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话题: he话题: gun话题: ferguson话题: anti话题: school
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发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: NY反枪积极分子因带枪去学校而被捕
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 11 13:53:16 2014, 美东)
New York Anti-Gun Zealot Arrested for Taking Gun to School, Wants Absolution
February 10, 2014 Posted by Warner Todd Huston
Dwayne Ferguson an African American community activist and vehement anti-gun
campaigner who worked tirelessly for New York’s gun grabbing SAFE Act was
arrested last week for carrying a concealed weapon into a grade school. He
said he “forgot” he had the gun on him and wants to be given a pass on the
Last week, Ferguson, the leader of the extremist anti-gun group MAD DADS,
was the cause of a lockdown of Harvey Austin Elementary, in Buffalo, New
York. Police responded to a call about a man with a gun on school grounds
with their search ending when they found Ferguson’s handgun.
The activist, who helps run an after-school program, was arrested and
charged with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon, including having
a loaded weapon on school grounds–charges now enhanced by the anti-gun
SAFE Act. He could be sentenced to up to four years in prison for the
He pleaded not guilty to the crime saying he should be given a pass because
he merely “forgot” that he had his pistol on him and since he has a legal
concealed carry permit he thinks he should be let off the hook.
But this isn’t the rule he fought so hard to enact. Thanks in part to his
own efforts, it is currently illegal to bring a gun into a school unless you
are an on-duty policeman. Period. There are no other exceptions.
Naturally, Ferguson’s anti-gun pals are crying to have him released from
his crime. Why, he should be let go because, heck, he means well, dang it!
Take for instance, the pleads from Reverend James E. Giles in the pages of
the Buffalo News.
“I’m sure Dwayne went into the school not thinking he had the gun on
him,” said Rev. James E. Giles, a friend of Ferguson and president of Back
to Basics Outreach Ministries. “We know this for a fact, that he called out
to a Buffalo police lieutenant asking why the school was in lockdown, and
that they were looking for a man with a gun.
“Dwayne’s reaction was to get his kids – he had about 50 of them –
and make sure they were safe,” Giles explained. “He led them into the
cafeteria and closed the doors.”
Yeah. Ferguson was protecting the kids… from himself? He was the one with
the evil, evil gun, after all.
Of course, the whole thing of the matter is that anti-gun extremists don’t
care about the individual and his well-meaning ideas. Guns are evil and
anyone that has one is instantly assumed to be a murderous criminal. Ah, but
when it’s one of their own, why the rules should be set aside because,
gosh darn it, they are the good guys.
The Rev. Giles isn’t the only hypocrite coming to the aide of this criminal
. George Johnson, president of Buffalo United Front, dismissed the whole
thing saying that “mental lapses happen” and that Ferguson should be let
off because, “things happen.”
Now, as a supporter of the Second Amendment, I see absolutely no reason why
a law-abiding citizen shouldn’t be allowed to carry his legally carried
weapon into a school. In fact, I encourage it to serve as a way to prevent
mass shootings in areas that are usually deemed an absurd “gun free zone”
where murderers can roam hallways killing indiscriminately and without worry
of being opposed.
Further, I am sure that Ferguson did nothing wrong in essence. However, he
did violate ethics and morals, not to mention hypocritically violating the
very law he pushed so hard to have enacted. By being an anti-gun activist
who carries a gun is hypocrisy in and of itself.
The full weight of the law should come down on this creep’s head. If he is
cut a break even in the smallest of ways, it will prove that the “law” is
not the rule. It will show that anti-gun nuts will be given breaks while
Second Amendment supporters will be unfairly prosecuted.
Dwayne Ferguson must be sentenced to the maximum jail time… or the law
should be vacated for everyone.
发帖数: 29846
左逼们还说别人虚伪. 我可要笑坏了.
发帖数: 1551
玩政治的都是如此: 又当婊子又立贞洁牌坊。
1 (共1页)
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话题: he话题: gun话题: ferguson话题: anti话题: school