p********l 发帖数: 2032 | 1 继不久前母亲节之际圣迭戈未名空间、宝宝爸妈组、同乡聚餐组、吃喝小分队等数网网
网友又发起组织了一场网聚,六月十六日在UTC多伊尔公园(Doyle Park)成功举办。
露,Lin妹妹的牛肉卷饼,KJ的南瓜饼,Ning妹妹的海带,rainy妹妹的馅饼一开... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 2 林青霞(资料图)
林青霞星:2000年8月,一位天文爱好者发现了一颗后来被编号为38821的小行星,这也是他在美国发现的第四颗小行星。这位发现者给这颗星星命名为 “林青霞星”。直到2006年得到国际小行星命名中心批准和公示。
金庸星:2001年命名,编号为第10930号。中国科学院紫金山天文台的工作人员昨日对记者说,天文学... 阅读全帖 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 3 日前,杨丞琳在台北举办新专辑签唱会,唱片公司宣布,在太空中将有一颗小行星以她的英文名字“Rainie”命名。已得到国际天文组织认证。此举让杨丞琳惊喜,称是自己长这么大收到的最好的礼物。而刚刚过去的7月,周杰伦、徐克也正式获得“命名小行星”的荣誉。网友不禁连连发问,有多少偶像小行星遨游星际?粉丝的名字可以“上星”吗?
而小行星发现者虽然拥有命名权,但是也有一定的规矩。比如政治家、军事人物或者政治、军事事件必须在逝世后或发生100年以后才能命名。所有小行星的命名,必须经过国际天文学联合会由13人组成的小天体提名委员会批准,由国... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 4 在熙去年结束兵役
韩国著名歌星金桢勋2009年4月入伍,此前他刚刚在日本推出了第8张单曲碟《Rainy Flash》。同年12月15日,已经入伍8个月的金桢勋,还在日本发售了入伍前录制的韩文专辑。入伍前的充分准备,使他在服役期间还可以在日韩推出全新音乐作品。
因为军队生涯苦,韩国歌手MC梦(原名申东铉)在7年里共7次推迟入伍时间,还涉嫌故... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 5 王阳明在夜店玩通宵,昨天(12月12日)晚上现身时,他仍然精神奕奕。
12月11日凌晨,杨谨华在信义区DAZZLING Champagne Dining bar提前办34岁生日派对,她广邀各方好友同欢,除绯闻男友怀秋缺席外,萧亚轩(ELVA)前男友王阳明、祝钒刚、周汤豪(Nick)全到场,彷佛上演“旧爱大会串”,十分给好友面子,稍晚柯震东、郑元畅、陈妍希也赶来同乐。
记者接线报赶到现场,目击寿星杨谨华在夜店门口送港星钟镇涛... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 6 大黄鸭脑袋低垂、身子半瘪,被网友调侃说是“太累了”。
还记得小时候洗澡时陪伴你的黄色橡皮小鸭吗?5月2日,一只高达16.5米的巨型充气橡皮“大黄鸭”漂在香港维多利亚港,这个游历过10个国家、 12所城市的庞然大物带着大家童年的美好回忆成为香港最新景点。14日深夜,游客发现大黄鸭“漏气”倒在了水面上,引起极大关注。
有游客上传一张大黄鸭脑袋低垂、身子半瘪的照片至微博,一小时内超过5000次转发。昨天,大黄鸭更变成一张“鸭皮”,主办方表示鸭子本身未出 现漏气问题,只是“拖走做常规检查”。不过还是遭到明星及网友调侃。作家韩寒称:“刚到香港就目睹如此惨剧。禽流感太可怕了。”姚晨回应,“没事,吃点板 蓝根就好了”,蔡康永则指大黄鸭变“鸭汤”,郑中基说“累了就休息一下吧”。跳水名将田亮问“大黄鸭你肿么变成鸭饼了?”有网友猜测,大黄鸭是加班累倒 的,或是独在异乡郁闷成疾。更有网友为大黄鸭谱曲唱歌:“你不等我了,我专程来看你了,怎么你身体变得扁平了。灯光也暗了,鸭也是累透了,我的鸭真的受伤 了。”
这只大黄鸭是享誉世界的明星,由荷兰艺术家霍夫曼设计。据霍夫曼介绍,这只憨态可掬的大黄鸭从2007年开始就... 阅读全帖 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 7 美国媒体一则“美国塞班逾七成新生儿来自中国”的报道引起轩然大波,曲线海外生子路径曝光。尽管风险不小,但“塞班产子”仍然吸引广州很多“准妈妈”,成为城中热议话题。究竟“塞班产子”费用几许,是否折腾?最为关键的是,靠不靠谱,风险几许?南方日报记者近期调查走访,发现专业运作“塞班生子”的中介机构遍地开花,从专业的月子中心到信息咨询中心、律师事务所,甚至有不少“野鸡”旅行社和个人中介也参与其中,有“生子豪华套餐”叫价百万元,也有自己办理手续奔赴塞班生育。
