M********t 发帖数: 5032 | 3 来自主题: Joke版 - 从引力波谈爱因斯坦的幸运 作者:施郁 (复旦大学物理学系) 2016年2月12日是中国农历大年初五。因为所谓“抢财神”的习俗,在零点前后,我当时所在的城市鞭炮声大作。这成了我浏览互联网上铺天盖地的引力波被探测到的新闻发布和原始论文的喜庆伴奏。当时, 我想到爱因斯坦的幸运,便开始写这篇文章。 爱因斯坦曾经感叹牛顿的幸运,而他自己又何尝不幸运至极。他在广义相对论方面的工作就有很多幸运之处。 在创立狭义相对论并为量子论奠基十年以后,居住在柏林的爱因斯坦在个人婚姻纠葛的时期,于1915年创立了广义相对论[1,2,3],并在次年预言了引力波的存在[4,2]。1918年他得到能量变化率与质量4极矩3阶变化率的关系[5]。美国激光干涉引力波天文台(LIGO)观测到引力波这件事正好成为对广义相对论100周年的纪念。 广义相对论的精髓是物质运动与时空几何的统一和相互影响,在引力场方程上表现为能量和动量与代表时空弯曲程度的量之间的相等。引力使得时空弯曲,需要用非欧几里德几何描述。爱因斯坦创立广义相对论时,物理学家对此还不熟悉,但数学上对于非欧几何已经有深入的研究。在20世纪50年代后的广义相对论和杨-米尔斯场论大发展之前,几何独立于理论物理,取得了长足的进展,可以用杨振宁的诗句“欧高黎嘉陈”概述(指欧拉、高斯、黎曼、嘉当、陈省身)。而爱因斯坦创立广义相对论时,幸运地得到了他的数学家朋友格罗斯曼(M. Grossmann)的帮助,导致他能够最终成功地将物理思想用数学公式表达出来。 创立广义相对论的高潮在于爱因斯坦1915年的一段非常紧张的工作[2,3]。6月他在哥廷根向希尔伯特等人做了一个星期学术报告,介绍他在广义相对论上的工作。10月,爱因斯坦发现自己工作有错误,还听说希尔伯特也发现了他的数学错误并正在取得进展。11月4日开始,按照既定安排,爱因斯坦在普鲁士科学院每周一次介绍广义相对论。经过非常紧张的工作,爱因斯坦终于在11月16日收到希尔伯特的引力场方程之前取得成功,并算出与天文观测相符的水星近日点进动。在11月25日的最后一次报告中,他终于能够写下他的引力场方程。幸运的爱因斯坦! 1861年,麦克斯韦写下后来以他的名字命名的电磁场方程组,在接下来的几年内他提出了电磁波的存在,并认为司空见惯的光就是一种电磁波。而完备的专著发表于1864年。赫兹在1887年(即麦克斯韦去世8年后)人工产生并探测了无线电波这种电磁波。与之类似,1916年爱因斯坦发表了一篇论文,预言了引力波[2]。爱因斯坦去世60年后的现在,引力波终于被探测到。在4中基本相互作用中,只有电磁作用和万有引力是长程的,所以引力波显然是了解宇宙的一个新窗口。 波是振动的传播。而引力波所传播的是时空度规的振动。度规是一种几何性质。比如平面或者球面上两点之间的间隔都可以用面上的坐标算出,但是公式不一样,这就是因为度规不一样。而在相对论中,有一个与参照系无关的固有时间间隔,它可由时间间隔和空间坐标间隔算出,具体的公式也取决于度规。当物质质量分布发生巨大的变化时,比如高密度天体(如中子星或者黑洞)之间碰撞或者恒星爆炸或坍塌时,会产生引力波。胡斯(R. A. Huse)和泰勒(J. H. Taylor Jr.)于1974年发现的脉冲双星(两个互相旋转的脉冲星)的轨道不断减小,这可以用引力波来解释。他们获得了1993年的诺贝尔物理学奖。理论上认为,宇宙极早期的暴涨会产生原初引力波,从而导致宇宙微波背景辐射在某个尺度上有某种偏振现象。该现象被位于南极的宇宙学河外偏振背景成像(BICEP2)望远镜于2014年观察到,但是后来发现是宇宙尘埃造成的。 LIGO观测到的引力波产生于两个黑洞的并合[6]。大约13亿年前两个黑洞并合产生的引力波于2015年9月14日经过LIGO的两个探测器。幸运的是升级后的LIGO在两天前刚开始运行[7]。这两个探测器实际上是两个巨大的迈克尔孙干涉仪。垂直于干涉仪通过的引力波使得每个干涉仪的4公里长的两臂的长度各有微小的振荡,导致振荡的相位差,从而给出振荡的干涉信号。