y******r 发帖数: 1500 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: subzero8080 (Chilling), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 弯区女倒rebate赚了57万美元终于被判刑,老公逃走了正被通缉 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 9 13:30:59 2012, 美东)
发信人: subzero8080 (Chilling), 信区: PennySaver
标 题: 弯区女倒rebate赚了57万美元终于被判刑,老公逃走了正被通缉
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 9 13:30:35 2012, 美东)
Palo Alto engineer pleads guilty to fraud conspiracy
Becky Sheng Qiang and her husband defrauded 3Com in sophisticated rebate
scheme, feds s... 阅读全帖 |
d*****0 发帖数: 68029 | 3 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: gaoyuan66 (gaoyuan66), 信区: Military
标 题: 中国的机会来了!Russia and Qatar could lose the right to host 世界杯
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 7 23:51:32 2015, 美东)
(CNN)—the 2018 and 2022 World Cup events if evidence is presented that
bribes bought the votes to award their bids. In an interview with a Swiss
publication, the Sonntagszeitung weekly, FIFA compliance chief Domenico
Scala said, "should evidence be present that the awarding to Qatar and
Russia only came about with bought v... 阅读全帖 |
M**i 发帖数: 13701 | 4 【 以下文字转载自 ebiz 讨论区 】
发信人: product (毛毛的爹), 信区: ebiz
标 题: 弯区女倒rebate赚了57万美元终于被判刑,老公逃走了正被通缉 ((转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 9 13:42:46 2012, 美东)
发信人: pdsm (Roy), 信区: PhotoGear
标 题: 弯区女倒rebate赚了57万美元终于被判刑,老公逃走了正被通缉 ((转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 9 13:40:05 2012, 美东)
发信人: subzero8080 (Chilling), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 弯区女倒rebate赚了57万美元终于被判刑,老公逃走了正被通缉 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 9 13:30:59 2012, 美东)
发信人: subzero8080 (Chilling), 信区: PennySaver
标 题: 弯区女倒rebate赚了57万美元终于被判刑,老公逃走了正被通缉
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (W... 阅读全帖 |
h******1 发帖数: 16295 | 5 HyVent Alpha
Breathability: 700-750 g/m2/24 hrs avg (MVTR) Upright Cup*
Waterproof Rating: 75 PSI avg, 75 avg PSI after 20 launderings
Usage: Summit Series
HyVent Alpha is a laminate PU layer that can be constructed in both 2 layer
and 3 layer forms. HyVent Alpha in 2 layer form includes a drop liner, while
3 layer fabric includes a tricot mesh backer bonded to the HVA fabric for
increased durability and comfort. A laminate (HV Alpha) differs from a
coating (HV and HVDT) in that a la... 阅读全帖 |
p**m 发帖数: 3876 | 6 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: subzero8080 (Chilling), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 弯区女倒rebate赚了57万美元终于被判刑,老公逃走了正被通缉 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 9 13:30:59 2012, 美东)
发信人: subzero8080 (Chilling), 信区: PennySaver
标 题: 弯区女倒rebate赚了57万美元终于被判刑,老公逃走了正被通缉
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 9 13:30:35 2012, 美东)
Palo Alto engineer pleads guilty to fraud conspiracy
Becky Sheng Qiang and her husband defrauded 3Com in sophisticated rebate
scheme, feds s... 阅读全帖 |
n*********a 发帖数: 1956 | 7 http://www.ice.gov/exec/forms/hsi-tips/tips.asp
This is to report SUN (last name) SHIYAN (first name), who is the suspect of
a heinous poisoning crime in China and who has entered the U.S. using a
forged ID and has suspected money laundering. I strongly appeal your
department to initiate a thorough investigation against SUN SHIYAN or launch
a joint assault with CIS/ICE/IRS/PSHSB/CBP, and local Police Department.
To elude potential judicial penalty and to transfer huge assets, SUN used a
forged I... 阅读全帖 |
D**Y 发帖数: 117 | 8 It appears to be a scam. Watch out!
From: Agent Mark Morgan (a*******[email protected])
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Field Intelligence Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Bldg.
