l*****y 发帖数: 5737 | 1 刚从黄石和提顿玩回来,一共玩了四整天,还算宽裕,推荐一下路线,对于时间比较紧
Day 1
6AM 出发,走I-15--US89,经过Bear Lake,Jackson,到达Grand Teton,加上休息共6
小时。不走Bear lake快半小时。
12PM 进入Grand Teton,游西线,重点是Jenny Lake坐船,湖对岸Hidden Falls
4PM左右 离开Teton,去黄石,南门进入,走8字右下部分,重点玩West Thumb。
7PM 到达Lake Village,住宿Lake Lodge小木屋,晚饭后趁黄昏去Hayden Valley看动
9PM 天黑前回到Lake Village,湖边看日落。
Day 2
8AM 出发,路过Fishing Bridge visitor center, Mud Volcano和Hayden Valley稍作
停留,奔赴Canyon Village。先去South Rim Drive,走Uncle Tom's trail看... 阅读全帖 |
s****y 发帖数: 18685 | 2 貌似中国旅客素质也提升了。不再只懂大城市+赌场。开始享受自然风光了。
“We just got word that it increased about 53 percent, and so we’re seeing
a lot of Chinese visitors coming into the market,”
SALT LAKE CITY – Utah has proven to be a popular tourism destination for
visitors from around the world, particularly with travelers coming from
China, and the state’s tourism office is doing what they can to keep
visitors coming.
The Utah Office of Tourism, Film and Global B... 阅读全帖 |
c*h 发帖数: 33018 | 3 【 以下文字转载自 Reunion 讨论区 】
发信人: tchs (P2PRemote.com带遥控无月费的中文电视), 信区: Reunion
标 题: B2签证常见问题(!!!签证预约需先填表缴费!!!)
关键字: B2签证 FAQ
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 5 10:38:21 2010, 美东)
何法律责任。有问题和建议欢迎回帖指正。最新修改: 8/23/2012
2012/7/16 最近签证预约的时候开始要求160确认号码。
2012/7 网友反映预约的时候被告知有个‘入馆函’,会发给160填的email。但还没见
2012/4... 阅读全帖 |
c*h 发帖数: 33018 | 4 【 以下文字转载自 Reunion 讨论区 】
发信人: tchs (P2PRemote.com带遥控无月费的中文电视), 信区: Reunion
标 题: B2签证常见问题(!!!签证预约需先填表缴费!!!)
关键字: B2签证 FAQ
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 5 10:38:21 2010, 美东)
何法律责任。有问题和建议欢迎回帖指正。最新修改: 9/25/2012
2012/7/16 最近签证预约的时候开始要求160确认号码。
2012/7 网友反映预约的时候被告知有个‘入馆函’,会发给160填的email。但还没见
2012/4... 阅读全帖 |
y**********g 发帖数: 380 | 5 May 20 上午先在Madison Junction附近看野牛,然后沿firehole canyon drive 开车
看了firehole falls,接着是Lower Geyser Basin区,天上下起了小雨,也比较冷,整
个区域雾蒙蒙的,大约1个小时逛完。再南下是Midway Geyser Basin,这里有著名的
Grand prismatic Spring, 只可惜雨一直下,而且这里雾气更大,都没有看清。 Upper
Geyser Basin由于需要维修,关闭了。于是又往南看了看Black Sand Basin。到达Old
Faithful area时已经11点半,由于下一次喷发是12点20,我们干脆就在visit center
里等了,众多Geyser的喷发时间可以在visitor center里查到。值得说明的是那个大的
new visitor center 是close的,运营的visitor center是个小木屋,在几个圆顶的帐
篷旁边,如果你正对着old faithful的看台,visitor center 在你背后不到100米的地
方。看完old faith |
c*******n 发帖数: 477 | 6 从LAKE LOUISE开车南下到BANFF TOWN, 一个小时. 没想到的是, BANFF TOWN是个很不
错的小镇. 店面多, 物品丰富,干净整齐, 非常NICE. 经过BANFF AVE那条主街, 看到
VISITOR CENTER, 就进去问了一下, 大致订了游玩的线路. 从VISITOR CENTER出来, 往
南过一座大石头桥, 左转沿着河HIKE大约1.5公里, 就看到了BOW RIVER 的BOW FALLS.
