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发帖数: 1
Spoiler alert: 中或输
2018 (March onward) – America and China initiate a series of tit-for-tat
trade restrictions and tariffs, gradually resulting in economic losses and
stock market drops totaling in the hundreds of billions
Mid-2019 – Somewhat overdue, the next global recession begins, mostly due
to bad debts and a round of mass layoffs originating in the Chinese economy.
Stock market crashes and so... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
来自主题: Military版 - “national
A senior Trump administration delegation is heading to China next week to
discuss a possible deal to avert a trade war, but Beijing still refuses to
address the real problems in the U.S.-China economic relationship. The
Chinese plan is to offer the Americans flimsy, short-term concessions that
will tempt President Trump to declare victory before the fight begins. He
must not fall into the trap.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/china-is-trying-to-lure-trump-into-a-bad-deal-o... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 川普与中国的贸易现在结束了
徒劳之举。 他现在同意撤销关税威胁,以换取中国的同等对待,加上让中国购买更多
的美国农产品和液化天然气的承诺。 事实上,这些美国的销售并不能减少美国与中国
贸易市场。而中国把汽车关税从25%降低到15%, 因为无法改变外国汽车公司利用中国
现出有意对眼看奄奄一息的中国通讯公司中兴七年制裁处罚上撤... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
足球运动完全没有正确的踢法,也没有可以遵循的成功路线。 足球需要运动员能够在
Why China doesn’t dominate soccer
By Stefan Szymanski
June 18 at 3:18 PM
The most populous nation on Earth is not playing in the 2018 World Cup.
Soccer is China’s most popular sport, but its current FIFA world ranking is
No. 75. Wh... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - “Strategic
US Must Hustle On Hypersonics, EW, AI: VCJCS Selva & Work
By SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR. on June 21, 2018 at 3:52 PM
WASHINGTON: China is besting the United States in key military technologies
like hypersonic missiles and electronic warfare, Gen. Paul Selva, vice-
chairman of the Joint Chiefs said today. We can still catch up, he predicted
What about Artificial Intelligence? That’s too close to call, said former
deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work, so we’d better get a move on. Both men
spoke at a C... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Bannon: We're at an economic war with China from CNBC.
Bannon: We're at an economic war with China from CNBC.
Russia is an annoyance. China is our great challenge. Russia's economy is
the size of Texas or New York State? It's got lots of nuclear weapons...but
in today's warfare...nuclear weapons are taking a less important role. Trump
is trying to end the Cold War and the Korean War...and all he is get... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
A New York state judge rebuffed President Trump’s attempt to distance
himself from a lawsuit against his security team on Monday, forcing him to
face claims that they allegedly attacked a group of peaceful Mexican
protesters in 2015.
Bronx Supreme Court Judge Fernando Tapia denied Trump’s motion to dismiss
allegations of assault and battery, destruction of property and negligent
hiring and supervising, saying that a jury could find that Trump “
aut... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1100
White House Braces for GOP Losses and Staff Exodus
White House officials are largely resigned to losing Republican control of
the U.S. House and are bracing for an exodus of staff worried about a
torrent of subpoenas from Democratic congressional investigators.
President Donald Trump’s team still sees a possible path to victory. But
talk of a “red wave” has ceased, advisers inside and outside the White
House said. Trump last utter... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1100
White House Braces for GOP Losses and Staff Exodus
White House officials are largely resigned to losing Republican control of
the U.S. House and are bracing for an exodus of staff worried about a
torrent of subpoenas from Democratic congressional investigators.
President Donald Trump’s team still sees a possible path to victory. But
talk of a “red wave” has ceased, advisers inside and outside the White
House said. Trump last utter... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
What you are seeing is rerun of the Apprenticeship President attempting to
bully china once again before the "Big Meeting" at the G-20. Why would Trump
and his band of midget liberal trade poodles be taking turns at the media
with their hard line poodle yapping at China? Somebody is trying convince
you of something. What could that be? Don't waste your time. China knows
what it's doing. US Soy has 30 days to ship before it starts rotting.
Meanwhile US Soy farmers and Hog farmers are on Trump Wel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1709
来自主题: Military版 - 美国的战争党是如何失去中东的
How the War Party Lost the Middle East
"Assad must go, Obama says."
