w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 1 Flexible Flyer Snowball Maker now $3.86 on Amazon (great reviews):
There's an art to making the perfect snowball: it has to be compact enough
to travel far, and aerodynamic enough to throw accurately. Enter the
Flexible Flyer snowball maker, which makes it easy to shape the ideal
snowball every time. Designed to make a precisely round snowball in roughly
a second, it's perfect for on-the-fly snowball fights or for kids who want
to p... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 11519 | 2 以前一直把它当绣球了,是闲云给正名为snowball, 今年的snowball献给闲云!
今年还是不理想,前年的盛况不再。 去年冬天剪的枝,发现新枝上都没有花朵,花朵
那位有修剪经验请分享。 |
t***e 发帖数: 2 | 4 95折限量求一些mac snowball 12只装口红套装,请发信到 [email protected]mail.com |
h*******7 发帖数: 179 | 5 这个世界有的时候真的是很荒谬,什么物极必反,否极泰来好像都是扯淡。我见到
不知各位身边有没有这样的事? |
g***e 发帖数: 14217 | 6 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
Taraxacum (彩烟游士) 于 (Fri May 17 09:34:08 2013, 美东) 提到:
我的这颗荚蒾的品种叫做“Summer Snowflake”。
☆────────────────────────... 阅读全帖 |
a********6 发帖数: 14468 | 7 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
snowball0 (snowball) 于 (Thu Apr 4 10:10:40 2013, 美东) 提到:
看见一个ocef 著名的id 发这个贴真的很失望。康妈的行为已经不再是单纯的失去亲人
人的善心会被滥用到麻木,ocef 里面那些贫困失学儿童的遭遇,将来靠谁来资助,里
包 或许在过了几天之后早已忘记你曾经的捐助和情义,但对于那些贫困孩子以及他们
特别注明我不是为了让别人记住我而捐助,但是看... 阅读全帖 |
s*********5 发帖数: 5637 | 8 继续灌水,这里有个Traveler Insurance拍的在旧金山滚雪球的广告,十分惊悚,不过
"In 2006, a Travelers commercial titled Snowball was nominated for an Emmy.
Snowball featured a man, walking down a steep San Francisco sidewalk, who
trips and knocks over a table of items at a garage sale. The man and the
items roll down the street, forming a ball which gathers garbage cans,
pedestrians, construction materials, motorcycles, light poles, and other
items, in a manner very reminiscent of the familiar cartoon "sno... 阅读全帖 |
f****a 发帖数: 351 | 9 http://www.scotese.com/climate.htm
Late Proterozoic ice ages
The Neoproterozoic era (1,000 to 542 million years ago), provides evidence
of at least two and possibly more major glaciations. The more recent of
these ice ages, encompassing the Marinoan & Varangian glacial maxima (about
560 to 650 million years ago), has been proposed as a snowball Earth event
with continuous sea ice reaching nearly to the equator. This is
significantly more severe th... 阅读全帖 |
w**z 发帖数: 8232 | 10 【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
发信人: wwzz (一辈子当码工), 信区: Programming
标 题: AWS is taking over the world.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 8 18:51:52 2015, 美东)
Amazon has made it fast, easy, and cheap for big companies to move all of
their data into Amazon's cloud so they can close down their in-house data
Amazon is doing this with a creative new piece of hardware — a "box," if
you will — called Snowball.
Companies rent the Snowball box ... 阅读全帖 |
e******u 发帖数: 537 | 11 http://seattletimes.com/html/seahawks/2022688891_seahawkscarrol
There are two Pete Carrolls, but we usually only hear about one of them.
That’s the guy we see chomping gum on the sideline and heaving footballs
before games and generally having a blast. That Pete Carroll is 62 going on
30 and was once considered unfit for the NFL. Today he is held up as the
antithesis of what is expected from an NFL coach.
“He defies age,” safety Earl Thomas says.
But what about the other Pete Carroll? He’s the o... 阅读全帖 |
D*****D 发帖数: 472 | 12 入门级设备:123
1 买一个 Blue Snowball iCE,现在有deal
Adorama has Blue Snowball iCE USB Condenser Microphone w/ Accessory Pack on
sale for $49.99 - $20 Rebate = $29.99. Shipping is free. Thanks iconian
Adorama also has Blue Snowball Professional USB Condenser Microphone for Mac
& Windows (White or Aluminum) on sale for $57.99 - $20 Rebate = $37.99.
Shipping is free.
Deal Editor's Notes & Price Research: Rebate is valid until 1/9/2017.
