s*********e 发帖数: 4475 | 1 west windsor, great neck华人老人应该都很多,但学校里亚裔太多,竞争太激烈是个
west windsor房好地好,但印度人多。 great neck的亚裔基本都是东亚的。
另外scarsdale/great neck好像都没有side walk, 老人散步不方便。
没有十全十美的。 |
B*****0 发帖数: 6 | 2 Great Neck到downtown也是一个小时到一个小时十分之间door to door。但great neck
的趴车位很难搞定,通常要等几年。Short Hills的趴车位随时都可以申请到。这点要
方便不少。而且great neck南校那边小学里中国人已经快80%了,北校又不太好。Short
Hills 这边中国人比例是20%左右,要平衡很多。 |
m**********g 发帖数: 24 | 3 不知道你乘的什么车25~35 分钟能从Great Neck 11021到达Penn Station?
Great Neck 11021
虽然地税比附近的Bayside和Little Neck高很多, 但因为是Nassau所以没有City
Income Tax其实抵消了。 Rush hour的快车可以25分钟到Penn Station, 就算没有快
车也是35分钟。 , 就算没有快车也是35分钟。
fee |
m*******y 发帖数: 14292 | 4 little neck停车要钱的 一天六块似乎是 LZ不能走到车站嘛?
Little/Great Neck 地角是很好的 生活方便又安静 LITTLE NECK最近我看有OPEN
h******b 发帖数: 6055 | 5 妻子非常喜欢法拉盛,直接否决NJ和Westchester。 我们预算是600-700K, 马上就有第
最近以法拉盛为中心,Queens 26学区包含Bayside, Little Neck, Douglaston, 和
Fresh Meadows, 偶尔也看北法拉盛和白石不过25学区还是差点。 好处是地税一年
也就600-700尺。 比很多Apartment还小。 高中也比较杂比较差。 妻子说我们是中
我自己受同事影响,比较喜欢长岛, 只挑最近的Town,Great Neck基本上买不到近火车
的砖房House,现在看North New Hyde Park (Great Neck和Herrick学区那部分,在
Hillside Avenue北方), 靠Bus站的。 一张Metrocard搞定,地税是10000-12000,
但没有NYC税还是能抵消不少的。 而且房子大很多漂亮很多。 开车去法拉盛不过二十
分... 阅读全帖 |
j***k 发帖数: 2719 | 6 it depends on where in new hyde park.. certain parts of new hyde park
belongs to the great neck district, which is a great school district...
housing is much cheaper in new hyde park, it was a popular place during the
bubble, as many families were priced out from great neck.. but after 2009,
great neck became affordable, new hyde park has lost its desirebility.... |
c*****l 发帖数: 5203 | 7 我的观点是上私立学校
公立学校 楼上总结了 要想在city范围里 住little neck, bay side, douglaston, 如
果不介意多交地税去long island 比如 great neck or jericho
举个例子我的房子在little neck 地税已经非常的高了 因为是flood zone B 所以保险
为了孩子上公立学校买房子 我觉得不值 可以租住就好了 买房子不如买在upcoming的
一家之言 您自己斟酌着看 |
j******3 发帖数: 18319 | 8 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
civigal (yaya) 于 (Mon Aug 22 09:38:52 2011, 美东) 提到:
周日遛狗 看见OPEN HOUSE牌 就走进去看了看
1 bed 要199K 很简单 但是阳光很充足
2 bed 要 299 k 家里装修装饰的很好 韩国人家
还有另外一个2 bed 要289K 前业主是electrician 家里WALL PLATE啥的都是最新最好
的 电线都隐蔽了 干净
物业费1BED是700 2 bed是800
Vesper8 (天使在人间) 于 (Mon Aug 22 09:40:21 2011, 美东) 提到:
owner occupied only?
