b******i 发帖数: 1183 | 1 不过川普的GROUND GAME据说不到巴马当年的十分之一
t*c 发帖数: 8291 | 5 今天我的同事华人,白人,西裔都一致表示美国已经broken.
虽然我们不在iowa, 我知道谁会被选上了。 |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 7 Independents are turning out in substantial numbers in both the Republican
and Democratic primaries |
c*******o 发帖数: 8869 | 10 查了一下,还真不行,即便是open primary。这不合理,既然是选两个烂苹果,选民应
该有权决定烂的程度。 |
p*****n 发帖数: 3678 | 11 现在看来,确实比较大。
两州的 turnout 都创纪录,说明两党民众都对现状极其不满,而希拉里是代表现状的
一方。 |
m********g 发帖数: 10469 | 12 最有意思的就是黑人票他能拿多少。如果黑人票拿的多,他大选还真有可能翻盘。宾州
费城,OHIO克里夫兰辛辛那提黑人有20%反水,他两个摇摆州就拿下来了。 |
p*****n 发帖数: 3678 | 13 有意思的穆斯林选票,90%的穆斯林投票给奥巴马。
穆斯林的 turnout rate 很高,超过70%以上会出来投票。而且清蒸死总是爱搞 Voter
Drive, 一波一波的鼓动默默们出来投民主党。每次有人到清真寺前抗议,这些幕幕们
据说还以 Voter Drive, 搞出更多的人来投民主党。
这些幕幕们的另一个斗争策略就是拉拢黑人左臂们,如 black lives 等组织。
令人担忧。 |
p*****n 发帖数: 3678 | 14 GOP 的 turnout 创新高,但是猪党那边一点都没有。这是个好兆头。 |
t***h 发帖数: 2924 | 15 今天听广播,加州assembly women参议员冈萨勒斯, 提案修改加州宪法,以后将允许16岁
以上的人在local选举中投票,包括学区选举, community college funding投票等等.
1. 18岁以上的人就很难找来投票,都不知道去哪里了. 16,17岁的都在高中, 可以有
high turnout.
2. 16,17岁vote过的人, 以后就有更大几率一直vote
3. 很多16岁孩子的父母不是公民, 这些孩子是公民,可以替他们父母投票,选择他们想
权,养成投票习惯,以便让西裔尽早完全控制加州政治. 这种法案,一旦通过,就不可能有
西裔夺权, 来势汹汹. |
n******g 发帖数: 17225 | 19 好像Nevada必须注册了共和党才能出席,而不是像SC一样可以随便来。
床铺也能赢。 |
m****g 发帖数: 2215 | 20 http://www.weeklystandard.com/trump-has-won-more-votes-than-rom
Trump Has Won More Votes Than Romney Had At This Point in 2012
Mitt Romney won Nevada's caucus in 2012 with about 50 percent of the vote.
He did so by pulling in roughly 16,000 total votes – roughly the same
number that second-place finisher Marco Rubio pulled in this year. Donald
Trump, by contrast, more than doubled Romney's total, garnering 34,500 votes.
All told, Trump has now won approximately 420,000 votes. After the first
fou... 阅读全帖 |
m****g 发帖数: 2215 | 21 Trump will crush Hillary. |
t***h 发帖数: 2924 | 23 enthusiasm is overwhelming!
than |
x****k 发帖数: 2932 | 24 不一定,trump打击对手都是毫不留情的。这次gop turnout这么大,只要trump能拿到
提名,GE时搞定老妖婆问题不大,如果bloomberg再进场和trump对撕,就徒增变数了。 |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 25 Donald Trump is poised to romp across the South on Super Tuesday, cementing
a hold on the Republican presidential nomination. But it's little-watched
and deeply liberal Massachusetts that's sending shivers down Democrats’
Massachusetts, they fear, is where Trump could chart a course to the White
Story Continued Below
The state — the largest non-Southern prize on the GOP calendar next week —
is packed with the independent, blue-collar voters that will decide key
general election st... 阅读全帖 |
k*********4 发帖数: 1147 | 26 如果奥黑自己再选,这个DNC turnout肯定高。这说明黑人和自己本身是黑人还是
有巨大差别的。 |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 27 Among the block walkers was John McGrath, a high school junior from
Arlington, who had already knocked on 70 doors for Trump that afternoon,
flipping five voters toward Trump from candidates such as Marco Rubio and
even Bernie Sanders, he told me. While he’s not old enough to vote in his
state’s primary on Tuesday—he will turn 18 just before the general
election in November—this isn’t McGrath’s first time going door-to-door
for a candidate. Back in 2014, he knocked on doors for Gov. Greg Abbott,... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 29 就看我们共和党的 turnout ,
我的负面高,但妖婆的负面也绝对不低。 |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 30 Mitt Romney will give a speech on the state of the 2016 presidential race on
Thursday, his office said.
