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Golf版 - This morning golf experience
Broke 80 finallyAnyone follow Tiger last night?
first time 1 birdie 2 pars on 9 holes playmade par at a hole that I always sucked
冲哥发挥得目前为止还算稳定ET约战 Aff 09/16/2012 - 09/30/2012[open]
My new putter Scotty 2012 California Monterery第一次打18洞112
昨天78, 嘿嘿
Today's Game今天这场球
【yet another 坑】你最远的果岭击打命中pta test 结果
话题: gir话题: my话题: holes话题: yards话题: mp59
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 276
Sunday (Oct. 28) morning, temperature @ 40~45 degrees, windy @13 mph, course
is wet & cart path only, 71.5/129 for blue tee ( about 6400 yards).
Due to cart path only, decided to use 3 wood to tee-off on all par-4 & 5
holes & intended to keep the ball on the fairway close to the cart path.
Finished 9 holes in 80 minutes!
Played front 9 holes (36 par). Scored 39 (+3) including one birdie, 4
bogeys and 4 pars. Executed 13 putts in total. Birdie on the only GIR hole
(par 5).
Recently, due to two switchings of iron sets ( from Mizuno MX200, to MP 53,
and then to MP 59), the approach shot is down significantly, so # of GIR
much less, but since short games improved, scored similarly or some times
a little better. Ironically, the several times of breaking 40 on 9 holes
recently were the times with the least # of GIR.
My experience for short game:
(1) Chipping: for 40 yards or less to the pin, I just try to use the 60
degree LW with half-swing or less & different degree of face-opening to deal
with it (my full swing for LW is 75~80 yards). The good thing about using
only one club to deal with this distance range is that the more
frequently I use this lob wedge, the more confidence I have for the
chipping shot. I also like more carry, and less rolling.
I also use 60-degree lob wedge for green-side bunker shots much more than 56
sand wedge. The loft gives me much more control on distance control. I use
56 only for long-bunker shots.
(2) Putting: First, very happy with the Scotty Cameron (Newport 2.0) putter
, it is just fantastic! The feel, touch, confidence and execution, is
unbeatable! ! My putting for the range of 6 feet (2 yards) to the hole is
significantly improved. After a few months with Scotty Cameron,
generally, 15 putts or so for 9 holes, and lower 30s for 18 holes, a little
less than 2 putts/hole. In addition, a little more time and refining
alignment before executing the putt is helpful.
发帖数: 4031


【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: Sunday (Oct. 28) morning, temperature @ 40~45 degrees, windy @13 mph, course
: is wet & cart path only, 71.5/129 for blue tee ( about 6400 yards).
: Due to cart path only, decided to use 3 wood to tee-off on all par-4 & 5
: holes & intended to keep the ball on the fairway close to the cart path.
: Finished 9 holes in 80 minutes!
: Played front 9 holes (36 par). Scored 39 (+3) including one birdie, 4
: bogeys and 4 pars. Executed 13 putts in total. Birdie on the only GIR hole
: (par 5).
: Recently, due to two switchings of iron sets ( from Mizuno MX200, to MP 53,
: and then to MP 59), the approach shot is down significantly, so # of GIR

发帖数: 3067
haha, your words are very encouraging. you always gave others hopes to
become a scratch player. Now, I truly believe i can be one.
interestingly, same as LZ, I just switch my iron from MP52 to MP59. And got
a birdie with my new MP59 7iron from 144 yards out. not bad.

【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: 这么冷的天气,打出这样的球,相当不错,恭喜!你这推球和切球非常棒,等你GIR提
: 高了,Scratch就在你眼前了。
: 早上的球,我经常打,但不能太早,尤其不适应早上六点的开球。平时,我是用第一洞
: 暖身,一般第二,第三洞就能进入状态,六点的球,我得花三四个洞预热,一般成绩会
: 差一些。
: course
: hole
: ,

发帖数: 4031
Nice birdie with your new MP59. There is no doubt that you have the
potential to become a scratch player. Switching to MP59 from MP52 should not
have a big impact of your ball striking. They are alike, kind of.