近日,有美国媒体报道揭... 阅读全帖 |
x**********g 发帖数: 29 | 8 【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: xiaopingping (leilei), 信区: Biology
标 题: 云南稀有小白菇致400人突然死亡
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 14 10:18:07 2010, 美东)
14 July 2010 Last updated at 06:51 ET
Rare mushroom blamed for mystery deaths in China
A tiny mushroom, little known to scientists, is behind some 400 sudden
deaths in China, experts say.
For 30 years, during the rainy season, scores of villagers in Yunnan
province have died suddenly of cardiac arrest.
Following a five-year investigation, researchers from the Chin |
E***z 发帖数: 519 | 9 although not full of crap or speculation, here are some points that can be
easily refuted.
1. salary depression and free labor market. Since Chinese workers are free
to choose which company they want to work for, so, the labor market in China
is a free market and the salary is determined by the market unless all the
companies collude, which is impossible.
2. social security and Chinese consumption. I agree that China does not have
a developed social security system like the western world. So Chi... 阅读全帖 |
a****2 发帖数: 3735 | 10 郭富城 对你爱不完 田原俊彦 シルエットは踊れない
任贤齐 伤心太平洋 中岛みゆき 幸せ
张学友 每天爱你多一些 桑田佳佑 真夏の果実
周华键 花心 喜纳昌吉 花
大S/仔仔 – 让我爱你 MIKIKO - 初恋色
蔡淳佳 – 陪我看日出 夏川里美 泪光闪闪
S.H.E - 记得要忘记 Kiroro - 好きな人
郑秀文-多谢 kokia – arigatou
莫文蔚 - 盛夏的果实 UA - 水色
莫文蔚 冷雨 バンバソ 冷たい雨
莫文蔚 Alive我的自由式 ZONE Secret Base~君がくれたもの~
张善为 – 真夏的樱花 森山直太郎-樱花
SPEED-Happy Together 梦幻想 –
花儿乐队 – 洗刷刷(抄袭) puffy k2g~奔向你!~
王心凌 - 月光 岛谷瞳-亚麻色头发的少女
王心凌 - 桃ノ花ビラ 大冢爱 - 桃ノ花ビラ
王心凌---青春考卷 Sweets---虹色の永远
韩雪 - 飘雪 中岛美嘉 雪花
韩雪---爱的出路 中岛美嘉---find the way
张惠春 - 想念你的歌 伊藤由奈--endless story
安又琪 ... 阅读全帖 |
s*********8 发帖数: 901 | 11 GRAND COULEE DAM, Wash. – The giant concrete dams of the Pacific Northwest
are overflowing with water. Wyoming has deployed National Guard troops to
pile up sandbags. A federal official compares the impending situation to a
bucking bull ready to storm out of his chute.