Romney is scheduled to address the Hinckley Institute of Politics Forum at
the University of Utah in Salt Lake City on Thursday morning, according to
an advisory sent to reporters. Utah holds its Republican caucuses on March
22, a day after the last scheduled debate in Salt Lake City announced last
Romney has been outspoken in denouncing front-runner Donald Trump, calling
on him to rele... 阅读全帖 |
s*******1 发帖数: 16479 | 32 他其实对美国的黑人是有罪的。
根本没起到role model的作用,一味纵容犯法的那撮。 |
l**********1 发帖数: 2980 | 35 所以说,穷鬼不能当家,当选前奥黑自己的债务都理不清。当选后正事不会干,只会煽
动种族仇恨。 |
p*****n 发帖数: 3678 | 37 这个白宫的 V5 真无耻,猪党只有两个候选人,共和党有好几个。这样分母一大,当然
每个共和党候选人得票数要少。MN 是个深蓝州,对大选没有决定意义。 |
s*********r 发帖数: 9493 | 38 确实是这么回事。
但是,很可惜,大多数的黑人会继续支持他,会继续保护他的legacy。 |
s*******1 发帖数: 16479 | 39 其实有些黑人真的很善良,干活都不错,至少我觉得和那些黑人共事舒服过和白人,没
那么些弯弯绕,但现在搞得太对立,把这些nice的黑人都给黑了。唉! |
发帖数: 1 | 42 共和党里的明白人。
“I believe that the establishment needs to get over it and just allow the
people to speak, and so far 285 delegates — that’s not a fluke,” Cain, a
retired CEO of Godfather's Pizza and 2012 Republican presidential candidate,
told Fox News on Wednesday morning. “Get over it, Establishment.”
Trump has spurred record turnout in the Republican primary and racked up
wide margins of victory in an array of states. On Tuesday night, speaking
inside a gilded hall at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Flor... 阅读全帖 |
h****g 发帖数: 2216 | 43 现在GOP对Trump的攻击进入无脑模式。都令人看不下去了。我实在看不明白,这些人难
。看看Super Tuesday的turnout就知道怎么回事。Romney居然指责Trump 不smart,他
最后谈一下brokered convention。这是没有可能的。连理论上的可能性都没有。
brokered convention的前提是Trump拿不到足够的选举人票。看看6月7日那些州,基本
上都是winner takes all,而且Trump估计都能赢。算一下有200多票,怎么都凑够了。
把CA这样的州放在最后,本意是降低它的重要性,但是一旦搞成winner takes all,
Trump肯定能在最后一天一锤定音。... 阅读全帖 |
c********e 发帖数: 4283 | 44 那当然,没有墨黑(包括其他族裔里吃福利的)的base,她还混什么。
motivate起来,才能以破纪录的turnout来offset/beat墨黑吃福利的加白左的势力。 |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 46 Several precincts voting in Tuesday night’s GOP and Democratic presidential
primaries in Michigan are running out of ballots due to overwhelming voter
demand, according to multiple reports.
“I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Genessee County Clerk John J.
Gleason of voter traffic in his precinct, according to CNN. |
r******g 发帖数: 4002 | 47 说明一般美国人很愤怒,就看美国人能不能搞得过体制内权贵了。 |
x*******5 发帖数: 1335 | 48 希望是支持trump的人多多参与
. |
E******w 发帖数: 2616 | 49 别自我感觉良好,我觉得很有可能有舞弊行为。那些establishment现在不手段尽出,
以后就晚了。 |
m********g 发帖数: 10469 | 50 上次LA实在是让人吃惊,跟POLL差不少。还有密西西比,今晚结果有待观察,南方州床
铺是大赢,如果这次咬的很紧说明真有问题,快上亿的负面广告 |