2 跟这个老兄做一个喷麦罩子
3 跟加国老兄做一个简易录音... 阅读全帖 |
D*****D 发帖数: 472 | 13 入门级设备:123
1 买一个 Blue Snowball iCE,现在有deal
Adorama has Blue Snowball iCE USB Condenser Microphone w/ Accessory Pack on
sale for $49.99 - $20 Rebate = $29.99. Shipping is free. Thanks iconian
Adorama also has Blue Snowball Professional USB Condenser Microphone for Mac
& Windows (White or Aluminum) on sale for $57.99 - $20 Rebate = $37.99.
Shipping is free.
Deal Editor's Notes & Price Research: Rebate is valid until 1/9/2017.
2 跟这个老兄做一个喷麦罩子
3 跟加国老兄做一个简易录音... 阅读全帖 |
x******n 发帖数: 8550 | 14 我昨天想了想,你这个白色花头是整个的球形,花头在高处,植株比较高大。应该是
snowball bush把?
在我们这里,这种snowball bush开花是早春,绣球是初夏。
snowball bush和绣球不一样。 |
s*********9 发帖数: 107 | 15 2011 JustHang闪亮推出'我拍我自己'拍卖大会
a.拍卖人: 可通过网络或者现场形式参与,从现在开始,填写下面的拍卖方案template
** 拍卖分成
** 拍卖方案template
Q:都有什么样的拍卖... 阅读全帖 |
w**z 发帖数: 8232 | 16 http://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-snowball-vacuums-up-data-
Amazon has made it fast, easy, and cheap for big companies to move all of
their data into Amazon's cloud so they can close down their in-house data
Amazon is doing this with a creative new piece of hardware — a "box," if
you will — called Snowball.
Companies rent the Snowball box from Amazon for as little as $200.
After the box is plugged in and the security is configured, it can vacuum
ungodly amounts of data from a custom... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 17 Samuel L. Jackson: I Wanted San Bernardino Attack to be Carried Out By ‘
Crazy White Dude’
by Ian Hanchett28 Dec 2015400
Actor Samuel L. Jackson said that he “really wanted” the San Bernardino
attack to be “just another, you know, crazy white dude, and not really some
Muslims” in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter’s “Awards Chatter”
podcast released on Sunday.
Jackson said, “I can’t even tell you how much that day the thing was
happening in San Bernardino, I was in Hawaii, how much I reall... 阅读全帖 |
w******o 发帖数: 578 | 18 Alexa Voice Service/Skills Kit (Irvine) -Amazon Alexa is the voice-
controlled personal assistant behind Amazon Echo. We are passionate about
enabling Alexa on all IoT devices and not just Echo. As a member of the team
you will be responsible for leading the development and launch of core
product features. You will have significant influence on our overall
strategy by helping define these product features, drive the system
architecture, and spearhead the best practices that enable a quality prod... 阅读全帖 |
c******k 发帖数: 1251 | 19 朋友的猫咪近日走丢了, 好心人帮转. 有看见的吱一声.
Our cat Snowball(nickname Fatpo) is missing. We lost him on the 28th during
a rainstorm. He'd be in the Bellevue/Redmond area more specifically
Crossroads. He's a male persian cat that's four years old and has a
microchip in him.
Our cat Snowball(responds to Fatpo) is missing. We lost him on the 28th
during a rainstorm. He'd be in the Bellevue/Redmond area- more specifically
Crossroads. He's a male persian cat th... 阅读全帖 |
x******n 发帖数: 8550 | 20 这个灌木在中国北方的山里也曾见过,长得2人高。不知你这颗是不是也是。
今年在HD还见到卖的小盆品种,可惜花色差了些,而且想买SNOWBALL BUSH.SNOWBALL
你家这个的造型。。。太委屈扬州表姐的妹妹了 |
l****z 发帖数: 11519 | 22 哈,就是snowball哈,以为是啥稀罕花那, 给你看看我的snowball哈! |
z**x 发帖数: 3629 | 23 blue话筒我有两个,不过不是这个snowball。
40块是不错的价格了。 |
d*******n 发帖数: 2661 | 24 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZtUDtZDfN0
下了”,谁知道另一个人先接了一句“It is a good time to... 阅读全帖 |
N**B 发帖数: 134 | 25 看到一篇文章
Does the Bible err on how many legs insects have?
Get a stripped-down copy of this page.
Lev. 11:20-3 All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abominat
ion unto you. Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth
upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the ea
rth; even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald
locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and... 阅读全帖 |
N*******n 发帖数: 348 | 26 We can practice Buddhism on this board as well.
Let us begin from loving kindness. :)
>>这个建议非常好. According the article below, the more we are kind to
others, the more we become happy.
