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发帖数: 22013
【 以下文字转载自 ChinaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: pipigou123 (鼠姐虎弟), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: Re: 在美国,学中医的比这里大部分人赚得多
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 14 19:55:23 2011, 美东)
INTRODUCTION — The word "acupuncture" is derived from the Latin words "acus
" (needle) and "punctura" (penetration). Acupuncture originated in China
approximately 2000 years ago and is one of the oldest medical procedures in
the world.
Over its long history and dissemination, acupuncture has diversified and
encompasses a large array of styles and techniques. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9656
送交者: 六指 于 2010-03-25 12:25:45
搜索就看到一篇2004年的洋文”Bt corn reduces serious birth defects”【http://westernfarmpress.com/news/10-27-04-Bt-corn-birth-defects/ 】。方老师的文章基本观点,数据,内容编排都和这篇雷同,不少句子更是原文照译。这进一步验证了一条世人皆知的谣言“方老师写的东西,也有成段的引文献或者直接是英语文章翻过来的”。方老师打开门辟谣,关上门立马就造谣,此等大无畏的勇气和人格力量实在是让我等折服。
是做”二阶科学传播“,主要介绍了当年在“营养学杂志”发表的一篇综述【http://jn... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In
Emerging North African Markets
PwP Exclusive ©Feb 9 2011
Background: Tunisia has undergone increasing economic liberalization over
the last decade: In the 2010-2011 World Economic Forum’s Global
Competitiveness Report, it was ranked as the most competitive country in
Africa, as well as the 32nd most economically competitive country globally.
North Africa’s large Muslim populations are a vast business opportunity
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26222
Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In
Emerging North African Markets
PwP Exclusive ©Feb 9 2011
Background: Tunisia has undergone increasing economic liberalization over
the last decade: In the 2010-2011 World Economic Forum’s Global
Competitiveness Report, it was ranked as the most competitive country in
Africa, as well as the 32nd most economically competitive country globally.
North Africa’s large Muslim populations are a vast business opportunity
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26623
19 minutes ago
(RTTNews) - A group of suspected Taliban militants have stormed a major
naval air base in Pakistan's port city of Karachi, killing nearly a dozen
soldiers and taking several others hostage, local reports quoting officials
said early Monday.
According to officials, a group of more than 15 militants armed with rocket
propelled grenades and machine guns attacked the PNS Mehran naval aviation
base in Karachi late on Sunday. Television footage showed flames and smoke
rising over the ba... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3343
October 24, 2011
In Libya, Massacre Site Is Cleaned Up, Not Investigated
SURT, Libya — In the parched garden of the Mahari Hotel, volunteers on
Monday scrubbed signs of a recent massacre. They collected dozens of bodies,
apparently of people executed on the hotel grounds several days ago, but
left other evidence behind, like the plastic ties that were ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8998
Sam LaHood, the son of U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and the head
of the International Republican Institute's (IRI) Cairo office, was blocked
from departing Egypt earlier this week. He, along with a dozen other
American NGO colleagues, have been placed on an Egyptian "no-fly" list,
officials with IRI told Yahoo News Thursday.
The younger LaHood was blocked at passport control when he went to the Cairo
airport Saturday, Lorne Craner, the head of the IRI, a Washington-based pro
-democr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8998
来自主题: Military版 - Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer? zz
Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer?
by Dan Linehan on March 25, 2012
Innocent victim with shooter
Above is the iconic picture we’ve been become accustomed to seeing
everywhere in the media, used to represent the recent Trayvon Martin
shooting in Sanford, Florida. From everything the public has been told,
Trayvon Martin was a fresh-faced, innocent looking teenager and the visage
of the man who shot him, George Zimmerman, is right out o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
16 People On Things They Couldn’t Believe About America Until They Moved
1. Rakib Islam
I am originally from Bangladesh and here are a few things that I find hard
to explain to peeps back home.
•Fruits and vegetables are way more expensive than meat and poultry.
•That, generally speaking, the poor is more obese than the rich.
•A lot of couples adopt children, sometimes in spite of having their
own, and treat t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 374
HofftingPost another article
AIPAC Is the Only Explanation for America's Morally Bankrupt Israel Policy
The official name for Israel's latest assault on Gaza is "Operation
Protective Edge." A better name would be "Operation Déjà Vu." As it has on
several prior occasions, Israel is using weapons provided by U.S. taxpayers
to bombard the captive and impoverished Palestinians in Gaza, where the
death toll now exceeds 500. As usual, the U.S. government is siding with
Israel, even though most America... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8463
来自主题: Military版 - 说曹操,曹操就到!