States across the West are bracing for major flooding in the coming weeks
once a record mountain snowpack starts melting and sending water gushing
into rivers, streams and low-lying communities. The catalyst will be warmer
tempera... 阅读全帖 |
e**s 发帖数: 4638 | 12 cash poor
many americans lack a rainy-day fund
47% said their household couldn't come up with $2000 in 30 days without
selling some possessions.
source: national bureau of economic research
Time June 20, 2011 |
c*******t 发帖数: 5182 | 13 Yesterday
Sounds like 26 miles of long term maintainance costs.... that sounds
expensive.. China is building up alot of stuff lately but I think down the
road they dont realize the expense it is going to take to keep it.... bad
idea if you ask me.. just because things are good now, doesn't mean they are
going to stay that way, and China isn't saving anything for that rainy day
that is coming.... |
b******7 发帖数: 639 | 14 【 以下文字转载自 Poetry 讨论区 】
发信人: berg2007 (berg), 信区: Poetry
标 题: 【八月路漫漫】港湾中的一叶小舟 A boat in the bay
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 13 16:35:21 2011, 美东)
港湾中的一叶小舟 A boat in the bay
四月,出发于春天, The legendary sunshine bay,
顶风冒雨, eventually my boat arrived here
我的小舟终于来到了 My trip start on April in spring,
传说中的阳光港湾, just through heavy storms
我憧憬 I long for
我的一叶小舟 My little piece of boat
风雨中接受洗礼 robust after ... 阅读全帖 |
b*******s 发帖数: 3614 | 15 这里是连接,http://www.cnbc.com/id/45031100。
NoHope4Obama | Oct 25, 2011 02:37 PM ET
This is simply unbelievable. The corruption in Washington is out of control!
Report Abuse
NoHope4Obama | Oct 25, 2011 02:38 PM ET
Here we go again, who's at the bottom of this...THE FED!
Report Abuse
bigcjim | Oct 25, 2011 02:38 PM ET
There is no wonder the rest of the world looks at us as a bunch of idiots.
This is wh... 阅读全帖 |
s*****r 发帖数: 11545 | 16 你说得对,前面肥猫和股权也一针见血地指出了美帝战争的风险。其实,这风险很低的
能明目张胆地给大家每人发一百万,因为那对人家省吃俭用 save for the rainy days
。美国的战争就是属于后者的情况。 |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 17 【环球时报驻韩国特派记者 莽九晨】据韩国《中央日报》15日报道,因今年年初向日
府本着人道主义精神“把刘强驱逐回中国,不要移交给日本”,问... 阅读全帖 |
e*******e 发帖数: 9616 | 18 给路边的黑人给几块钱的老中 fly over
it was a cold rainy day, the guy stood along the road shoulder.
The other time it was a white guy, I was on my way to a soccer game, on a
cross road waiting for traffic light. Somehow I just decided to give a few
bucks to that white dude.
I am not a rich guy, but I do that for my own happiness . |
s**g 发帖数: 3271 | 19 牛肉25
yesterday heard from my classmate in GuangZhou
beef, 35
Lamb, 38
veggie, very easily over RMB 5, say on a rainy day
较, |
m*****9 发帖数: 1597 | 20 Most Rainy Days
Rochester, New York 167
Buffalo, New York 167
Portland, Oregon 164
Cleveland, Ohio 155
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 151
Seattle, Washington 149
Columbus, Ohio 139
Cincinnati, Ohio 137
Miami, Florida 135
Detroit, Michigan 135
Abbotsford 171
St. John's 162
Vancouver 161
Victoria 142
Halifax 132
Sherbrooke 128 |
q*******n 发帖数: 20306 | 21 Ancient China
For centuries people have been making clothing to protect themselves from
the rain. One of the earliest forms of rain protection clothing was designed
in Ancient China and were rain capes made of straw or grass. Farmers wore
the rain capes while toiling in the dirt and mud during the rainy season.
