

全部话题 - 话题: mistaked
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发帖数: 162
I am a very meticulous person and I rarely make that kind of mistake. If I
do, usually I catch those mistakes myself, even when I was an entry level
Maybe a couple times a year, my boss will point out that I have made a
mistake while I explain my work, right at the spot. I don't even remember
there was ever once that they came to me and told me that I had made a
mistake somewhere. Instead, it would be me to tell them that I have made a
mistake and I need to correct what I have given to t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1631
来自主题: Football版 - 我说几句发空
The biggest challenge
1. Do not stage fright before the fight
2. Do not make their own mistakes after opening
3. Take your points
1. Do not stage fright
HC's lineup is indeed a bit immortal, but the other is also an ordinary
And you are all eating with their mouths to walk with your feet do not be
afraid of Ah!
2. Do not make mistakes on your own
Beat the four super bowl victory Every opponent has committed a serious
Not a professional circle of talent to understand ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2785
来自主题: Military版 - ZT: I don't believe her story
As a Chinese, I lived through that period of time in China. I have similar
family and educational background as hers and suffered during Culture
Revolution as a child. I think her experiences in China mostly, if not all,
are fabricated, imagined, overly exaggerated or deliberately miss leading.
If one just read the media reports about her book, he/she may think that
media might just pick the sensational parts of the book and exaggerated a
little bit to help her to sell ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21010
来自主题: Military版 - PwC普华永道这次是不是彻底栽了
As a result, presenter Warren Beatty carried the wrong envelope to center
stage Sunday night, meaning that his on-stage partner, Faye Dunaway,
announced “La La Land” was the winner of the night’s top prize. “
Moonlight” was actually the best picture winner.
Tim Ryan, the accounting firm’s U.S. chairman and senior partner, offered
an explanation Monday of the unprecedented mi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 28013
The Top 10 Credit Mistakes
By John Ulzheimer for Credit.com
1. Closing Credit Cards Accounts
Some of you may wonder why Closing Credit Cards is number one on this list
as the biggest credit mistake even above Missing Payments. In fact, closing
credit cards is almost as bad of an idea to increase your credit scores as
missing payments, but it is also a clear number one on the list of credit
myths. It is perhaps the most common piece of advice that consumers are
given when they ask,” How can I inc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Morton's theorem
This is interest. I will add my 2 cents.
In a multi-way pot situation, someone's mistake can cost you equity. I think
it is fairly straight forward to understand this if we don't worry too much
about hand strength, but think about the hands in a framework of odds/
combination of hands.
Look at the example you give:
"Button(hero) push and show TT.
Small blind call and show KJs. it's a mistake, as KJs Big blind call and show AQo.
NOW, hero actually is in worst shape, TT 31.357% K... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5697
matt damon的替身就是brian cullinan
In his fourth year of handling envelopes for the winners of the Academy
Awards, PricewaterhouseCoopers partner Brian Cullinan picked a bad time for
a miscue — pulling the envelope for what was supposed to be the Best
Picture winner from the wrong pile.
SEE MORE: Awards: The Contenders
As a result, presenter Warren Beatty carried the wrong envelo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4908
littleice (家有两宝:狗娃猪仔) 于 (Thu Jul 29 16:58:01 2010, 美东) 提到:
positive pushing--how to raise a successful and happy child,by Jim Taylor,
onlooker11 (onlooker) 于 (Fri Jul 30 15:34:14 2010, 美东) 提到:

heleniry (瘦哥胖妹) 于 (Fri Jul 30 15:51:04 2010, 美东) 提到:
☆───────────────... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 148
来自主题: Military版 - 床铺的最佳辩论策略
有人能转给Trump Camp 吗?
The best debating strategy is not attacking Hillary, is forcing her to
attack Obama:
Whatever topic she was on, inner city, racial tension, middle east. I will
use middle east as an example
Just ask: You’ve been in politics for 30 years. Can you give the American
people some examples of the policy you had implemented to stabilize middle
east, specifically in the last 7.5 year?
She will have a hard time,
If she happen to say no, follow up with “Just like I said, a typical... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 148
来自主题: USANews版 - 看完辩论对trump很失望
I am disappointed too. He had so many chance but just could not stay on the
有人能转给Trump Camp 吗?
The best debating strategy is not attacking Hillary, is forcing her to
attack Obama:
Whatever topic she was on, inner city, racial tension, middle east. I will
use middle east as an example
Just ask: You’ve been in politics for 30 years. Can you give the American
people some examples of the policy you had implemented to stabilize middle
east, specifically in the last 7.5 year?