daj (肉丝炒饭--小吵肉fan) 于 (Mon Aug 22 09... 阅读全帖 |
I*******E 发帖数: 36 | 9 如果是ST. Johns 想住QUEENS以学区分的话最好就是FRESH MEADOWS, BAYSIDE, 跟
也近, 交通感觉上比较方便~~但是都没有地铁只有BUS. 学区均属于26学区算是QUEENS
最好的学区 房价不算太便宜SINGLE FAMILY可从45-60万或更高都是旧房须要装修一下
当然你也可以考虑CO-OP 或CONDO 售价会便宜一些但新的CONDO受价也不便宜且生活空
间可能没HOUSE来的大但可以省掉一些头痛的事(像是铲雪之类的). 你也可以考虑GREAT
NECK 它紧邻QUEENS 学校方面相对比QUEENS好 有长岛铁路到 MANHATTAN 又紧邻
CITY TAX 一年可以帮你们再省一些钱 但房价也比 QUEENS稍高一些 PORPETY TAX也稍
高一些~ 不过你们能最好自己来感受一下居住环境再决定买在那. 希望... 阅读全帖 |
h******b 发帖数: 6055 | 10 midtown总不能只算东42街吧,何况早上不存在等地铁问题。 scarsdale就是因为慢车
40-50太慢所以我排在great neck后面。 何况great neck找走路到火车站的房子容易
great neck快车一站就到woodside, 转七号grand central未必比你慢多少,七号同站
town |
h******b 发帖数: 6055 | 11 midtown总不能只算东42街吧,何况早上不存在等地铁问题。 scarsdale就是因为慢车
40-50太慢所以我排在great neck后面。 何况great neck找走路到火车站的房子容易
great neck快车一站就到woodside, 转七号grand central未必比你慢多少,七号同站
town |
y****e 发帖数: 28 | 12 我还一直以为是一个孩子. 老大是不是去了Hunter了? 你家现在就住在Little Neck?
如果是这样, 没必要为老大搬家啦,不管住什么地方,不大可能照顾两个孩子. Little
Neck 学区满好的, 为老大选一个在Little Neck的学校吧. |
s****g 发帖数: 265 | 15 我住在floral park。 这里有韩国人的教堂,但是我到现在还没有碰到过韩国人,倒是
在playground, 学校操场和幼儿园里都有碰到中国人。floral park有自己的警察,反
还不错,火车能直通manhattan, brooklyn,和queens, 不像北边的线到brooklyn就不
班时快车不少。到flushing要转bus, 我们一般都是开车去,好在我们不是成天往
不如great neck south, 你要是能买到great neck自然是最好。
stewart manor我有一次坐火车到过,很僻静,站台在地面上(floral park的站台在桥
上,不影响地面交通), 当时我想叫部出租都叫不到。
new hyde park很大,有些地区听说能上great neck south, 但是交通怎样就不知道了。
另外,在一个... 阅读全帖 |
G***Y 发帖数: 9698 | 16 纽约复活节活动好去处
发布于 2015-03-27,周五 14:59
复活节(Easter),也被称为耶稣复活日(Resurrection Day),每年春分月圆之后的
有些活动也会在博物馆和其他文化景点举行。当然,需... 阅读全帖 |
b******g 发帖数: 3883 | 17 scarsdale房价相比great neck便宜20%,地税大概也贵个20%.great neck房子太烂了,
我看了很多town同样价位的房子,great neck的房子最烂,感觉实在不值,尤其北高中
那么差 |
l****4 发帖数: 486 | 18 我在湾区工作4年,因为LD毕业找到工作在纽约,所以决定6,7月份搬到纽约。(有一
她在mid-town east, 我应该可以先在家remote work, 不过公司也在penn station 附
近有office, 有可能以后要去office. 我基本算是没去过NY,所以最近花了些时间做了
网上看了CL,street easy. 感觉NY租房机会很多。但是又道听途说租房很难,到处都要
waitlist. 在湾区基本上提前2-4周找基本上都没什么问题,想问问NY这样也可以么,
还是需要提前找agent提前排队 (我看了城里,也看了长岛,目前希望能住great neck
想住的稳定一些,打算熟悉之后马上准备买房(single family)。预算0.8-1M。租房也
想住在great neck就是因为想熟悉环境然后买在那里。(看了那个超长买房贴,觉得不
redfin上看了有不少11021的房子成交... 阅读全帖 |
j*****7 发帖数: 386 | 19 房价 = function of (通勤, 社区环境, 税收,房子结构, 大小, 居民收入,空
气质量, 学校, 种族, 吃喝玩乐, 气候。。。)
房价已经是诸多综合因素的反映, 是各种不同社会阶层的人用钱投票,达到的一个供
