J*******g 发帖数: 381 | 1 然后默念:果黑生儿子没屁眼,生女儿做鸡。
Steve Jobs' Best Quotes Ever
One of the great things about Steve Jobs is what comes out of his mouth.
The CEO of Apple Computer is a master of hype, hyperbole and the catchy
Even when he's trying to talk normally, brilliant verbiage comes tumbling
Here's a selection of some of the most insanely great things the man has
organized by topic: innovation and design, fixing Apple, his greatest sales
life's lessons, taking the fight to the enemy and Pixa... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 2 Eric Swinson • 2 hours ago
Regardless if they will or won't when it comes up for debate having the
actual numbers to argue for or against the decision is important.
4 • Reply•Share ›
monoloco • 3 hours ago
Just what we need, a million soul crushing electronic device assembly jobs
that will make working at an Amazon Fulfillment Center seem like paradise..
5 • Reply•Share ›
CelestialTerrestrial monoloco • 3 hours ago
Actually, ... 阅读全帖 |
c*****t 发帖数: 1879 | 3 Patent 比较强,因为不管谁的 implementation,都得付钱。我以前需要
用一 hyperbolic view,虽然有 open source code (欧洲人写的),但
是美国有 software patent,欧洲没有。所以用不了。
License 真的很难说。因为同样的 implementation 的机会还是很大的。
要想在 court 里面证明是还是有难度的。 |
a*****i 发帖数: 4391 | 4
Yeah? Does it do Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine? |
P*****l 发帖数: 438 | 5 Mathematical Biology
Raussen and Skau: We have been told that you
have been interested in questions and problems in
mathematical biology recently. Can you describe
your involvement and how your mathematical
and geometric insights can be useful for problems
in biology?
Gromov: I can explain how I got involved in that.
Back in Russia, everybody was excited by ideas of
René Thom on applying mathematics to biology.
My later motivation started from a mathematical
angle, from hyperbolic groups. I real |
x********u 发帖数: 430 | 6 M-M equation can be linearized when S<0.1Km, |
i*******e 发帖数: 62 | 7 多谢回复!Then, how about S>0.1Km, but<10Km? Can I still find a linear
regression for data in this range? |
m******g 发帖数: 467 | 8 Science 13.11.15 (包含Editor's Choice等推荐的其他杂志的文章,之后省略这句话)
1. Dosage compensation via transposable element mediated rewiring of a
regulatory network
D. miranda在1 my前出现neo-X chromosome, TE-mediated rewiring of regulatory
network (domestication, amplification, and fine-tuning) followed by erosion
of nonfunctional parts of the transposon
2. Long-term dynamics of adaptation in asexual populations
Power law model fits/predicts the data better than Hyperbolic model with an
Fitne... 阅读全帖 |
m******g 发帖数: 467 | 9 今天去找导师汇报,本来觉得自己的内容太少,会被批评的,结果导师还鼓励了我,我
Science 13.12.13
1. Exonic Transcription Factor Binding Directs Codon Choice and Affects
Protein Evolution
概要:Long-Term Dynamics of Adaptation in Asexual Populations
Mean fitness seems to have no upper bound
Power law better than hyperbolic model
2. The Hidden Codes That Shape Protein Evolution
TF binding code
Human genome in 81 cell types
Constraining codes
~14% codons within 86.9% of genes are occupied by TFs
3. Cave... 阅读全帖 |
m******g 发帖数: 467 | 10 Science 13.11.15 (包含Editor's Choice等推荐的其他杂志的文章,之后省略这句话)
1. Dosage compensation via transposable element mediated rewiring of a
regulatory network
D. miranda在1 my前出现neo-X chromosome, TE-mediated rewiring of regulatory
network (domestication, amplification, and fine-tuning) followed by erosion
of nonfunctional parts of the transposon
2. Long-term dynamics of adaptation in asexual populations
Power law model fits/predicts the data better than Hyperbolic model with an
Fitne... 阅读全帖 |
m******g 发帖数: 467 | 11 今天去找导师汇报,本来觉得自己的内容太少,会被批评的,结果导师还鼓励了我,我
Science 13.12.13
1. Exonic Transcription Factor Binding Directs Codon Choice and Affects
Protein Evolution
概要:Long-Term Dynamics of Adaptation in Asexual Populations
Mean fitness seems to have no upper bound
Power law better than hyperbolic model
2. The Hidden Codes That Shape Protein Evolution
TF binding code
Human genome in 81 cell types
Constraining codes
~14% codons within 86.9% of genes are occupied by TFs
3. Cave... 阅读全帖 |
c***r 发帖数: 1570 | 12 手上正好还有这本书,再翻了翻。
collocation没有那么神话,在我看来就是基于chebyshev + gauss /gauss-lobatto的
高阶有限差分而已。此外,collocation方法出来的stiffness matrix永远是非对称的
,增加求解难度和时间。collocation 做multi-domain就是灾难。collocation做
hyperbolic,parabolic也是灾难。 |
x*****d 发帖数: 427 | 13 R. Benedetti C. Petronio
Lectures on Hyperbolic Geometry
我老板是这方面的专家, 给他老人家面子, 先介绍双曲几何方面的书.
