j*****y 发帖数: 12 | 1 which section do you need? I have FAR 2008 textbooks, CDS,Passmaster
2007 REG, BEC course textbooks, CDa, Passmaster,
2007 fninal reviews for REG,BEC, FAR
and 2008 FAR final review textbook, CDS, passmaster.
ALL of them are not expired. I only installed in one computer.
Please contact with me.
we can negotiate the price |
j*****y 发帖数: 12 | 2 1,package description:
I have FAR 2008 textbooks, CDS,Passmaster
2007 REG, BEC course textbooks, CDa, Passmaster,
2007 fninal reviews for REG,BEC, FAR
and 2008 FAR final review textbook, CDS, passmaster.
ALL of them are not expired. I only installed in one computer
2,出版商: Becker
3,新旧程度: used
4,交换、出售、求购的价格; $1100
5,邮寄方式 : the purchaser decide and pay the freight
6,买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(required): buy can choose insurance
7,其它补充说明: 书的状况非常好。你拥有这些材料,肯定会第一次通过考试,
9,我的联系方式: 站内联系
10,物品来源 (required): |
y******m 发帖数: 281 | 3 HOUSTON有考CPA的筒子吗?我想交换09年BECKER REGULATION & AUDITING TEXTBOOK(
全套 TEXTBOOK 加课堂笔记。
站短联系. |
k*******6 发帖数: 79 | 4 我看到有人在Craigslist 上卖becker的材料。 有人买过吗?推不推荐买?
他说装不上可以refund, 可是我钱交了他就不理你了那不就亏了呢?
it will be expired on 1st Aug 2011.
the textbooks are copied from the original books.
If you can't finish the setup.I will refund you the money.
The textbooks are copied from the original books,and binded as original ones
.You can find some pictures of the textbooks in attachment,please have a
look.Very good printing.
The software can be install on one computer,it will expire on 1st Aug 2011.
The whole package include |
U*L 发帖数: 1449 | 5 Just finished all 4 parts:
Background: Accounting under in China, work loosely related to Accounting.
Attended Becker live classes 1st half 2009
BEC: Fall 2009, studied textbook 2+, class notes 3+, flash cards 2+;
homework 2+, final exams, passed 90+;
REG: Winter 2009, class notes 2+, flash cards 3+; homework 1+, simulation 1+
, no textbook or final exams, passed 80+;
AUD: Winter 2010, class notes 2+, flash cards 3+; homework 1+, simulation 1+
, no textbook or final exams, passed 80+;
FAR: Apr/ |
n*******8 发帖数: 893 | 6 集中回答几个问题:
第一部分,COURSE CD也就是有人说的DATA CD,两个是一个东西,不同名字。这个非常
DVD都要在安装了COURSE CD的基础上才可以运行(也就是看LECTURE,做练习)。
COURSE CD其实自己本身什么都没有,没有书,没有题,我个人理解它就是一个LICENSE。
-有些同学只要买COURSE CD,我不知道这些同学的具体情况是什么,但是我可以告诉大
家,光买COURSE CD什么都不能干买它干吗呀?也许有的人会说我有2010的DVD,但是我
想告诉你,我已经试过了,2010 和2011的材料是不可以混用的,也就是如果你有2010
或者20... 阅读全帖 |
C****D 发帖数: 36 | 7 有几个问题想要问一下。
看了精华区里面关于becker review的帖子。里面说以下东西是必备的:
4个Section的TextBook, Data CD(在每个Section的Textbook里),
还有最重要的就是Course CD
请问package里面的东西,除了textbook,data cd和 course cd是哪个部分?