These rain cloaks did a fair job of protecting farmers from the wet weather,
but were stiff and heavy. These grass outer garments are well documented
in Chinese history through poems ... 阅读全帖 |
w*p 发帖数: 16484 | 22 光这个国家基金就已经给每人准备了1百万克朗,大家都不用工作了
All Norwegians become crown millionaires, in oil saving landmark
By Alister Doyle 11 hours ago
Jensen, leader of Norway's Fremskrittspartiet (Progress party), speaks
to party members while waiting for the result of the general elections in
View gallery
Siv Jensen, leader of Norway's Fremskrittspartiet (Progress party), speaks
to party members while …
By Alister Doyle
OSLO (Reuters) - Everyone in Norway became a theoretical crown millionaire
on Wednes... 阅读全帖 |
M*****n 发帖数: 16729 | 23 Around 8:00 a.m. on October 29, 2009, O'Quinn was driving his Chevrolet
Suburban on Allen Parkway in Houston, Texas in rainy weather when the
vehicle struck a curb, crossed a grassy median and three lanes of oncoming
traffic, and crashed into a tree. Both O'Quinn and the other occupant, his
assistant, Johnny Lee Cutliff, died instantly of blunt force injuries.
Neither man was wearing a seat belt. According to Capt. Bill Staney of the
Houston Police Department's Vehicular Crimes Division, the Sub... 阅读全帖 |
l***x 发帖数: 684 | 24 summer is fantastic...
winter is harsh... but for me, I can tolerate snow and cold for great summer.
been in CA, everyone drives like crazy. My wife would not drive in CA, even
me feels stressed. driving in MN, the only issue is snow and deer. road are
filled with drivers with patient and politeness.
twin cities has the longest bike trails. I bike everyday in summer unless
rainy. basically not a single weekend spent indoor in summer. either biking/
hiking/paddling or camping out. |
r*****3 发帖数: 6442 | 25 港台歌曲来源于日本歌曲的不完全记录...
*谭咏麟 酒红色的心 玉置浩二 ワイソレドの心
*谭咏麟 亲爱是疼 财津和夫 サボテンの花
*谭咏麟 雨夜的浪漫 布施明 fantasy
*谭咏麟 Born free 谷村新司 Born free
*谭咏麟 最爱的你 仓桥ルイ子 ラストシーンに爱をこめて
*谭咏麟 珍重 森昌子 いつまでも ~爱彩川~
*谭咏麟 爱的眼睛 谷村新司 狂った果実
*谭咏麟 爱情陷阱 宫里久美 背中ごしにセンチメンタル
*谭咏麟 Oh Girl 桑田佳佑 悲しい胸のスクリーン
*谭咏麟 暴风女神Lorelei 芹沢広明 星のシルエット
*谭咏麟 单身一族 松田博幸&露崎春女 SILENCEが终わるまで
*谭咏麟 南风 中森明菜 南风
*谭咏麟 忘不了你 五轮眞弓 恋人よ
*谭咏麟 前程锦绣 中村雅俊 俺たちの旅
*谭咏麟 触电舞 南佳孝 Monroe Walk
*谭咏麟 让一切随风 沢田研二 时の过ぎゆくままに
*谭咏麟 DON`T SAY GOODBYE 德永英明 辉さなから
*谭咏麟 雾之恋 高桥真梨子 FOR YOU
*谭咏麟 情意两心知 德永英明 梦にだか... 阅读全帖 |
u***r 发帖数: 4825 | 26 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/27/us/falling-oil-prices-have-ri
HOUSTON — States dependent on oil and gas revenue are bracing for layoffs,
slashing agency budgets and growing increasingly anxious about the ripple
effect that falling oil prices may have on their local economies.
The concerns are cutting across traditional oil states like Texas, Louisiana
, Oklahoma and Alaska as well as those like North Dakota that are benefiting
from the nation’s latest energy boom.