你总是从右边众多的因素中挑出一两个自认为大颈比较强的地方, 来”碾压“别的区,
来证明自己的选择最正确。就说学校,人家尖子生有能力上Hunter, Stuyvesant 的,
有些还不愿意与那些Open Enrollment 入学的普通孩子一起。家里有钱的要上Top 私
立, 基本都在NYC。长岛有私立, 不过档次跟NYC 的TOP 不是一个档次。
我们讨论的是房价的涨幅。大颈别说比法拉盛低, 比皇后区的很多华人喜欢的社区
Forest Hills, Bayside, Fresh Meadows, Rego Park, Little Neck 都低。
沾了法拉盛的光, 才比别的郊区学区房 Short Hills, Scarsdale 贵。
Trulia 上的房价资料: $/每平方呎
法拉盛: 673
Forest Hills: 618
... 阅读全帖 |
j*****7 发帖数: 386 | 20 房价 = function of (通勤, 社区环境, 税收,房子结构, 大小, 居民收入,空
气质量, 学校, 种族, 吃喝玩乐, 气候。。。)
房价已经是诸多综合因素的反映, 是各种不同社会阶层的人用钱投票,达到的一个供
你总是从右边众多的因素中挑出一两个自认为大颈比较强的地方, 来”碾压“别的区,
来证明自己的选择最正确。就说学校,人家尖子生有能力上Hunter, Stuyvesant 的,
有些还不愿意与那些Open Enrollment 入学的普通孩子一起。家里有钱的要上Top 私
立, 基本都在NYC。长岛有私立, 不过档次跟NYC 的TOP 不是一个档次。
我们讨论的是房价的涨幅。大颈别说比法拉盛低, 比皇后区的很多华人喜欢的社区
Forest Hills, Bayside, Fresh Meadows, Rego Park, Little Neck 都低。
沾了法拉盛的光, 才比别的郊区学区房 Short Hills, Scarsdale 贵。
Trulia 上的房价资料: $/每平方呎
法拉盛: 673
Forest Hills: 618
... 阅读全帖 |
KV 发帖数: 5728 | 21 不错,生蚝和little neck看着都很饱满,这个季节的味道重一些,也比较嫩,很好吃
。麻州最好的生蚝是Island creek,东岸极少数最好吃的生蚝之一,产自麻州,我最喜
欢的是kumamoto,hama hama,然后就是这个island creek。
你能生吃little neck不错,人生多了一样乐趣,大部分人吃不了这个,会觉得浓腥,
但是只要能吃,我觉得比生蚝好吃,middle neck和cherrystone都是一类的,很多人受
不了,但真好吃。 |
n***1 发帖数: 1719 | 22 V neck圆脸人穿会拉长视线,显得脸长。虽然俺不是圆脸,但基本所有T-shirt都是V
neck的,显得整个人更修长点。 V neck的tshirt要比圆领难买很多。
俺没有深V的。一是没有那么好的乳沟,那得是健身大牛才有的。二是Deep V 男的穿显
得要不就人太招摇,要不就显cheap.不庄重。没有买第一件,也是因为V的有一点大。 |
o*******r 发帖数: 4921 | 23 记得是 "neck up rule":
if you’re sick from the neck up only then you can probably still run.
If you’re sick from the neck down, then you absolutely should not run. |
s***r 发帖数: 358 | 24 There are a lot of glaring issues, but I'll just point out a few big
1) There was no setup. You simply went under the bar and unracked it. You
even shuffled the bar around your back right after you unracked it. You won'
t be able to do this when the weight gets heavy. Spend more time on the
setup which is key to make a lift. When you are done with a proper
setup and ready to unrack the bar, your upper back should be super tight,
your lower back should be arched, belly should be full of air... 阅读全帖 |
k**********i 发帖数: 8706 | 25 I'm recently reloading .308 for my new Remington 700 SPS Varmint. I used Lee Full Length Sizing Die and Bullet Seating Die.
