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BIT版 - Attack Taiwan!!!
Faculty Positions in Electrical and Computer打电话这事可大可小,看共产党如何反应了
CCP Official 'Honeybaited' by Taiwan尼玛菜英文这么快就把川普惹毛了
根据这张图,Romney-Ryan将在本次大选中赢得山崩地裂天朝媒体嘲笑trump twitter治国
纽约时报揭露解放军网络作战秘密据点Local Elections in Taiwan
中国被西方称为红色中国(communist china)台湾那个叫陈文茜的傻B
应该给美国人提个醒,鬼子祭拜偷袭珍珠港的战犯了Liberals Just Don't Get It
看AP描述台湾归属争议Michael Medved:别忘了,年轻的奥巴马选民有一天会步入中年
话题: taiwan话题: china话题: war话题: attack话题: premier
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 80
Chen was elected as a presend3ent and the war will begin. During those
years, CCP is very kind to Taiwan and this police is faliure. Premier
zhu`s lecture is frutiless . Maybe war is the only way to solve
those problem. In my dept. ,there is a seperist and she is very
crazy for seperation.Across Taiwan straight
and Liberate Taiwan!!!!
发帖数: 1207
I don't think there will be a war between China and Taiwan.
And I don't like that.
CCP is not woodhead, the war will cause big trouble for China.
For every people in China.
As I think, Taiwan is not so important. If all people in Taiwan
want to seperate, then why not? Because they live there, not us.
That's their freedom. But I think someday we will unite again, just
like west and east German.


【在 t*b 的大作中提到】
: Chen was elected as a presend3ent and the war will begin. During those
: years, CCP is very kind to Taiwan and this police is faliure. Premier
: zhu`s lecture is frutiless . Maybe war is the only way to solve
: those problem. In my dept. ,there is a seperist and she is very
: crazy for seperation.Across Taiwan straight
: and Liberate Taiwan!!!!

发帖数: 194
I agree peace.For people are the final casualty.War is not good for
China and Taiwan,maybe it is good for America.

【在 c****y 的大作中提到】
: I don't think there will be a war between China and Taiwan.
: And I don't like that.
: CCP is not woodhead, the war will cause big trouble for China.
: For every people in China.
: As I think, Taiwan is not so important. If all people in Taiwan
: want to seperate, then why not? Because they live there, not us.
: That's their freedom. But I think someday we will unite again, just
: like west and east German.
: those

发帖数: 2

Hm... America will be the biggest winner if the war between China and
Taiwan rock!!!

【在 s*****a 的大作中提到】
: I agree peace.For people are the final casualty.War is not good for
: China and Taiwan,maybe it is good for America.

1 (共1页)
Establishment最不能容忍Trump的哪一点中国被西方称为红色中国(communist china)
Trump wants to expand business empire to Taiwan看AP描述台湾归属争议
Faculty Positions in Electrical and Computer打电话这事可大可小,看共产党如何反应了
CCP Official 'Honeybaited' by Taiwan尼玛菜英文这么快就把川普惹毛了
根据这张图,Romney-Ryan将在本次大选中赢得山崩地裂天朝媒体嘲笑trump twitter治国
纽约时报揭露解放军网络作战秘密据点Local Elections in Taiwan
话题: taiwan话题: china话题: war话题: attack话题: premier