作者是我老板在法国时候的同学. 据称这本书是所有双曲几何书里
少有的不怎么出错的之一. 但是这本书上的证明实在是太长了,每一章
我将主要引用它的前言, 但有时写着就写开了, 应该不算侵犯版权吧...
"上世纪七, 八十年代, 双曲几何成为了数学中一个重要的研究对象.
对这个对象本身的和相关的研究取得了一系列惊人的成果, 也激发
了很多活跃课题: 只要看看W. P. Thurston在三维几何拓扑方面
(注: 双曲流形是截面曲率恒为-1的Riemann流形. )
这本书的主题是双曲流形的 "柔性" 和 "刚性" 之间的冲突. 第一个
根本的分歧是: 二维情形和三维以上的情形是截然不同的. 一个初等
(注: 前者是说:复平面上任一单连通开集与单位开圆盘共形等价;
后者则是: |
x*****d 发帖数: 427 | 14 继续双曲几何的话题。 顺便说一下, 历史上所谓的非欧几何其实就是
双曲几何。 当初Gauss, Lobatsevski, Bolye(是不是这么写的?)都是
从公理化的角度发明了非欧几何, 后来Poincare找到了一个现实模型,
就是单位圆盘, 里面的“直线”其实是与圆盘边界垂直的圆弧。 这些圆弧
在接近圆盘边界的时候非欧长度单位急剧缩小, 导致这些圆弧其实有
无限的非欧长度。 这个模型实现了公理化非欧几何。
但是在黎曼的框架里, 这个非欧几何的模型只是常曲率空间形式里面的
一种: 常负曲率的空间形式。 所以非欧几何作为一种微分几何, 是
黎曼几何的一个特殊例子。 这个例子很特殊, 因为常负曲率的黎曼流形
有很多, 它们都以非欧几何为模型(空间形式), 严格地说它们是被
所以想了解非欧几何的同学也不用去找数学史, 图书馆里任何一本比较
薄的冠名“non-Euclidean Geometry" 或者"Hyperbolic Geometry"的,
(待续) |
z*********o 发帖数: 33 | 15 不难就是在hyperbolic geometry中 怎么求两点距离?
因为是外行,搜出来的公式看得不是很明白,谁能给讲讲。 |
w*q 发帖数: 1544 | 16 25. Hyperbolic PDEs
1. Gui-Qiang Chen(陈贵强),Northwestern University
2. Tai-Ping Liu(刘太平),Stanford University
3. Sijue Wu(邬似钰),University of Michigan
4. Huicheng Yin(尹会成),Nanjing University
5. Chang-Jiang Zhu(朱长江),Huazhong Normal University |
w*q 发帖数: 1544 | 17 25. Hyperbolic PDEs
1. Gui-Qiang Chen(陈贵强),Northwestern University
2. Tai-Ping Liu(刘太平),Stanford University
3. Sijue Wu(邬似钰),University of Michigan
4. Huicheng Yin(尹会成),Nanjing University
5. Chang-Jiang Zhu(朱长江),Huazhong Normal University |
m****n 发帖数: 142 | 18 呵呵,这个也是常发生的事情。远的有Paul Cohen,近的有Perelman。前两天和一个搞
其实当年的James Glimm就是这种情况。他根本不是搞什么方程出身,结果一个暑假就
证出了1-D large
solution for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws.他后来回忆到,他之所以可
忍不住使用genius一词。 |
g****t 发帖数: 31659 | 19 据说cohen死之前搞了很久RH。
呵呵,这个也是常发生的事情。远的有Paul Cohen,近的有Perelman。前两天和一个搞
其实当年的James Glimm就是这种情况。他根本不是搞什么方程出身,结果一个暑假就
证出了1-D large
solution for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws.他后来回忆到,他之所以可
忍不住使用gen |
s**e 发帖数: 1834 | 20 not sure whether your "hyper-sphere" already includes hyperbolic space,
which has negative curvature. |
m****n 发帖数: 142 | 21 基本的研究生双曲方程教材,我想Peter Lax的这本是最经典的。如果是比较专门化的
Hyperbolic partial differential equations. With an appendix by Cathleen S.