But I met with two problems:
(1) Some of the ammo can chamber in while some won't. The bolt simply cannot
close. The weird thing is that both the working and non-working reloads are
from the same batch (passed through the Lee full length sizing die with the
same depth setting). I need to mention that the cases are different though.
All of them are Lake City old cases which ... 阅读全帖 |
x*7 发帖数: 11281 | 26 刚开始的时候,我土了吧唧的,没看说明就觉着
neck sizing 容易,应该是小点儿的die
直接用full length sizing die, 上好多
不是人家说neck sizing很容易很轻松吗
后来才发现,nnd,neck sizing die是那个大个的... |
f*********n 发帖数: 11154 | 27 刚才把6个弹壳仔细检查了一遍,没有ring mark,但是用caliper测量neck,比其他的弹壳厚了
6个弹壳有5个是Prvi Partizan的,1个是Federal Gold Medal Match。记得以前听版面上谁
刚才拿了两个弹壳,neck sizing了一下,然后重新trim过,上膛和退膛立刻就顺当了。
powder to
load is
round in |
T******Q 发帖数: 207 | 29 I did wear a baseball cap and ear muffs. Shit, one hot casing got into my
shirt via my neck. Imagine shooting in the summer馃槀girls
銆鍦TexasBBQ(BBQ) 鐨勫ぇ浣滀腑鎻愬埌: 銆br />
: With one jam for 94
rounds of Federal, no jam with 56 rounds of Winchester.
: Previously with no jam for 100 rounds of Balzer. I guess you get what
: pay for. Several Casings did jumped into my face or neck. Limp wrist
: be an issue. Make sure wear tight neck shirt and eye protective
T******Q 发帖数: 207 | 30 I did wear a baseball cap and ear muffs. Shit, one hot casing got into my
shirt via my neck. Imagine shooting in the summer馃槀girls
銆鍦TexasBBQ(BBQ) 鐨勫ぇ浣滀腑鎻愬埌: 銆br />
: With one jam for 94
rounds of Federal, no jam with 56 rounds of Winchester.
: Previously with no jam for 100 rounds of Balzer. I guess you get what
: pay for. Several Casings did jumped into my face or neck. Limp wrist
: be an issue. Make sure wear tight neck shirt and eye protective
d******0 发帖数: 22800 | 31 http://running.about.com/od/howtorun/tp/runningform.htm
这里偶想特别强调一个“Land Midfoot”,不要脚跟先着地。那样会伤害你的膝关节。
Improving your running form can help you run faster, more efficiently, and
with less stress on your body and reduced risk of injury. Follow these tips
to work on perfecting your running form.
Look Ahead
Your eyes should be focused on the ground about 10 to 20 feet ahead of you.
Don't stare at your feet. Not only is this proper running form, but it's
also a safer way to run because you can see wha... 阅读全帖 |
W********s 发帖数: 2256 | 32 http://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/2011/uncensored-play-by-play-r
We’ll it’s been 3 weeks since his retirement and Urban Meyer must already
be sick of his wife and kids. Welcome to the real world, Urban.
There is a moment of sheer panic as Auburn fans see Nick Saban on the
Gameday set. (In the postgame, Saban accidently referred to Oregon as “We
”, before correcting himself.)
Alcohol will be a factor in this game. Bowl games allow drinking in the
stadium, so it will be critical to see how the t... 阅读全帖 |
m****g 发帖数: 3975 | 33 http://www.npmb.com/cms2/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php
There have definitely been a few more neck fractures, as well as serious
injuries that weren't actually fractures, than just those two. Here are
links to a few that have probably all missed the AW database.
On the Ocoee.
Another one on the Ocooe.
Second hand report of a broken neck on the Chattooga.
Not any details.
I don't have much info, but somebody on an AMC LY trip got backendered at
Cucumber and fractured her neck over Memoria... 阅读全帖 |
m****g 发帖数: 3975 | 34 http://www.npmb.com/cms2/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php
There have definitely been a few more neck fractures, as well as serious
injuries that weren't actually fractures, than just those two. Here are
links to a few that have probably all missed the AW database.
