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Chicago版 - 伊州养老保险制度改革后, 退休人员担心 ...
Quinn: ‘High Noon’ Coming For State’s Pension MessSB16这事也很难办
Illinois' five state public pensions systems are underfunded by $83 billion.ILLINOIS 参院打算从华人小孩头上砍教育经费 (转载)
Illinois pension deal announcedCPS set for $200 million in cuts; mayor floats property tax plan
州政府的pension危机Statement on CTU Statement (Claypool)
shifting teachers' pension costs to local school districtsGov. Quinn signs pension reform bill
[申请] 芝加哥(chicago)版版副--申请人 BlackYeeRen (转载)it would likely shift the cost to property taxes
Vote NO on Illinois SB16 (School Funding Reform Act of 2014)Illinois Pension Blowup
话题: pension话题: edwards话题: chicago话题: she话题: tuesday
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6339
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) -
There is a lot of concern among retirees Tuesday night as they look ahead
and try to assess just how the pension deal will impact their income.
SEE: Illinois Legislature approves fix for $100B pension crisis
Jennifer Edwards is not only upset, she feels betrayed. For 30 years she
worked as an office administrator at the University of Illinois Chicago and
contributed to her pension. But with Tuesday's deal, her UIC pension will be
reduced as the 3 percent COLA — or cost of living allowance -- will be
replaced with a system that only provides for increases on a portion of her
"Now that's gonna be reduced, and it's estimated on my pension, which is
about 35,000," Edwards said. "In 10 years I'll lose about 30 percent. That's
a lot.
"Everything is going up, okay, so I'm already cutting back, so I'm gonna
have to figure out some other ways to cut back," she continued. "I may have
to give up my house."
Neighbor Betella Warren, a retired CPS teacher won't be affected by this
deal, but Chicago pension reform is coming next year. She is concerned for
friends also living on a fixed income.
"When I heard the news, I was like, this is totally ridiculous," Warren says
. "Totally ridiculous."
Edwards said lawmakers who promised to stand with pensioners and then voted
for this deal anyways are turncoats who will reap the consequences the next
"We have vowed, me and other retirees in my age group, that we are going to
vote them out of office," Edwards said.
The first protests are scheduled for Wednesday.
Read more: http://www.myfoxchicago.com/story/24128484/illinois-retirees-react-to-pension-reform-bill#ixzz2mX3kbzI9
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Illinois Pension Blowup伊利诺伊州高等教育经费将转到退休金,而不是学生
income tax rate ...raise it from 3.75 percent to a max of 9.75 percentshifting teachers' pension costs to local school districts
老师收入和学生成绩挂钩确实不合理[申请] 芝加哥(chicago)版版副--申请人 BlackYeeRen (转载)
芝加哥十校闹元宵:辣妹组合,留学生现场求婚Vote NO on Illinois SB16 (School Funding Reform Act of 2014)
Quinn: ‘High Noon’ Coming For State’s Pension MessSB16这事也很难办
Illinois' five state public pensions systems are underfunded by $83 billion.ILLINOIS 参院打算从华人小孩头上砍教育经费 (转载)
Illinois pension deal announcedCPS set for $200 million in cuts; mayor floats property tax plan
州政府的pension危机Statement on CTU Statement (Claypool)
话题: pension话题: edwards话题: chicago话题: she话题: tuesday