freddie and Fannie who own the majority of the US foreclosure right
now suddenly decide to enter the rental market and be your competitor? What
if there is debt forgiveness plan that locks your potential tenants into
their existing under-water house forever?
Without housing market recovery, there is no construction recovery and so
goes the unemployment rates. I would think that rewarding responsible savers
who are better at capital management is the best policy. But somehow, our
government thinks that "print and pray" is the best policy for the country.
Maybe they can kick the can down the road farther enough, we will all be
dead when the days of reckoning would happen. But I won't bet on it.

【在 a***s 的大作中提到】
: buy equity+gold in dip 是大本任期内的投资主旋律。
发帖数: 5417
Even without a recovery of real economy,the stock market can hold high, if
Bernanke injects endless amount of money into the market.
Since real state market is uncertain, while the stock market can
be pushed high and becomes rewarding as it has shown since August,
the hot money will chase into the stock market.


【在 p********r 的大作中提到】
: Monetary policy has its limitation. Bernanke cannot push a string. What can
: he do anymore? Short-term treasury rate is already zero (although FED did
: poll primary dealers if they would accept negative rates). Long-term
: treasury rate is also low enough. He can only probably further lowing the
: mortgage rate, but with tough qualification and high unemployment rate, the
: applicant pool is limited.
: In fact, all these policies have negative consequences. Now investors are
: holding cash and don't dare to invest as a result. Want to buy a rental
: property? What if tomorrow, the mortgage deduction for investment property
: is eliminated or qualification of rental property loan is changed? (In CA,

发帖数: 3158
hot money will go after tangible assets especially when the cancer grows
into the currency market and you have brokers like MF go under. Smart money
wont have confidence in any paper assets.
general stock market will receive its share of liquidity initially
sooner rather than later, they will find their profit margin squeezed
badly by the rising commodity prices.
Just imagine when crude oil goes above $200, how the business will be
of course, stocks will be better than cash in that senario.

【在 a***s 的大作中提到】
: Even without a recovery of real economy,the stock market can hold high, if
: Bernanke injects endless amount of money into the market.
: Since real state market is uncertain, while the stock market can
: be pushed high and becomes rewarding as it has shown since August,
: the hot money will chase into the stock market.
: can
: the

发帖数: 48111
你现在看到的事情, 70年代预演过一次,
里根还有利用国际债解决问题的空间, 现在的美国? 看不到什么希望。
may be, it's really the end day of Rome

【在 a***s 的大作中提到】
: buy equity+gold in dip 是大本任期内的投资主旋律。
1 (共1页)
very bullish黄金表现得越来越像货币了
David Rosy@ML on Fed QEWhat is gonna happen when interest rate rises again
Freddie Mac CFO Commits Suicide股市新高,如何投资
BoA board, Paulson, Bernanke cat fight[合集] inflation?
银子又往回涨communism here in US now!!!
Roth is better than tradition if tax rate is the same从资产债务平衡表谈美国次房贷风波zz (转载)
Chinese Central Bank Q1 Monetary PolicyBernanke's Cash Injections Risk Eclipse of Fed's Benchmark Rate
Monetary velocity on 3/17/2009[合集] 周末闲聊 --- 美国股市什么时候到底
话题: market话题: what话题: stock话题: rate话题: money