【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: haha, your words are very encouraging. you always gave others hopes to
: become a scratch player. Now, I truly believe i can be one.
: interestingly, same as LZ, I just switch my iron from MP52 to MP59. And got
: a birdie with my new MP59 7iron from 144 yards out. not bad.

发帖数: 1917
Nice, short game is the key for scoring low.


【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: Sunday (Oct. 28) morning, temperature @ 40~45 degrees, windy @13 mph, course
: is wet & cart path only, 71.5/129 for blue tee ( about 6400 yards).
: Due to cart path only, decided to use 3 wood to tee-off on all par-4 & 5
: holes & intended to keep the ball on the fairway close to the cart path.
: Finished 9 holes in 80 minutes!
: Played front 9 holes (36 par). Scored 39 (+3) including one birdie, 4
: bogeys and 4 pars. Executed 13 putts in total. Birdie on the only GIR hole
: (par 5).
: Recently, due to two switchings of iron sets ( from Mizuno MX200, to MP 53,
: and then to MP 59), the approach shot is down significantly, so # of GIR

发帖数: 276
Scratch 实在是不想了, 那可能超出我的极限, 开球距离 我也没有潜力可挖。 另
外, 稳定在那个程度还是很难很难的, 需要很多的练习, 我倒是希望能够保持在75
左右的水平。 希望能够通过chipping & putting, 努力保证那些理论上对我很难 GIR
今年夏天的时候, GIR至少有50%,推球也还可以, 平均2个或稍稍低一点, 但是,
就是在低80徘徊, 经常会被两,三个洞的罚杆等弄得很狼狈,
其实, 我很喜欢在冬天打球--人少!只要温度在30多度, 风不大, 还是很舒服的
。 去年的感恩节, 在golfnow上定了一场超值的一场球---10刀, 18洞, 带车,
以前是CC的场子。 就我 一个人, 两个半小时打完后回家烤火鸡喝威士忌。。。。今

【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: 这么冷的天气,打出这样的球,相当不错,恭喜!你这推球和切球非常棒,等你GIR提
: 高了,Scratch就在你眼前了。
: 早上的球,我经常打,但不能太早,尤其不适应早上六点的开球。平时,我是用第一洞
: 暖身,一般第二,第三洞就能进入状态,六点的球,我得花三四个洞预热,一般成绩会
: 差一些。
: course
: hole
: ,

发帖数: 3067
yes, very similar. but somehow, i feel MP59 got better sweet spots, also
they customize the shaft, lie, angle for me, since I decided not to make any
change to my swing. By doing that, the new club fit my swing better.
Previously, my weakest distance is around 150, which is very odd for me. It
is very hard to plan the shot. For a par4, at tee, i try to drive as far as
I can to get into 140, which put a lot pressure on my driving. Even I do get
a good drive, say, 260 for a 410 yards par4, then I need to deal with 150,
which is painful.
Now, i know I have a reliable 6,7 iron for around 150, my game is very easy
to manage. I feel very calm on course, since I no longer have gap distance
to worry. Overall, it would impact a lot on my game, while my swing stays
the same.


【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: Nice birdie with your new MP59. There is no doubt that you have the
: potential to become a scratch player. Switching to MP59 from MP52 should not
: have a big impact of your ball striking. They are alike, kind of.
: got

发帖数: 3067
50% GIR is very good.
but low 30s putting for 18 holes is more impressive.
I used to have avg. 40 putts per game, after switching to scott cameron 2012
model, now on avg, i save 3 putts, down from 40 to 37. The goal is to shave
off the 7, then I would be a single digit. //dreaming


【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: Scratch 实在是不想了, 那可能超出我的极限, 开球距离 我也没有潜力可挖。 另
: 外, 稳定在那个程度还是很难很难的, 需要很多的练习, 我倒是希望能够保持在75
: 左右的水平。 希望能够通过chipping & putting, 努力保证那些理论上对我很难 GIR
: 的洞的成绩。
: 今年夏天的时候, GIR至少有50%,推球也还可以, 平均2个或稍稍低一点, 但是,
: 就是在低80徘徊, 经常会被两,三个洞的罚杆等弄得很狼狈,
: 其实, 我很喜欢在冬天打球--人少!只要温度在30多度, 风不大, 还是很舒服的
: 。 去年的感恩节, 在golfnow上定了一场超值的一场球---10刀, 18洞, 带车,
: 以前是CC的场子。 就我 一个人, 两个半小时打完后回家烤火鸡喝威士忌。。。。今
: 年如果可以,决定照旧!