So read the headline in The Washington Post, Aug. 18, 2011.
The story quoted President Barack Obama directly:
"The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar
al-Assad is standing in their way... the time has come for President Assad
to step aside."
France's Nicolas Sarkozy and Britain's David Camero... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 传金正恩访河内 要搭60小时火车
Kim flies in for summit on Chinese plane, in victory for Xi
air china的标志太扎眼,去越南,三胖不想让越南人看低了
发帖数: 4151
Hong Kongers Break Beijing’s Delusions of Victory
发帖数: 4151
But I spent seven years (2009-2016) working as a foreign editor for the
Global Times and never saw copy filed ahead of time for similar events.
Articles published in China Daily and the Global Times in the run-up to the
election also seemed to anticipate an establishment victory, saying that the
turnout “demonstrated the hope of Hong Kong residents that the chaos will
not continue.” There was little attempt to preemptively discredit the
results or establish a narrative ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4527
President Donald Trump on Sunday extended the national social distancing
guidelines to April 30 in effort to keep the projected coronavirus death
toll in the U.S. from reaching a catastrophic, worst-case scenario.
Trump’s announcement walked back his previous remarks that he wanted the
country to reopen for business by Easter. Public health experts have warned
that loosening restrictions by Easter, on April 12, would result in
unnecessary death and economic damage.
“Nothing would be worse than d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15246
来自主题: Military2版 - 喜剧的加里波第 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: thinknet (我是云), 信区: Military
标 题: 喜剧的加里波第
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 14 11:30:42 2011, 美东)
On the march back, Garibaldi began to consider returning to Dijon in an
attempt to regain control from the Prussians. He felt that attacking at
night would minimize the effect of the Prussians far larger numbers. As the
army headed towards Dijon, they passed through Lantenay... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 58
来自主题: Olympics版 - Racism in Olympic Coverage
Gabby Douglas’ hair, female Chinese athletes as stoic automatons, ‘plastic
Britons,’ and advertisements featuring monkeys on gymnastic apparatus—if
one thing has characterised media coverage of the 2012 Summer Olympics, it’
s rampant racism. While the Olympics are ostensibly an event that brings the
world together, the racism that runs through much of the coverage serves to
underscore the differences between ‘us’ and ‘them,’ whether
commentators are making snide references to African runners or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Gay Mayor Elected in Colorado Town
By Julie Bolcer
Ron Hollandx390 (Victory Fund) | Advocate.com
The small Colorado town of Dillon elected a gay man as mayor Tuesday. First-
term city council member Ron Holland defeated his opponent Don Parsons by a
vote of 90-72.
Holland, a former restaurateur and longtime HIV/AIDS activist, has lived in
Dillon for more than five years with his partner, according to the Gay and
Lesbian Victory Fund. Dillon, with a population of about 800 people, appeals
to skiers on their way to area resorts.
发帖数: 19713
Out Candidates Win Big in Primaries
By Julie Bolcer
Openly LGBT candidates made gains in primary elections across the country
Tuesday, with wins in states including California, Montana and Maine.
According to the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, which supports out candidates
, “Openly LGBT candidates won political races literally from coast to coast
last night, with key wins in California, Montana and Maine. At least 16 of
the Victory Fund’s 21 endorsed candidates on the ballot yesterda
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Gay Houston Mayor Gets High Marks
Posted on Advocate.com September 20, 2010
Gay Houston Mayor Gets High Marks
By Julie Bolcer
A new poll indicates that a solid majority of Houston residents say that
Mayor Annise Parker is doing a “good” or “excellent” job.
The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund reported on the poll from 11 News/KUHF-
Houston Public Radio.
“Fourteen percent of poll respondents rated Parker’s job performance as ‘
excellent,’” reported the Victory Fund’s blog, GayPolitics.com
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Where we go from here?
The march to equality has steps forward and steps backward. Yesterday we saw
some of each. Our fight for equality at the federal level was dealt a
serious setback – but there are paths forward for pro-equality bills and
amendments, and there are new opportunities for progress in states across
the country. If you know anything about HRC, it's that we're fighters. And
fighting tirelessly is exactly what we'll need to do over the next few years.