She will hav... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 148
来自主题: USANews版 - 床铺的最佳辩论策略
有人能转给Trump Camp 吗?
The best debating strategy is not attacking Hillary, is forcing her to
attack Obama:
Whatever topic she was on, inner city, racial tension, middle east. I will
use middle east as an example
Just ask: You’ve been in politics for 30 years. Can you give the American
people some examples of the policy you had implemented to stabilize middle
east, specifically in the last 7.5 year?
She will have a hard time,
If she happen to say no, follow up with “Just like I said, a typical... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 这个朱利亚尼恐怕真是卧底的
Rudy Giuliani on shifting Trump Tower story: 'It was a mistake. I swear to
Rudy Giuliani denied Monday that the disclosure by Donald Trump's attorneys
that the President dictated a crucial statement on the infamous June 2016
Trump Tower meeting -- a reversal from past denials -- constituted a lie,
instead claiming it was a routine mistake.
"It was a mistake," Giulani, a lawyer for Trump in the Russia investigation,
said on CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time" Monday. "I swear to God, it was a mistake.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1211
Apparently everyone here is trying to help LZ. However, one should
consider whether your advice is really helping or hurting. The mistake
cannot be undone. There is no need to exaggerate the consequence of the
mistake, and urge LZ to commit in futile struggles. After all, they are
new parents and have more important things to do. The following will be
my last comments:
1) Do not exaggerate the situation. Yes, radiation is bad. But it is
all about dose. It is the cumulative dose that matt... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3319
1. Introduction
My interest in studying creativity was inspired by the frustrations that I
felt as a student, then as a professor. I wanted to know how I could
encourage creativity in myself, my students, and my colleagues.
Politicians, industrial managers, academic administrators, and other leaders
often say that innovation is critical to the future of civilization, our
country, their company, etc. But in practice, these same people often act as
if innovation is an evil that must be suppressed,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 372
来自主题: TAX版 - 错填税表的问题

Your sister and her husband are the one that make the mistake. Now if you
were to appear to IRS as the one made the mistake, you can simply amend you
tax return with form 1099X to correct the mistake. People make such "honest"
mistakes all the time. So as long as you correct the mistake and pay the
extra tax, it won't affect you in the future.
发帖数: 236
来自主题: TAX版 - W7, ITIN, 1040 and 1040X questions
I believe you can only make correction for up to last 3 years. So you can't
file 1040X for 2007. I might be wrong, but it's very easy to verify this
either by checking it yourself or contact IRS help line.
Most of the information I checked here recommended to file W7 and 1040
together. You should not worry about IRS mistake. You should just submit
what you believe the right form and make argument later on if they will make
that mistake again which is highly unlikely.
for 2007 tax, they made a mi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - Ted vs Ro
Anyone could make mistake.
Ted voted yes but tried to fix his mistake
and paid more than most people,
including you and me.
As Meimei Huff said, a little grace
goes a long way.
Everybody makes mistakes. I dare everyone
(who claim not to ever make mistakes,
and refuse to forgive and forget other people's
mistakes) to come out and run for Congress.
发帖数: 3464
What Larry Page really needs to do to return Google to its startup roots
Posted on March 24, 2011 by slacy
I worked at Google from 2005-2010, and saw the company go through many
changes, and a huge increase in staff. Most importantly, I saw the company
go from a place where engineers were seen as violent disruptors and
innovators, to a place where doing things “The Google Way” was king, and
where thinking outside the box was discou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5148
China Demands ABC ‘Face Mistakes’ for Jimmy Kimmel Comments
China’s Foreign Ministry demanded ABC “face its mistakes” following
protests against TV host Jimmy Kimmel over a satirical skit in which a child
suggested the U.S. “kill everyone in China” to address its debt problem.
Members from Chinese-American organizations rallied outside ABC headquarters
on Saturday in Los Angeles. Zuma Press
China’s Foreign Ministry on Monday demande... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - 怎么打?
That's actually right. Sometimes bad bids or defense may induce bad bids or
defense from opps in the future. In that sense, it is very profitable to
make small mistakes to induce large mistakes from opps, which can be more
profitable than the strategy that is mistake free, but also quite
predictable. This kind of philosophy is applied in no limit holdem a lot.
Many very good players just make a lot of small mistakes and try to induce a
huge one from their inexperienced opps. Still, against such ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 764
来自主题: NCAA版 - ncaa denied osu appeal
Jim Tressel to miss 5 games
ESPN.com news services
Ohio State coach Jim Tressel announced Thursday he will accept a five-game
suspension for his role in Buckeyes' NCAA violations.