另外,CourseCD过期后所有的题和Simulation就不能做了。 请问package里面有这个部
谢谢 |
l********o 发帖数: 32 | 8 I have the following
Including all 4 parts, AUD, REG, BEC, FAR-
2013 Becker Textbook (inlcuding AUD B)
2013 Final Review Textbook
2013 Passmaster MCQS (no simulations included)
2013 Class Questions and Answers
2013 Wiley CPA Textbook
2013 Wiley CPA Testbank
2013 Wiley Focus Notes
All for $40, 站内联系 |
l********o 发帖数: 32 | 9 I have the following
Including all 4 parts, AUD, REG, BEC, FAR-
2013 Becker Textbook (inlcuding AUD B)
2013 Final Review Textbook
2013 Passmaster MCQS (no simulations included)
2013 Class Questions and Answers
2013 Wiley CPA Textbook
2013 Wiley CPA Testbank
2013 Wiley Focus Notes
All for $40 |
s**********l 发帖数: 629 | 10 应观众要求,贴一个我之前准备五月份CSP考试的经过。我知道版上还有很多人去年11
月就通过了course 8了,希望你们也能分享一下your method of studying。
有出来,所以没有办法照section看,只好随便看了。我把所有的textbook reading都
没有多做深入理解。textbooks看完了之后,把soa study notes也看完了,highlight
一个目标,希望能够把第二个read through在去seminar之前完成。这次,我是从study
notes先看起的。因为已经收到了Actex的manual |
Z****S 发帖数: 38 | 11 一个问题是:
准备CAS On-Line exam 1的话,除了
CA1BP CAS Online Course 1 - (CA1) Price includes one attempt at the CA1 exam
. Contact Customer Service to register for the exam.
This online course can be used for exams given through June 15, 2013. $525
CA1CP CAS 1 - Textbook, Course Guide, and SMART Study Aids Package (Sold
only as a supplement to the CAS Online Course 1) $265
CA1RP CAS 1 - Textbook and Course Guide Package (Sold only as a supplement
to the CAS Onli... 阅读全帖 |
c****l 发帖数: 1086 | 12 If I were you I will avoid the science textbooks in chinese at the first
place no matter how much you know about the field. The reason for that is
very obvious, most textbook in Chinese is basicly copy-paste-translation.
The compilers never ever think of the student at entry level who comprise
the majority of the readers.
Conversely, the classic textbooks in English are uausally approachable and
beneficial for either greenhands and masters. They usually take an simple-to
-advanced approach and d... 阅读全帖 |
d****i 发帖数: 2346 | 13 http://www.ucollegetextbooks.com
比较了一下,发现这里的书比其他网站便宜很多,但是看了About us里面说的:
More Information for our books
All the books are 100% BRAND NEW.
Books are printed in English.
The Textbooks are non-US edition, i.e. oversea edition. However, the
CONTENTS are completely the same as in US Edition.
The Textbooks are COPYRIGHTED editions published in the oversea market.
Absolutely NOT PIRATE copies or PHOTOCOPIES.
The Textbooks covers are Paperback (unless specified in item description).
And the Cover Design... 阅读全帖 |
z****e 发帖数: 438 | 14 It depends what you want to get from these textbooks. Undergraduate
textbooks such as Mankiew's are good at laying out big pictures of economics
. Graduate level textbooks focus more on technical stuffs. |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 15 Teaching math concepts boosts student understanding
Elementary students' math skills improve when they learn the concepts behind
a problem before learning the skills needed to solve a problem, according t
o a recent study. Researchers found that 67% of the students in the study wh
o learned concepts first solved more problems with accuracy, compared with 4
4% of students who did not learn concepts first. Chalkbeat/Tennessee (8/13)
Students are more likely to be able to solve math problems if the... 阅读全帖 |
l*****g 发帖数: 49 | 16
For computational geometry:
1. De Berg, van Kreveld, Overmars and Schwarzkopf,
"Computational Geometry, Algorithms and Applications" (1997);
second edition (2000)
(the most recent textbook)
2. Preparata and Shamos,
Computational Geometry, An Introduction (1985)
(the first textbook on the subject, somewhat outdated)
3. Edelsbrunner,
Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry (1987)
(another old and slightly more advanced textbook) |
m*****h 发帖数: 2292 | 17 我说的本来就和中大没关系
当然写textbook是很花时间很花精力的,我从回这个主题的第一帖开始就这么说了 |
g********n 发帖数: 2314 | 18 原来是'Performance profiling' could help to catch cheater 现在是 '
Performance profiling' could help to dispel doubts.