Since 2006, the U.S. House has been led by committed ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Congresswoman Shot at Public Event
By TERRY TANG and AMANDA LEE MYERS, Associated Press Terry Tang And Amanda
Lee Myers, Associated Press – 10 mins ago
TUCSON, Ariz. – Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head
Saturday when an assailant opened fire outside a grocery store during a
meeting with constituents, killing a 9-year-old boy and a federal judge and
wounding several others in a rampage that rattled the nation.
Giffords was among at least 10 people wounded, and the hospital said her
outlook was "optimistic"... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com June 08, 2011 06:50:00 PM ET
Queens United, Almost, for Marriage Equality
By Julie Bolcer
A substantial contingent of elected officials, labor leaders, and other
advocates hosted a press conference Wednesday to show support for marriage
equality in Queens, N.Y., a borough represented by two undecided state
senators key to passage of the legislation.
The event, which brought together federal, state, and local leaders,
signaled the start of the final, intensified push for ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1822
来自主题: QueerNews版 - gay rights in Hong Kong ( July 2011 )
Jul 15, 2011
In Hong Kong, a quiet advance for gay rights
By Kent Ewing
HONG KONG - While gay activists in this conservative city of 7.1 million
people have for years struggled, mostly in vain, to win equal rights and
legal protections for homosexuals, immigration officials have been quietly
handing out special "relationship visas" for partners of gay professionals
coming from overseas.
The stark contradiction has, of course, met with protests of a double
standard among the local gay comm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
For New York's same-sex couples, the legalization of marriage marks a huge
victory. For some local advocates of the historic legislation, though, the
triumph is bittersweet.
"When the organization was founded, our main goal was marriage equality in
New York state, so [in] that way we can all go home," said Ron Zacchi,
former executive director of Marriage Equality New York, an advocacy
organization. After the legislation was passed in June, Zacchi stepped down
to pursue a master's degree in publ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Same-sex marriage: The tortuous road to the Supreme Court
The Marriage Law Foundation’s William Duncan describes obstacles to U.S.
Supreme Court review of the constitutional claim for same-sex marriage and
explores the implications of the way these cases seem likely to be presented
to the Court.
The following essay for our same-sex marriage symposium is by William Duncan
, the director of the Marriage Law Foundation. He has represented amici in
Perry v. Schwarzenegger and Commonwealth v. U.S. De... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Taking Rick Perry Seriously
Chris Weigant Political Writer and Blogger at ChrisWeigant.com
To most Democrats, Texas Governor Rick Perry's candidacy for the Republican
presidential nomination has so far seemed somewhat of a joke. At least until
now, that is. The Lefty blogosphere has indeed been having a field day ever
since Perry announced, over some of Perry's off-the-cuff comments, both
past and present. Today's news, however, should go a long way towards
forcing Democrats to start taking Perry seriously -- because accor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com October 09, 2011 01:55:00 PM ET
San Diego’s Next Mayor Might Be Gay and Republican
By Diane Anderson-Minshall
Two of the top Republican candidates for mayor of San Diego are openly gay
and voters have barely registered it. According to the Associated Press, the
issue just doesn’t come up at campaign appearances or in local news
coverage. That’s because lesbian district attorney Bonnie Dumanis and gay
city council member Ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Op-ed: It’s Time to Win in Maine
The national campaign director at Freedom to Marry is opposed to voting on
the rights of any minority group. But when it comes to Maine, he explains
why he supports activists’ ballot initiative.
By Marc Solomon, op-ed contributor
As early as 1840, Maine was seen as an electoral bellwether for the country.
“As goes Maine, so goes the nation,” the adage went.
Today, just a short while ago... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 反同领袖之一认输
Chalk up one for marriage equality. David Blankenhorn, the founder of the
Institute for American Values and author of The Future of Marriage,
announced in The New York Times that he now supports same-sex marriage,
calling it “a victory for basic fairness.” It was a surprise move from the
man who opposed marriage equality so much he was one of just a few
witnesses to testify in favor of Proposition 8, the ballot measure that
defined ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Filmmaker Michael Moore joined HuffPost Live Thursday and predicted that the
influence of money in politics would lift Mitt Romney to victory over
President Barack Obama in November.