发帖数: 1917
I haven't seen your play but it sounds like you are very very close to a
single digit.


【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: 50% GIR is very good.
: but low 30s putting for 18 holes is more impressive.
: I used to have avg. 40 putts per game, after switching to scott cameron 2012
: model, now on avg, i save 3 putts, down from 40 to 37. The goal is to shave
: off the 7, then I would be a single digit. //dreaming
: 75
: ,
: ,

发帖数: 276
是接近, 但是 减少那几杆还是要下功夫。。。。
等天下大雪不能打球, 我写几篇心得, 将自己学习的过程和一些体会, 与初学者分
享。 希望更多的人加入这项运动,享受这项运动的挑战,快乐的同时,不断提高。
得整整齐齐,走半天才挥一杆,觉得节奏太慢,运动量实在太小, 似乎是老弱病残者
之运动。 前段时间, 到很久没有光顾的网球班看了看,恰好还见有人贴出相似的观
有朋友说,Golf好像不像其他的运动来得很方便 。 其实,高尔夫球比网球等其他的任
何球类运动更方便因为: 只要是白天, 可见度可以
(1) 一个人可以打Golf;
(2) 下点雨, 雪 或是地 潮湿也可以打 (只要是场子开);
(4)大风之下, 也可以打;
可谓风雨无阻,寒暑无阻,可结伴而行, 也可做独行大侠, 其乐无穷!高尔夫球实在

【在 C******s 的大作中提到】
: I haven't seen your play but it sounds like you are very very close to a
: single digit.
: 2012
: shave

Today's GameAnyone follow Tiger last night?
【yet another 坑】你最远的果岭击打命中made par at a hole that I always sucked
庆祝一下我的第一个小鸟球ET约战 Aff 09/16/2012 - 09/30/2012[open]
发帖数: 4031


【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: Scratch 实在是不想了, 那可能超出我的极限, 开球距离 我也没有潜力可挖。 另
: 外, 稳定在那个程度还是很难很难的, 需要很多的练习, 我倒是希望能够保持在75
: 左右的水平。 希望能够通过chipping & putting, 努力保证那些理论上对我很难 GIR
: 的洞的成绩。
: 今年夏天的时候, GIR至少有50%,推球也还可以, 平均2个或稍稍低一点, 但是,
: 就是在低80徘徊, 经常会被两,三个洞的罚杆等弄得很狼狈,
: 其实, 我很喜欢在冬天打球--人少!只要温度在30多度, 风不大, 还是很舒服的
: 。 去年的感恩节, 在golfnow上定了一场超值的一场球---10刀, 18洞, 带车,
: 以前是CC的场子。 就我 一个人, 两个半小时打完后回家烤火鸡喝威士忌。。。。今
: 年如果可以,决定照旧!

发帖数: 2057
心的同步增长,下会估计也就去练练Short Game。

【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: 是接近, 但是 减少那几杆还是要下功夫。。。。
: 等天下大雪不能打球, 我写几篇心得, 将自己学习的过程和一些体会, 与初学者分
: 享。 希望更多的人加入这项运动,享受这项运动的挑战,快乐的同时,不断提高。
: 我在接触Golf之前,完全没有把Golf看作是一种运动,偶尔在电视上看到那些运动员穿
: 得整整齐齐,走半天才挥一杆,觉得节奏太慢,运动量实在太小, 似乎是老弱病残者
: 之运动。 前段时间, 到很久没有光顾的网球班看了看,恰好还见有人贴出相似的观
: 点的帖子,觉得挺有意思的。看来人们对此有误解啊。
: 有朋友说,Golf好像不像其他的运动来得很方便 。 其实,高尔夫球比网球等其他的任
: 何球类运动更方便因为: 只要是白天, 可见度可以
: (1) 一个人可以打Golf;

发帖数: 4031
Wow! Your game looks a lot better than mine. You can try to drive long and
have the ball stop at a spot you are comfortable with for the second shot. I
can’t do that for long par4s. However, it’s given me an opportunity to
improve my long game, especially long irons and fairway woods, which started
getting better and better over the last two years.