110年前,狭义相对论解释了迈克尔孙干涉仪测量以太漂移的零结果。现在,迈克尔孙干涉仪又测量到了引力波,检验了广义相对论。确实,现代光学和精密测量技术对引力波探测立下汗马功劳,使得LIGO能够测出小于原子核大小的两臂长度差。历史上引力波探测曾催生量子非破坏性测量的概念,也有原来从事引力波探测的研究人员成为量子测量的专家。 回到爱因斯坦。1933年爱因斯坦移居到美国普林斯顿,引力、统一场论和对量子力学的质疑是他当时关心的问题。爱因斯坦和他的助手罗森(N. Rosen)寻找引力波方程的平面波解,发现这使得度规中不可避免会有奇点(变得无穷大)。现在我们知道这只是表明单一坐标系不足以描述平面引力波,就好比南极和北极的经度无法确定,不是物理上真正的奇点。但是他们当时却以此认为引力波不存在。1936年,他们写了一篇文章投到美国期刊《物理评论(Physical Review)》[8]。这时,爱因斯坦的幸运表现在文章被编辑泰特(John Tate)退回,要求考虑审稿人的意见。审稿意见长达10页,出于专家之手。其实,虽然指出爱因斯坦和罗森的错误,审稿人仍然认为这篇文章有值得赞誉之处,建议经过修改后发表。显然,气愤的爱因斯坦没有研究审稿意见,把文章原封不动地改投到《富兰克林学会会刊(Journal of Franklin Institute)》,文章很快被接受。再次幸运的是,从加州理工学院等地访问回来的同事罗伯森(H. P. Robertson,量子力学教科书上不确定关系的证明源于他)通过爱因斯坦的新助手英菲尔德告诉他们爱因斯坦-罗森工作的错误,并帮助解决了问题。这导致最后发表出来的文章结论完全改变了,成为圆柱状引力波[9]。爱因斯坦幸运地没有否定自己20年前对引力波的预言。近年来Kennefick发现,爱因斯坦本来可以通过阅读《物理评论》的审稿人意见知道自己的错误,因为罗伯森正是泰特为爱因斯坦-罗森文章所找的审稿人。这段历史的详细分析和记述来源于2005年Kennefick发表于《Physics Today》的文章[8]以及刘寄星发表于《物理》的文章[10](根据美国物理学会期刊主编M. Blume参考Kennefick一篇预印本文章所作的报告,包含Kennefick文中所没有的泰特致爱因斯坦两封信件的复印件)。 几天前出现LIGO探测到引力波的传言时,我便想到爱因斯坦的这件事。 1936年的爱因斯坦幸运地被同行评议制度避免了发表一篇错误的论文,而1905年的爱因斯坦恰恰曾幸运地因为德国《物理学年鉴(Annalen der Physik)》的宽松而得以在该杂志发表5篇改变物理学的论文,特别是看上去离经叛道的狭义相对论和光量子论文。而在爱因斯坦移居普林斯顿后完成的爱因斯坦、罗森和玻多尔斯基(B. Podolsky)质疑量子力学完备性的论文(EPR论文)以及爱因斯坦和罗森关于爱因斯坦-罗森桥(即虫洞)的论文都未经审稿在物理评论发表[8]。后来的历史表明这两篇文章也极为重要,当然是应该发表的。EPR成了爱因斯坦被引用最多的论文。Kennefick认为引力波当时是广义相对论众所周知的预言,所以泰特经过犹豫后将爱因斯坦-罗森证明它不存在的这篇论文送审。而关于爱因斯坦-罗森桥的论文是当时与别人进行的一个争论,所以未经审稿直接发表。那么,质疑当时从一个胜利走向另一个胜利的量子力学的EPR论文为何不经审稿直接发表呢?笔者认为,这是因为EPR承认量子力学技术上的正确性,质疑的只是量子力学的完备性,即是否完全描述客观实在,讨论具有哲学性质。顺便说一下,最近这两篇论文在关于黑洞量子性质的理论讨论中被联系起来。 1917年,爱因斯坦将广义相对论用于宇宙学[11]。如果只有引力而没有斥力,宇宙整体上不能保持静止,所以他在引力场方程中又加了一个代表斥力的宇宙学常数项,虽然他也觉得这个做法很不自然(现在我们知道这也不能真正使宇宙静止)。但是很快人们开始讨论宇宙膨胀,从弗里德曼(A. Friedmann) 、勒梅特(G. Lamaite)和德希特(W. de Sitter)等人的模型研究到哈勃(E. Hubble)的1929年的观测发现。 