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发帖数: 17
I have a PhD in Chemical Engineering (working at BASF @ Michigan). I am
Taiwanese. Never been checked during my F1 Visa Application. VO only asked
for my resume when I interviewed on Oct 9th.
Another H1B girl I met at the consulate in Toronto is an Indian girl,
checked once in her F1 visa years ago (MS in Aerospace Engineering, working
at Ford Motor Company@ Michigan). She got her 221g AP at the same time same
interview right next to me...but she got email from the consulate on Monday
(late afte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 34098
来自主题: Working版 - Chinese in America (ZZ) (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: Beijing (学什么都不如有绿卡--让你用vb你就用vb), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Chinese in America (ZZ)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 16 12:07:24 2007)
According to the latest release of the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2004, there
were an estimated 2.9 million Chinese (including Taiwanese) living in U.S.,
or 0.1 percent of the U.S. household population (285.7 million).
Among Chinese (excluding Taiwanese), 3 in 10 were native, 4 were foreign-
born, natura
发帖数: 11227
来自主题: Immigration版 - unidentified_title
发信人: equip0625(小麟龙), 信区: Immigration
标题: 在美国居住了几百年却不可以填写自己是 American?
发信站: BBS未名空间站(Fri Aug 4 09:34:28 2017,GMT)
美国是地球上最伟大的国家之一,也是最荒唐的国家之一。 美国之所以伟大,原因之
今天我要指出发生在美国最荒唐的一件事,这就是在美国没有美国人!对! 事实却是
”。 在这一栏目里面的选项有:白人、黑人、西裔,然后就是没完没了的亚裔。 “没
自己的race。 亚洲有几十个国家,所以就有几十个“race”。 请注意,这些表格
语说得多么流利,你的美国文化多么纯正,你绝对不可以在“race”这一栏填写自己的... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
【 以下文字转载自 Colorado 讨论区 】
发信人: xixill (mango), 信区: Colorado
标 题: 2016年美国各州华人人口数量排名
关键字: 美国各州华人人口,2017年美国各州人口,美国华人人口,美国人口排名
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 23 08:08:17 2017, 美东)
Geography : - Chinese, except Taiwanese : - Taiwanese
01 California 1,602,920 # 73,766
02 New York 707,531 # 16,590
03 Texas 215,367 # 14,500
04 Hawaii 196,904 # 922
05 Massachusetts 166,833 # 5,177
06 New Jersey 160,452 # 7,624
07 Washington 143,762 # 8,251
08 Illinois 138,264 # 6,060
09 Florida 117,123 # 4,036
10 Pennsylvania... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1

Rank Race Median household income (2015 US$)
1 Asian 74,245[1]
2 White 59,698[1]
3 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 55,607[1]
4 Some other race 42,461[1]
5 American Indian and Alaska Native 38,530[1]
6 Black or African American 36,544[1]
当然了这个是算的ethnic groups。。。也包括了family based的。但是睁眼看看现状
Indian American : $107... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 93
来自主题: Chinese版 - 他们到底是不是中国人啊!!
“are you Chinese?”
他回答:“no, I am Taiwanese”
“so you are chinese, aren't you?”
他仍然说,“no, Taiwanese"
说来自hongkong, 真让人伤心!
发帖数: 107
来自主题: Chinese版 - 我所认识的台湾人
Why i haven't met such kinds of Taiwanese? I think they are polite and
good-educated guys. I think if they really talked so much with you, they
actully cared about China Mainland. But i think most of them won't talk with u
about this kind of topic. A taiwanese friend told me that he is very afraid to
talk with mainlanders, because most of mainlanders are too tough and feel too

发帖数: 258
sorry but this is also hard to interpret...
my best answer is chinese taiwanese.
im saying Chinese in terms of culture and race, Taiwanese in terms of political entity. Just in case... this is like Chinese Korean = Chinese people (race) born in Korea. hope this pleases everybody... -_- we fight only in "TheStrait"
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - 人性的枷鎖
I don't know about other people--because I am like Mr. Howard Hugh and
reclusive. But when I read English sentences, I feel the same joy that I
heard Taiwanese said they had when the read Chinese OR mainlanders said they
had when they spoke Taiwanese language. (This is what I heard back in
Taiwan decades ago).
On the other hand, I don't like literature. So whther I was in Taiwan (and
read Chinese) or in US (and read English), I read only the first and last
pages. Fortunately the world are filled
发帖数: 6973
I laughed upon reading the last sentence. For no particular reason (I am not
against Japanese; on the contrary, I love them).