【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: yes, very similar. but somehow, i feel MP59 got better sweet spots, also
: they customize the shaft, lie, angle for me, since I decided not to make any
: change to my swing. By doing that, the new club fit my swing better.
: Previously, my weakest distance is around 150, which is very odd for me. It
: is very hard to plan the shot. For a par4, at tee, i try to drive as far as
: I can to get into 140, which put a lot pressure on my driving. Even I do get
: a good drive, say, 260 for a 410 yards par4, then I need to deal with 150,
: which is painful.
: Now, i know I have a reliable 6,7 iron for around 150, my game is very easy
: to manage. I feel very calm on course, since I no longer have gap distance

发帖数: 4031

【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: 是接近, 但是 减少那几杆还是要下功夫。。。。
: 等天下大雪不能打球, 我写几篇心得, 将自己学习的过程和一些体会, 与初学者分
: 享。 希望更多的人加入这项运动,享受这项运动的挑战,快乐的同时,不断提高。
: 我在接触Golf之前,完全没有把Golf看作是一种运动,偶尔在电视上看到那些运动员穿
: 得整整齐齐,走半天才挥一杆,觉得节奏太慢,运动量实在太小, 似乎是老弱病残者
: 之运动。 前段时间, 到很久没有光顾的网球班看了看,恰好还见有人贴出相似的观
: 点的帖子,觉得挺有意思的。看来人们对此有误解啊。
: 有朋友说,Golf好像不像其他的运动来得很方便 。 其实,高尔夫球比网球等其他的任
: 何球类运动更方便因为: 只要是白天, 可见度可以
: (1) 一个人可以打Golf;

发帖数: 276
Sunday (Oct. 28) morning, temperature @ 40~45 degrees, windy @13 mph, course
is wet & cart path only, 71.5/129 for blue tee ( about 6400 yards).
Due to cart path only, decided to use 3 wood to tee-off on all par-4 & 5
holes & intended to keep the ball on the fairway close to the cart path.
Finished 9 holes in 80 minutes!
Played front 9 holes (36 par). Scored 39 (+3) including one birdie, 4
bogeys and 4 pars. Executed 13 putts in total. Birdie on the only GIR hole
(par 5).
Recently, due to two switchings of iron sets ( from Mizuno MX200, to MP 53,
and then to MP 59), the approach shot is down significantly, so # of GIR
much less, but since short games improved, scored similarly or some times
a little better. Ironically, the several times of breaking 40 on 9 holes
recently were the times with the least # of GIR.
My experience for short game:
(1) Chipping: for 40 yards or less to the pin, I just try to use the 60
degree LW with half-swing or less & different degree of face-opening to deal
with it (my full swing for LW is 75~80 yards). The good thing about using
only one club to deal with this distance range is that the more
frequently I use this lob wedge, the more confidence I have for the
chipping shot. I also like more carry, and less rolling.
I also use 60-degree lob wedge for green-side bunker shots much more than 56
sand wedge. The loft gives me much more control on distance control. I use
56 only for long-bunker shots.
(2) Putting: First, very happy with the Scotty Cameron (Newport 2.0) putter
, it is just fantastic! The feel, touch, confidence and execution, is
unbeatable! ! My putting for the range of 6 feet (2 yards) to the hole is
significantly improved. After a few months with Scotty Cameron,
generally, 15 putts or so for 9 holes, and lower 30s for 18 holes, a little
less than 2 putts/hole. In addition, a little more time and refining
alignment before executing the putt is helpful.
发帖数: 4031