ISIS 无处不在, 比塔里办还厉害。
Australian: "That's my boy"
Australian Boy, 7, Poses For Photo With Severed Head In Syria (GRAPHIC IMAGE)
In what may be one of the most shocking photos passed around on social media
, a 7-year-old Australian boy is seen holding up a severed head in Syria.
"That's my boy," reads the caption reportedly posted by Khaled Sharrouf, a
convicted terrorist who fled Australia to join the Islamic State militants
waging wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
Massacre and Atrocities in Hong Kong during WWII
April 2007 29 Comments
Hong Kong was a British colony before and after WWII, but from 12/25/1941 to
8/15/1945 when Japan surrendered, Hong Kong was under the control of Japan.
This article recounts the massacre and atrocities committed by the Japanese
troops during those three years and eight months of occupation of Hong Kong
. The purpose of recounting these events is not to bash Japan or to generate
hatred of Japan, but to make sure that we do n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 22064
The Coming Chinese Crackup
David Shambaugh
March 6, 2015 11:26 a.m. ET
The endgame of communist rule in China has begun, and Xi Jinping's ruthless
measures are only bringing the country closer to a breaking point
Chinese President Xi Jinping, front center, and other Chinese leaders attend
the opening meeting on Thursday of the third session of the National People
's Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Photo: Xinh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9770
Chinese Businessman Thought to Have Fled to U.S. Further Strains Ties
August 4, 2015
傅才德, MARK MAZZETTI 2015年8月4日 LOOMIS, Calif. — China is demanding that
the Obama administration return a wealthy and politically connected
businessman who fled to the United States, according to several American
officials familiar with the case, and should he seek political asylum he
could become one of the most damaging ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9770
来自主题: Military版 - 中国“私募一哥”的覆灭
The Fall of China’s Hedge Fund King
By ALEX W. PALMER March 30, 2016
ALEX W. PALMER 2016年3月30日
At 10:33 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 1 of last year, the highway police in Ningbo,
an industrial city on China’s eastern coast, posted a seemingly innocuous
message to their official microblog. “Due to sudden traffic control,” the
message read, “all the entrances and exits of the G15 Expressway at
Hangzhou Bay Bridge have been closed.... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 12 月26日 可能的真相
12月26日 事实的真相
以前我们分析过,Augusta, GA 只是这个人体基地的一个点,而且我们也追踪到还有一
,这个基地的入口就在Deerfield, ILLinois. 世界每一个人都是这个基地的受害者,
在... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
‘Everybody had a job, and then they didn’t’: Hollywood sex scandals’
other casualties
When art director Francis Giglio signed on to work on the TBS animated
series “The Cops” last summer, he believed he had a full-time job through
next May. The project starring the comic dream team of Louis C.K. and Albert
Brooks meant steady income for the 36-year-old Newhall resident, who is
supporting a wife and a young daughter.
But his economic security ended on Nov. 13 when the show’s production
company FX... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6723
来自主题: Military版 - 奉天兵工厂
【 以下文字转载自 Mod_CHN_Hist 讨论区 】
发信人: Mayingba (吳鐘學), 信区: Mod_CHN_Hist
标 题: 奉天兵工厂
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 28 20:29:57 2018, 美东)
Mukden Arsenal after WWII
April 3, 2017 jwh19752 Comments

(Zhang's Gate, the old entrance to Mukden Arsenal)
For people interested in Japanese firearms of WWII, the name Mukden Arsenal
is familiar. The history of the facility after Japan's defeat is less well
known. Under various names, it did surv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 285
来自主题: Military版 - 为美国航空的疏忽
I want to be clear that this is not about me. I am writing this to spread
word and find help for this couple. This is simply my account of what
happened. It is in the first person because this is all I know for sure.
Yesterday, I was on a flight that not only did not get us to our destination
but also failed to take care of its passengers. Two passengers were hit by
a pick-up truck because of it. I was the one who brought them their luggage... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - the last email (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 PKU 讨论区 】
发信人: biter (PP), 信区: PKU
标 题: the last email
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Nov 8 17:08:49 1999) WWW-POST
I just posted this in "Love" board, but it seems something wrong there.
Anyway, since I am from PKU too, I'll just put it here. Hope you don't mind.
Below is the last email I sent to a girl.
I met her a year ago and then something happened.
She (in the email, I used "XX" for her name) is only 19 years old.
She came here at the age of 16 and is trying to enroll the American... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1912
来自主题: Military版 - 千老们来反驳一下?