"Coach Tressel has requested that he sit out the first five games of the
2011 season," Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith said. "I have accepted
his request and we are taking action to notify the NCAA. Until the NCAA has
completed its investigation, we will not be publicly discussing the details
of this case."
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2112
来自主题: Running版 - 推荐个跑姿的视频
Mistake#1: Running upright
Instead: Lean forward. Quicker turnover, lighter legs.
Mistake#2: Overstriding
Instead: Land with your foot beneath you. Less impact, less work.
Mistake#3: Heelstriking
Instead: Land on the middle or front of your foot. Faster and more
Mistake#4: Pulling your shoulders back & moving your arms forward & back
Instead: Let your shoulders turn and arms swing diagonally. More relaxed &
Mistake#5: Tightening your core
Instead: Let your... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问题解答
simple, the hand is still open and action is live, i.e., they can choose to
check/bet on the last 2 streets. most of time, if both players are "nice
enough", they might forgive the dealer and check down. BUT it's their option
yes, it looks unfair to the other two players, but:
1) in general, anybody can choose to play their hands face up or down in HU
situations, either on purpose (for example, dirty play to see opponent's
reaction) or by mistake. cards facing up in HU doesn't null the han... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11537
The most important thing is consistency. If Indians make "mistakes", all
Indians make the same "mistakes" so when Americans listen to Indians they
built this in. For Chinese, different people make different "mistakes" and
Americans do not know what to expect.
This consistency also appears in individual words, i.e. Chinese pronounces
certain words correctly but make mistakes on other similarly pronounced
words, while Indians make the same "mistakes" on all those words.
These two factors make Engl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1911
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - How much can a Christian sin?
How much can a Christian sin and still say he or she is a Christian? Every d
ay? Every hour? Constantly and continually? As a regular practice of life? J
ust how much can a Christian sin and still say they're a Christian?
There are two general extremes on this issue of "How much can a Christian si
VIEW #1 "Christians Can't Sin."
On one extreme are those who argue a real Christian can't sin, because being
delivered from sin is what being a Christian is all about. These folk argue
that if y... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6791
In the English version of the Bible the name "Lucifer" appears only one time
, in Isaiah 14:12. This verse reads:
"How are you fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER, son of the morning..." (Isaiah
Now the word "Lucifer" is not an English word, but a LATIN word. And so the
question is:
In 382 A.D. Pope Damasus commissioned ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6523
来自主题: Wisdom版 - 苦-爱用心,用心爱
Okay, I see. Nobody can ever change another human being, that's why practice
is such a personal experience.
I am not a Buddhist, and I don't know what the 大乘 meant by your
understanding exactly.
I'll clarify my statement about making mistakes. I never wanted to
intentionally make mistakes, and I would make choices based on my best
judgement at each moment. Things would turn out in a way that I expected or
not, and if it had some adverse effects that I didn't intent to, I felt like
I made a mista... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6
来接力seminar note:
人际关系: 目的是学东西,平衡心理。
Don’t mind the workload. You will be in charge of 25 pts when being an
attending. Look at the big picture. (10 max for intern)
Actively looking for interesting cases, common mistakes, to be independent,
ask questions.
Respect nurse. Call and remind them if you add a lab.
Mistakes are common, if other people remind you, or vice versa, try to
maintain you and your colleague’s authority in front of pts, making
everyone happy.
早有计划,主要目的: 1. 安身立命的本身。 学好医术,学好本事。... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12932
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - what a tragedy!
On how to deal with mistake:
First of all, PAY ATTENTION,i can't emphasize this enough, not to make
mistake. follow the order! check and double check, especially on anything
that is remotely critical. People here write lengthy articles about how to
be an intern, what i want to point out is No.1 rule - learn to act like a
monkey. Yes, this is no joke. Health system here emphasize on rule and
regulations, do not trust on human's behavior. Learn how to follow the order
When mistake d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12932
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - what a tragedy!
On how to deal with mistake:
First of all, PAY ATTENTION,i can't emphasize this enough, not to make
mistake. follow the order! check and double check, especially on anything
that is remotely critical. People here write lengthy articles about how to
be an intern, what i want to point out is No.1 rule - learn to act like a
monkey. Yes, this is no joke. Health system here emphasize on rule and
regulations, do not trust on human's behavior. Learn how to follow the order
When mistake d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 32207
来自主题: _Auto_Fans版 - 后驱车都这么容易飞掉么
Hey guys,
It was my car that was involved and a mistake was made. There were no
intentions of doing anything out of the norm. In fact, you'll notice in the
video that the car was going very slowly in front of the crowd. This was
intentional because we've all watched too many YouTube videos of this sort
of thing happening and wanted to make sure that nobody would get hurt should
anything unexpected happen. Once the car was past the crowd the accelerator
was pushed in a straight-line as I ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10335
来自主题: _Stockcafeteria版 - Several deep reasons make us loss money
1.Spending too much time watching price up or down,instead of
considering reasons why u wanna buy. "No pains, no gains",there is no
exception for stock market.