Why great Olympic feats raise suspicions
'Performance profiling' could help to dispel doubts.
Ewen Callaway
01 August 2012 Corrected: 03 August 2012
Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen broke the world record for the women's 400-metre
individual medley event at the Olympic Games on 28 July.
Article tools
rights & permissions
At the Olympics,... 阅读全帖 |
l****w 发帖数: 27 | 19 NIW被拒案例的分析及解说
By Craig Corsini at Lailawus
1. Insufficiency of Expert Testimonials: In a well-publicized case, the
AAO found fault with the NIW applicant’s expert testimonials (i.e., the
letters of recommendation).
• First, AAO negated the significance of the letters because it
found that the letter writers (i.e., the “referees” in USCIS parlance)
were geographically limited and, consequently, incapable of objectively
assess... 阅读全帖 |
t*******d 发帖数: 2570 | 20 这个文章根本就是在歪曲SB48法案是什么。
FAIR Education Act (SB 48)
The Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful (FAIR) Education Act would
prohibit discriminatory instruction and discriminatory materials from being
adopted by the State Board of Education. This bill also amends the Education
Code to include instruction on the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual,
and transgender (LGBT) Americans in the social sciences.
Author: Senator Mark Leno
Sponsors: Equality California, Gay-Straight Alliance Ne... 阅读全帖 |
q******j 发帖数: 577 | 21 Very good excuses. "I am not a historian, welcome any criticism." TG also
claims to welcome any criticism but I bet you won't let that excuse fly for
their mistakes.
I do not think the current text book is "systematically" 胡言乱语, 胡说八道.
You should not compare the high scholl text books with Phd's thesis. I
think the statements in the textbook about basic facts are generally fair.
Of course TG will keep its own ideological stuff in it, just as the US high
school textbooks would not spend hug |
h**e 发帖数: 9290 | 22 http://www.ocef.org/publication/donor-newsflash/715--20158-dono
2015暑期专辑/2015 Summer Special
Every summer, OCEF volunteers and donors from all over the world spend their
vacation time to visit OCEF-sponsored schools or to help in teaching, in
the process gaining first-hand experiences in the mission and functions of
OCEF. In this issue of the newsflash, we would like to share the stories an... 阅读全帖 |
h**e 发帖数: 9290 | 23 http://www.ocef.org/publication/donor-newsflash/715--20158-dono
2015暑期专辑/2015 Summer Special
Every summer, OCEF volunteers and donors from all over the world spend their
vacation time to visit OCEF-sponsored schools or to help in teaching, in
the process gaining first-hand experiences in the mission and functions of
OCEF. In this issue of the newsflash, we would like to share the stories an... 阅读全帖 |
J**i 发帖数: 166 | 25 Since completing the Astronomia nova, Kepler had intended to compose an
astronomy textbook.[53] In 1615, he completed the first of three volumes of
Epitome astronomia Copernicanae (Epitome of Copernican Astronomy); the first
volume (books I-III) was printed in 1617, the second (book IV) in 1620, and
the third (books V-VII) in 1621. Despite the title, which referred simply
to heliocentrism, Kepler's textbook culminated in his own ellipse-based
system. The Epitome became Kepler's most influential ... 阅读全帖 |
j***j 发帖数: 9831 | 26 Missing from Presidents' Day: The People They Enslaved
Schools across the country are adorned with posters of the 44 U.S.
presidents and the years they served in office. U.S. history textbooks
describe the accomplishments and challenges of the major presidential
administrations—George Washington had the Revolutionary War, Abraham
Lincoln the Civil War, Teddy Roosevelt the Spanish-American War, and so on.