BOW RIVER的另一边是 FAIRMONT BANFF SPRINGS, 那个古老, 壮观, 完全用砖头堆砌出
来的HOTEL. 出了HOTEL, 在回BANFF AVE取车的路上, 第一次遇到一只在路边吃草的鹿.
回到车里, 我们就开去CASCADE GARDEN. 这个花园VISITOR CENTER的人没有提, 我们原
本就想路过看一下, 由于当时下着中雨, 我们打算把车停在GARDEN的停车场, 吃了自备
的SANDWICH就走, 可进入了GARDEN才发现, 这个花园很美, 之所以叫CASCADE大概是因
为它的设计是一层层叠加上... 阅读全帖 |
f******g 发帖数: 1697 | 7 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
caltrain (加州铁路) 于 (Sun May 2 23:25:32 2010, 美东) 提到:
事先了解这里有Tour Bus,可四月中旬的黄石小镇一片冷清,虽然天空晴朗,却看不到
推开Visitor Center的大门,里面的摆设颇有些林中猎户风格,迎面是一头野牛仿真半
说我压根就不会开车,... 阅读全帖 |
n**********1 发帖数: 206 | 8 经历Alaska,发现了我是一个渺小的“人”。
Alaska 是一个政治争议很大的州, 主要关于石油开发和野生物保护。 人类贪婪。 在
Alaska 应该属于Wilderness, 不是Civilization。
如果要开Dalton Highway, Fairbanks 的Visitor Center一定要去,能拿到关于路况
,住宿的信息。 Deadhorse 在Dalton Highway 388 Miles。 从Fairbanks要上Dalton
Highway要先走Elliott Highway 100多Miles。 大部分租车公司把Elliott Highway
列为Off Limit ( 踏上了这些Highways一步, 你保险关于租车(车体)那部分也就无
车上除了一个Donut,没有其他备胎。 那种Donut一般正常路况可以开50Miles, 在
Dalton上爆胎,估计我就没有办法了。更倒霉... 阅读全帖 |
N**********0 发帖数: 44 | 9 第四天:Miami Beach
上午我们先去了位于Key Biscayne的Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park,这个公园
的,Cape Florida Lighthouse。下午驱车前往Miami Beach的路上先去豪宅区Star
Island开了一圈,之后就在South Pointe Park,Ocean Drive和Lummus Park闲逛。
感受:这天的安排有点失策,我们没必要去Cape Florida State Park,应该把更多的
时间留给Miami Beach。去了Miami beach之后才知道什么才是真正的beach,虽然这里
的沙子可能不如Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park和Bahia Honda State Park的细
软,但是它大片的海滩,以及跟Oce... 阅读全帖 |
N**********0 发帖数: 44 | 10 第四天:Miami Beach
上午我们先去了位于Key Biscayne的Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park,这个公园
的,Cape Florida Lighthouse。下午驱车前往Miami Beach的路上先去豪宅区Star
Island开了一圈,之后就在South Pointe Park,Ocean Drive和Lummus Park闲逛。
感受:这天的安排有点失策,我们没必要去Cape Florida State Park,应该把更多的
时间留给Miami Beach。去了Miami beach之后才知道什么才是真正的beach,虽然这里
的沙子可能不如Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park和Bahia Honda State Park的细
软,但是它大片的海滩,以及跟Oce... 阅读全帖 |
s******x 发帖数: 15232 | 11 非移民都属于visitor
另外,我一直以为只会有人把visitor理解成根正苗红的visitor visa b2 only,其他
现在开眼界了..... |
a**********t 发帖数: 9684 | 12 想利用休假去加拿大玩一圈顺便弄个H1B一年多次往返的stamp回来,上次去加拿大是两
于签证种类)。如果我先预约,在出访目的栏里填了Visitor,再去申请Visitor Visa
,有关系吗?还是应该保险起见先申请加拿大Visitor Visa再预约?后者我怕时间紧张
,护照一来一回的;直接填Visitor,visa还没到手,会不会被当作虚假信息? |
t*******1 发帖数: 135 | 13 【 以下文字转载自 PhotoGear 讨论区 】
发信人: travis321 (travis), 信区: PhotoGear
标 题: 【NPS活动】用26个NP为活动收个尾吧
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 9 13:47:48 2012, 美东)
Gforce的帖子又激起了我那份对national park的热情。所以我也想来分享一下这些年
看到的美丽的自然风光。另外,对于hiking trail比较多的NP,我也会放一些自己推荐
1. Crater Lake National Park (Oregon)
Crater Lake有着最让人心醉的深蓝色。它的神奇在于而且每天不同时段不同角度欣赏
的Crater Lake有着完全不同的景色。第一天到Crater Lake的时候是下午4点,第一眼
看见这平静的湖面就惊呆了,她像一... 阅读全帖 |
d****r 发帖数: 911 | 14 我和朋友在everglades玩了两天。park有上下两条贯穿公园东西的路。我们各花了