2.Not open minded enough, mind fully dominated by imaging patterns for
stock before market open. Persistence is a good thing, but sometimes
adaption is what we need for survive.
3.Be afraid of facing up to past mistakes, and let minor mistakes
happen again and again. Like Cbot mentioned before, trade with boring
ensures us mak... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 328
来自主题: Military版 - China 为什么这么 Childish?
在global warming 的问题上,China的argument是:
这个简直是5岁小孩的逻辑。 以前我们通过污染发展,是mistake,现在太晚了,所以大
家一起纠正,并且避免以后再犯同样mistake. 你现在坚持要copy西方的mistake, it's
both immature, short-sighted, and CHILDISH. Why not想办法not repeat the same mistake again?
发帖数: 30882

Previously, when foreigners come to China to make a tour, we believe "they
are our guests and clients, hence no matter what mistake, it is our mistake."
Right now, we make some money and go to U.S. to make a tour. And they should
treat us in the same way because we are their clients! It really surprises
me that so many Chinese think it is still our mistake.
Are we born to make mistake?
发帖数: 5601
Jan 21, 2014
Damascus, (SANA)-President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to Agence
France Presse. Following is the full text of the interview:
AFP: Mr. President, what do you expect from the Geneva conference?
President Assad: The most basic element, which we continuously refer to, is
that the Geneva Conference should produce clear results with regard to the
fight against terrorism in Syria. In particular, it needs to put pressure on
countries that ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10589
来自主题: Military版 - 偶尔在网上发现这样一篇文章
“You are Dead, the Square is Dead”: The 1989 Chinese Pro-Democracy
You are dead, the Square is dead.
They say now is a great victory,
thinking that death can protect their criminal existence.
We live on,
We give our hearts to you,the dead ones,
to let you live again through our lives,
to complete the mission which you left incomplete.
by Gu Cheng and Yang... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8463
克里米亚公投是人民的意志, 纠正了苏联时代的错误
Crimea’s referendum http://rt.com/news/mistake-fixed-crimea-gorbachev-422/
Crimea’s referendum corrected Soviet-era mistake - Gorbachev
Published time: March 17, 2014 22:28
Edited time: March 18, 2014 00:17
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Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev (AFP Photo)
Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev (AFP Photo)
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Conflict, Law, Opposition, Politics, Russia, Ukraine
The people of Crimea fixed a Soviet-era mistake with the Sunday’s
refe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - 一到这个时候就得羡慕习主席啊
'OUT!' Trump orders CNN star Jim Acosta to leave Oval Office after
reporter's newest outburst
President Trump kicked CNN star Jim Acosta out of the Oval Office Tuesday
after the network's senior White House correspondent badgered him with
racially charged questions.
Acosta has made a habit of grandstanding and interrupting when Trump and his
surrogates are available to the media. Tuesday was no exception, as Acosta
yelled, "Mr. President," three times before finally getting Trump&#
39;s ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
“Not only can’t you speak freely inside of China, but you can’t even
speak freely outside of China—and that’s really bad,” said Xiao Qiang, a
Chinese internet expert at the University of California at Berkeley.
Marriott Employee Roy Jones Hit ‘Like.’ Then China Got Mad
The severity of the penalty—termination, not reprimand—highlights the
unforgiving consequences for companies that offend China
BEIJING—Roy Jones, 49, never thought a $14-an-hour job running social-media
a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1709
科罗拉多州的一名73岁女子在医生错误地摘除肾脏9个月后于周五去世。 两个月前,手
在她去世前,Linda Woolley告诉丹佛新闻台KDVR她在5月份接受了不必要的手术后,“
生活完全改变了”,科罗拉多大学医院的医生在3月份告诉她,他们发现了癌症 根据病
理报告她的两个肾脏。 但她后来发现报告实际上显示“没有恶性证据”,结果“与良
Woolley在手术前一直过着积极的生活,在空闲时间骑马和游泳。 但医疗混乱结束了所
A 73-year-old woman in Colorado died on Friday, nine months after doctors
wrongly removed her kidneys. The surgery followed a mistaken diagnosis of
cancer two months prior.