Children's books put student... 阅读全帖 |
g******u 发帖数: 3060 | 28 There is no such paragraph on Shanghai textbook at all. I was also born on
1982 and I should have used the same textbooks as HH. |
W*****2 发帖数: 1043 | 29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wen_Ho_Lee
Wen Ho Lee
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
This is a Chinese name; the family name is Lee.
Dr. Wen Ho Lee (Chinese: 李文和; pinyin: Lǐ Wénhé; born December 21, 1939
) is a Taiwan-born Taiwanese American scientist who worked for the
University of California at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He created
simulations of nuclear explosions for the purposes of scientific inquiry, as
well as for improving the safety and reliabil... 阅读全帖 |
y****t 发帖数: 9189 | 30 【 以下文字转载自 Olympics 讨论区 】
发信人: goldfishli (goldfish), 信区: Olympics
标 题: 饶毅致《自然》杂志总编的信 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 4 00:25:43 2012, 美东)
发信人: ipdang (ip), 信区: Biology
标 题: 饶毅致《自然》杂志总编的信
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 4 00:18:14 2012, 美东)
致《自然》杂志总编的信:有关叶诗文的新闻报道 精选
你可能因Ewen Callaway对叶诗文的报道而被email狂炸,过去二十小时,给你
能重于《纽约时报》,中文媒体报道用你们的新闻也远... 阅读全帖 |
Ag 发帖数: 481 | 31 【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: ipdang (ip), 信区: Biology
标 题: 饶毅致《自然》杂志总编的信
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 4 00:18:14 2012, 美东)
致《自然》杂志总编的信:有关叶诗文的新闻报道 精选
你可能因Ewen Callaway对叶诗文的报道而被email狂炸,过去二十小时,给你
弊; 2)Callaway用了两件事实说明叶惊人地异常,而两件都错了; 3)Callaway没咨询意... 阅读全帖 |
j****z 发帖数: 186 | 32 super cooling.
Wiki has a good explanation.
It is in college physics textbook in US, but don't remember
anything like
this in textbook in China.
put a few bottle water in refrigerator for 3 hours or more , you can see
some are frozen, some are still in liquid state, pick up a liquid one
carefully, you can do one of the following:
(1): shake it, then the whole bottle freeze if its temperature is low enough.
(2) put a piece of ice in a bowl, pour water on to it.
YouTube super cooling, you see many... 阅读全帖 |
l*****7 发帖数: 8463 | 33 LOL
You are the real, very beginner student:-)
1. He studies (does researches) history in USA, and you learn History from
the textbooks in USA.
2. He publishes in Scientific Journals, and you memorizes from the textbooks:
3. He is a real scholar, and you are spreading anti-China propaganda for
4. He is a Chinese loyal to nothing but truth, and you are a self-hating,
and hate you being a Chinese yourself (you are a Chinese traitor).
You two are at totally different level |
S*******n 发帖数: 1721 | 34 当年李文和的事情,也是非常地狗血。
In his memoir, My Country Versus Me, Lee charged that his Chinese ethnicity
was a primary factor behind his prosecution by the government. As evidence
of such racial profiling, he cited cases of several scientists of non-
Chinese ancestry who were responsible for similar security transgressions
but were able to continue their career. Former FBI Director Louis Freeh
categorically denied these charges. After Mr. Lee’s sentencing,
investigators at LANL were able to fully examine t... 阅读全帖 |
n********r 发帖数: 77 | 35 http://www.zaobao.com.sg/realtime/singapore/story20130823-24453
《环球时报》8月21日刊登题为“李显龙:中国或得到钓鱼岛 但会输掉世界地位”的报
MFA Spokesman's Comments in response to media queries on the Global Times
article “Lee Hsien Loong: China could gain Diaoyu Isla... 阅读全帖 |
m****s 发帖数: 395 | 36 芝加哥是一个textbook的范本,纽约是是颠覆textbook的异类。
纽约的缺点是: 不是很宜居,城市结构有点老旧,很多地方尺度严重失衡,对年轻人可
码工1/3的薪水,半夜走在其间,有人生绝望的感觉。 |
q******3 发帖数: 622 | 37 作为一个参加过大陆64游行的留美不年轻的华裔博士,虽然已经没有当年的参与政治的
激情。但是看着这次ABC电视 事件的发展,还是忍不住,一直follow,思考。
一旦我们明确游戏,利益... 阅读全帖 |
W***n 发帖数: 11530 | 38 Massacre and Atrocities in Hong Kong during WWII
April 2007 29 Comments
Hong Kong was a British colony before and after WWII, but from 12/25/1941 to
8/15/1945 when Japan surrendered, Hong Kong was under the control of Japan.