【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: Sunday (Oct. 28) morning, temperature @ 40~45 degrees, windy @13 mph, course
: is wet & cart path only, 71.5/129 for blue tee ( about 6400 yards).
: Due to cart path only, decided to use 3 wood to tee-off on all par-4 & 5
: holes & intended to keep the ball on the fairway close to the cart path.
: Finished 9 holes in 80 minutes!
: Played front 9 holes (36 par). Scored 39 (+3) including one birdie, 4
: bogeys and 4 pars. Executed 13 putts in total. Birdie on the only GIR hole
: (par 5).
: Recently, due to two switchings of iron sets ( from Mizuno MX200, to MP 53,
: and then to MP 59), the approach shot is down significantly, so # of GIR

发帖数: 3067
haha, your words are very encouraging. you always gave others hopes to
become a scratch player. Now, I truly believe i can be one.
interestingly, same as LZ, I just switch my iron from MP52 to MP59. And got
a birdie with my new MP59 7iron from 144 yards out. not bad.

【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: 这么冷的天气,打出这样的球,相当不错,恭喜!你这推球和切球非常棒,等你GIR提
: 高了,Scratch就在你眼前了。
: 早上的球,我经常打,但不能太早,尤其不适应早上六点的开球。平时,我是用第一洞
: 暖身,一般第二,第三洞就能进入状态,六点的球,我得花三四个洞预热,一般成绩会
: 差一些。
: course
: hole
: ,

发帖数: 4031
Nice birdie with your new MP59. There is no doubt that you have the
potential to become a scratch player. Switching to MP59 from MP52 should not
have a big impact of your ball striking. They are alike, kind of.


【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: haha, your words are very encouraging. you always gave others hopes to
: become a scratch player. Now, I truly believe i can be one.
: interestingly, same as LZ, I just switch my iron from MP52 to MP59. And got
: a birdie with my new MP59 7iron from 144 yards out. not bad.

发帖数: 1917
Nice, short game is the key for scoring low.


【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: Sunday (Oct. 28) morning, temperature @ 40~45 degrees, windy @13 mph, course
: is wet & cart path only, 71.5/129 for blue tee ( about 6400 yards).
: Due to cart path only, decided to use 3 wood to tee-off on all par-4 & 5
: holes & intended to keep the ball on the fairway close to the cart path.
: Finished 9 holes in 80 minutes!
: Played front 9 holes (36 par). Scored 39 (+3) including one birdie, 4
: bogeys and 4 pars. Executed 13 putts in total. Birdie on the only GIR hole
: (par 5).
: Recently, due to two switchings of iron sets ( from Mizuno MX200, to MP 53,
: and then to MP 59), the approach shot is down significantly, so # of GIR

发帖数: 276
Scratch 实在是不想了, 那可能超出我的极限, 开球距离 我也没有潜力可挖。 另
外, 稳定在那个程度还是很难很难的, 需要很多的练习, 我倒是希望能够保持在75
左右的水平。 希望能够通过chipping & putting, 努力保证那些理论上对我很难 GIR
今年夏天的时候, GIR至少有50%,推球也还可以, 平均2个或稍稍低一点, 但是,
就是在低80徘徊, 经常会被两,三个洞的罚杆等弄得很狼狈,
其实, 我很喜欢在冬天打球--人少!只要温度在30多度, 风不大, 还是很舒服的
。 去年的感恩节, 在golfnow上定了一场超值的一场球---10刀, 18洞, 带车,
以前是CC的场子。 就我 一个人, 两个半小时打完后回家烤火鸡喝威士忌。。。。今

【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: 这么冷的天气,打出这样的球,相当不错,恭喜!你这推球和切球非常棒,等你GIR提
: 高了,Scratch就在你眼前了。
: 早上的球,我经常打,但不能太早,尤其不适应早上六点的开球。平时,我是用第一洞
: 暖身,一般第二,第三洞就能进入状态,六点的球,我得花三四个洞预热,一般成绩会
: 差一些。
: course
: hole
: ,