一天的时间开车穿了这两条路。都是从东边的visitor center出发朝西开,沿途每隔几
everglades是非常多元化的。走走这些trail也是在visitor center取的观光地图上推
上带着游客骑车或是走路看夜晚的自然景色;还有就是在shark valley visitor
center的2小时的tram tour了,也能租bike自己那条trail观光。公园在靠西边的一些
最... 阅读全帖 |
l****i 发帖数: 473 | 15 领导的文笔是在太好了。共享一下,看看有没有共鸣。
这是黄石大提顿之旅的Day 4。
爸爸早在这次出行前就打出了Yellowstone Junior Ranger的问卷,为了让姐姐可以拿
到黄石Junior Ranger的袖徽。这个袖徽是用钱买不到的,可以说泥足珍贵,要求5-11
提问,回答问题通过,才有资格成为一个Junior Ranger,然后还要举手宣誓:As a
Junior Ranger I promise to learn all I can about Yellowstone and to teach
others to love and respect its beauty its plants and its animals.现在时机到
一大早起来我们要在9点前赶到Fishing Bridge Visitor Center 参加Ranger-Led
program:Experience Wildlife。这个Visitor Center里有很多动物标... 阅读全帖 |
o*******y 发帖数: 1498 | 16 Day 2, 热浪滚滚的死谷
由于时差原因,早上5点多就自然醒了,慢条斯理地洗漱后,6点多去吃Holiday Inn
相... 阅读全帖 |
d*********n 发帖数: 439 | 17 (五)
Olympic national park
一大早从Tacoma沿16号路开往Olympic national park的北边,经过Seqium和Port
Angeles,直奔hurricane ridge,总共两个半小时。到的停车场的时候不到9点,基本
没什么人。停车场/visitor center的风景其实就很无敌了,群山离得很近虽然有一点
不慢的上了三脚架。然后咨询了一下visitor center(9点开门)的工作人员,听说
Hurricane Hill那个trail看到的风景和High Ridge trail差不多,只是海拔高一点,
就放弃了Hurricane Hill。背上三脚架相机就出发了,先从停车场西边的trail head走
了Cirque Rim Trail,快到停车场东头的时候直接往北走的High Ridge Trail,看了
sunrise point。整个trail风景开阔,基本都是沿着山脊走的。Sunrise point可以隐
约看到海对岸的加拿大的Victoria。tra... 阅读全帖 |
a***d 发帖数: 1347 | 18 大沼泽国家公园, Shark Valley Visitor Center: 36000 SW 8th St, Miami, FL, (
305) 221-8776,
Tram Tours -- At the park's Shark Valley entrance, open-air tram buses take
visitors on 2-hour naturalist-led tours that delve 7 1/2 miles into the
wilderness and are the best quick introduction you can get to the Everglades
. At the trail's midsection, passengers can disembark and climb a 65-foot
observation tower with good views of the 'Glades (though the tower on the Pa
-hay-okee Trail is better). Visitors will... 阅读全帖 |
s***4 发帖数: 154 | 19 准备此次夏威夷大岛出行,主要参考了本版栗子大侠的游记http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Travel/31851127.html, 以及其游记中推荐的网站http://www.lovebigisland.com/
吃饭推荐:Waikoloa: island gourmet market
Kona: Teshima Restaurant
购物推荐:Hilo farmers market,周三、周六大集。平时小集,也有不少好东西。
www.hilofarmersmarke... 阅读全帖 |
l**a 发帖数: 5175 | 21 Her struggles with illness and death are believed to have affected his
poetry and prose, where dying young women appear as a frequent motif, as in
"Annabel Lee", "The Raven", and "Ligeia".
Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe (née Clemm; August 15, 1822 – January 30, 1847)
was the wife of American writer Edgar Allan Poe. The couple were first
cousins and married when Virginia Clemm was 13 and Poe was 27. Some
biographers have suggested that the couple's ... 阅读全帖 |
wh 发帖数: 141625 | 22 楼下搬中英文两则新闻和图片视频,你们怎么看?
