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Boston版 - 职业发展讲座 - Know your legal rights in the workplace
THAA Career Development_Laws for Starting Your Own BusinessMIT ETF seminar:Challenges of China's State-owned Enterprise Reform(free pizza)
[THAA-Boston] 职业讲座 The ABC's of Immigration work authorizationMIT讲座:中国国有企业改革的现实挑战,25号6-8:30pm
请问在买房P&S中被删掉这些条款合理吗确认一下MIT的AFTER HOURS Parking
10/16/2010, 波士顿清华校友会欢迎新同学午餐会MIT 讲座: 中国房地产与结构性宏观调控
中科院人才招聘会&派对(by 麻省理工学院经济与人才论坛)海外精英归国创业与发展 MIT 座谈会
宁波市招才引智推介座谈会(by麻省理工学院经济与人才论坛)美中药协 第十三届学术研讨会-癌症药物的创新与未来
David Murray波士顿见面会-与传奇的会面(today's event)欧美同学会副会长王辉耀博士MIT报告会, 暨社交联谊会
话题: cutler话题: 校友会话题: employment话题: 清华话题: 波士顿
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 219
Employment Legal Matters – Know Your Legal Rights in the Workplace
THAA Career Development Series
时间: Saturday, May 18, 2013 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
地点: MIT Sloan Tang Center E51-151;
Address: 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge, MA
协办:MIT CAST (Chinese association of Science and Technology)
Boston THAA and MIT CAST will host a seminar with guest speaker from the Law
offices of CUTLER & WILENSKY LLP to discuss important employment and labor
legal issues in the workplace.
Topics to be covered in this seminar include:
·Employment agreement
·Severance agreement
·Wage and hour
·Wrongful termination and retaliation
CUTLER & WILENSKY LLP http://cutlerlegal.com/ boasts a combination of quality American and Chinese attorneys with multi-jurisdiction licenses and a variety of practice areas, including corporation and business law, employment and labor law, estate planning, taxation, shareholder and trust beneficiary disputes and immigration law.
Guest Speaker:Attorney Timothy K. Cutler, Partner.
Attorney Cutler represents entities and individuals regarding litigation
matters arising from breach of contract, shareholder derivative disputes,
partnerships, unfair trade practices, interference with contractual
relations, fraud, non-compete agreements, wage and hour issues, wrongful
termination, sexual harassment, discrimination, duty of loyalty and trade
Attorney Cutler has first-chaired over thirty (30) trials, in addition to
handling arbitrations and mediations.He has tried cases in four (4) states:
Massachusetts, California, Connecticut and Maryland. He has also overseen
litigation for national/international clients in eight (8) other states: in
Florida, Ohio, New Hampshire, New York, Louisiana, Tennessee, Arizona and
Virginia.Attorney Cutler has represented a number of Chinese companies and
individuals in commercial disputes, employment law matters, business
transactions and litigations.
For a full bio of Mr. Cutler, please see http://www.cutlerlegal.com/attorney-cuttler.htm
Seat is limited; RSVP is required at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zW8GLN
_Gx5IuCISmpWn5biLJ9h6hIrCa7gvAuCMXKv0/viewform .
Questions, please contact Hui Liu @ h********[email protected].
邦政府批准,被认定为符合501(c)(3)免税条款的公共慈善机构(Public Charity)。波
士顿地区现有约2000名清华校友, 分布在学术,教育,生物,制药,电子,信息,金
1 (共1页)
欧美同学会副会长王辉耀博士MIT报告会, 暨社交联谊会谁能够介绍几个BOSTON地区的清华校友会?
****海信&青岛市政府波士顿海外核心人才洽谈会, 暨社交联谊会中科院人才招聘会&派对(by 麻省理工学院经济与人才论坛)
***研讨暨联谊会:"商业模式的创新", 与来自台湾的企业家交流、探David Murray波士顿见面会-与传奇的会面(today's event)
THAA Career Development_Laws for Starting Your Own BusinessMIT ETF seminar:Challenges of China's State-owned Enterprise Reform(free pizza)
[THAA-Boston] 职业讲座 The ABC's of Immigration work authorizationMIT讲座:中国国有企业改革的现实挑战,25号6-8:30pm
请问在买房P&S中被删掉这些条款合理吗确认一下MIT的AFTER HOURS Parking
10/16/2010, 波士顿清华校友会欢迎新同学午餐会MIT 讲座: 中国房地产与结构性宏观调控
话题: cutler话题: 校友会话题: employment话题: 清华话题: 波士顿