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CivilSociety版 - 抵制Disney
Why do we need a social network to boycott JK/Disney?不要浪费时间, 来帮我们吧:
为什么重点还应该是努力到Jimmy Kimmel下台关于Kimmel 游行的 poster, 24in-by-36in, (转载)
11/9三藩游行组委会正式成立组织 - UAAFA (转载)下一步汇总: 请互相帮助!
Boycott Disney and Fund Chinese-American Community ActivisAsian Americans for Public Office
南加的资深智囊对于SCA5的评论 (转载)What Apology from Disney/ABC/JK is acceptable?
Boycott California against SCA5 !!!另一方法:DISNEY股东大会
如果要成立全美华人组织,加州靠不住抗议Jimmy Kimmel 上了yahoo front page (转载)
Jimmy Kimmel在google engine上的负面报道再次被ABC抹去 (转载)游行之后--华人反歧视和争权益长期策略汇总 (转载)
话题: disney话题: people话题: complaints话题: recruit话题: our
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1727
发帖数: 18403
ding. 我不反对把"boycott Disney" 当近期目标。 但是当务之急是 create a
social network that connect and synchronize. Come here and sign up for
social media liaison or community liaison or cultural liaison or anything
you have interest/expertise in; and recruit 5 people to sign up; ask that 5
people to recruit 5 more people to sign up:
Once we have a social network of 300 dedicated people. Say we need to
boycott Disney or a ABC sponsor company. Should we scatter our complaints
or concentrate our complaints on 1 company for any length of time until they
give up?
1 complaint/day * 365 days << 365 complaints/day*1 day
The latter gets a lot more attention. Because people always extrapolate
and when they see 365 complaints in a single day, they extrapolate into the
future and decided to not to fight you any more.
In other words: connect and synchronize. Please recruit 5 people, and ask
each of these 5 people to recruit 5 people, so on and on.
Once we have 300 people, we decide on a single day and target a company with
our complaints. This is our first exercise as an assertive social network.
Also, we should prefer constructive effort over destructive effort. I'd
rather help publicize a Chinese comedian like Joe Wong than trying to
boycotting Disney, in normal circumstances. It's better to make friends
than make enemies, in normal circumstances. 有破更要有立。
But our network would be reusable and renewable.
1 (共1页)
游行之后--华人反歧视和争权益长期策略汇总 (转载)南加的资深智囊对于SCA5的评论 (转载)
Please put your protest words into actions: boycott Disney! (转载)Boycott California against SCA5 !!!
我再来问一遍:什么时候可以发起抵制ABC, Disney的签名活动?Jimmy Kimmel在google engine上的负面报道再次被ABC抹去 (转载)
Why do we need a social network to boycott JK/Disney?不要浪费时间, 来帮我们吧:
为什么重点还应该是努力到Jimmy Kimmel下台关于Kimmel 游行的 poster, 24in-by-36in, (转载)
11/9三藩游行组委会正式成立组织 - UAAFA (转载)下一步汇总: 请互相帮助!
Boycott Disney and Fund Chinese-American Community ActivisAsian Americans for Public Office
话题: disney话题: people话题: complaints话题: recruit话题: our