l******l 发帖数: 2679 | 5 呵呵,不是害羞,其实俺脸皮不薄,只是俺去Gym时,就是公事公办,从来不想勾引良
俺还远不到这个程度,看到美女,俺还是很欣赏和动心的。不信,这里哪位美女奔一下? |
l******l 发帖数: 2679 | 6 呵呵,我的答案是一样啊。主要取决与相互信任程度。和其他人聊聊天应没关系。 |
C*********g 发帖数: 110 | 7 嗯,别吓我哦,你是真美女,我很少健身,哪敢在此现丑。
刚测了下,BMI是19.98,对我不活动的人说,是好还是坏? |
C***1 发帖数: 2264 | 8 BMI小于20好象是偏低了一些,不过还是正常范围。我们这里更看重体脂(BF)百分比
而不是BMI。 |
C*********g 发帖数: 110 | 10 我用CALIPER测了triceps,suprailiac,umbilicus及thigh,输入数据得出bodyfat是
的话)看上去柔美,现在发现这种想法特落伍。 |
h********1 发帖数: 1061 | 11 你的BF已经粉好粉好了,属于既lean又有手感的那种。 |
l******g 发帖数: 6 | 14 hoho,搞错了,以为你在说人家的boyfriend手感好,lean........ |
h********1 发帖数: 1061 | 15 在举版和飞板,BF当然代表体脂了,这个和家版和老虎版截然不同的。 |
C*********g 发帖数: 110 | 16 我用的是简易caliper,稍稍观察后发现有个指针可以拨拉定位,早上读的数据不是指
MM的的身材真好,线条匀称。 |
h********1 发帖数: 1061 | 20 14.35已经很低了,个人觉得稍微高点比较合适,比如16左右。当然青菜萝卜各有所爱
了。 |
h********1 发帖数: 1061 | 22 那个anywhere 12%,岂不是更低?还有个ID,我忘了,就是那个带拳击手套奔的那个mm
,好像是11.x% |
G***a 发帖数: 27294 | 23 哈哈,我还22%呢
mm |
C*********g 发帖数: 110 | 24 奔一个,一是因好朋友寇寇,二是因版主的要求,大家多多批评砸砖,我是大懒猫,需
holdonpls1MM,你能大概目测BF吗?我觉得这个结果是有点低。 |
h********1 发帖数: 1061 | 26 很fit,很养眼啊。
掉,露出腹部,就更好估测一下,因为女生很多的肉肉都在肚肚上吧。 |
h********1 发帖数: 1061 | 28 你难道不应该附和着建议下,下面应该穿条运动短裤而不是长裤吗? |
l******l 发帖数: 2679 | 30 Looks nice. But body fat can not be as low as you measured.
Just look the arm and shoulder, you BF is greater than 20%.
For a female, one simple rule is, if your body fat is below 16%, you
should be able to see a clear definition of ab muscles. Even without
looking at your abs, I doubt you have reached to that level yet.
Measuring BF requires delicate skill, experience and touch, the reading is
highly unreliable. That is why I use my eyes. |
l******l 发帖数: 2679 | 31 I highly doubt it. Show a clear 6 packs, then I'll reconsider.
mm |
G***a 发帖数: 27294 | 32 教练去fitness给我目测一个?
谢谢。。。。 |
h********1 发帖数: 1061 | 33 “Just look the arm and shoulder, you BF is greater than 20%.” seriously?? |
C*********g 发帖数: 110 | 34 肚子处一抓,确实有一大把肥肉,养了俩孩子(都是可以打酱油的岁数),收不回来了
命收腹,哈哈。 |
h********1 发帖数: 1061 | 35 female is hard to show 6 packs, unless her bf is below 10% and has very
strong abs. |
h********1 发帖数: 1061 | 36 2年前,在有了2个娃的情况下,有这样的身材,已经是辣妈身材了,很赞啊! |
G***a 发帖数: 27294 | 37 我说句话姐姐不要不高兴。:)
身材很完美,唯一缺点是胸部下垂。还是买个push up bra
不过对于已经哺乳的妇女是很正常的 |
l******l 发帖数: 2679 | 38 Yours is more around the ball park.
Saw your new photos. The abs looks much improved. Can see a clear hint of
some ab muscles. Good job!
Arms and legs can still use some toning. Then, you'll look more stunning.
You need to do a little more weight training to boost your metabolism with
the fixed calories intake. Then, more fat will melt. |
l******l 发帖数: 2679 | 39 No, to show clear abs, men need to get down to 10%, female 16%.
The reason? female needs to distribute fat to other vital areas for
reproductive purpose, areas like buttock, breast, etc. |
l******l 发帖数: 2679 | 40 Side view looks better, nice curve around breast and waist.
Arm looks nice too. Weight seems normal, just needs to engage some
exercises to tone up a little. |
C*********g 发帖数: 110 | 41 我很少去GYM,只靠原先的本钱,现在剩一身松松垮垮的了。
谢谢屠龙公主的建议,雄兆的带子好好调整就会好多。 |
l******l 发帖数: 2679 | 43 Remember the BF% definition? It is not just thin. It has something to do
with lean mass as well. If you don't have much muscles, your lean mass is
light which affects BF%.
? |
C*********g 发帖数: 110 | 45 谢谢你的建议,I know you have sharp eyes. |
C***1 发帖数: 2264 | 46 秋援MM很FIT阿,不过BF不会那么低把,我BF好象都没低过21%过,我女儿也是。 |
C***1 发帖数: 2264 | 47 错过了,可不可以再贴一次?E给我也行。教练的眼比较毒,他眼测BF比仪器准,听他
的没错。 |
h********1 发帖数: 1061 | 48 哈哈,我要是那么低,我就去死吧。我一个多月前测的是16.7%,现在可能稍微低一点
点。 |
p*******8 发帖数: 405 | 50 教练也在fitness帮我测一个吧!
我在家里测是29%,在gym里面测是24%。不知道该信哪个的,虽然哪个都很大。 |