大爆炸宇宙学的创始人伽莫夫(G. Gamow)在他的自传《我的世界线(My Worldline)》(笔者本科生时代读到这本书后,一直记忆犹新,所以将世界线用于本人的博客名称中)中告诉我们,爱因斯坦曾说过宇宙学常数是他一生最大的错误[12]。所以1936年爱因斯坦-罗森关于引力波的文章所用的引力场方程中,已经没有宇宙学常数。但是在当代,作为联系宇宙学与微观的量子场论的一个桥梁,宇宙学常数成了一个重要的研究课题。近年来宇宙加速膨胀和暗能量的发现更使得宇宙学常数的概念得到复活。这又是爱因斯坦的幸运,虽然他失去了预言宇宙膨胀的机会。 最后,用笔者与杨振宁先生以前的一段讨论结束本文。 施:您认为爱因斯坦(而非麦克斯韦)是仅次于牛顿的伟大物理学家。我也这样认为。您能不能简单说说您的理由? 杨:麦克斯韦是一位伟大的物理学家,他对人类的贡献无法可以被夸大。但是从对物理学基本概念的贡献的角度来说,他不能与爱因斯坦相比。爱因斯坦(1)改变了我们对于时间和空间的理解,从而给理论物理带来对称性的概念和对称性支配相互作用的思想,(2)创造了引力的几何概念,(3)帮助创立了量子力学。 感谢杨振宁先生的交流和阅读本文。 参考文献: [1] A. Einstein,Sitzungsber. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. (1915) 844. [2] A. Pais, Subtle is the Lord, OxfordUniversity Press, New York (1982). [3] W. Isaacson, Einstein:His Life and Universe. Simon & Schuster, New York (2007). [4] A. Einstein,Sitzungsber. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. (1916) 688. [5] A. Einstein,Sitzungsber. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. (1918) 154. [6] B. P. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration), Phys.Rev. Lett. 116 (2016) 061102. [7] E. Berti, Physics9 (2016) 17. [8] D. Kennefick,Physics Today, September 2005, p. 43. 这篇文章后来吸收进该作者的书《Traveling at the speed of thought》. [9] A. Einsteinand N. Rosen, J. Franklin Institute 223(1937) 43. [10] 刘寄星,物理,34, 2005, p.487. [11] A. Einstein, Sitzungsber.K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. (1917) 142. [12] G. Gamow, 《My Worldline》, Viking, New York, 1977. (XYS20160218) 从引力波谈爱因斯坦的幸运
作者:施郁 (复旦大学物理学系)
闻发布和原始论文的喜庆伴奏。当时, 我想到爱因斯坦的幸运,便开始写这篇文章。
欧几何已经有深入的研究。在20世纪50年代后的... 阅读全帖 |
w*y 发帖数: 18 | 4 i think it's the bible. only this book can touch your soul with it's details.