血、打架等天性,又要记... 阅读全帖 |
h****o 发帖数: 2836 | 23 google 啦
好象资料来源是UK,uninted kingdom 吧
ICUs vary in terms of their visiting policies. In the UK many have 'open
visiting', so visitors can spend as much time as they want with the patient.
Some ICUs close for a couple of hours in the afternoon. Others have
restricted visiting, where the ICU is closed to visitors at specific times
during the day and at night. Usually, only two visitors are allowed at the
bedside at an... 阅读全帖 |
s******e 发帖数: 16668 | 24 【 以下文字转载自 WashingtonDC 讨论区 】
发信人: cwh (妇女主任), 信区: WashingtonDC
标 题: B2签证常见问题(!!!签证预约需先填表缴费!!!) (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 26 14:30:13 2012, 美东)
发信人: tchs (P2PRemote.com带遥控无月费的中文电视), 信区: Reunion
标 题: B2签证常见问题(!!!签证预约需先填表缴费!!!)
关键字: B2签证 FAQ
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 5 10:38:21 2010, 美东)
何法律责任。有问题和建议欢迎回帖指正。最新修改: 9/25/2012
*近几年签证过程变化很多,网上(... 阅读全帖 |
s**********i 发帖数: 711 | 25 do you live in an Utopia or what?
in our practical world, web developer/designers care more whether
their web pages work rather than what are the standards. and,
there's not a single browser which is wholy compliant to the
standards anyway.
the way works for your visitors is the way should be. period.
any page that require its visitor to upgrade is a bad page.
it's like saying customers is the God, visitors is the God
to web designers. and even your visitors are kind enough
agreed to download |
m*********y 发帖数: 389 | 26 Here are some questions I copied from online.. Obviously LouZhu is a lazy
ass... these questions are everywhere... :-)
SQL Interview questions
Below is a list of questions in this blog post so you can test your
knowledge without saying answers. If you would like to see questions and
answers please scrool down.
Question: What type of joins have you used?
Question: How can you combine two tables/views together? For instance one
table contains 100 rows and the other one contains 200 rows, have exac... 阅读全帖 |
t*****r 发帖数: 1765 | 27 (纽约州),这就是你在
Verification of Academic Record
CGFNS P.O. Box 8628,Philadelphia PA 19104-8628 USA Telephone(215)349-8767
Fax(215)349-0026 Email:e****[email protected]
Applicant Name:____1____ Date of Birth:______2_______
Type of Program:______3___ Years of Education Required for Admission:______4
Name of Degree/Diploma Awarded:________________5____________________________
(Please print title of degree/diploma in native lang... 阅读全帖 |
j*****l 发帖数: 73 | 28 数据:
State: 1 = iowa
2 = colorado
3 = california
4 = washington
5 = new york
Attraction type:
1 = park
2 = zoo
3 = cave
4 = montain
5 = museum
6 = recreation park
11 = others
payment: 0 = visitor has not to pay
1 = visitor has to pay
visitor: number of paying visitor in 2008
1. We restrict the dataframe to attraction (5, 7, 8, 10). In |
h*****o 发帖数: 1476 | 29 【 以下文字转载自 DC 俱乐部 】
发信人: hello6000 (hello), 信区: DC
标 题: 1楼 周日6.26 Hiking-Cash Lake. Everything is done!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 9 19:21:39 2011, 美东)
EXCEPT 最后聚餐的饭馆。不着急的,呵呵。
细节如下!首先感谢HONEY,XIAOCHUANG, ICQ, 他们是这次活动的实际的发起者,操作者!
名字:Patuxent NWR Cash Lake Loop: Laurel, MD 2 - 4 miles
地图GOOGLE:Cash Lake 或地址 10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop, Laurel, MD 20708
建筑 National Wildlife Visitor Center
Trailhead: From the Baltimore Washington Pa... 阅读全帖 |
y*j 发帖数: 394 | 30 挖猪老弟艺术全才从舞台到平面,还有厨艺吧?户外活动我来搭把手顶一顶,不管定在那天,这个计划如何?
