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Biology版 - 诺奖得主原来是个接盘侠
Nobel goes to2013 Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Thomas Südhof
听了Randy Schekman,喜欢这哥们...Randy Schekman 抵制 NSC
2013 Lasker AwardeLife将检验50篇高引用率文章
今年的诺奖得主全是拉斯克奖得主Re: help: the infection mechanism of prion and how to prove it by expe
美国超级nicePI列表2013 Nobel Prize Physiology and Medicine
Randy Schekman will be the editor of the new HHMI journal.云彩还是出来吧
elife journal转录五十年I: 原核时代
话题: schekman话题: he话题: ucla话题: molecular话题: biology
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发帖数: 175
大侠牛B, 大学未毕业就发了三篇paper,其中包括science
UCLA alumnus Randy Schekman, a professor of molecular and cell biology at UC
Berkeley, has won the 2013 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for his
role in figuring out how proteins are secreted and transported in human

He shares the prize with James E. Rothman of Yale University and Thomas C. S
üdhof of Stanford University for solving the mystery of how the cell
organizes its transport system.
Schekman became the seventh UCLA alumnus to win the Nobel Prize and the
first to receive the prize in physiology or medicine.
"UCLA students, alumni and faculty are leaders in their fields, and their
contributions have bettered society in innumerable ways," said UCLA
Chancellor Gene Block. "Our legacy of Nobel laureates reflects our
university's role at the forefront of discovery, and we congratulate
Professor Schekman and his fellow Nobel Prize winners on this extraordinary

The 50-member Nobel Assembly lauded Rothman, Schekman and Südhof for making
known "the exquisitely precise control system for the transport and
delivery of cellular cargo. Disturbances in this system have deleterious
effects and contribute to conditions such as neurological diseases, diabetes
, and immunological disorders."
Schekman's path to cutting-edge scientific discoveries was set early on at
UCLA, where he initially chose pre-med as his major. "Then I realized there
was a whole other world at the university that I hadn't really known about,"
he recalled in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, where he
became editor in 2006.
After doing well in a freshman course in his first semester, Schekman found
a place in an honors class taught by Willard Libby, the inventor of carbon-
14 dating and a Nobel Prize winner himself. Students in the course were
required to work in a chemistry lab. So Schekman was placed in the lab of
molecular biologist Michael Conrad.
"The first thing he had me do was read the then-first edition of a book by
James Watson called 'Molecular Biology of the Gene,' which really opened my
eyes," Schekman recalled. "I remember reading it in my leisure time like it
was the Bible."
That experience, and his real-world work in the lab, ended his aspirations
to be a physician. From then on, he was hooked on basic science.
When Watson's autobiography, "The Double Helix," was serialized in the
Atlantic Monthly in 1967, Schekman would run to the library to get copies of
the magazine.

"Not that I ever expected to make discoveries like that or to act like that
— but that one could actually plumb the depths of nature with intellect and
intuition and work was a revelation," he later told a UC Berkeley writer.

As a sophomore at UCLA, Schekman joined the lab of Dan Ray to work on the
replication of DNA viruses. Ray, now an emeritus professor of microbiology,
immunology and molecular genetics, recognized Schekman a "a most incredible
undergraduate" who knew more about molecular biology than entering graduate
"He had incredible insight for an undergrad," said Ray, who continues to do
research at UCLA. "He was very clever in designing experiments, and he
worked extremely hard in the lab. I once asked him how he knew so much about
molecular biology. He said he got it all by reading a textbook written by
Gunther Stent. He totally devoured it. He was so enthusiastic about research
. And it really was infectious."
Schekman's passion for scientific research was further fueled as a junior,
when he spent a year working in a laboratory at the University of Edinburgh.
By the time Schekman left Ray's lab, Ray recalled in a written history of
UCLA's Molecular Biology Institute, the young scientist had already amassed
an impressive list of accomplishments.
"He had two Journal of Molecular Biology papers and a Nature paper," Ray
said. "Also, between his junior and senior years, he spent a summer at
Harvard ... and got a publication from that work as well. Wow, I have spent
the past 40 years hoping to find another undergraduate like that. Randy was
truly exceptional!"

Ray said he was not at all surprised to learn that his former student had
won the Nobel Prize, given his passion for research.

"He told me that as a high school student, he had set up a lab in his garage
, but his mother got upset when she found bottles of blood in the
refrigerator," the UCLA professor remembered.

