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Faculty版 - 重庆大学吴云东院士在洛杉矶UCLA举办招聘讲座 (代友发文) (转载)
谁知道 Smart-Grid 方面顶级期刊是哪些米帝有几个对外国人开放的硬钱的数学研究中心?
在工业界混的还容易重返学术圈吗前面那个问teaching school薪水的朋友
发现个神人Scott Sheffieldnieng老师其实是气场跟普林不和
话题: faculty话题: university话题: sciences话题: chongqing话题: arts
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 86
【 以下文字转载自 JobMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: ranvolcano (Colin), 信区: JobMarket
标 题: 重庆大学吴云东院士在洛杉矶UCLA举办招聘讲座 (代友发文)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 29 19:15:16 2011, 美东)
时间:1:30-3:30pm, Wednesday, October 5
地点:Cram Conference Room, 3440 Molecular Sciences (Chemistry) Building
Professor Yun-Dong Wu, the Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the
Chongqing University, will give a presentation on the strategic development
of Chongqing University and its plan for tenure-track faculty recruitment.
After serving the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for 19
years, Professor Wu recently returned full-time to the Mainland China. He
would like to invite you to share with his vision and experience with higher
education in China.
Time: 1:30-3:30pm, Wednesday, October 5
Place: Cram Conference Room, 3440 Molecular Sciences (Chemistry) Building
Chongqing University, Faculty of Arts and Science
Tenure-track Faculty Position(s) at Chongqing University
The Chongqing University invites applications for tenure-track faculty
positions at all levels available in the newly established Faculty of Arts
and Sciences (FAS). Preference will be given to the rank of Assistant
Professor (simultaneously as Senior Research Fellow), which is under a Young
Talent Scheme of Chongqing University.
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences currently includes the following schools:
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Life Science, Biomedical Engineering, Arts,
Movie, Foreign Language (English, Japanese and German), Literature and
Media, and Public Policy. Its mission is to become an excellent institute
for education, to develop a first-class research program, and to make an
important impact to local and nation’s social and economic developments.
Applications for faculty positions in the humanities and social sciences
will be considered jointly by FAS and the Academic Committee of the newly
established CQU Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social
Sciences (IAS). Successful candidates could be appointed as tenure-track
faculty with a built-in 1-2 year research fellowship within IAS before his
or her home department or program is formally established.
The appointees are expected to teach at both undergraduate and graduate
levels, and to develop a vigorous research program in their area of interest.
Applicants should have a PhD degree in related fields and preferentially
relevant postdoctoral experience. The starting salary will be attractive and
commensurate with qualifications and experience. Starting research funding
will be quite reasonable. Medical benefits will be provided. Housing
benefits will also be provided where applicable. Initial appointment will
normally be on a three-year contract, renewable subject to mutual agreement.
发帖数: 1658
1 (共1页)
代友问个问题发现个神人Scott Sheffield
代友提问:关于AHA early career grant (SDG) transfer的title问题来继续科学家八卦
报告offer/share some experience (很罗嗦)我的戒网体会
谁知道 Smart-Grid 方面顶级期刊是哪些米帝有几个对外国人开放的硬钱的数学研究中心?
话题: faculty话题: university话题: sciences话题: chongqing话题: arts