Scientific Puzzles Surrounding the Wuhan Novel Coronavirus
BY YUHONG DONG February 3, 2020 Updated: February 6, 2020FONT BFONT SText
size Print
The sudden outbreak of the Wuhan Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has resulted
in all of China’s Hubei Province and three major cities in Zhejiang
Province being subjected to quarantine. Other nations are anxiously trying
to get their people out o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2580
来自主题: Military2版 - 共党在内战中并无特别军工能力
105mm: 10.5cm leFH-18 field howitzer. It has been reported that China took
delivery of 48 of these guns during the German advisory period ca. 1936-1938
. At the time of their delivery these weapons were the most modern field
pieces in service in China. The Japanese reported having captured some of
these guns in 1937/1938
149mm: Rheinmetall commercial 15cm L/32 and 15cm sFH-18 field howitzers. It
has been reported in several sources that China took delivery of a total of
44 15... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2273
来自主题: USANews版 - Buyout Profits Keep Flowing to Romney
Almost 13 years ago, Mitt Romney left Bain Capital, the successful private
equity firm he had helped start, and moved to Utah to rescue the Salt Lake
City Olympic Games and begin a second career in public life.
Yet when it came to his considerable personal wealth, Mr. Romney never
really left Bain.
In what would be the final deal of his private equity career, he negotiated
a retirement agreement with his former partners that has paid him a share of
Bain’s profits ever since, bringing the Romney ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The day before his death in the fog-shrouded Chinese city of Chongqing, Neil
Heywood sensed that something was amiss.
The day before his death in the fog-shrouded Chinese city of Chongqing, Neil
Heywood sensed that something was amiss. WSJ's Jeremy Page has the latest
developments as Chinese authorities investigate Mr. Heywood's "intentional
The British businessman had been summoned on short notice to a meeting in
Chongqing in early November with representatives of the family of Bo Xi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Wood-Fired Plants Generate Violations
BLUE LAKE, Calif.—Malodorous brown smoke from a power plant enveloped this
logging town on April 29, 2010, and several hundred residents fled until it
Six months later, the plant got $5.4 million from a federal program to
promote environmentally preferable alternatives to fossil fuel.
The plant, Blue Lake Power LLC, burns biomass, which is organic material
that can range from construction debris and wood chips to cornstalks and
animal waste. It is... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3813
Albany County District Attorney David Soares, center, at the scene of a
quadruple homicide at 1846 Western Ave. on Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2012, in
Guilderland, N.Y. (Cindy Schultz / Times Union)
GUILDERLAND — Four people, believed to be two children and two adults, were
slain in a shocking quadruple homicide inside a small, pale green bungalow
at 1846 Western Ave. along a busy commercial stretch of the suburban town.
Guilderland police confirmed Wednesday afternoon that there were four
homicides. N... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: WCNMLGB (CCC), 信区: Military
标 题: 好莱坞性侵大牌被开除,连带很多人失去了工作
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 1 12:53:08 2017, 美东)
‘Everybody had a job, and then they didn’t’: Hollywood sex scandals’
other casualties
When art director Francis Giglio signed on to work on the TBS animated
series “The Cops” last summer, he believed he had a full-time job through
next May. The project starring the comic dream team of Louis C.K. and Albert
Brooks meant steady income for the 36-year-old Newhall resid... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
来自主题: WorldNews版 - 中东颜色革命幕后的金融"政变" .
Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In
Emerging North African Markets
PwP Exclusive ©Feb 9 2011
Background: Tunisia has undergone increasing economic liberalization over
the last decade: In the 2010-2011 World Economic Forum’s Global
Competitiveness Report, it was ranked as the most competitive country in
Africa, as well as the 32nd most economically competitive country globally.
North Africa’s large Muslim populations are a vast business opportunity
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 773
Q2. What powertrain and fuel will become the dominant transport means in the
A number of scenarios could bridge between renewable primary energy and
transportation energy need (Fig. 1) through four powertrain systems: (i)
ICEs and/or electric hybrids that burn liquid biofuels and compressed
methane, (ii) battery electric vehicles (BEVs) that run on electricity
stored in rechargeable batteries, where electricity can be generated from
sun radiation, tide, geothermal, wind, and nuclear ener... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2050
来自主题: Automobile版 - 从车辆顶棚安全说开去
3. 模拟翻车动态测试
IIHS测试视频,15秒时这辆LaCrosse达到peak force,同时挡风玻璃破裂,然后强度就
大幅降低了。那么在这个例子中,是到达peak force后车顶形变过大导致玻璃破裂,还
是车顶本来强度就不高,一直靠玻璃撑着,直至玻璃破裂呢?这... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Automobile版 - dealer的真正本钱
How to Figure Out a Dealer's True Cost
Despite what you may have read on other sites, there is no way to know for
sure what a dealer's true cost is for each vehicle they sell.