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20535,
Urgent Attention: Beneficiary,
I am special agent Mark A. Morgan from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (
FBI) Field Intelligence Unit. We have just intercepted and confiscated two
trunks at John F Kennedy International Airport in JFK airport New York, NY
11430 coming from a foreign co... 阅读全帖 |
N*****m 发帖数: 42603 | 9 【 以下文字转载自 PhotoGear 讨论区 】
发信人: pdsm (Roy), 信区: PhotoGear
标 题: 弯区女倒rebate赚了57万美元终于被判刑,老公逃走了正被通缉 ((转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 9 13:40:05 2012, 美东)
发信人: subzero8080 (Chilling), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 弯区女倒rebate赚了57万美元终于被判刑,老公逃走了正被通缉 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 9 13:30:59 2012, 美东)
发信人: subzero8080 (Chilling), 信区: PennySaver
标 题: 弯区女倒rebate赚了57万美元终于被判刑,老公逃走了正被通缉
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 9 13:30:35 2012, 美东)
Palo Alto engineer pl... 阅读全帖 |
H********g 发帖数: 43926 | 10 看样子洗衣服效果不好,衣服吸收超声波的能力太强,也不是坚硬表面,严重降低洗涤
The problems with ultrasonic clothes washing are two-fold. First of all,
fabrics are very good absorbers of ultrasonic energy. The use of draperies,
carpets and upholstered furniture to prevent echos in homes and theatres
attest to this fact. Because fabrics are so absorptive of sound,
introducing enough ultrasonic energy to overcome the absorption would be a
huge and expensive task. Th... 阅读全帖 |
z***i 发帖数: 8285 | 11 我刚也在想,穿不透里面的菜没法洗
The problems with ultrasonic clothes washing are two-fold. First of all,
fabrics are very good absorbers of ultrasonic energy. The use of draperies,
carpets and upholstered furniture to prevent echos in homes and theatres
attest to this fact. Because fabrics are so absorptive of sound,
introducing enough ultrasonic energy to overcome the absor... 阅读全帖 |
z*h 发帖数: 773 | 12 http://www.deadlinedetroit.com/articles/10404/dr_farid_fata_ple
Dr. Evil Pleads Guilty to Medicare Fraud and Giving Unnecessary Chemo
Medicare fraud is pervasive in Detroit and elsewhere in the country. The U.S
. Attorney's Office here is constantly prosecuting cases, some involving
some very big amounts of money.
But no case in recent times has garnered more attention in Detroit than the
Medicare fraud scandal involving oncologist/hematologist Dr. Farid Fata of
Oakland County, who wa... 阅读全帖 |
t*********a 发帖数: 90 | 13 it is Money Laundering (not laundry).
I will say "No" too. It is an obvious money laundering. Especially now
America is taking strict measures to crack it down. |
a****s 发帖数: 3077 | 14 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: asuras (bb), 信区: Military
标 题: former B-2 stealth bomber Engineer gets 32 years for selli
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 26 19:38:54 2011, 美东)
Engineer gets 32 years for selling secrets to China
'He broke his oath of loyalty,' U.S. judge says of former B-2 stealth bomber
x Jump to discussion comments below
x Next story in Security Gitmo detainee gets lif... 阅读全帖 |
c****s 发帖数: 5892 | 15 一名本那比华裔女子携带1.3万元现金企图从温哥华机场飞往香港,结果被加国海关发现她没有申报超过1万元现金,更以洗黑钱等相关罪名起诉她,法院日前裁判她罪名成立,是卑诗省首宗成功以洗黑钱罪名、将黑钱带出境而罪成的案例。
被判罪名成立的是37岁的杨姓女子(Oksana Yang),皇家骑警昨日发出新闻稿称,在2009年5月27日,杨姓女子从温哥华国际机场搭机前往香港,但在经过温哥华机场时,被海关「选中」作进一步搜查,结果发现她携带等同12,914.32万加元的现金而并无申报。
新闻稿指出,根据加国防止洗黑钱及资助恐怖活动法(Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act),任何人带超过一万元现金入境及出境并非犯法,但他们都必须向海关如实申报,此法的目的是,令通常以现金交易的犯罪分子,更难运送黑钱。
杨姓女子接受边境服务局(CBSA)的关员盘问时,对于她此行的目的、她拥有该笔现金及为何携带该笔现金等问题,无法说服关员该笔现金是合法途径所得,关员于是根据防止洗黑钱法例,将该笔现金没收,并将她的个案转交皇家骑警整合洗 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 17 一名温哥华华人女地产经纪花13.3万元托友人从美国进口保时捷,友人却将巨款掷向赌场,并声称汇款出错,再要求女经纪补上相同数目现金,好前往美国“取车”,不料登机前因携巨款未申报,现金被加国海关全数没收。女经纪在追讨过程中因不能证明现金合法来源,该笔购车巨款被充公一去不返。
华裔男子登机没申报 13万遭没收
但携带超过免申报额12倍现金的李却未向加拿大边境服务局(CBSA)作任何申报,... 阅读全帖 |
f**********r 发帖数: 3774 | 18 using company to buy property, then change the ownership of the company to
save on stamp duty
typical tax-saving technique, potentially money-launderring. |
l*****u 发帖数: 12114 | 19 天地會 & Co money laundering 21. |
s**********t 发帖数: 2401 | 20 美帝和毛子交换双方被抓的间谍
The US is to deport 10 people who spied for Moscow in exchange for four peop
le convicted of espionage in Russia.