when a man loves a woman, or a woman loves a man, he or she will be so
cautious, so considerate... i really can't express the complex feeling in
english, but i really do recommend the bible. you may not be a christian, just
like you don't live in da guan yuan, but if you have the subtle mind, gentle
heart, you'll find the bible touch you more and more. |
S**U 发帖数: 7025 | 5 这是个很好的例子,显示没有无我正见的禅修,是怎么修出如来藏的。
Jotika 禅师对证果的描述,可以用来与此文对比。看看什么样的证果是符合阿含的。
Appendix II
Citta – The Mind’s Essential Knowing Nature.
The following comments about the nature of the citta have been excerpted
from several discourses given by Ãcariya Mahã Boowa.
Of foremost importance is the citta, the mind’s essential knowing nature.
It consists of pure and simple awareness: the citta simply knows. Awareness
of good and evil, and the critical judgements that result, are merely
activities of... 阅读全帖 |
y****g 发帖数: 36950 | 6
Problems with the theory of sexual selection
If future experiments show that there are no preference genes ... 阅读全帖 |
t******n 发帖数: 2939 | 7 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
purity (purity) 于 (Wed Aug 17 00:41:32 2011, 美东) 提到:
yugong (愚公挖坑) 于 (Wed Aug 17 01:13:48 2011, 美东) 提到:
。你觉得自己够聪明,数理化... 阅读全帖 |
m****s 发帖数: 7397 | 8 I think you have very good points. it is not difficult to agree with you.
Subtle points in life, however, is what makes reality reality.
There was a time 洗发水后面does not 标明 anything. or worse, some 标明, some
did not yet.
Now. if you had a kid back then, i hope your approach was to tell your own
kid, made sure he or she did not "drink from that bottle". regardless what
is or is not printed in the back.
THAT effort, in my opinion, is equivalent to what a lot of people are
suggesting here to the LZ. n... 阅读全帖 |
d**u 发帖数: 1639 | 9 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
singularity (Subtle is the Lord.) 于 (Thu Nov 11 15:47:32 2010, 美东) 提到:
betwfingers (A better me) 于 (Thu Nov 11 16:21:25 2010, 美东) 提到:
waterlong (成) 于 (Thu Nov 11 16:39:44 2010, 美东) 提到:
waterlong (成) 于 (Thu Nov 11 1... 阅读全帖 |
m*******g 发帖数: 7050 | 10 其实算不上影评,因为还没有看电影,被整个故事的拖沓搞的没有心思去看电影了。
剧情梗概:加州圣芭芭拉市的面包店老板娘珍妮(梅丽尔•斯特里普 Meryl
Streep 饰)与前夫杰克(亚历克•鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 饰)20年的婚姻因后者
建房屋的过程中结识了建筑师亚当(史蒂夫•马丁 Steve Martin 饰),二人互
生情愫。但在小儿子Luke(亨特·帕瑞施 Hunter Parrish 饰)的毕业典礼上,珍妮却
如中老年人的爱情, 结果非要搞成浪漫喜剧,搞就搞了,可是既没有浪漫也没有搞笑
。还非要用Al... 阅读全帖 |
wh 发帖数: 141625 | 11 刚听一个老师把这支歌改编成中文学习歌让小孩唱,歌也好听,娃也唱得开心。找来原
版,画面很sexy,别给娃看。不过歌真好听。其中的歌词“Let's Marvin Gaye and
get it on”,是致敬Marvin Gaye的歌“Let's Get it On”吧,那首也喜欢。
Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
You got the healing that I want
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn, let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
We got this king size to ourselves
Don't have to share with no one else
Don't keep your secrets to yourself
It's kama sutra show and tell (yeah)
There's lov... 阅读全帖 |
Y**u 发帖数: 5466 | 12 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
Yisu (大头教主) 于 (Thu Apr 5 09:35:34 2012, 美东) 提到:
断除劳虑,就能得知法界清净,如果执着于清净见解又会成为自己... 阅读全帖 |
S**U 发帖数: 7025 | 13 当我看见美丽的月亮时,我专注于当下,I know 我看见美丽的月亮 due to moon is
there, eyes working, and mind paying attention. If I don't pay attention, I
don't see 月亮 even if it's there. If the moon is blocked by cloud, I don't
see it. In short, when any of the supporting conditions above of seeing 美丽
的月亮 is not there, you won't see 美丽的月亮. This is understanding 无常 as
it actually is at a gross level.