Vienna Metro station: 8:15am
Rockville: 8am
10:30am: 到达 Big Meadows Parking Lot (Byrd Visitor Center: Milepost 51) GPS
coordinate: 38.51810, -078.43655
自由分组结伴去 Lewis Spring Falls, 沿着Lewis Spring Falls Trail-蓝色小路走0
.5mile下山路, 瀑布上面有观景台,也可以走到下面看。然后蓝色小路继续走1.5mile
老弱病残组:直接开车去Amphitheater Picnic Ground, GPS 38.5306, -78.4404, 准
晚到的也直接去picnic ground。
12-1:30pm: Lewis Spring Falls Trail-蓝色小路尽头Amphitheater Picnic Groun... 阅读全帖 |
i***s 发帖数: 39120 | 31 乔布斯和妻子
Over the last few months, a steady stream of visitors to Palo Alto, Calif., called an old friend’s home number and asked if he was well enough to entertain visitors, perhaps for the last time。
In February, Steven P. Jobs had learned that, after years of fighting cancer, his time was becoming shorter. He quietly told a few acquaintances, and they, in turn, whispered to others. And so a pilgrimage began. The calls trickled in ... 阅读全帖 |
j****e 发帖数: 12067 | 32 好像美国人知道这首诗的不少
The Raven
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door —
Only this, and nothing more."
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying... 阅读全帖 |
R*****d 发帖数: 1148 | 33 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
joycee (买买提头号女魔头) 于 (Thu Nov 4 16:12:59 2010, 美东) 提到:
此外阿加沙.克里斯帝大家感觉如何? 为何要把伯罗设定为比利时人?
zhangrenjunz (正人君子) 于 (Thu Nov 4 16:15:25 2010, 美东) 提到:
StationCC (Test) 于 (Thu Nov 4 16:16:47 2010, 美东) 提到:
joycee (买买提头号女魔头) 于 (Thu Nov 4 16:17:16 2010, 美东) 提到:
☆──... 阅读全帖 |
l*w 发帖数: 3758 | 34 纽约时报的报道算不算啊。
Marx's House Is the Mecca of the Chinese Tourist Class
TRIER, Germany, April 21 — Karl Marx's birthplace is a stately three-story
house that has been a fixture of this ancient town on the Mosel River since
it was built in 1727. What is changing are the large groups that visit almos
t every day from China, one of the few countries in the world still under th
e control of something calling itself a Communist Party.
Chinese tou... 阅读全帖 |
H1 发帖数: 565 | 35 Record Attendance at China's Earthquake Simulator Museum PDF Print
by Tom McGregor Fri, Mar 18, 2011, 08:23 PM
BEIJING: In a case of morbid curiosity, a museum in China that offers an
earthquake simulator and disaster survival advice has recently enjoyed a
flood of visitors after a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Northeast
Japan about a week ago. The earth-shattering museum is located in Beijing.
The China Daily reports that, “staff at the China Fire Museum in Xi... 阅读全帖 |
j****e 发帖数: 911 | 36 南华早报alex lo的评论,希望香港的媒体多点类似的理性评论,而不是如某些才子
在公共场合解决nature call? 苛责一个二岁幼童并无限扩大化,好似文革般上纲上线
了。。。 ... 阅读全帖 |
S*********n 发帖数: 3939 | 37 英中双语版
For your Chinese Family/Friends/Colleagues with U.S. Visas: Electronic Visa
Update System (EVUS)
[email protected]/* */
Today, 8:59 PM
Getting too much email from [email protected]/* */? You can
Message to U.S. Citizens
Beginning November 29, 2016, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will require People’s Republic of China
Passport holders who have 10-year tourist and business visas to i... 阅读全帖 |
W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 38 现在加州查的太严。塞班岛是个好空子。估计以后还会有关岛,维尔京群岛,波多黎各
The Island Where Chinese Mothers Deliver American Babies
Women looking to give birth to U.S. citizens have found a loophole in the
Pacific: Saipan
SAIPAN, Northern Mariana Islands—This U.S. territory in the western Pacific
is known for its epic World War II battle, white-sand beaches and the
enduring culture of its indigenous Chamorro people.
But for a certain class of Chinese parents, Saipan has become known as the
latest hot spot f... 阅读全帖 |
n********g 发帖数: 6504 | 39 一般而言大陆飞过来蓝皮绿卡这一边比visitor那边人多慢几倍。所以偶尔会被分流到
除了一次从韩国飞过来。visitor那边是蓝皮绿卡这边的几倍。 |
t***s 发帖数: 4666 | 40 对,我们一家人因为要待在一起都被赶到visitor那边了。分流的地方的标准都改了,
明确写了visitor and permanent resident 走一边。不过因为citizen那边人少,最后
网上的说法是分流依据是是否要打指纹,绿卡和visitor 都要打指纹,见官以前有很多
机器自助打指纹。加拿大公民因为不打指纹据说会被赶去citizen那边 |
w********2 发帖数: 632 | 41 McKinley Conway, 1920-2011:
Last Flight Home in a Landmark Life
McKinley Conway
his Mac Conway fellow, you might be wondering, now just who was he again?