A judge in New York ordered their immediate deportation after they pleaded g
uilty to spying for a foreign country.
More serious money laundering charges against them were dropped.
Russian news reports say President Dmitry Medvedev has pardoned the four Rus
sian prisoners.
Continue reading the main story
Madeleine Morris,
BBC News, New York
The 10 agents a |
x*****u 发帖数: 6559 | 21
Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization in the United States.CAGW has been criticized for its links to
the tobacco industry and to lobbyists including Jack Abramoff.
hroughout its history, CAGW has been accused of fronting lobbying efforts of
corporations to give them the appearance of "grassroots" support.[16] In
part, this is because CAGW has accepted donations from Phillip Morris, the
Olin Foundation, the Bradley Foundation, Microsoft, Merrill Lynch, and... 阅读全帖 |
b*******s 发帖数: 90 | 22 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_china_spy_case
HONOLULU – A former B-2 stealth bomber engineer was sentenced to 32 years
in prison Monday for selling military secrets to China in the latest of
several high-profile cases of Chinese espionage in the U.S.
Chief U.S. District Judge Susan Oki Mollway said Noshir Gowadia, 66, would
likely be in his late 80s by the time he is released if he gets credit for
good behavior in prison.
"He broke his oath of loyalty to this country," Mollway said. "He was foun... 阅读全帖 |
a****s 发帖数: 3077 | 23 Engineer gets 32 years for selling secrets to China
'He broke his oath of loyalty,' U.S. judge says of former B-2 stealth bomber
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x Next story in Security Gitmo detainee gets life for embassy bombings
.Advertise | AdChoices.By AUDREY McAVOY
The Associated Press
updated 1/25/2011 8:39:16 AM ET 2011-01-25T13:39:16
Share Print Font: +-HONOLULU — A former B-2 stealth bomber engineer was
sentenced to 32 years in prison Monday for ... 阅读全帖 |
s*********8 发帖数: 901 | 24 Roosevelt Hairston Jr., former general counsel at Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia, has pleaded guilty today to mail fraud, money laundering and
filing a false tax return.
WHYY's Carolyn Beeler has the details from federal court.
Hairston, 46, embezzled about $1.7 million from CHOP starting in 1999.
Hairston admitted to submitting dozens of fake invoices to the hospital from
front companies, and to making up e-mail addresses and stealing the
identity of a friend in an attempt to cover up his ... 阅读全帖 |
n*****k 发帖数: 2801 | 25 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405274870331250457514277
IRS Shifts Enforcement Focus To Asia
HONG KONG—The U.S. Internal Revenue Service for the moment has one person
charged with investigating tax crimes stationed in Hong Kong, a jurisdiction
that has played a prominent role in recent U.S. tax evasion cases.
That may be about to change. The IRS is in the process of hiring and
training hundreds of agents world-wide to pursue U.S. tax dodgers who have
hidden cash overseas. Tax attorneys a... 阅读全帖 |
k**w 发帖数: 376 | 26 下面这个贿赂案,跟美国美国没关系吧?
Deutsche Telekom settles bribery charges
US authorities have charged eight former executives at German industrial
giant Siemens in connection with a $100m (£64m) foreign bribery scheme.
The charges relate to a $1bn contract to produce national identity cards in
Among those accused are a former member of Siemens central committee and two
former heads of its Argentine unit.