"Mitt Romney is going to raise more money than Barack Obama. That should
guarantee his victory," Moore told host Josh Zepps. "I think people should
start to practice the words 'President Romney.' To assume that the other
side are just a bunch of ignoramuses who are supported by people who believe
that Adam and Eve r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 昨晚LGBT的十大空前胜利
The Top 10 LGBT Victories From Last Night's Election
By: Daniel Villarreal
Last night's election results resulted in an awe-inspiring and monumentous
night for LGBT rights and candidates. Here's a rundown of all of them in a
handy top 10 list.
1) Despite all the "this is gonna be a close race" hype, Obama was elected
by a large margin consisting primarily of young people, Hispanics, blacks
and women "micro-targeted" by his effective get out the vote effort in
battleground states such a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Gay Lawmaker Becomes Majority Leader of Washington State Senate
Ed Murray was elected Tuesday as majority leader of the Washington State
Senate, making him the second openly gay person in U.S. history to lead a
state senate.
Murray, a Democrat, has been a state senator since 2006 and served 11 years
in the state House of Representatives before that, notes the Victory Fund
blog Gay Politics. He was the lead sponsor of the state’s marriage equality
bill, which passed earlier this year and was affi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5245
Obama: No victory declaration Tuesday
MILWAUKIE, Ore. — Concerned about appearing presumptuous or antagonistic
towards Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama will not declare victory in the
Democratic nomination fight Tuesday in the event he wins enough pledged
delegates to claim a majority.
Rather, he'll tiptoe right up to the line, without explicitly asserting the
发帖数: 462
来自主题: USANews版 - McCain, Obama: Ohio Poll favors GOP
Posted September 12, 2008 9:50 AM
The Swamp
by Mark Silva
We've been saying for some time that all of the national polls in the
presidential contest may be one thing, but the real battle for the White
House will play out in several "battleground'' states where Barack Obama and
John McCain each hope to build their victory in the electoral vote-count.
Like Ohio - a place where victory generally has meant election as president
for some time now. Twenty electoral votes in play.
And the word today fr
发帖数: 704
来自主题: USANews版 - Murtha: Western Pa. Racist
Congressman Says Western Pa is Racist But Obama Should Win
U.S. Rep. John Murtha said his home base of Western Pennsylvania could
reduce Obama's margin of victory by 4 percentage points
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
WASHINGTON -- Democratic Rep. John Murtha said Wednesday his home base of
western Pennsylvania is racist and that could reduce Barack Obama's victory
margin in the state by 4 percentage points.
发帖数: 29846
Al Gore failed to mention President Barack Obama at a campaign rally in
Florida as Democrats extended their new tactic for next month's elections -
ignoring the man who so inspired them in 2008.
Representative Kendrick Meek, the Democratic candidate for the United States
Senate in the November 2nd mid-terms, also neglected to let Mr Obama's name
pass his lips during an appearance with the former vice-president in a union
Instead, the black congr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2406
来自主题: USANews版 - 我预测共和党中期选举小胜
Her victory was a warning to the Repub that they will be abandoned if they
do not move back to conservative value,
setting the tone for the whole Mid-term. In that sense, it was a victory for
the trey conservatives.
发帖数: 29846
American Narcissus
The vanity of Barack Obama
Nov 13, 2010, Vol. 16, No. 10 • By JONATHAN V. LAST
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Fred Barn... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
SYDNEY (AFP) – The Australian Labor Party, which controls the government,
on Saturday suffered a crushing electoral defeat in New South Wales, losing
a state it has ruled for 16 years.
Party officials termed the defeat a "massacre" as outgoing New South Wales
premier Kristina Keneally conceded defeat to the Liberal candidate Barry O'
Farrell after a swing of about 17 percent against t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Bill Sheridan
Our long national nightmare is nearly over.
Following the House's earlier lead, the Senate has passed a bill that
repeals the onerous 1099 reporting requirements outlined in the 2010 health
care reform package. The bill now heads to the White House, where Preisdent
Obama is expected to sign it. In his State of the Union speech in January,
Obama indicated that he would support efforts to repeal the 1099 rules.