After graduating from UCLA in 1971 with a bachelor's degree from the College
of Letters and Science, with an independent field of concentration in
molecular biology, Schekman decided he wanted to do graduate work in the lab
of Stanford biochemist Arthur Kornberg, who had won a Nobel Prize in 1959
for identifying a key enzyme in DNA synthesis.
Knowing that Kornberg had done pioneering work in DNA replication, Schekman
decided to visit the famous scientist in his office and tell him about his
research at UCLA.
"Randy was a football fan and was going up to Palo Alto to see a UCLA–
Stanford football game," Ray said. Schekman took the oppotunity to stop by
campus for a visit and introduce himself. "What incredible confidence! No
big surprise that Kornberg later accepted Randy as a graduate student."
At Stanford, Scheckman met postdoc William Wickner, who went on to teach
biological chemistry and molecular biology at UCLA for 17 years. Wickner
recalled one of Schekman's first questions to him: "Do you know any girls?"
He introduced Schekman to an ex-girlfriend, Nancy, who eventually became
Schekman's wife.
"At Stanford, we were working on DNA replication with Arthur Kornberg," said
Wickner, currently a distinguished professor of biochemistry at Dartmouth
Medical School. "We had many bull sessions after we finished working in the
lab, around midnight, at the House of Pies. We'd talk about what we were
going to do in our labs when we grew up."

With a doctorate in biochemistry from Stanford, Schekman joined the UC
Berkeley faculty in 1976, where he decided to study yeast to determine how
vesicles containing proteins move inside and outside the cell.

"Like many pioneers in the field, he was brave enough to take on a project
in a new area of study as a young assistant professor," said Gregory Payne,
a UCLA professor of biological chemistry who trained in Schekman's
laboratory as a postdoctoral scholar. "He faced grant-application rejections
and persevered. He was a great mentor. His lab was growing, but he still
was able to mentor each of us and give us his attention."
Sabeeha Merchant, a distinguished professor of chemistry and biochemistry at
UCLA , spent three months working with the Schekman group in 1999 at UC
Berkeley. "I saw firsthand Randy’s sharp intellect from his questions and
comments at group meetings and seminars," she said. "I admired the relaxed
way he supervised and mentored his group of students and postdoctoral
researchers. He gave them incredible independence, but yet was available on
a daily basis."
For his contributions to science, Schekman, a Howard Hughes Medical
Institute investigator and a faculty member at the Li Ka Shing Center for
Biomedical and Health Sciences, was elected to the National Academy of
Sciences in 1992, received the Gairdner International Award in 1996 and the
Lasker Award for basic and clinical research in 2002. He was elected
president of the American Society for Cell Biology in 1999. On Oct. 3 this
year, Schekman received the Otto Warburg Medal from the German Society for
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, considered Germany's highest honor for
research in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. Schekman is
currently editor-in-chief of the new open-access journal eLife.
"He has shown that he has a great sense of responsibility to the field,"
Payne said of Schekman's service to journals and professional societies. "He
's a terrific citizen of the field of science in general and cell biology in

Watch a video interview with Scheckman on the occasion of his receiving the
Lasker Award in 2002, in which he discusses his education at UCLA (at 5:20
and again at 31:00).
发帖数: 4511
At Stanford, Scheckman met postdoc William Wickner, who went on to teach
biological chemistry and molecular biology at UCLA for 17 years. Wickner
recalled one of Schekman's first questions to him: "Do you know any girls?"
He introduced Schekman to an ex-girlfriend, Nancy, who eventually became
Schekman's wife.


【在 w***i 的大作中提到】
: 更加狗血的是,还真有人把前女朋友介绍给同事去接盘。广大的接盘男们信心大振。
: 大侠牛B, 大学未毕业就发了三篇paper,其中包括science
: UCLA alumnus Randy Schekman, a professor of molecular and cell biology at UC
: Berkeley, has won the 2013 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for his
: role in figuring out how proteins are secreted and transported in human
: cells.
: He shares the prize with James E. Rothman of Yale University and Thomas C. S
: üdhof of Stanford University for solving the mystery of how the cell
: organizes its transport system.

发帖数: 7400
1 (共1页)
有人知道这个老板怎么样 Thomas B. Kornberg?Randy Schekman will be the editor of the new HHMI journal.
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Nobel goes to2013 Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Thomas Südhof
听了Randy Schekman,喜欢这哥们...Randy Schekman 抵制 NSC
2013 Lasker AwardeLife将检验50篇高引用率文章
今年的诺奖得主全是拉斯克奖得主Re: help: the infection mechanism of prion and how to prove it by expe
话题: schekman话题: he话题: ucla话题: molecular话题: biology