"Today's indictment alleges a shocking level ... 阅读全帖 |
s**********d 发帖数: 36899 | 27 === quote ===
About $60m was paid and at least $25m funnelled through the United States,
They were charged with conspiracy to violate the US Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act, wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money-laundering. |
J*******e 发帖数: 31 | 28 至少有一条罪名是 Money laundering, FBI因该掌握了足够的证据。但是也很有可能把
这一家子SB到处出丑也不是土共所喜闻乐见的。 |
d*********o 发帖数: 6388 | 29 http://news.163.com/12/0210/15/7PTO9S9J00014JB6.html
中新社南京2月10日电 记者10日从南京工业大学宣传部门得到确认,该校材料化学工程国家重点实验室的全职教授克雷格·格莱姆斯,因涉嫌在美国滥用巨额经费、洗钱等,正在接受美方司法调查,若调查认定事实成立,学校将按管理规定进行处理,例如解除聘用关系、对既往给予的(住房、科研经费)条件进行处理等。校方仍在等待最终调查结果。
据报道,美国时间2012年1月31日,美国司法部网站刊文称,位于美国宾夕法利亚州中区的美国检察官办公室已经向法院起诉,指控Craig A. Grimes(克雷格·格莱姆斯)存在诈骗、虚假陈述以及洗钱等罪名。指控中,克雷格·格莱姆斯涉嫌的几宗犯罪案件时间分别是2006年、2009年,而他受聘于南京工业大学是在2011年5月,当时,他是作为该校“材料化学工程国家重点实验室全职教授”被引进的。在2010年,克雷格·格莱姆斯曾因滥用经费被宾夕法尼亚州立大学开除,随后又被德州理工大学撤聘。
据南京工业大学宣传部工作人员介绍说,“目前(他)暂停了工作,正在接受调查,是否已返回美国还... 阅读全帖 |
s*********8 发帖数: 901 | 30 Switzerland's oldest private bank, Wegelin & Co., had survived three
centuries of upheaval on the continent, including Napoleon's invasion of the
country and two World Wars. But its illustrious history was brought to an
end last month by an unlikely source: a U.S. government desperate to track
down tax evaders.
In early February, in a move that rattled Switzerland's financial industry,
the U.S. Department of Justice indicted Wegelin on charges of helping
wealthy Americans hide $1.2 billion from ... 阅读全帖 |
s*********8 发帖数: 901 | 31 "D.C. Madam" Deborah Jean Palfrey wrote suicide notes to her mother and
sister explaining that she hanged herself because she couldn't bear the
thought of a future in prison.
"I want you to know how very much I love and appreciate you," Palfrey, 52,
wrote in sprawling script to her mother in one of the notes released Monday
by police. "However, I cannot live the next 6-8 years behind bars for what
both you and I have come to regard as this 'modern day lynching,' only to
come out of prison in my ... 阅读全帖 |
r********y 发帖数: 2540 | 32 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: laoguai (没开迷死吹的老怪), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 湾区大新闻:核光大学CEO Jerry Wang 涉嫌VISA欺诈被逮捕起诉
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 5 12:02:53 2012, 美东)
除VISA 欺诈,还有制造假文件,非法侵入政府电脑系统等其他罪名。
这个可是第二所中国人开的学校被查出VISA 诈欺了。 中文新闻里面好像都没提到。
Sunnyvale university CEO indicted on visa fraud charges
By Lisa M. Krieger and Molly Vorwerck
Staff writers
Posted: 08/02/2012 05:12:06 PM PD... 阅读全帖 |
f********w 发帖数: 190 | 33 12月3日,英国媒体《泰晤士报》刊登文章爆料称,中国负责调查前中共高官薄熙来的
这篇题为《薄熙来案调查员搜集其涉洗钱证据》(Bo Xilai investigators examine
link with casino money laundering)的文章称,据与澳门警方关系密切的消息来源
早在今年3月份,美国刊物“经济观察(Economic Monitor)”上一份报告就表示,中... 阅读全帖 |
k**o 发帖数: 15334 | 34 当然有,最高判10年。另外,美国也有,google一下anti money laundering
law。 |
n*****3 发帖数: 94 | 35 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fake_memoirs
(Fake memoirs form a category of literary forgery in which a wholly or
partially fabricated autobiography, memoir or journal of an individual is
presented as fact)
List of fake memoirs and journals
Matt McCarthy, Odd Man Out: A Year on the Mound with a Minor League Misfit
Viking (a division of Penguin Group USA) (February 2009) is a memoir
describing McCarthy's summer as a minor le... 阅读全帖 |
J*****l 发帖数: 252 | 36 Europe Just Pissed Off A Whole Bunch Of Russian Mobsters And Oligarchs With
Its Stunning Bailout Of Cyprus
What's stunning about Saturday's bailout is that depositors with over 100K
euros in a Cypriot bank will see a 10 percent tax instantly before banks
reopen on Tuesday.