Those rules would have forced businesses to report to the IRS every pu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Sep 13 11:56 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) - Republicans have scored an upset victory in a New York City
House race that became a referendum on President Barack Obama's economic
Retired media executive and political novice Bob Turner defeated Democratic
state Assemblyman David Weprin (WEHP'-rihn) in a special election Tuesday to
succeed Rep. Anthony Weiner (WEE'-nur), a seven-term Democrat who resigned
in June after a sexting scandal.
The heavily Democratic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - In the end, tradition trumped rising enthusiasm for a
youthful populist.
Guatemalans have once again elected as their new leader the presidential
candidate who lost the previous election, something they have done since
democracy returned to the Central American country in 1986.
Retired general and former intelligence director Otto Perez Molina of the
conservative Patriotic Party won an easy and early victory on Sunday in a
runoff race against tycoon-turned-political populis... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
posted at 10:50 am on December 7, 2011 by Ed Morrissey
Two years ago, the Obama administration practically staged an airlift of
leading Democratic officials to the UN climate conference in Copenhagen.
Barack Obama himself made an appearance, as did Nancy Pelosi, Hillary
Clinton, and even Republican Senator Jim Inhofe, who went to represent the
AGW skeptics and demand answers to the then-breaking Climategate scandal.
In the end, Obama could only produce a non-binding agreement that even he
didn... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Egypt Court Ends Virginity Tests on Female Detainees
Tuesday, 27 Dec 2011 05:16 PM
The Egyptian woman who brought a case against Egypt's army for conducting "
virginity tests" on her and others hailed a court ruling on Tuesday ordering
the military to stop such actions.
Activists say the verdict is a victory for civilian courts over generals who
took charge when Hosni Mubarak was ousted in February and adds pressure on
the army to hold to account troops who have been rebuked by Egyptians and
maj... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3833
来自主题: USANews版 - Santorum Attacks Romney
Santorum Attacks Romney
By Russell Goldman | ABC News - 4 hrs ago
MANCHESTER, N.H. -Santorum jabbed Romney, portraying him as a coldly
calculating "C.E.O" and not the inspirational leader he said the country
needed. He further slammed Romney, accusing his health care plan of imposing
higher taxes on New Hampshire residents who work in Massachusetts to pay
for the legislation.
"I just don't think it's a skill set for what a president needs. We don't
need a manager," Santorum said at an event host... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Exciting news.
After an almost ten-year struggle involving hundreds of thousands of
mobilized Hoosiers, Indiana can finally enjoy all the benefits of a Right to
Work law.
On Wednesday, the Indiana Senate passed the Right to Work bill to free
nearly 200,000 Hoosiers who have been forced to pay union dues or fees for
the privilege of getting up every day and going to work so they can provide
for their families.
Governor Mitch Daniels signed the bill a few hours later, making Indiana
America's 23rd Right to Work ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Thursday, 08 Mar 2012 04:35 PM
Senate Democrats on Thursday defeated a Republican proposal to give a permit
to the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline in a vote that will give Republicans
more ammunition to criticize President Barack Obama's energy policies on the
campaign trail.
Republicans argue the pipeline, which would ship oil from Canada and
northern U.S. states to Texas, would create jobs and improve energy security
at a time of surging gasoline prices.
Obama put TransCanada's $7 billion proje... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Conservative Models
By John O'Sullivan
March 14, 2012 4:00 A.M.
Where is conservatism heading in the English-speaking world? This question
is currently being answered in the four countries of the Anglosphere —
namely, the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Britain — in four distinctive ways.
I will assume that American readers have a rough grasp of the state of
conservatism in the U.S. as revealed in the Republican primaries. It is
currently — as it has been for many years — a struggle for dominance in
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - An Uncommitted Socialist
François Hollande, the new French president
6 May 2012
The French have just confirmed their political creativity. In other Western
democracies, a presidential election leads to the clear-cut victory of one
candidate over another, along with the endorsement of a more or less
predictable program. Not so in France. On April 22, the elections’ first
round, French voters were free to choose from among ten contenders,
including Trotskyists, radical ecologists, and a representative of America’
s L... 阅读全帖
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