第一次打18洞112pta test 结果
78, 嘿嘿周末打了一场9洞
发帖数: 3067
yes, very similar. but somehow, i feel MP59 got better sweet spots, also
they customize the shaft, lie, angle for me, since I decided not to make any
change to my swing. By doing that, the new club fit my swing better.
Previously, my weakest distance is around 150, which is very odd for me. It
is very hard to plan the shot. For a par4, at tee, i try to drive as far as
I can to get into 140, which put a lot pressure on my driving. Even I do get
a good drive, say, 260 for a 410 yards par4, then I need to deal with 150,
which is painful.
Now, i know I have a reliable 6,7 iron for around 150, my game is very easy
to manage. I feel very calm on course, since I no longer have gap distance
to worry. Overall, it would impact a lot on my game, while my swing stays
the same.


【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: Nice birdie with your new MP59. There is no doubt that you have the
: potential to become a scratch player. Switching to MP59 from MP52 should not
: have a big impact of your ball striking. They are alike, kind of.
: got

发帖数: 3067
50% GIR is very good.
but low 30s putting for 18 holes is more impressive.
I used to have avg. 40 putts per game, after switching to scott cameron 2012
model, now on avg, i save 3 putts, down from 40 to 37. The goal is to shave
off the 7, then I would be a single digit. //dreaming


【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: Scratch 实在是不想了, 那可能超出我的极限, 开球距离 我也没有潜力可挖。 另
: 外, 稳定在那个程度还是很难很难的, 需要很多的练习, 我倒是希望能够保持在75
: 左右的水平。 希望能够通过chipping & putting, 努力保证那些理论上对我很难 GIR
: 的洞的成绩。
: 今年夏天的时候, GIR至少有50%,推球也还可以, 平均2个或稍稍低一点, 但是,
: 就是在低80徘徊, 经常会被两,三个洞的罚杆等弄得很狼狈,
: 其实, 我很喜欢在冬天打球--人少!只要温度在30多度, 风不大, 还是很舒服的
: 。 去年的感恩节, 在golfnow上定了一场超值的一场球---10刀, 18洞, 带车,
: 以前是CC的场子。 就我 一个人, 两个半小时打完后回家烤火鸡喝威士忌。。。。今
: 年如果可以,决定照旧!

发帖数: 1917
I haven't seen your play but it sounds like you are very very close to a
single digit.


【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: 50% GIR is very good.
: but low 30s putting for 18 holes is more impressive.
: I used to have avg. 40 putts per game, after switching to scott cameron 2012
: model, now on avg, i save 3 putts, down from 40 to 37. The goal is to shave
: off the 7, then I would be a single digit. //dreaming
: 75
: ,
: ,

发帖数: 276
是接近, 但是 减少那几杆还是要下功夫。。。。
等天下大雪不能打球, 我写几篇心得, 将自己学习的过程和一些体会, 与初学者分
享。 希望更多的人加入这项运动,享受这项运动的挑战,快乐的同时,不断提高。
得整整齐齐,走半天才挥一杆,觉得节奏太慢,运动量实在太小, 似乎是老弱病残者
之运动。 前段时间, 到很久没有光顾的网球班看了看,恰好还见有人贴出相似的观
有朋友说,Golf好像不像其他的运动来得很方便 。 其实,高尔夫球比网球等其他的任
何球类运动更方便因为: 只要是白天, 可见度可以
(1) 一个人可以打Golf;
(2) 下点雨, 雪 或是地 潮湿也可以打 (只要是场子开);
(4)大风之下, 也可以打;
可谓风雨无阻,寒暑无阻,可结伴而行, 也可做独行大侠, 其乐无穷!高尔夫球实在

【在 C******s 的大作中提到】
: I haven't seen your play but it sounds like you are very very close to a
: single digit.
: 2012
: shave