If I think of 美丽的月亮 in the past and wish it is like that now, this is a
subtle form of greed. If I think of 美丽的月亮 in the past ... 阅读全帖 |
d**u 发帖数: 1639 | 14 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
jianan (JiaNan) 于 (Sun Oct 3 12:58:22 2010, 美东) 提到:
一行9人昨晚8点多才到家,累的半死。不过,玩的很尽兴。个人感觉高潮排序为(1)corning glass museum; (2) 大
家一起吃火锅,聊天,玩游戏;(3)cornell 参观 -- 确实不愧为东部最大最美的校园,确实是读书做学问的好地
方,(4) watkins glen state park + winery 参观
周六上午:Watkins Glen State Park;下午:cornell 校园参观,拍照;晚上:聚餐
周日上... 阅读全帖 |
w***n 发帖数: 9040 | 15 The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing
By Dr. Philip Maffetone
Overtraining is the most common problem that prevents endurance
athletes from reaching their potential. It’s also the most common cause of
injury and ill-health for millions of athletes. And overtraining is a
that many athletes, coaches, and health-care professionals don’t recognize
until it becomes a more serious condition.
As a result, overtraining is not recognized soon enough to ... 阅读全帖 |
m*******g 发帖数: 7050 | 16 听到一个真实的事情,昨天收到短信,很是感慨。想改成剧本,表达一下那个很多女生
是个非正常人(但是不是暴力或者任何显性行为可以tell的)。it's very subtle。她
于是把事情告诉了自己的教母,教母说“you are a good girl”,一句话,她的眼泪
多少无辜女子在恋爱或者婚姻中被变态男人折磨到没有三观。请教如何细腻又引人入胜。 |
p***i 发帖数: 54 | 17 All right now it seems I can't debate with another CHINESE unless using
I'm not sure who's being self-centered here. You were so high up there all
the time. All these people had been trying to say was that LZ shouldn't be
disallowed access to her vacation just because an employee doesn't
understand that in other cultures moms and her child have different last
names. If abduction is something the cruise is really worried about, put it
in writing and ask all single parents to bring b... 阅读全帖 |
a*****y 发帖数: 33185 | 18 【 以下文字转载自 ariya_sacca 俱乐部 】
发信人: JeanIris (Iris), 信区: ariya_sacca
标 题: 概念法与究竟真实法-ZZ
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 28 09:27:50 2011, 美东)
Concept and Reality
(This is the appendix B of the book "The Essentials of Insight
Meditation Practice--A Pragmatic Approach to Vipassana" by Ven. Sayadaw
Sujiva 这是舍弃我禅师著《Mahasi毗 婆舍那禅修法要》的附录B)
It is important that the meditator understands the difference
between “concept” and “ultimate realities,” because it is the direction
which he... 阅读全帖 |
l***o 发帖数: 7937 | 19 Lang Lang’s Performance at the White House: Display Of Harmony Or Subtle
Pianist Lang Lang in many ways embodies the Sino-American comity that both
President Hu Jintao and President Barack Obama emphasized during their
summit this past week—which is no doubt why he was chosen to perform at the
White House state dinner for Mr. Hu on Wednesday.
Born in China, Mr. Lang went to the U.S. as a teenager to study at the
Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. He is fluent in both English and
Man... 阅读全帖 |
m******8 发帖数: 2153 | 20 The shocking clip of Zach being viciously attacked in his Ohio classroom in
October will make you gasp in horror, but the incredible support of his mom,
Becky, will make you tear up.