On the Ocoee.
Another one on the Ocooe.
Second hand report of a broken neck on the Chattooga.
Not any details.
I don't have much info, but somebody on an AMC LY trip got backendered at
Cucumber and fractured her neck over Memoria... 阅读全帖 |
w*******e 发帖数: 2651 | 35 A rule of thumb is "neck check".
If your symptoms are below the neck, say high fever, chest congestion,
muscle and joint pains, as experienced in flu, you should not exercise until
you recover.
If your symptoms are all above the neck, more like having cold, you can
still train as long as your body can take it. |
y**********u 发帖数: 6366 | 36 http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-241-286--9082-0,0
Runners don't like to skip workouts--even when they're ill. Here's how to
decide when you should take a sick day from training. By Marc Bloom Image by
Timothy Archibald From the August 2004 issue of Runner's World
Runners seem to live by a creed that's stricter than the postman's: "Neither
rain, nor snow, nor sniffle, nor fever shall keep me from my training
schedule." Indeed, the coming of winter ... 阅读全帖 |
i*********5 发帖数: 19210 | 37 Question: Can I Run With a Cold?
I have a cold and I don't want to take a break from my training. Can I go
running with a cold?
Answer: When deciding whether you should run with a cold, use the above/
below the neck rule. If your symptoms are above the neck (runny nose,
sneezing, sore throat) then, yes, you can run. Just take it easy and don't
do any intense workouts. Be sure to be aware of any symptoms such as
dizziness, nausea or profuse sweating. You should stop running if any of
these sympto... 阅读全帖 |
j***y 发帖数: 5098 | 38 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
outbacker (IRUN) 于 (Wed Sep 28 09:48:50 2011, 美东) 提到:
Quoting from _The Book Of Lists #2_, copyright 1979, pg 305-6:
11 physical attributes men imagine
women admire most about them
1. muscular chest and shoulders 21%
2. muscular arms 18
3. penis 15
4. tallness 13
5. flat stomach 9
6. slimness 7
7. hair (texture, not length) 4
7. buttocks 4
7. eye 4
10. long legs 3
11. neck 2
11 physical attributes women really
admire most about men
1. buttocks (... 阅读全帖 |
h****w 发帖数: 1363 | 39 赞企鹅先生!
我前一阵(绵绵前一周多)感冒时也狗了一下:如果症状是above the neck,就可以继
续锻炼;但是如果症状是below the neck,就要休息了。
还好我当时是above the neck,搞了不到一周就自己好了 |
D***e 发帖数: 121 | 40 I did try to get a 2nd opinion from doctors in US and China. Guess what,
they are totally different!!
US doctor: You need to have the neurosurgery ASAP.
China doctor: Avoid any surgery if possible,specially on your neck. No
exercise involving your neck. When other people call you from behind, don't
even turn your neck and answer.
I said thank you to Chinese doctor and will go American way. |
L**********s 发帖数: 12988 | 41 02. Child Pose: Balasana
Balasana (bah-LAHS-anna)
bala = child
- Gently stretches your lower back, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles
- Relaxes you spine, shoulders, and neck
- Increases blood circulation to your head which reduces headaches
- Massages your internal organs
- Calms the mind (central nervous system) thus helping relieve stress
and tension
- Knee injuries or problems like cartilage or ligament tears
- Ankle problems
- Avoid for those w... 阅读全帖 |
L**********s 发帖数: 12988 | 42 02. Child Pose: Balasana
Balasana (bah-LAHS-anna)
bala = child
- Gently stretches your lower back, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles
- Relaxes you spine, shoulders, and neck
- Increases blood circulation to your head which reduces headaches
- Massages your internal organs
- Calms the mind (central nervous system) thus helping relieve stress
and tension
- Knee injuries or problems like cartilage or ligament tears
- Ankle problems
- Avoid for those w... 阅读全帖 |
A********y 发帖数: 1649 | 43 Aries/1st house:
head, brain, eyes, face, muscles, pineal gland;anything to do with the head.