发帖数: 4031


【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: Scratch 实在是不想了, 那可能超出我的极限, 开球距离 我也没有潜力可挖。 另
: 外, 稳定在那个程度还是很难很难的, 需要很多的练习, 我倒是希望能够保持在75
: 左右的水平。 希望能够通过chipping & putting, 努力保证那些理论上对我很难 GIR
: 的洞的成绩。
: 今年夏天的时候, GIR至少有50%,推球也还可以, 平均2个或稍稍低一点, 但是,
: 就是在低80徘徊, 经常会被两,三个洞的罚杆等弄得很狼狈,
: 其实, 我很喜欢在冬天打球--人少!只要温度在30多度, 风不大, 还是很舒服的
: 。 去年的感恩节, 在golfnow上定了一场超值的一场球---10刀, 18洞, 带车,
: 以前是CC的场子。 就我 一个人, 两个半小时打完后回家烤火鸡喝威士忌。。。。今
: 年如果可以,决定照旧!

发帖数: 2057
心的同步增长,下会估计也就去练练Short Game。

【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: 是接近, 但是 减少那几杆还是要下功夫。。。。
: 等天下大雪不能打球, 我写几篇心得, 将自己学习的过程和一些体会, 与初学者分
: 享。 希望更多的人加入这项运动,享受这项运动的挑战,快乐的同时,不断提高。
: 我在接触Golf之前,完全没有把Golf看作是一种运动,偶尔在电视上看到那些运动员穿
: 得整整齐齐,走半天才挥一杆,觉得节奏太慢,运动量实在太小, 似乎是老弱病残者
: 之运动。 前段时间, 到很久没有光顾的网球班看了看,恰好还见有人贴出相似的观
: 点的帖子,觉得挺有意思的。看来人们对此有误解啊。
: 有朋友说,Golf好像不像其他的运动来得很方便 。 其实,高尔夫球比网球等其他的任
: 何球类运动更方便因为: 只要是白天, 可见度可以
: (1) 一个人可以打Golf;

发帖数: 4031
Wow! Your game looks a lot better than mine. You can try to drive long and
have the ball stop at a spot you are comfortable with for the second shot. I
can’t do that for long par4s. However, it’s given me an opportunity to
improve my long game, especially long irons and fairway woods, which started
getting better and better over the last two years.


【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: yes, very similar. but somehow, i feel MP59 got better sweet spots, also
: they customize the shaft, lie, angle for me, since I decided not to make any
: change to my swing. By doing that, the new club fit my swing better.
: Previously, my weakest distance is around 150, which is very odd for me. It
: is very hard to plan the shot. For a par4, at tee, i try to drive as far as
: I can to get into 140, which put a lot pressure on my driving. Even I do get
: a good drive, say, 260 for a 410 yards par4, then I need to deal with 150,
: which is painful.
: Now, i know I have a reliable 6,7 iron for around 150, my game is very easy
: to manage. I feel very calm on course, since I no longer have gap distance

发帖数: 4031

【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: 是接近, 但是 减少那几杆还是要下功夫。。。。
: 等天下大雪不能打球, 我写几篇心得, 将自己学习的过程和一些体会, 与初学者分
: 享。 希望更多的人加入这项运动,享受这项运动的挑战,快乐的同时,不断提高。
: 我在接触Golf之前,完全没有把Golf看作是一种运动,偶尔在电视上看到那些运动员穿
: 得整整齐齐,走半天才挥一杆,觉得节奏太慢,运动量实在太小, 似乎是老弱病残者
: 之运动。 前段时间, 到很久没有光顾的网球班看了看,恰好还见有人贴出相似的观
: 点的帖子,觉得挺有意思的。看来人们对此有误解啊。
: 有朋友说,Golf好像不像其他的运动来得很方便 。 其实,高尔夫球比网球等其他的任
: 何球类运动更方便因为: 只要是白天, 可见度可以
: (1) 一个人可以打Golf;

发帖数: 10701
I played with him once. I count he has solid long game and maintainable golf
His < 100 yards suffers his game a lot, by that time.

【在 C******s 的大作中提到】
: I haven't seen your play but it sounds like you are very very close to a
: single digit.
: 2012
: shave

1 (共1页)
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话题: gir话题: my话题: holes话题: yards话题: mp59