There are simply too many hidden variables involved. For example, the dealer
's financing cost increases by a small amount each day a car goes unsold.
You would need to find out how many days that car has been sitting on the
lot, in addition to knowing some other hidden costs and possible kick-backs
they receive from the m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17722
来自主题: ebiz版 - 大叔不要迷信organic食品

Atrial Fibrillation Caused Or Worsened By Lasalocid Residue In Eggs
1998 - 2005 updated Nov 2006 and May 2007
Richard Gee
This Paper in PDF Format
Lasalocid is a veterinary "antibiotic" which is given as a feed supplement
to certain farm animals and poultry including birds destined to become
layers. You can read all about this highly toxic heart poison and how it is
seriously afflicting UK egg production in this April 2... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4978
China's Publication Bazaar
A Science investigation has uncovered a smorgasbord of questionable
practices including paying for author's slots on papers written by other
scientists and buying papers from online brokers.
SHANGHAI, CHINA—The e-mail arrived around noon from the mysterious sender "
Publish SCI Paper," with the subject line "Transfer co-first author and co-
corresponding author." A message body uncluttered with pleasantries
contained... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3139
来自主题: HiFi版 - 能推荐一个$400左右的DAC么
Volume Control Technologies
Newsletter Edition:
July 2009 Issue
With the introduction of Benchmark’s HDR-VC™ (High Dynamic Range
Volume Control), many audio enthusiasts are taking another look at volume
control methods. What are the differences between the different volume
control topologies? Is one sonically superior, and why?
The important qualities to consider with respect to volum... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 28013
The Top 10 Credit Mistakes
By John Ulzheimer for Credit.com
1. Closing Credit Cards Accounts
Some of you may wonder why Closing Credit Cards is number one on this list
as the biggest credit mistake even above Missing Payments. In fact, closing
credit cards is almost as bad of an idea to increase your credit scores as
missing payments, but it is also a clear number one on the list of credit
myths. It is perhaps the most common piece of advice that consumers are
given when they ask,” How can I inc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 234
Healing the Trauma: Entering Motherhood with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (
by Jennifer Jamison Griebenow
© 2006 Midwifery Today, Inc. All rights reserved.
[Editor's note: This article first appeared in Midwifery Today Issue 80,
Winter 2006.]
Making the leap to parenthood is a challenging transition even at the best
of times. For some mothers that transition is made even more difficult by
additional challenges in the postpartum period. Most people know about the
baby blues, and the m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 312
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - GMO
Do you know that a lot of GMO is present in baby food?
American academy of enviromental medicine
Genetically Modified Foods
According to the World Health Organization, Genetically Modified Organisms(
GMOs) are "organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in
such a way that does not occur naturally."1 This technology is also
referred to as "genetic engineering", "biotechnology" or "recombinant D... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 312
来自主题: Parenting版 - Do you choose GMO?
American academy of enviromental medicine
Genetically Modified Foods
According to the World Health Organization, Genetically Modified Organisms(
GMOs) are "organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in
such a way that does not occur naturally."1 This technology is also
referred to as "genetic engineering", "biotechnology" or "recombinant DNA
technology" and consists of randomly inserting genetic fragments of DNA from
one organism to ano... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19398
By Noel K. Gallagher Staff Writer [email protected] | @noelinmaine | 207-
AUGUSTA — In the midst of anti-testing and anti-Common Core sentiment
across the nation, the Legislature’s Education Committee heard testimony
Monday on whether Maine should drop the five-year-old Common Core math and
English standards and delay statewide testing for a year while it switches
to a new test.
Maine’s 2015 T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 852
Chappaquiddick incident
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chappaquiddick incident
Location Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Date July 18, 1969
Result Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of the accident;
refused to run for president in 1972 and 1976
The term "Chappaquiddick incident" refers to the circumstances
surrounding the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, whose body was discovered
underwater inside an automobile belonging to Senator Edward M. Kennedy.
Kopechne's bod... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1920
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: xaa7 (xaa), 信区: Military
标 题: 一对中国老夫妇搭AA航班,在baltimore遇车祸
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 5 16:40:28 2018, 美东)
I want to be clear that this is not about me. I am writing this to spread
word and find help for this couple. This is simply my account of what
happened. It is in the first person because this is all I know for sure.