Helping Others May in Turn Help You
Random acts of kindness can snowball into more positive mood overall,
experts say.
By Dennis Thompson, HealthDay News
MONDAY, Jan. 2, 2011 (HealthDay Ne... 阅读全帖 |
l********l 发帖数: 148 | 27 snowball怎么可以去掉呀
snowball 可以改成
向 % 扔雪球, 大叫 : 站好了, 不许躲
哈哈 |
c****s 发帖数: 5892 | 29 万锦市政府在本周日(15日)开始,禁止车辆停泊在双数门牌路旁,希望藉此减少在冬季积雪的日子,紧急服务车辆因为道路被汽车及雪霸阻塞而无法前进。试验计划将持续至明年4月春季,假如效果理想,市府会研究将限制订为城市附例。
万锦市议会于上周一的会议上,通过由第四区市议员莫拉蒂(Carolina Moretti)、万锦市消防总长史鲁博(Bill Snowball)、万锦市附例执行部、垃圾管理部等多个部门成立的冬季泊车委员会所提交的报告。
为了配合公众教育及宣传,市府会于本月底才正式实行此冬季泊车限制。在此期间,车主如没有依照新规定将会收到警告信。但在两星期的宽限期过后,违规者会收到罚款告票。有关 |
c*****e 发帖数: 737 | 30 When Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Jyotiraditya Scindia
visited the Indian Pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai in August, he
could have faced a major embarrassment.
Chinese workers at the pavilion, officials told The Hindu, had planned to
block the gates of the Rs.46.8-crore structure and prevent Mr. Scindia's
entry during India's National Day celebrations on August 18. They were
protesting what they described as low wages and irregular payment from the
But a last-m... 阅读全帖 |
P*****t 发帖数: 4978 | 31 盛夏下大雪。
Wintry weather brings snow to Australia in midsummer
Australia normally experiences temperatures of 86F (30C) at this time of
year, but the chances of a rare white Christmas have increased after
plunging temperatures and snow swept across the east of the country.
By Bonnie Malkin, Sydney 11:24AM GMT 20 Dec 2010
Freezing winds from Antarctica, blown up to Australia by a low-pressure
system in the Southern Ocean, gave the country a taste of the conditions
that are causing havoc across Europ... 阅读全帖 |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 32 Or 滿臉全豆花 in Taiwanese lingo.
(1) 何宗安, 中国证实卡扎菲代表访华曾接触军火商. VOA Chinese, Sept 5, 2011
, which is translated from
Stephanie Ho, China Unaware Arms Dealers Met With Gadhafi Representatives.
VOA, Sept 5, 2011.
/China-Says-It-Was-Unaware-Arms-Dealers-Met-With-Gadhafi-Representa... 阅读全帖 |
D**S 发帖数: 24887 | 34 China's shadow banking system is out of control and under mounting stress as
borrowers struggle to roll over short-term debts, Fitch Ratings has warned.
Fitch warned that wealth products worth $2 trillion of lending are in
reality a "hidden second balance sheet" for banks, allowing them to
circumvent loan curbs and dodge efforts by regulators to halt the excesses.
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The agency said the scale of credit was so extreme that the country would
find it very hard to grow its wa... 阅读全帖 |
g*q 发帖数: 26623 | 35 (Reuters) - As many as 200,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of
Brazil's biggest cities on Monday in a swelling wave of protest tapping into
widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government
The marches, organized mostly through snowballing social media campaigns,
blocked streets and halted traffic in more than a half-dozen cities,
including Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Brasilia, where
demonstrators climbed onto the roof of Brazil's... 阅读全帖 |
T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 36 New York Teen Arrested In Connection With Videotaped "Knockout Game" Attack
On Elderly Woman
An upstate New York teenager was arrested yesterday in connection with an
online video showing him punching an elderly woman in the head as she exits
a Rochester convenience store.
Devin Alexander, 16, was busted Wednesday on a probation violation charge,
according to a Rochester Police Department spokesperson (who declined to
reveal how Alexander, who was on probation for a robbery conviction,
allegedly... 阅读全帖 |
w*****8 发帖数: 703 | 37 Downed Airliner: Fake Audio Tape Shows US-Backed Hit to Frame Russia
West Blaming Putin for MH17 tragedy.
West Blaming Putin for MH17 tragedy.
Within hours of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 crashing into a wheat field in
the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine last Thursday, Western governments
and media have gradually stoked a frenzy of accusations that Moscow had a
hand in the disaster.
by Finian Cunningham
Strategic Culture
In a devastating twist to emerge over the weekend it now seems that the
... 阅读全帖 |
W***n 发帖数: 11530 | 38 LAME LAMBS..