Here in Houston, which proudl... 阅读全帖 |
q*z 发帖数: 715 | 27 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: dalihe102 (dalihe), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 转载:新西兰地下时装设计大师Hiddenchaos谈音乐三观 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 30 21:21:48 2015, 美东)
发信人: lghlmcl (老公回来没出来), 信区: LeisureTime
标 题: 转载:新西兰地下时装设计大师Hiddenchaos谈音乐三观
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 30 19:17:29 2015, 美东)
第一篇:黑人的节奏观,节奏在明,其它在暗. Everything support 节奏
Pe... 阅读全帖 |
a*****y 发帖数: 33185 | 28 http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/high-power-microwave-
High-Power Microwave Weapons Start to Look Like Dead-End
Despite 50 years of research on high-power microwaves, the U.S. military has
yet to produce a usable weapon
By Sharon Weinberger | September 12, 2012
By Sharon Weinberger of Nature magazine
For some Pentagon officials, the demonstration in October 2007 must have
seemed like a dream come true — an opportunity to blast reporters with a
beam of energy that causes s... 阅读全帖 |
W******e 发帖数: 529 | 29 Pretty Petite SAF Looking to Grow in Love with Cute and Sweet Soul (Los
body : athletic height : 5'3" (160cm)status : single
I am a sensitive, well-educated(two advanced degrees), youthful, and in-
shape woman of substance and integrity. I have been told look much younger
and quite pretty( however, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?) I'd
like to get to know a single, attractive, kind, and in-shape professional (
50's and 60's), who is open and easily shares his thoughts and fe... 阅读全帖 |
N********t 发帖数: 194 | 30 A Houston company is giving all of its employees, no matter what their
position is, a Christmas bonus they'll never forget.
Employees say the company issued the generous pat on the back for a job
well done throughout the year.
All 1,380 employees at Hilcorp, one the largest privately held oil and
natural gas exploration and production companies in the United States,
received a $100,000 Christmas bonus this year.
"It's just a true gift and I don't think that myself along with everyone is
not goi... 阅读全帖 |
l*y 发帖数: 21010 | 31 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s59rx_VBCY8
One of those fucking awful black days
When nothing is pleasing and everything that happens
Is an excuse for anger
An outlet for emotions stockpiled, an arsenal, an armour
These are the days when I hate the world
Hate the rich, hate the happy
Hate the complacent, the TV watchers
Beer drinkers, the satisfied ones
Because I know I can be all of those little hateful things
And then I hate myself for realizing that
There's no preventative, directive or safe ... 阅读全帖 |
w********9 发帖数: 8613 | 32 There are still three months left in the state’s rainy season and reason to
hope that the remainder of the state could become drought-free. |
W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 33 凶多吉少了。能不能找到尸体都成问题
Race against time as boys soccer team remains lost in Thailand cave 7 days
It's been one week since 12 boys and their soccer coach disappeared
inside a flooded cave in the mountains of northern Thailand, and rescuers
are in a race against time to find them.
Tham Luang Nang Non, Thailand's longest cave and a popular tourist site,
is said to be a labyrinth of miles-long passageways and narrow tunnels.
Underneath the jungle in Chiang Rai province, the cave can flood up to 20... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 34 埃塞俄比亚暴力导致大量平民流离失所
楼的一个大厅里。 Shirin Hanafieh/ ICRC
红十字国际委员会评估组组长希琳•哈娜菲埃(Shirin Hanafieh)说:"这一危
离失所... 阅读全帖 |
W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 36 You Can Compost Human Waste!
More and more people are discovering the water- and money-saving benefits of
fertilizing their gardens with human waste. It’s not just for homesteaders
By Carol Steinfeld
April/May 2011
Oceans of sewage. Tapped-out water sources. Ever-costlier fertilizers. A
flurry of recent studies warn of resource scarcity for the world’s cities.