Last night, I figured out a better way to say, "Taiwanese buy more expensive
stuff?" When I wrote that posting, it took me several minutes but no better
)English) words or phrase came to mind. Last night, it finally dawned on me
hat I could have said, "Taiwanese buy stuff of higher end?" I was not
talking about "more expensive" and you probably knew it.
Thanks for your ti
发帖数: 6973
I re-read your original posting.
Why are you impressed by "YuanZi Sweet Soup"? (You mean 湯圓?) Doesn't it
come from China?
What is "Taiwanese doughnuts"? Donuts made in Taiwan? See
(1) Israeli newspaper
(2) An American in Taiwan
Mister Donut Taiwan is a joint venture formed between Taiwan's Uni-President
Enterprises Corp (
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - Phlin: Regarding Ma
The fact is, there are many Taiwanese, as well as other nationals, who turn
down Green Cards and therefore immigration to US. Many relatives of mine are
like that: they wait for a decade; when their truns come, they say, "Thanks
but no thanks."
In your statement attached below, I don't know what you are saying. About
American (as opposed to Taiwanese) laws? No need to reply, however.
Here is a reason I asked the original question. Precisely on legal basis. I
detest Mr. Ma, but I want to provide
发帖数: 6973
The web site of The Sidney Morning Herald, Australia http://www.smh.com.au carries an Associated Press (AP) report. I recommend this web site because there is a photograph of the (black) couple. The American soldier died of roadside bombing in Baghbad. The widow sued in US federal court, which ordered the US army to extract sperms, four days after the death. To late.
I talk about this because a few years ago, a Taiwanese couple who were yet
to get married. The man, an officer in the Taiwanese
发帖数: 206
Guys, you watched too many Taiwan TV. I (from mainland) am married to a
Taiwanese girl for several years and we had arguments all the time even
before marriage that ends up physical. I have to admit she is quite good at
fighting - of course, most of Taiwanese girls are not like that. But her
parents had physical fights when they were young - I guess it should be
common everywhere in countries where laws against domestic violence are not
really enforced.
Mainland girls are good too. I never ha
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - 2007年的台湾之行印象
In a previous posting, you said, "我在台南和嘉义的小店吃东西的时候." 嘉义?
Then I realized that you went to Ma. Ali (also known as Alishan), which is
in County of 嘉义.
Surely they knew you were from China, because Chinese and Taiwanese have
different accent. I reccall that I once called a Chinese official in
Washington DC consulate, from Chicago. He said, "How come you have a
Taiwanese accent?" That was 1980s, when I still was able to speak Chinese.
By the way, I was thinking last night to ask you what language pe
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - 2007年的台湾之行印象
In a previous posting you said, "還有碗堁(記得應該是米+果,但我的輸入法找
不到這個字),讀: 若wa1gui4。"
That is wrong.
This July, 2007 web page states, "Taiwan’s Ministry of Education has
released a list of Chinese characters that can be used for writing common
words in Taiwanese. * * *
My comment: It is pronounced in Taiwan as "gue" but someho
发帖数: 6973
I heard that most Taiwanese visit to Japan is to Hokkaido. But I don't know
why. It is said that Taiwnaese go there for winter festival. What about cool
Besides, Harbin also has a big winter festival. Maybe China should entice
Taiwanese to go there.
I live in Boston. Massachusetts has the second highest per capita income in
US, after Connecticut. So many people in Massachusetts have vacations or a
second home in Vermonet and New Hampshire.
A few days ago, Boston Globe, a subsidiary of Ne
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - 中国世界工厂时代即将结束?
That is the title of a report today in Voice of America Chinese edition.
A quote:
My comment: US for years has tried to lure Taiwanese investments but fared
poorly. I am for free trade, and understand that when Taiwanese businessmen
knew their return would be highe
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - 1999 Earthquake in Taiwan
There was a huge earthquake in Taiwan in 1999. There are many similarities
with the earthquake in Sichuan province.
The first item below shows a scientific report by non-Taiwanese doctors on
rescue efforts in Taiwan. The second item is Taiwanese government's own
reflections on its inadequacy together with changes learned from the
发帖数: 6973
You say this because you have not seen my handwriting. The handwriting
before I came to US, more than 2 decades ago. Every Taiwanese cringed when
they saw it. Could not help. Caligraphy was not helpful, for when one is at
it, one spends time. But I did not have time to write in daily time. I used
past tense, because I have not know any person of Chinese or Taiwanese
descent for two decades--and have not written any Chinese.