After the attack, the school principal actually said to Zach, "I don't have
any other problems with any other gay students in this school. The problem
seems to be with you. What can we do to change you?"
The principal called Zach's mom after the beating, expecting her to take him
home. Becky would have none of that ... 阅读全帖 |
d****o 发帖数: 32610 | 21 他在泰国是遇到豪放女了还是遇到人妖了?这个subtle有点subtle啊 |
K**********n 发帖数: 1197 | 22
Remote Mind Control Technology
HISTORY, edited by Jim Keith, $12.95, available from
There had been an ongoing controversy over health effects of electromagnetic
fields (EMF) for years (e.g., extremely low frequency radiation and the
Navy's Project Sea... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 23 Big hands to everyone for wonderful solidarity this past week. I want to
express my deep gratitude to the local volunteer organizers and local
elected officials who supported us.
But we are far from done. Disney still need to publicly and resoundingly
reject the racist bias and subtle manipulation that precipitated a little
kid's shocking genocidal suggestion. Disney also need to publicly and
openly take responsibility for creating an environment in which this clip
was allowed to be distr... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 24 note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH more than +30 trillion to other nations and to
its own people (of this China has a small part). Yet China gets
scapegoated as the key problem for every problem America is in. And China
debt is singled out for special treatment by Kimmel.
This is called race scapegoating and race baiting. This kind of subtle
racist rhetorics immediately led to hate speech (in this case from a 6 year
old) and over long term ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 25 note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH more than +30 trillion to other nations and to
its own people (of this China has a small part). Yet China gets
scapegoated as the key problem for every problem America is in. And China
debt is singled out for special treatment by Kimmel.
This is called race scapegoating and race baiting. This kind of subtle
racist rhetorics immediately led to hate speech (in this case from a 6 year
old) and over long term ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 26 note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH more than +30 trillion to other nations and to
its own people (of this China has a small part). Yet China gets
scapegoated as the key problem for every problem America is in. And China
debt is singled out for special treatment by Kimmel.
This is called race scapegoating and race baiting. This kind of subtle
racist rhetorics immediately led to hate speech (in this case from a 6 year
old) and over long term ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 27 note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH more than +30 trillion to other nations and to
its own people (of this China has a small part). Yet China gets
scapegoated as the key problem for every problem America is in. And China
debt is singled out for special treatment by Kimmel.
This is called race scapegoating and race baiting. This kind of subtle
racist rhetorics immediately led to hate speech (in this case from a 6 year
old) and over long term ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 28 note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH more than +30 trillion to other nations and to
its own people (of this China has a small part). Yet China gets
scapegoated as the key problem for every problem America is in. And China
debt is singled out for special treatment by Kimmel.
This is called race scapegoating and race baiting. This kind of subtle
racist rhetorics immediately led to hate speech (in this case from a 6 year
old) and over long term ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 29 note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH more than +30 trillion to other nations and to
its own people (of this China has a small part). Yet China gets
scapegoated as the key problem for every problem America is in. And China
debt is singled out for special treatment by Kimmel.
This is called race scapegoating and race baiting. This kind of subtle
racist rhetorics immediately led to hate speech (in this case from a 6 year
old) and over long term ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 30 Zan!
Actually China-US=win-win is the core message that we need to get media to
propagate. Currently anybody whether media clowns or political candidates,
for cheap laughs or a few votes could make China and the Chinese a
scapegoat for whatever problem the average Joe is having with the world.
It's a fertile ground for hate speech and hate crimes against the Chinese.
This is why we are protesting to change.
note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 31 note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH more than +30 trillion to other nations and to
its own people (of this China has a small part). Yet China gets
scapegoated as the key problem for every problem America is in. And China
debt is singled out for special treatment by Kimmel.
