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Faculty版 - Two body problem. Help!
有多少人考虑过quit academics请推荐博后电面问题
发现一个老帖子,很感同身受San Diego State Univ 是teaching school吗?去了有什么disadvantage吗?
Will industry experience hurt my tenure-track chance?我又来麻烦大家了
Faculty Recruitment Survey for California State Univ.大家ECE今年申请的结果怎么样?
在线急问:H1B and H4求建议 (转载)
求教:几个quit掉tenure track职位之后的问题Prof们,quitting PhD program求助
如果你的学生发生这种事onsite 回来5天也来求祝福
请教counter offer啊 (转载)骑驴找马的问题
话题: his话题: univ话题: two话题: staff话题: interviews
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 395
Husband on tenure track AP 3.5year (3rd tire univ). I did postdoc in a top
univ for 3 years, bioinformatics.
His city has no biotech industry except that only one research univ.
Over 3 years I tried very hard to find jobs there, still nothing.
Last week I gave a talk in his univ (hoping to find some non-tenure track
soft money position). Nothing came
out of it.
Now, I have 3-on site interviews from companies (1-2 more on-site interviews
to come I hope), 0 interviews
from universities. He also has 0 interviews from other universities.
What should we do? My husband quits his job to go with me to big cities? Or
I throw away my ego and work as
a contract staff in his university?
发帖数: 19049
个人愚见:如果他tenure没什么问题而你又能做 a contract staff in his
university,何乐而不为呢? 有什么 ego 是要throw away的?
发帖数: 441
re, tenure-track faculty 对你是最合适的,而且也已经作了那么久postdoc了。

【在 c****t 的大作中提到】
: 个人愚见:如果他tenure没什么问题而你又能做 a contract staff in his
: university,何乐而不为呢? 有什么 ego 是要throw away的?

发帖数: 300

【在 c****t 的大作中提到】
: 个人愚见:如果他tenure没什么问题而你又能做 a contract staff in his
: university,何乐而不为呢? 有什么 ego 是要throw away的?

发帖数: 395
Not just ego, also career future, both will be gone if I take a temp. staff
What happen after the contract ends in two years? Sit at home to be a full-
time housewife, after graduating
from top norch graduate school + top notch postdoc program?

【在 c****t 的大作中提到】
: 个人愚见:如果他tenure没什么问题而你又能做 a contract staff in his
: university,何乐而不为呢? 有什么 ego 是要throw away的?

发帖数: 395
It is impossible to get tenure-track in his univ for my area. The folks in
the school of medicine think I should
take a technician job, they are crazy.
There is a big difference between big company vs. a temp staff position: (1)
permanent vs. temporary (2) salary
in companies is almost twice as much as the staff job (3) with big company,
I still have potential to be a faculty
but with a technician job in the univ., there will be 0 chance to become a

【在 W*********t 的大作中提到】
: re, tenure-track faculty 对你是最合适的,而且也已经作了那么久postdoc了。
: 如果没有消息的话,你去找个大公司呆着和学校找个职位其实本质差别也不大,不要想
: 得ego那么严重了。

发帖数: 300
I think you should make your own decision, the advices here are clearly too
biased, good luck and hope you two will work out this together.


【在 l********s 的大作中提到】
: Not just ego, also career future, both will be gone if I take a temp. staff
: position.
: What happen after the contract ends in two years? Sit at home to be a full-
: time housewife, after graduating
: from top norch graduate school + top notch postdoc program?

发帖数: 13752
Ego should be gone no matter what. It doesn't help career or life. It doesn'
t help find a job.


【在 l********s 的大作中提到】
: Not just ego, also career future, both will be gone if I take a temp. staff
: position.
: What happen after the contract ends in two years? Sit at home to be a full-
: time housewife, after graduating
: from top norch graduate school + top notch postdoc program?

发帖数: 136
I strongly support you to chase your own dream. Technician's job is going
to kill any potential for your future. Period.


【在 l********s 的大作中提到】
: Not just ego, also career future, both will be gone if I take a temp. staff
: position.
: What happen after the contract ends in two years? Sit at home to be a full-
: time housewife, after graduating
: from top norch graduate school + top notch postdoc program?

发帖数: 41
if you can find a decent job in a big city where your husband has a good chance to find either an academia or industry job, quitting his current 3rd tier school AP position should give both of you more potential.
I used to have the two-body problem too, see my experience here:


【在 l********s 的大作中提到】
: It is impossible to get tenure-track in his univ for my area. The folks in
: the school of medicine think I should
: take a technician job, they are crazy.
: There is a big difference between big company vs. a temp staff position: (1)
: permanent vs. temporary (2) salary
: in companies is almost twice as much as the staff job (3) with big company,
: I still have potential to be a faculty
: but with a technician job in the univ., there will be 0 chance to become a
: faculty.

发帖数: 523
I like you advertise your post everywhere. :)
It should be written in a "two body problem" textbook.
Frankly, I truly admire you. I don't think I can make this kind of

good chance to find either an academia or industry job, quitting his
current 3rd tier school AP position should give both of you more

【在 p****i 的大作中提到】
: if you can find a decent job in a big city where your husband has a good chance to find either an academia or industry job, quitting his current 3rd tier school AP position should give both of you more potential.
: I used to have the two-body problem too, see my experience here:
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t0/Faculty/31328837.html
: 1)
: ,

发帖数: 395

chance to find either an academia or industry job, quitting his current 3rd
tier school AP position should give both of you more potential.

【在 p****i 的大作中提到】
: if you can find a decent job in a big city where your husband has a good chance to find either an academia or industry job, quitting his current 3rd tier school AP position should give both of you more potential.
: I used to have the two-body problem too, see my experience here:
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t0/Faculty/31328837.html
: 1)
: ,

发帖数: 1756
No perfect solution. Are you as outstanding as Hillary Clinton?
1 (共1页)
骑驴找马的问题在线急问:H1B and H4
NIH JIT求教:几个quit掉tenure track职位之后的问题
GPA对于PhD毕业后找教职进学术界的影响请教counter offer啊 (转载)
有多少人考虑过quit academics请推荐博后电面问题
发现一个老帖子,很感同身受San Diego State Univ 是teaching school吗?去了有什么disadvantage吗?
Will industry experience hurt my tenure-track chance?我又来麻烦大家了
Faculty Recruitment Survey for California State Univ.大家ECE今年申请的结果怎么样?
话题: his话题: univ话题: two话题: staff话题: interviews