发帖数: 6973
Francesca Serge, Matchmaking, the Ultimate Government Service. New York
Times *www.nytimes.com), May 25, 2008
("a monthlong cultural tour of Taiwan sponsored and partly subsidized by the
Taiwanese government * * * is designed to expose young people with
Taiwanese roots * * * to the motherland through courses in Mandarin,
sightseeing and traditional arts.")
发帖数: 6973
I am not a computer guy, but a biologist. But
Nvidia Named Forbes' Company of the Year. January 7, 2008 issue of the
magazine. Besides, CEO Jen-Hsun Huang is on Fornes cover around the time (I
am unsure if it is the same issue).
Garmin GPS has a Taiwanese cofounder. Garmin, in fact, is made of Gary and
Min something, the first names of the two founders.
A few months ago, it was reported that Taiwanese companies made 90% of the
world's computers, an increase of about 4% from the previous quarter,
发帖数: 6973
Mr. Ma Ying-jeou in his presidential campaign played loose and fast. His
pledges showed he was ignorant, incompetent or downright lying. A few
questioned feasibility. Taiwanese bought them anyway. Now people--from
Taiwanese to Chinese to Americans--find out he is not a magician after all.
Everywhere the Ma administration and China turn, they encounter the
difficulty of Taiwan sovereignty, or lack of it. The issue is unavoidable.
(1) During campaign, Mr. Ma dismissed aviation between as "neither
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - 从"台语入港"到"三通整合"
That is the title of a report yesterday in BBC Chinese edition.
A quote:
My comment:
(1) The author does not explain why he thinks Taiwanese and Fujianese are
not the same. I have not heard of Fujianese language. So I can't make an
indepedent judgment.
(2) The author gave many examples of Taiwanese language, many of which I
have not heard of (denoted by * below).
给敖 (台语,意指自以为很厉害)
发帖数: 6973
I am afraid you are wrong about per capita income of City of Taipei.
There are statistics by city/county. But they are either available in
yearbook (published by Taiwanese government and available for purchase, such
as "Yearbook of Earnings and Productivity Statistics in Taiwan Area") or
free in the web that is published by Taiwanese government but in a form that
is not accessible (my computer has Microsoft word only and those are in
Excel or txt format).
Taipei people are richer but not THAT ri
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - TW, HK Businessmen Adapting, Again
Late last year, there was news that Lenovo was handing the computer
manufacturing to Taiwanese companies. Lenovo vaguely denied it.
But DisplaySearch, a US market research company has reported Lenovo as a
customer of Taiwanese companies. See Jack Schofield, Did Quanta or Compal
make your name-brand portable? Guardian (UK), June 27, 2008
See also
Yen Ting Chen, Lenovo to release more notebook orders to Taiwan ODMs.
DigiTimes, June 23, 2008
("Currently, 90% of global notebook shipments came from T
发帖数: 6973
Glad to hear that.
You had a posting asking if a Chinese married into a Taiwanese family would
be looked down upon in Taiwan. I did not read that then, as judging from the
title, I thought a certain Chinese was trying to pick a fight. Then I read
your posting in this series 请推荐洛杉矶地区可代办第三类赴台签证的旅行社.
Curious (whether you were Taiwanese or Chinese and so on), I searched
archive of this board to read your postings. However, I did not reply to
your question last month, as I presumed you were in China
发帖数: 6973
Sorry again, it is Mason Dixon line, not "mason Dixie Line." To clarify, "
former land owners in colonial time" is better than "former landlords," as "
landlords" has several definitions, icluding land owner.
(1) I think your premises may not be sound, that Taiwanese think they are
rich, therefoe a Chinese marrying a Taiwanese must be for money.
The notion that the marriage is for money is not entirely bad. Marilin
Monroe has a movie "How to marry a millionaire" (1953). A few years back, I
发帖数: 6973
(1) "I read the list of 40 richest Taiwanese again. (I read news before but
did not go to Forbes.com to read the list.)"
The sentence should be
"I read the list of 40 richest Taiwanese FOR THE FIRST TIME. (I HAD read
news before but HAD not goNE to Forbes.com to read the list.)"
(2) The "of" in "Just ask the heirs of Mr. Sam Walton" should be "to." Heirs
TO the deceased.

发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - Vizio (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Hardware 讨论区 】
发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Hardware
标 题: Vizio
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 1 13:20:04 2008)
(1) Patrick Chen, The Taiwanese LCD TV Industry, 3Q 2008. Market
Intelligence Center (Taiwan), Aug. 29, 2008.