Yesterday, I was on a flight that not only did not get us to our destination
but also failed ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In
Emerging North African Markets
PwP Exclusive ©Feb 9 2011
Background: Tunisia has undergone increasing economic liberalization over
the last decade: In the 2010-2011 World Economic Forum’s Global
Competitiveness Report, it was ranked as the most competitive country in
Africa, as well as the 32nd most economically competitive country globally.
North Africa’s large Muslim populations are a vast business opportunity
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1024
Oil Prices: Four Experts Size Up the Energy Market
Four experts explain what’s ahead and highlight the best investment
opportunities in the energy sector.
February 14, 2015
Perhaps the biggest surprise of 2014 was the sharp decline in oil prices.
Black gold fell almost 60% from its summer peak of $107 to a low of $44 in
January, before enjoying a nice bounce to a recent $53. The reverberations—
good and bad—are being felt around the world, from the oil kingdoms of the
Middle East to Argentina, R... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10817
Fracking’s Secret Problem—Oil Wells Aren’t Producing as Much as Forecast
Data analysis reveals thousands of locations are yielding less than their
owners projected to investors; ‘illusory picture’ of prospects
The wells of some producers in the Permian Basin appear to lag behind
By Bradley Olson, Rebecca Elliott and Christopher M. Matthews
January 2, 2019
Link copied…
Thousands of shale wells drilled in the last five years are pumpi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8870
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Fri Jun 15 16:15:58 2012, 美东) 提到:
rfe on Day 15
paper: 26 (all english, 10 first-author, if: 0.5-6, 一半以上>4)
citation by submission (ISI): total 303, independent: 299
review 30 times for 25 paper for 12 journals (0.2-6)
次VerticalNews,一篇hottest 25和一篇cover paper都没提。
5 independent support letter, 2 from us, 1 from china, france, greece.
老三样,contributio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8992
【 以下文字转载自 Quant 讨论区 】
发信人: mytt80 (tt), 信区: Quant
标 题: Wall Street No Longer a Beacon for the Young - zt
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 22 15:30:16 2011, 美东)
Earlier this fall, Steve Ferdman celebrated getting a job offer Credit
Suisse in the usual Wall Street fashion. Over expensive oysters and dark rum
cocktails at a trendy Manhattan restaurant with his parents, he toasted
landing the full-time position after working six months as a consultant
without benefits.
A week later, Mr. Ferdman, 28, sat alo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8992
【 以下文字转载自 Quant 讨论区 】
发信人: mytt80 (tt), 信区: Quant
标 题: Wall Street No Longer a Beacon for the Young - zt
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 22 15:30:16 2011, 美东)
Earlier this fall, Steve Ferdman celebrated getting a job offer Credit
Suisse in the usual Wall Street fashion. Over expensive oysters and dark rum
cocktails at a trendy Manhattan restaurant with his parents, he toasted
landing the full-time position after working six months as a consultant
without benefits.
A week later, Mr. Ferdman, 28, sat alo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2506
来自主题: Fishing版 - 肉忠被恶心了
找到了,看来鱼泛滥的地方容易长虫。 鱼多不是好事
Parasites and Disease
At some time an outbreak of some type of disease or parasite will likely
occur. However, the severity, frequency and duration of these outbreaks can
be reduced by controlling fish stress. Conditions favorable for disease
outbreaks require a host, such as the fish, a disease organism such as a
parasite and a stress such as low dissolved oxygen. Common stress factors
are rough handling, w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9479
My Favorite Low Carb
and Low GI Foods
By David Mendosa
More and more people with diabetes, myself included, are turning to low
glycemic and low carb foods to help them control their condition.
Unavailable carbohydrates are...fiber.
Some of the low carb and low GI foods that I can recommend to others are
listed below. I have tested almost all of them and note the exceptions.
If you go to a glycemic index looking for very low GI foods you might be
c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 764
Sources: Man who helps Ducks probed
* Email
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* Comments225
By Joe Schad and Mark Schlabach
NCAA officials are examining whether a Texas man helped steer high school football prospects to defending Pac-10 champion Oregon, and Ducks officials on Thursday told ESPN.com that the school paid the man $25,000 in the spring of 2010 for recruiting services.
Sources close to the inquiry told ESPN.com that NCAA officials are taking a closer look at Oregon's recruitment of running ba... 阅读全帖
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