Headache, migraine, sinus problems, head colds, nosebleeds, fever,
inflammation, haemorrhage, high blood pressure, eruptions, burns, scalds,
insect bites and stings.
Taurus/2nd house:
neck, throat, thyroid gland, larynx, chin, lower jaw, ears,
tongue, vocal chords, jugular vein, tonsils;
anything to do with the throat or neck, sore throat, stiff neck, tension,
excess weight, under-active thyroid gland
G... 阅读全帖 |
r********m 发帖数: 593 | 44 现在是Kiels, 除非特别说明,小样为袋装.
Powerful-Strength line-reducing concentrate (tube or pack)
18GN0N, 18G000
Size 5mL
Qty 2
Price 1.00 each
Buy all, get Super fluid UV defense SPF 50+ (5mL) free
Crystal Marine ultra rich cream
Size 5mL
Qty 3
Price 1.00 each or 3 for 2.00
Buy all, get SOY MILK HONEY WHIPPED body butter (15mL) free
Abyssine Cream
18G000. 18G800
Size 5mL
Qty 2
Price 1.00 each
Buy one, get one of Abyssine Serum (5mL) free
Abyssine Cream SPF 23
18G7... 阅读全帖 |
r********m 发帖数: 593 | 45 这楼包括Philosophy, ReVive, Sekkisei (雪肌精), SK-II, Shu Uemura (植村秀),
Stri-victin 和 Sulhwasoo (雪花秀)
===Philosophy=== 图1
除非特别说明, 小样均为瓶装
Time in a bottle daily age-defying serum pack
32461C, 33111B
Size 1.5mL
Value 4.00
Qty 10
Price 3 for 1.00 or 10 for 3.00
Time in a bottle for eyes 眼霜, 新产品
3345, 3350B1
Size 2mL
Value 9.00
Price 1.50
Time in a bottle for eyes pack
3345, 3350B1
Size 2mL
Value 9.00
Price 1.00
------------------------------------------... 阅读全帖 |
M*******1 发帖数: 192 | 46 For $99, you get eight laser hair-reduction treatments for one of the
following areas: the bikini line, lower navel, underarms, lip, chin, hands,
feet, nose, sideburns, or cheek (up to a $960 value).
For $199, you get six laser hair-reduction treatments for one of the
following areas: the front of the neck, back of the neck, full face, lower
arms, upper arms, upper back, lower back, lower legs, upper legs, shoulders,
or buttocks (up to a $1,080 value).
For $297, you get six laser hair-reduction ... 阅读全帖 |
f*****n 发帖数: 405 | 47 你这就是soft neck的,根本不是hard neck的。要是hard neck的,只要是入冬之前,
蒜薹。但很不幸, 竟然有害虫leek moth专吃蒜薹。我这儿是5A |
m****i 发帖数: 1076 | 48 Lesson: 5
Title: The Pentatonic Scale
Level: Beginner - Intermediate
Style: Theory
Instructor: Bill Quinn
Hello, I'm Bill. I've thought a lot about the '1st lesson' but the
only thing that really makes sense is to just jump right in. For those
you who know the pentatonic scale - this will surely be a nice review,
the rest of you, get ready for the 1st step in playing lead.
The guitar makes learning scales easy! To most players, a scale is
just a memorized fingering pattern. Sure, the patt... 阅读全帖 |
p********r 发帖数: 593 | 49 那些burn 我认为不会是仿旧,是前owner之类个人搞的。太不好看了。
按照neck 来说,是08 美国产(Z8开头)。不过这些琴很多是 neck 和body可以随便换
,所以准确的说你应该表明neck是肯定美国的。不知body的序号是多少。 |
p********r 发帖数: 593 | 50 在这里怎么问都没有用,最后是上飞机的时候人家一句话。
bass的问题就是overhead bin 不够长吧。如果不怕折腾就自己把bass (或者吉他)
的琴颈卸了,body, neck 分别包装好放箱子带。我觉得能不折腾最好。。带琴很麻烦
。。neck thru 或者 set neck 就没办法了。托运你估计一路都要提心吊胆。 |