Prior to her death, Linda Woolley told Denver news stat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Written by Mark Rogers
Eric Holder continues to amaze and disgust as a new round of congressional
inquisitions attempts to uncover who, how, what, when, where ….. in the
Fast and Furious gun running scandal. For over a year, this gun running
fiasco of the ATF has gone unpunished. Nobody has been fired. Nobody has
been arrested.
Holder’s most common assertion under questioning is, “not to my knowledge
The Obama Law Enforcement organization allowed over 2000 guns to be put in
the hands of crimi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5366
(CNN) -- Tayna Fogle sat just behind Sen. Rand Paul, nodding her head and
listening as he pressed the case with Kentucky state senators to restore
felon voting rights.
"Kids do make mistakes. White kids make mistakes. Black kids make mistakes.
Brown kids make mistakes," Paul told the Kentucky state Senate committee
considering a constitutional amendment to restore the voting rights of some
felons on Wednesday. "But when you look at the prison population, three out
of the four people in prison ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
U.S. Overstates Health-Care Enrollees
Incorrect Inclusion of Dental Coverage Enrollees in Medical Insurance
Louise Radnofsky
Updated Nov. 20, 2014 9:01 p.m. ET
The Obama administration said it recently overstated how many people had
paid-up health coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s insurance
exchanges because of the incorrect inclusion of dental coverage sign-ups,
marking an embarrassing disclosure as the health-care markets open for their
second year of operation.
Some 6.7 mi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4860
Cleveland (CNN)A Trump organization staffer identified herself on Wednesday
as the person responsible for plagiarism in Melania's Trump convention
speech and offered her resignation.
Meredith McIver apologized in a statement sent out by the campaign and said
Donald and Melania Trump did not accept her resignation.
McIver explained that she included the passages from Obama's speech... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4140
来自主题: USANews版 - American Lies to Justify Human Slaughter
American Lies to Justify Human Slaughter
Limin Wang
The main stream news said the American military now openly waged a war on
the Syrian government army, once again, on a claim of "having made a mistake
". This mistake of air raid reportedly killed at least 62 Syrian government
soldiers and wounded more than 100. How the American military really knows
by what rights they have the liberty to slaughter so many people, including
civilians, by war? The righteous mistake demonstrated in the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - 主党有些人确实比较二
“There were mistakes. We regret those mistakes,” he said. “Anyone who
thinks we made more money foreclosing on a loan than modifying a loan has no
But Mnuchin took many of those critiques head-on Thursday, defending his
time as a bank executive and his work in the private sector. While Democrats
highlighted individuals who lost their homes to OneWest, Mnuchin emphasized
the efforts his bank took to help struggling homeowners adjust their
“There were mistakes. We regret... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: WCNMLGB (CCC), 信区: Military
标 题: 床铺勒令CNN明星记者滚出白宫新闻发布会
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 16 18:25:16 2018, 美东)
'OUT!' Trump orders CNN star Jim Acosta to leave Oval Office after
reporter's newest outburst
President Trump kicked CNN star Jim Acosta out of the Oval Office Tuesday
after the network's senior White House correspondent badgered him with
racially charged questions.
Acosta has made a habit of grandstanding and interrupting when Trump and his
surrogates are available ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19244
来自主题: Automobile版 - [合集] 紧急咨询-肇事致死亡
powervolvo (powervolvo) 于 (Tue Dec 10 01:40:15 2013, 美东) 提到:
紧急咨询,希望大家能帮忙出主意。 有认识律师朋友的,也请帮忙咨询一下。 万分感
。该十字路口无红绿灯也无stop sign。 朋友称当时什么都没看到。可是悲剧还是发生
几天检察官正在review这个案子。 据说可能有两种裁决,一是轻罪,律师可以代表出
庭。另一个就是重罪,这样的话朋友马上会被逮捕。审判过程... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10233
Tim Geithner's tax evasion
By Alex Spillius World Last updated: January 22nd, 2009
6 Comments Comment on this article
THE US senate finance committee has voted for a tax evader to become
Treasury secretary. He is likely to be confirmed by a vote on the senate
floor soon.
Be in no doubt that is what Tim Geithner is. I’m not sure what is more
amazing about this case: the virtually free pass he has been given by
the media, the toothless opposition of the Republicans or the magnitude... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
1. What made you apply for this position?
Why do you want to work here?
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses as employees. What are your strong
points for this job?
What special aspects of your education or training have prepared you for
this job?
First, I am particularly interested in the School of xxxx because o... 阅读全帖
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