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Biology版 - more conditional KO questions
请问 conditional knockout mice 的原理Konckout one gene that may be a tumor suppressor in Mice, 求建议!
Cre line to generate global knockoutconditional KO动物的育种方法?
请指教Conditional KO的对照?两个cre的transgenic mice cross有问题
Li-huei Tsai又灌了一篇cellYFP冰冻切片
请教: how to tag floxed gene in mice?细胞核巨大脱离
有时候真的想不明白做老鼠的.GFP or luciferase or others?
creERT2 的问题FCM流式细胞实验
话题: ko话题: gfp话题: cells话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 134
Could anyone please help me with some conditional KO questions?
Our lab have flox-transcription factor X-flox mice. I am thinking of
crossing these mice with some kind of
cre mice for conditional knockout of X . My purpose is to study the down
stream target of X. Specifically, I plan
to culture the cells in vitro , induce deletion of gene A in vitro, and to
examine gene expression between WT
and X KO cells. My questions are :
1) I hear that the efficiency of inducing conditional KO in vitro is not
very high. Is that true? Do I have to use
Rosa-GFP or some other kind of reporter to differentiate GFP+ and GFP- cells
? My cells are hematopoietic cells
, so I will be able to isolate GFP+ cells from GFP- cells by flow cytometry.
2) Is there any good cre mouse database that I can check and see which cre
mice is available.
Xie Xie!!!!!
1 (共1页)
FCM流式细胞实验Li-huei Tsai又灌了一篇cell
问一下用FACS能否区分EGFP/RFP请教: how to tag floxed gene in mice?
关于KO mice研究蛋白功能的一个疑问有时候真的想不明白做老鼠的.
fresh master 求职贴 (technician or specialist )creERT2 的问题
请问 conditional knockout mice 的原理Konckout one gene that may be a tumor suppressor in Mice, 求建议!
Cre line to generate global knockoutconditional KO动物的育种方法?
请指教Conditional KO的对照?两个cre的transgenic mice cross有问题
话题: ko话题: gfp话题: cells话题: my