This is called race scapegoating and race baiting. This kind of subtle
racist rhetorics immediately led to hate speech (in this case from a 6 year
old) and over long term ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 32 note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH more than +30 trillion to other nations and to
its own people (of this China has a small part). Yet China gets
scapegoated as the key problem for every problem America is in. And China
debt is singled out for special treatment by Kimmel.
This is called race scapegoating and race baiting. This kind of subtle
racist rhetorics immediately led to hate speech (in this case from a 6 year
old) and over long term ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 33 note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH more than +30 trillion to other nations and to
its own people (of this China has a small part). Yet China gets
scapegoated as the key problem for every problem America is in. And China
debt is singled out for special treatment by Kimmel.
This is called race scapegoating and race baiting. This kind of subtle
racist rhetorics immediately led to hate speech (in this case from a 6 year
old) and over long term ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 34 note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH more than +30 trillion to other nations and to
its own people (of this China has a small part). Yet China gets
scapegoated as the key problem for every problem America is in. And China
debt is singled out for special treatment by Kimmel.
This is called race scapegoating and race baiting. This kind of subtle
racist rhetorics immediately led to hate speech (in this case from a 6 year
old) and over long term ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 35 Actually China-US=win-win is the core message that we need to get media to
propagate. Currently anybody whether media clowns or political candidates,
for cheap laughs or a few votes could make China and the Chinese a
scapegoat for whatever problem the average Joe is having with the world.
It's a fertile ground for hate speech and hate crimes against the Chinese.
This is why we are protesting to change.
note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH mor... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 36 We are right this time.
Actually China-US=win-win is the core message that we need to get media to
propagate. Currently anybody whether media clowns or political candidates,
for cheap laughs or a few votes could make China and the Chinese a
scapegoat for whatever problem the average Joe is having with the world.
It's a fertile ground for hate speech and hate crimes against the Chinese.
This is why we are protesting to change.
note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle ra... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 37 Agreed.
Actually China-US=win-win is the core message that we need to get media to
propagate. Currently anybody whether media clowns or political candidates,
for cheap laughs or a few votes could make China and the Chinese a
scapegoat for whatever problem the average Joe is having with the world.
It's a fertile ground for hate speech and hate crimes against the Chinese.
This is why we are protesting to change.
note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes ... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 38 有道理, 学了继续游行的游行, Facebook的facebook, sue的SUE, BOYCOTT的
BOYCOTT, organize 的organize. No conflict, all together.
Actually China-US=win-win is the core message that we need to get media to
propagate. Currently anybody whether media clowns or political candidates,
for cheap laughs or a few votes could make China and the Chinese a
scapegoat for whatever problem the average Joe is having with the world.
It's a fertile ground for hate speech and hate crimes against the Chinese.
T... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 39 When The Elites Wage War On America, This Is How They Will Do It
The consequences and patterns of war, whether by one nation against another
or by a government against the citizenry, rarely change. However, the
methods of war have evolved vastly in modern times. Wars by elites against
populations are often so subtle that many people might not even recognize
that they are under attack until it is too late. Whenever I examine the
conc... 阅读全帖 |
r**s 发帖数: 129 | 40 Let's be fair here. I have a gorgeous, adorable Taiwanese girlfriend that I
am willing to spend the rest of my life with. Not because she is Hello Kitty
, submissive, shallow, brain dead and a good fuck. Because she calls herself
a freak (a surprisingly foxy one) , standing out from that essentially
numbed crowd that I call most of Taiwan (excluding the "hen qi guay" lot),
in ways that make most other girls look like total idiots.
意跟她共度下半輩子。我之所以如此,不是因為她對丈夫言... 阅读全帖 |
s***h 发帖数: 487 | 41 这位网友,看一下卡拉OK版里,那些既不会 improvisation 也不会 vocal subtle
nuances 的,那种老实说我觉得唱三百首不同的歌,跟唱同一首歌,其实也差不多 。
。。 而反过来,波切利或者 Dianna Krall,那种会 improvisation 和 vocal subtle
nuances 的,一首 Ave Maria 或者 temptation 能唱上一辈子,唱歌姿势的细节还常
唱常新,越唱越新,乐此不疲 。。。 大实话。
频了。 |
w********g 发帖数: 3780 | 42 “A U.S. government employee in China recently reported subtle and vague,
but abnormal, sensations of sound and pressure,” the State Department said
in its warning to U.S. citizens issued Wednesday. “The U.S. government is
taking these reports seriously and has informed its official staff in China
of this event. We do not currently know what caused the reported symptoms
and we are not aware of any similar situations in China, either inside or
outside of the diplomatic community.”