This article recounts the massacre and atrocities committed by the Japanese
troops during those three years and eight months of occupation of Hong Kong
. The purpose of recounting these events is not to bash Japan or to generate
hatred of Japan, but to make sure that we do n... 阅读全帖 |
g*******6 发帖数: 1034 | 39 YEs, history textbook is different, but English textbook is the same...
I would say:
Good, how about you? How is the weather? |
w********9 发帖数: 8613 | 40 http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB111937345541365397
A decade ago, the Department of Defense corrected an important point in U.S.
military history: about 36,000 American soldiers died in the Korean War,
not 54,000 as first thought. The revision was the result of new research,
conducted at the request of veterans.
Yet as the 55th anniversary of the war's beginning approaches, the larger,
incorrect figure can still be found in textbooks and newspapers, in recent
speeches from lawmakers and on war memo... 阅读全帖 |
w********9 发帖数: 8613 | 42 关于这些数据的追究已经比较彻底了。
是先陈述了因敌对引起的死亡(died from hostile action)之类的数据,然后列出“
1993年版的大英百科全书第6卷第963页仍然用那个数字:“The Korean War resulted
in the deaths of about ...; and about 54,000 Americans..."
1997年版的The World Book Encyclopedia在J-K卷的第384用的是“54,246”
The casualty toll had been reported as 54,... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 45 He has published an applied physics textbook that he started writing while
still in prison. He began to write a second physics textbook and would like
to teach, but no institutions to which he has applied have responded to his
: 你先查李文和出事之前在哪个州哪个郡哪个镇居住。
w*********r 发帖数: 42116 | 46 Oklahoma girl is excited her 'new' textbook belonged to Blake Shelton, but
her mom is mad
When 6-year-old Blake Shelton went to school in 1982, the future superstar
was given an almost brand-new textbook to learn from. More than 35 years
later, that same book made its way to a first grader in 2018. |
g********i 发帖数: 207 | 47 【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: ipdang (ip), 信区: Biology
标 题: 饶毅致《自然》杂志总编的信
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 4 00:18:14 2012, 美东)
致《自然》杂志总编的信:有关叶诗文的新闻报道 精选
你可能因Ewen Callaway对叶诗文的报道而被email狂炸,过去二十小时,给你
弊; 2)Callaway用了两件事实说明叶惊人地异常,而两件都错了; 3)Callaway没咨询意... 阅读全帖 |
q*a 发帖数: 2330 | 48 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
jianglai (Veni, Vidi, Vici.) 于 (Thu Aug 2 02:54:30 2012, 美东) 提到:
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.3.1
daye520 (哈哈) 于 (Thu Aug 2 02:56:00 2012, 美东) 提到:
michaelxiaga (南京中山陵) 于 (Thu Aug 2 02:58:53 2012, 美东) 提到:
其实咱们在这里说有啥用, 就得用英文反驳white trash
☆─────────────────... 阅读全帖 |
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 49 Calif. Gov Signs Gay Education Bill
By Neal Broverman
California governor Jerry Brown signed landmark legislation Thursday that
mandates the contributions of LGBT people be included in school lesson plans.
The Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful Education Act was introduced by
gay state senator Mark Leno partly as a way to combat bullying of students
who are gay or perceived to be. The FAIR Act passed the Senate in April and
the Assembly earli... 阅读全帖 |