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CivilEngineering版 - Hiring Upstream Oil & Gas Civil/Structural Engineer (转载)
Salary history 2 of a Civil EngineerCivil Engineering能进石油公司upstream么
ME Ph.D 可以考 Civil PE Structural Engineer (in CA) 吗?中国人(外国人)读structural engineering in CE 容易么?
请问civil engineering里那个专业最赚钱,那个更容易办绿卡F level structural Engineering professional 是哪个level?
帮看看我这个外行有机会考 结构 PE 吗?在土木行业,是不是不能顺便自称是 Structural engineer?
还是被layoff了土木的H1B能归类为civil engineering technician吗
要求涨工资,多少合适?(Civil/Structural Engineer)湾区的YU Structural Engineers在请人
PhD position in Civil Engineering at ISU问个PE/Structural的问题
PE-Civil, PE-Structural I 与 PE-Structural II10 月份的PE Civil
话题: civil话题: engineer话题: structural话题: upstream话题: oil
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13731
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: DiRenjie (狄仁杰.油多多), 信区: Stock
标 题: Hiring Upstream Oil & Gas Civil/Structural Engineer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 19 15:07:52 2013, 美东)
I have a Client with a critical need to immediately fill two open positions
for a P.E. certified Civil/Structural Engineer with 6+ years of upstream oil
and gas experience. These positions are available in either Bakersfield, CA
or Atlanta, GA. This is a direct hire permanent position with a starting
salary of up to approximately $144K annually and the Client is willing to
hire over the phone TODAY for a motivated candidate with the appropriate
If you or a respected colleague would be interested in this role, please
email my Lead Recruiter, Mandy Bossard, your resume immediately at abossard@
jsirecruit.com and she will give you a call to follow up. You can also reach
her at (509)688-0996.
发帖数: 72
1 (共1页)
10 月份的PE Civil还是被layoff了
[合集] 昨天的PE(Civil/Struct Depth)考试小结要求涨工资,多少合适?(Civil/Structural Engineer)
A TA/RA position in Civil/Structural Engineering at the UniPhD position in Civil Engineering at ISU
Is anyone doing Geotech here?PE-Civil, PE-Structural I 与 PE-Structural II
Salary history 2 of a Civil EngineerCivil Engineering能进石油公司upstream么
ME Ph.D 可以考 Civil PE Structural Engineer (in CA) 吗?中国人(外国人)读structural engineering in CE 容易么?
请问civil engineering里那个专业最赚钱,那个更容易办绿卡F level structural Engineering professional 是哪个level?
帮看看我这个外行有机会考 结构 PE 吗?在土木行业,是不是不能顺便自称是 Structural engineer?
话题: civil话题: engineer话题: structural话题: upstream话题: oil