Yeah, he's the guy who started Site Selection 'n all, but did he ever do
anything else? I'm kinda in a hurry here, pal. So just tell me who this dude
was like.
Oh, hell, Mac Conway wasn't like anybody. He never followed anyone's
footsteps; he couldn't really. He was too restless a spirit, too hell-bent
on slashing ... 阅读全帖 |
a*****1 发帖数: 3817 | 42 ttps://e.vnexpress.net/news/news/vietnamese-american-visitor-confirmed-7th-
Vietnamese-American visitor confirmed 7th nCoV infection in Vietnam
By Le Phuong - Le Nga
Sun 2/2/2020, 11:22 am (GMT+7)
A Vietnamese-American quarantined in Saigon has tested positive for the new,
China-originated coronavirus, bringing the number of confirmed infections
to seven in Vietnam.
Vietnamese-American visitor confirmed 7th nCoV infection in Vietnam
A medical staff examines... 阅读全帖 |
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 43 hei...
The San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau and several hotels report
receiving e-mails and letters from Arizona visitors saying they intend to
change their plans to travel here in light of local outcry over their home
state’s anti-illegal-immigration stance.
Still struggling from the prolonged economic downturn, San Diego’s visitor
industry can ill afford to lose any of the 2 million Arizonans it counts on
annually, said ConVis President Joe Terzi.
http://www.signonsandiego.com/n |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 44 By EDWARD WONG
YAN’AN, China — The explosives had been set, the watchtower manned and
the dirt battlefield cleared of rubble. Communist soldiers armed with
rifles took up positions at the foot of the barren hills. Their foes, the
Kuomintang, loomed in the distance, advancing on the garrison town of Yan’
Then someone yelled, “There’s no electricity!”
No electricity meant no show.
Hu... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 45 https://www.judicialwatch.org/corrupt-politicians-lists/washingtons-ten-most
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes
government corruption, today released its 2011 list of Washington’s “Ten
Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.” The list, in alphabetical order, includes:
Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL)
Former Senator John Ensign (R-NV)
Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL)
Attorney General Eric Holder
Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)
President Ba... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 46 July 4, 2012 Posted by Charlie Quidnunc
As the NY Times reports, the leader of the file sharing service was arrested
in a flurry of heavy publicity last month:
Mr. Dotcom — born Kim Schmitz and also known as Kimble and Kim Tim Jim
Vestor — and three others connected with Megaupload were arrested in
connection with U.S. indictments on charges involving copyright infringement
and money laundering. At the time, the U.S. Department of Justice said that
in all, seven people had been arrested aro... 阅读全帖 |
w*****s 发帖数: 2896 | 47 No national parks. No Smithsonian. (And no Panda Cam.) No new applications
for social security, no tax audits, no way to check that the employee you
want to hire is a citizen.
The government officially shut down at midnight Oct. 1. Hundreds of
thousands of federal workers were furloughed, and some of the D.C.-based
services tourists and locals alike rely on will be closed.
Here’s a list of what you likely can and can’t do during a government
shutdown. We’ll be adding to the list; if you know of ... 阅读全帖 |
g********2 发帖数: 6571 | 48 July 28, 2016
Creeping Sharia in Health Care
By Carol Brown
Islamic supremacy is arriving in medical settings using stealth means, or
what is often referred to as creeping sharia. Common themes include Muslim
health care workers refusing to uphold infection control protocols, Muslim
medical students refusing to study topics they deem forbidden according to
Islamic law, Muslim visitors in hospitals ignoring hygiene guidelines to
protect patients, and hospitals bending over backwards (or is it for... 阅读全帖 |
M******e 发帖数: 1193 | 49 明明应该先回复我吧,总有个先来后到的吧……
You may apply for a B-1 visitor visa to work in the United States as a
personal or domestic employee for your employer in limited situations. You
may work in the United States on a visitor visa if your employer is:
A U.S. citizen who has a permanent home or is stationed in a foreign country
, but is visiting or is assigned to the United States temporarily; or
A ... 阅读全帖 |