Terry Ande... 阅读全帖 |
W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 43 美国驻中国外交人员染上神秘疾病-越发可疑
Get what you need to know to start your day. Sign up for the Morning
Briefing Newsletter.
A Medical Mystery Grows as U.S. Consulate Workers in China Fall Ill
GUANGZHOU, China — A crisis over a mysterious ailment sickening American
diplomats and their families — which began in Cuba and recently appeared in
China — has widened as the State Department evacuated at least two more
Americans from China on Wednesday.
The Americans who were evacuated worked at the American Consulate... 阅读全帖 |
m******8 发帖数: 2153 | 44 【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: miami128 (LOVE), 信区: Parenting
标 题: 伟大母爱:反Ohio州学校放纵学生针对儿子的仇视暴力
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 12 10:06:59 2012, 美东)
The shocking clip of Zach being viciously attacked in his Ohio classroom in
October will make you gasp in horror, but the incredible support of his mom,
Becky, will make you tear up.
After the attack, the school principal actually said to Zach, "I don't have
any other problems with any other gay students in this school. The problem
seems to be with you. Wha... 阅读全帖 |
k*****e 发帖数: 22013 | 45 理解你的意思。subtle的东西确实很难对付,
从历史的纵向来看,是往好的方向发展。 |
t*******e 发帖数: 2113 | 46
我的话不准确,我的意思是说,谈论和challenge这些subtle 的种族歧视事件,
再加上我的性格,我对这一类subtle 的事件的态度,
但是如果出现诸如Jimmy Kimmel的那种言论和show,
就连我自己... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 47 By Timothy Gordon
The ongoing imbroglio with Denver Bronco quarterback Tim Tebow has made
plain three really unflattering facts about the secular-progressive ("sec-
prog") movement in this country. Tebow's straightforward and unapologetic
Christianity has been received by NFL mensae magnae (contradiction in terms?
) as a type of threat. These folks have responded by building upon the
previously gathered strength of the anti-Christian movement in this nation.
Such a movement, by the way, is far... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 48 by John P. Hanlon 25 Aug 2012, 9:00 AM
Sylvester Stallone’s character is asked what the plan of attack is against
the man responsible for the execution of a fellow "Expendable." His
directive, like the movie itself, is simple.
“Track him. Find him. Kill him.”
That mission - seeking revenge for a fallen comrade - is played to great fun
in the action-packed throwback "The Expendables 2."
Considering the success of its predecessor, it's no wonder most of the
original's cast returned for more mayhe... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 49 尼玛当时开枪击毙就没事了.
Published on CNS News http://www.cnsnews.com
Sheriff asks judge to dismiss $23M verdict in man's shooting
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Attorneys for a Florida sheriff asked a
federal judge on Monday to dismiss a $23 million jury award to a black man
who was unarmed when he was shot and paralyzed by a deputy, saying race
played a "subtle" role in the award.
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office attorneys argued that Dontrell Stephens'
attorneys linked his 2013 shooting by Sgt. Adams ... 阅读全帖 |
g********2 发帖数: 6571 | 50 The Obama administration starts work to save Clinton
In ways subtle and in some ways not so subtle, the Obama administration is
beginning to matter-of-factly do what it can to help Hillary Clinton be
elected president. Its members are beginning to circle the wagons around
Clinton. Beyond their partisan bias, perhaps many in the administration are
motivated by a desire to stay in government or even get promoted if Clinton
is elected. Bureaucrats and political appointees alike may be looking for
w... 阅读全帖 |