No wonder the illegal gathering and blocking of public places are
snowballing.. |
D**********r 发帖数: 602 | 39 Word Offensiveness
1. felch 83% (click to vote)
2. cunt 83% (click to vote)
3. Alabama hot pocket 83% (click to vote)
4. skullfuck 83% (click to vote)
5. cum dumpster 82% (click to vote)
6. Fucking hell 82% (click to vote)
7. cock-juggling thunder cunt 82% (click to vote)
8. rusty trombone 82% (click to vote)
9. blumpkin 82% (click to vote)
10. Cleveland Steame... 阅读全帖 |
G****e 发帖数: 1912 | 40 一堆不认识的词,
1. felch 83% (click to vote)
2. cunt 83% (click to vote)
3. Alabama hot pocket 83% (click to vote)
4. skullfuck 83% (click to vote)
5. cum dumpster 82% (click to vote)
6. Fucking hell 82% (click to vote)
7. cock-juggling thunder cunt 82% (click to vote)
8. rusty trombone 82% (click to vote)
9. blumpkin 82% (click to vote)
10. Cleveland Steamer 82% (... 阅读全帖 |
s**********n 发帖数: 2343 | 42 加州这些白左呀,真是无法无天。
We are the parents of the boy who campaigned for next year’s ASB position.
After reading the disheartening posts on social media we feel like we were
unfairly vilified. For those of you who know us personally or through our
children’s friends, we are definitely not the kind of parents that some of
the postings have painted us to be. We would like to thank those who have
defended us and restrained judgement until all the facts are released.
We wish the parent who took to so... 阅读全帖 |
W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 43 美华企图用微信干预政治,已经被洋大人盯上了
What is WeChat? Chinese-language app could be fueling Chinese-American
A report said issues like affirmative action, unauthorized immigration and
data disaggregation received a disproportionate focus on WeChat.
by Chris Fuchs / Jun.25.2018 / 7:39 AM ET
It’s been used to buy farm-fresh eggs and pay bills — and to quickly
mobilize tens of thousands acro... 阅读全帖 |
s******r 发帖数: 5309 | 44 California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks
out about her allegation of sexual assault
Kavanaugh denies making unwanted sexual advances as an adult
Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh denied committing sexual or physical harassment as
an adult when asked by Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) on Sept. 5. (JM Rieger /
The Washington Post)
By Emma Brown
September 16 at 3:36 PM
Earlier this summer, Christine Blasey Ford wrote a confidential letter to a
senior Democratic lawmaker alleg... 阅读全帖 |
m****e 发帖数: 160 | 45 正在被reddit全网群嘲,与世界为敌
iyoiiiiu 3.1k points 3 hours ago
It is true, the German Federal Ministry of Health confirmed it. The US is
acting like an enemy of Europe and the world, if they were successful with
their disgusting policies, it would literally mean the death of millions of
people in Europe and across the world. I hope to see the day we can come
together and sanction or boycott them for their bullshit.
kingbane2 1.4k points · 2 hours ago
well germany could force the company to reveal how to ... 阅读全帖 |
r**********1 发帖数: 221 | 46 MH: Would you talk about some of the experiences the Marines underwent
during that campaign?
Bergee: I could fill up your notebook with experiences. One of my gunnery
sergeant friends distinguished himself one night by daringly exposing
himself to intense machine-gun, mortar, grenade and small-arms fire to lead
12 men against overwhelming odds (they were facing approximately two
battalions of Chinese) to reach and aid men of his command. He was awarded
the Navy Cross for that act of heroism. Ins... 阅读全帖 |
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 47 Posted on Advocate.com December 01, 2010
Illinois OK's Civil Unions
By Advocate.com Editors
Rep. Greg Harris
The Illinois state senate today passed a civil unions bill by a vote of 32-
24, following the house’s approval of the legislation Tuesday. Gov. Pat
Quinn has pledged to sign the bill, which will take effect in July.
Illinois joins 11 other states and the District of Columbia in providing
some form of relationship recognition to same-sex... 阅读全帖 |
m******n 发帖数: 6327 | 48 华尔街日报报道,Palin的私人顾问两次写信建议Palin为在解雇公安厅长一事上手伸得太长或者被人觉得手太长道歉。Palin说她没有做错任何事,公安厅长被解雇是因为预算的分歧,没有采纳。
Ethics Adviser Warned Palin About Trooper Issue
Letter Described Situation as 'Grave,' Called for Apology
September 11, 2008; Page A8
ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- An informal adviser who has counseled Gov. Sarah Palin on ethics issues urged her in July to apologize for her handling of the dismissal of the state's public safety commissioner and warned that the matter could snowball into a bigger s |