That will infuriate domestic savers, and it will mean that a lot of Russian
oligarchs/mobsters/money launderers/etc. will take big hits.
http://www.businessinsider.com/cyprus-bailout-russian-angle-201 |
m********5 发帖数: 17667 | 37 在美国加利福尼亚州,进口代理商们的办公室每天都收到各种函件。这些函件大多是广
在美国的进口贸易圈---- 一个灰色地带的行业----类似的警告信并不罕见。每天,在
在接受《21CBR》记者采访时,多位在美华人贸易商透露,这类“伪装入... 阅读全帖 |
s***d 发帖数: 15421 | 38 Jing Wang, former president of Qualcomm global business operations and an
executive vice president, was charged with insider trading, money laundering
, conspiracy, obstruction of official proceedings and aggravated identity
theft. |
s***d 发帖数: 15421 | 39 年收入10m 却只贪了250k 反华热潮是不是赶上了 麦卡锡反苏修
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8 |
p********7 发帖数: 18007 | 41 这和老中有毛关系, 这种王八羔子吃里爬外, 抓得好!重判!!!
laundering |
k*****r 发帖数: 21039 | 42 qcom这个米犹+阿三公司,要望死里整。
csco, ibm也是,搞死后,米国安后门,就得求华为了,哈哈
laundering |
d*****p 发帖数: 348 | 43 Andy Xie
The purported text of his leaked e-mail:
I participated in the panels on Commodity (sic) and China-India and in some
obligatory dinner parties. On Friday night the Singapore prime minister
invited the speakers at the meeting that the Singapore government organised.
Trichet, Larry Summers, Paul Volker (sic) Chuck Price, the finance
ministers of ASEAN countries were there. No government official from China
was there …guess I was there to make it look like China was represented.
The dinner... 阅读全帖 |
n******s 发帖数: 1523 | 44 it works great for money laundering. |
a*****y 发帖数: 33185 | 45 Although the Federal Reserve generally monitors developments in virtual
currencies and other payments system innovations, it does not necessarily
have authority to directly supervise or regulate these innovations or the
entities that provide them to the market. In general, the Federal Reserve
would only have authority to regulate a virtual currency product if it is
issued by, or cleared or settled through, a banking organization that we
Given the Federal Reserve”s authority and the ma... 阅读全帖 |
T*R 发帖数: 36302 | 46 Then, on April 15, 2011, in an event now known as “Black Friday”
throughout the poker world, the Department of Justice unsealed an indictment
against the chief executives of the three largest online poker providers in
the US market. The indictment set forth charges of violation of the UIGEA,
conspiracy, bank and wire fraud, and money laundering. Unsurprisingly,
most of the charges were premised on the underlying activity, online poker,
being illegal. Since no federal statute expressly forbade... 阅读全帖 |
w****j 发帖数: 6262 | 47 sca5投票的时候,民主党少了一票?还是本党另补一个上来?
laundering. |
D***r 发帖数: 7511 | 48 后来发现是诈骗集团找一个老中画的
Last week, authorities closed in on Bergantiños and his brother,
arresting them in Spain, federal prosecutors said. The brothers, according
to the indictment, face conspiracy and money laundering charges.
The painter, Pei Shen Qian, was also indicted. He's accused of making false
statements to FBI agents, conspiracy to commit wire fraud and wire fraud.
Investigators believe he fled to China as the alleged scheme started to
unravel. |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 49 For the past 12 years an elite cell at the US Treasury has been sharpening
the tools of economic warfare, designing ways to bring almost any country to
its knees without firing a shot.
The stealth weapon is a "scarlet letter", devised under Section 311 of the
US Patriot Act. Once a bank is tainted in this way - accused of money-
laundering or underwriting terrorist activities, a suitably loose offence -
it becomes radioactive, caught in the "boa constrictor's lethal embrace", as
Mr Zarate puts i... 阅读全帖 |
f***y 发帖数: 4447 | 50 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aK7UIXig
``Actually, Singapore's success came mostly from being the money laundering
center for corrupt Indonesian businessmen and government officials,'' Xie,
who was based in Hong Kong before leaving Morgan Stanley on Sept. 29, wrote
in the e-mail. ``Indonesia has no money. So Singapore isn't doing well.''
``To sustain its economy, Singapore is building casinos to attract
corruption money from China,'' said Xie, who ranked No. 2 among regi... 阅读全帖 |