(For Q2, 2008, Taiwanese LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) TV shipment volume
reported "year-on-year growth rate of 41.3%").
Note: The Statistics Report costs $2280. The figures are for LCD televisions
, not LCD pane
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - "Small Eats" in Taiwan
As we can expect, a Taiwanese protests to New York Times for calling Taiwan
"the other China" as appears in the print edition (the web edition was
quickly changed).
Eugenia Chien, Letters: Taiwanese Pride. New York Times, Oct. 5, 2008.

发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - Why Ex-Pres. Chen Puts Money Abroad?
Well, it is his money; he can do as he pleases.
Besides, many Taiwanese have offshore bank accounts. The reason: Unlike US
which taxes all incomes and properties where they come from/are in the globe
, Taiwan only taxes incomes and properties derived from domestic sources or
located domestically. Naturally Taiwanese places some assets abroad.
To address the issue, Taiwan can amend pertinent law--a move that has
languished for years, under different presidents--or to reduce tax.
Kathrin Hille, Ta
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - 这帮静坐的学生脑子进水了?
That is not my point. I respect Taiwanese who hold different views about
anything. However, I was pissed off when you equated Taiwanese students with
"mobs" in Cultural Revolutions.
It is reported today that even Pres. Ma supports the change of the law at
issue, but that he says it is responsibility of Legislature. I wish he knew
the difference of executive branch (to which he belongs) and legislative
branch. In any event, Legislature in Taiwan is not a rubber stamp.

* * *
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - Taiwan In the Midst of Recession
Associated Press reportes today, "Taiwan's economy contracted 1.02 percent
in the third quarter from a year ago, its first decline since 2003."
Taiwanese government predicts the Q4 GDP growth rate will remain negtive,
thereby qualifying for recession which is defined by two consecutive
quarters of economic contraction.
My comment: In Q1 and Q2, 2008, GDP growth rates of Taiwan were robust. Pres
. Ma was inaugurated on May 20, 2008. Four days later was the beginning of
Q3 and Taiwanese economy we
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - taiwan经济现在好像真的很惨?
Well, Taiwanese may say Candidate Ma Ying-jeou promised a great future and
look what we got from Pres. Pres. Ma STILL says China is Taiwan's lifeline,
despite Taiwanese disillusion about tourists from China.
发帖数: 6973
(1) Well * * *
(a) If you are not from Taiwan, it is hard for you to gauge what Taiwanese
truly think. China has spent a fortune to understand Taiwanese but failed so
I do not want to be rude, but what an outsider, you included, say does not
count. That is also why US has not been actively supporting one faction of
another in Taiwan.
What matters is the constituency. In US, a legislator is concerned about his
district who can vote him out, having voted him in. Return to the topic of
发帖数: 6973
(1) I thought you were from PRC, for your screen name "wohejiajia" has "he"-
-for "and" in Mandarin--that is pronounced as "han" in Taiwan and that is
the obkect of Chinese bemusement and sneering.
(2) However, you correctly point out Fujen University has a medical school.
I did not know it until you say so and I check it.
(3) I agree with you that if a foreigner wants to fit in to a Taiwanese
society, he or she may have to learn a few Taiwanese. Otherwise th
发帖数: 6973
Tina Wang, Micron Wants Piece Of Taiwan Bailout Pie; The U.S. chip maker is
believed to be in merger talks with Taiwanese partners. Forbes, Jan. 15,
"Idaho-based Micron Technology may partner more closely or merge with Taiwan
's Nanya Technology and Inotera Memories in a bid to get bailout funds from
Taipei. Taiwanese producers need foreign technology, Micron wants capital
and capaci
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - 請問可拿二本戶照進入台灣麼
I gave your question some thought. I will give you a common-sense repluy.
The short answer to your question is no.
If A Taiwanese holds two passports (one Taiwan and the other, say, US). He
can come into Taiwan with EITHER. With a US passport, he will need a visa (a
) if he intend to stay more than 30 days for tourism or (b) if he wants
employment in Taiwan, for however short.
If the person chooses to enter Taiwan with a Taiwanese passport, he will not
face the issues.
Even if he enters with a T
发帖数: 6973
Well, nobody is generalize anything! Taiwanese parents are BAD. They are
dying, due to old age. Hopefully the younger generation of Taiwanese parents
, who were oppressed when they were (adult) children will samrt up and treat
their children better.