Fortunately, a growing legion of urban dwellers think the nutrients and
water in their toilets are too valuable to flush away. F... 阅读全帖 |
O***O 发帖数: 1854 | 37 这么一说,好像整个中国历史上,胡化汉语永远更性感,而且与时俱进。现在Rainy们
都找马汤姆、王托尼了。 |
B*Q 发帖数: 25729 | 38 属实
[在 OlilO (近乎平壤) 的大作中提到:]
:都找马汤姆、王托尼了。 |
k**********4 发帖数: 16092 | 39 Lessons from Hale Ross’ life at Yale
A personal essay by Hale's father
JACK ROSS 5:47 PM, MAY 05, 2018
Editors’ Note: Please be advised, the following piece includes sensitive
material relating to depression and suicide.
Several months ago, I received a “save the date” flyer about the Yale
graduation events this May. I will not be in attendance. On Oct. 30, 2016,
my son Hale, class of 2018, ended his life.
Hale’s death was a tragedy on many levels — a profound loss not o... 阅读全帖 |
B******e 发帖数: 16928 | 40 经济好的时候很少有人愿意浪费两年时间去读MBA,recession enrollment才多,上一
次financial crisis之后enrollment就增加了而且business school很多有自己的rainy
day fund,其他专业基本都靠学校的钱,所以你single out business school成最危险
的智能说明你对Business school缺乏基本的了解。 |
发帖数: 1 | 41 工作都丢了 哪来的钱? 天上掉的?
rainy |
发帖数: 1 | 42 经济不好
学院的rainy fund是救急用的
等enrollment上来还有大把人等着应聘 |
w*******2 发帖数: 2199 | 43 你说的是top 8 b school吧
rainy |
u****n 发帖数: 7521 | 44 Featured comments:
‘Despite growing unemployment, despite ruinous private and public debt,
despite whole states risking bankruptcy, despite the federal government now
paying its bills with nothing but printed paper, Americans keep spending
like good times will roll forever.’
And that’s the problem with the average joe. They grew up being told they
could do anything they wanted with their lives. If it feels good it must be
right. They don’t want to hear the truth about ANYTHING negative if it
cou... 阅读全帖 |
r*****y 发帖数: 53800 | 45 栗田为什么回转
意义是不同的。 |
p*******m 发帖数: 136 | 46 反正不是无以伦比的那个意思。准确的翻译大概就是 非 常。
One entry found.
Main Entry: ex·cep·tion·al
Pronunciation: \ik-ˈsep-shnəl, -shə-nəl\
Function: adjective
Date: 1787
1: forming an exception : rare
2: better than average : superior
3: deviating from the norm: as a: having above or below average intelligence
b: physically disabled
— ex·cep·tion·al·i·ty \-ˌsep-shə-ˈna-lə-tē\ noun
— ex·cep·tion |
C*******r 发帖数: 10345 | 47 More Than Charisma
New York Times
Published: January 23, 2009
On a rainy October night in 2006, I took a cab to the John F. Kennedy
library here to conduct a very public interview. As we pulled up, the driver
asked, “Who’s on the program?”
“Barack Obama,” I said.
“Oh,” he replied, “our next president.”
I mentioned this to then-Senator Obama during the program and he got a good
laugh out of it. He hadn’t yet announced that he was running. The capacity
crowd in the auditorium was cl |
m******t 发帖数: 2416 | 48
Err... no. Consider this line of reasoning:
a. Imagine back in the days when there wasn't an insurance industry at all.
How did people deal with medical costs - or in general, "rainy days"? By
In fact, that is still the general idea used by the Amish people, and it has
apparently worked well for them, because none of them are otherwise covered
by any medical insurance.
b. So say you put aside a sizable amount of money just in case you or your
gets sick. Meanwhile, you realize tha |
m******t 发帖数: 2416 | 49
The short/long term disability insurances are supposed to kick in.
Yes, and it teaches us to... "save for the rainy day", not "force somebody
else to foot the bill for me". |
m******t 发帖数: 2416 | 50
You don't _have_to_ buy medical insurance.
There is another way that people have been
taking for thousands of years for things
like medical care or loss of a job or whatever
other sudden life-changing events. It's
called "save for the rainy day."
And the philosophy behind that can be
summarized as "be responsible for yourself." |