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Arizona版 - 反枪组织一成员,gay佬,因非法使用枪支入狱 (转载)
休斯顿的一家应该是遵循了反枪分子提倡的舍钱保命流程的 (转载)芝加哥教育系统5亿美元缺口,州长提议破产重组,市长提议加税 (转载)
NY反枪积极分子因带枪去学校而被捕 (转载)ASU, tempe, 1B/1B furnished apartment needed!
建议华人/枪友要表达对警察的支持 (转载)9 – 12 months contract in Scottsdale , AZ.
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Houston 市长下令所有女厕所向男人敞开,琐男可以免费看白牛了 (转载)求租furnished single family house/apartment
休斯敦基佬市长终于撤回subpoena (转载)[selling] part of the electrical appliances furniture home not sold at a low price
芝加哥市长的公子在家门口被殴打抢劫 (转载)反枪组织一成员,gay佬,因非法使用枪支入狱
德国科隆市长责备大规模性侵案受害者 (转载)反枪派市长,Bloomberg的朋友,因酒后乱开枪被捕 (转载)
话题: schiliro话题: he话题: former话题: his话题: him
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发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 反枪组织一成员,gay佬,因非法使用枪支入狱
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 14 15:06:50 2014, 美东)
Irony: Former Member of Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Group Sentenced to Jail for
Illegal Use of Firearm
by Jammie
He’s only a former member because they kicked him out when he was arrested
in 2013.
Despite impassioned pleas from family and friends of former Marcus Hook
Mayor James Schiliro, a Delaware County Court judge on Monday sent him to
Schiliro was sentenced to 10 to 20 months for an alcohol-fueled episode
last February in which he had a police car bring a former neighbor – a 20-
year-old to whom he said he was attracted – to his home, made him drink
wine, and refused to let him leave for 31/2 hours.
During the encounter, Schiliro threatened to kill himself and fired a
gun into a stack of papers. The man eventually left and later called police.
In addition, Schiliro received five years of probation and 50 hours of
community service, and was ordered to pay $1,300 in fines and court costs.
He is eligible for work release and time off for good behavior.
In November, Schiliro was convicted of recklessly endangering another
person, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, official oppression, and
furnishing liquor to a minor.
On Monday, 13 of Schiliro’s family and friends came to the sentencing
hearing to speak on his behalf. They portrayed him as a caring man who gave
back to his community as mayor, helped create jobs, formed basketball and
baseball leagues for the borough’s children, served as a volunteer
firefighter, and was a good friend and father. Schiliro is a single parent.
“I’ve seen him reach into his pocket and give people he didn’t know
money when they needed it,” said Bill Cox, a friend who has known Schiliro
for 15 years.
“This is really a case of a complex person with complex issues,” said
Michael Malloy, Schiliro’s defense attorney, referring to his client’s
acknowledged bisexuality.
Does this also count as a crime of gay passion? Just wondering. Oh, you
might notice they story omits the fact he was a member of Mikey Bloomberg’s
group of anti-gun fanatics. Curious, huh?
The former mayor was among 600 local lawmakers who signed a letter to
Congress calling for gun-control legislation. His name was dropped from the
letter after his arrest in March.
The former mayor of New York City was unavailable for comment.
1 (共1页)
反枪派市长,Bloomberg的朋友,因酒后乱开枪被捕 (转载)Houston 市长下令所有女厕所向男人敞开,琐男可以免费看白牛了 (转载)
反枪派市长,Bloomberg的朋友,因酒后乱开枪被捕休斯敦基佬市长终于撤回subpoena (转载)
市长也疯狂芝加哥市长的公子在家门口被殴打抢劫 (转载)
Bloomberg的反枪组织把boston爆炸案的凶手列为受害者德国科隆市长责备大规模性侵案受害者 (转载)
休斯顿的一家应该是遵循了反枪分子提倡的舍钱保命流程的 (转载)芝加哥教育系统5亿美元缺口,州长提议破产重组,市长提议加税 (转载)
NY反枪积极分子因带枪去学校而被捕 (转载)ASU, tempe, 1B/1B furnished apartment needed!
建议华人/枪友要表达对警察的支持 (转载)9 – 12 months contract in Scottsdale , AZ.
猜猜这个要带来10000个工作岗位的是哪个中国公司ASU 临时住宿
话题: schiliro话题: he话题: former话题: his话题: him