It is POSSIBLE that leticiatsai's parents are different--after all, her
parents are about my age, or former Pres. Chen Shui-bian's age (60). But all
parents I observed who have children in marriageable age are looking for
money and power only, rather
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - Sky Falling on Ma
The Ma administration is ruthless, not just toward Taiwan citizens (look at
what itdid to Taiwanese when China envoy Chen Yunlin visited Taiwan) but
toward foreign press also (when it does not want Taiwanese informed).
Asian stockmarkets: Bye bye sell; Tired of bad news about the financial
markets? Censor it. The Economist. Feb. 7, 2009 (cover day).

* * *
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - 記憶中的台灣廟會
Come on.
A decade ago, I came to this bbs, and found Chinese had borrowed the term "
小姐." From whom, I do not know. But both Taiwanese and Hong Kong people
have used this term since as far as I can recall. (Cantonese is my first
tongue.) As for Taiwanese borrowed from HK poeple or the other way around,
THAT is what I do not know.
It is IMPOSSIBLE that term came from Mainland. (It is still possible that
the term might have originated in Republican period (under Republic of China
while on Mainland
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - Giant e-Paper
Ross Miller, Giant e-paper display spotted, ogled at Taiwanese book show.
Engadget, Feb. 6, 2009.
Click the "read" button in the lower left corner of this report--or click
the figure--will bring one to a web page of traditional Chinese characters.
Taiwan uses A series to measure paper. A3 paper size is 29.7 X 42 cm, or 11.7 X 16.5 inches.
Delta Electronics mainta
发帖数: 6973
Of course you can. That has been the case since the Chen (Shui-bian)
To date, a holder of the PRC passport can NOT apply/come individually--which
I do not agree, for I am in favor of free trade; but you know Taiwanese (
both government, political parties and ordinary folks) have a strong leaning
toward protectionism.
On the other hand, the same holder can come as an employee of (a)
multinational company or (b) dispatched by a foreign (outside Taiwan)
company to a Taiwanese compan
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - Singaporeans Are Harsh
to their entertainer who could not think of a Chinese idiom, and to
Taiwanese entertainers who made fun of Singaporeans' English accent.
Tan Kee Yun, Kelly Poon's 'comment' on Taiwanese show draws criticism. The
New Paper, Mar. 1, 2009.
My comment:
(a) Relax.
(b) When I just came to US, in 1984, I had an American roommmate. He brought
a small black and white television set. One day, a news clip showed Prime
Minister Lee Kuan
发帖数: 522
来自主题: Taiwan版 - 陈水扁dihumiliated the holy spirit
I always wanted to comment on 陈水扁's humiliating book《台湾的
He actually disgraced the cross and the holy spirit.
All those who support him, including those Christians, actually know that
Jesus died on the cross to sacrifice for human sins. Now, if 陈水扁
meant that he is sacrificing something for being detained in the prison. Let
's ask what is he sacrificing for? Is he sacrificing for the sins of
Taiwanese? Obviously no. Maybe he is right, because the Taiwanese made a bad
发帖数: 6973
Australian work holidays popular with Taiwanese. Taipei Times, Apr. 5, 2009.
("During the fiscal year that ended on June 30 last year, Australia issued a
total of 154,148 working holiday visas worldwide, 6,132 of which were
issued to Taiwanese applicants")
My comment: That is a tad lower than 4%.
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - Vienna Teng
I do not know if her parents are originally from China (around 1949) or
Taiwan. Anyway, all are Taiwanese now. New Taiwanese.
发帖数: 18037
By MICHAEL TURTON | From today's Wall Street Journal Asia.
Chinese culture warrior: Ma Ying-jeou observes Confucius's birthday, Sept.
28, 2005.
Earlier this month Ma Ying-jeou, the president of Taiwan, presided over a
ceremony honoring the Yellow Emperor, the mythical ancestor of all Han
Chinese. This event may seem minor at first blush, but it demonstrates a
growing trend: The Ma administration is gradually redefining Taiwanese
culture as more "Chinese" than Taiwanese. This subtle nod to China'
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Taiwan版 - 包飼
In Taiwan, when a big wig has a sexual partner and pries him or her with
luxuries, the pronunciation is 包飼 in Taiwanese language/ dialect. Often,
though, the written form is 包養 (which cannot be pronounced in Taiwanese,
as the language does not have 養.
I prefer 包飼 or 包養 to 包二奶, because the latter implies the sexual
partner is a woman, which is not necessarily true.
(1) Two weeks ago, the staid New York Times Magazine (published every Sunday
) had a lengthy report on this topic. Basically, the rep
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