Morawetz. Courant Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 14. New York University,
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York; American
Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2006. viii+217 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8218-
3576-0; 0-8218-3576-9 |
c******m 发帖数: 599 | 22 lax 还有一本 siam cbms conference 的小册子, 48 pages
我觉得比这本 courant lecture notes 更加浅显, 也更"经典"
Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and the mathematical theory of shock
1973, cited by 2221
http://books.google.com/books?id=NcoZxWlPpdwC |
B********e 发帖数: 10014 | 23 有朋友发了给我,多谢哈
bbs id也没告诉我,不知道怎么报答/bow
Quasi-linear equations of evolution with applications to partial
differential equations
Lecture notes in Math.448.Springer-Verlag, 1975,25-70
2.Kato, T.
Linear evolution equations of hyperbolic type, J.Fac.Sci.Univ.Tokyo,17,(1970
), pp.241-258.
圣诞快乐! |
G********n 发帖数: 615 | 24 Ramanujan Prize Winner 2010
ICTP's 2010 Ramanujan Prize has been awarded to Professor Yuguang Shi of the
School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University. The prize is in
recognition of his outstanding contributions to the geometry of complete (
noncompact) Riemannian manifolds, specifically the positivity of quasi-local
mass and rigidity of asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds.
The prize is also in acknowledgement of the substantial contribution that
Professor Shi has made to mathematics in Ch... 阅读全帖 |
B********e 发帖数: 10014 | 25 Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems for second order hyperbolic operators
I Lasiecka, J. L Lions, R Triggiani
d**********[email protected]
3x! |
z***c 发帖数: 102 | 26 OK I was not being precise. But I think the OP was asking about the same
fixed point.
The concept of transversality in differential topology is the following: Two
submanifolds M, N of the manifold W are transversal at x if
TxM + TxN = TxW
the sum is in the sense of vector subspace. This is somewhat different from
the naive sense of transversality. If two submanifolds intersects at at a
point, then the transversality condition is the same as having "nonzero
As I explained, the intersec... 阅读全帖 |
c*******1 发帖数: 240 | 27 the set
W_a,b,c = {x,y,z in R3 : triangle with side length x,y,z can be covered by
triangle of side length a,b,c}
is a convex hyperbolic polyhedron with some flat faces. |
g****t 发帖数: 31659 | 28 菲尔兹类似青年数学家奖。微分几何中国人有一定积累。其他方向话语权都没有,连报
早日进课本,更广为人知。 |
x********a 发帖数: 223 | 29 谢谢大家!
A Lifting Theorem for the Time Regularity of Solutions to Abstract Equations
with Unbounded Operators and Applications to Hyperbolic Equations.
The author is Irena Lasiecka and Roberto Triggiani. |
x********i 发帖数: 905 | 30 http://iccm.mcm.ac.cn/dct/page/1
Invited Lectures
Group 1
Fan Qin: Cluster algebras and monoidal categorification
Fang Li: Positivity of acyclic sign-skew-symmetric cluster algebras via
unfolding method and some related topics
Cheng-Chiang Tsai: An attempt for affine Springer theory
Li Cai: The Gross-Zagier formula: arithmetic applications
Ming-Hsuan Kang: Geometric zeta functions on reductive groups over non-
archimedean local fields
Huanchen Bao: Canonical bases arising... 阅读全帖 |
s*****n 发帖数: 209 | 31 When people say that recent observational evidence suggests that
the universe is flat, they mean that the spatial section of
the universe is flat. The metric for the cosmological model is
ds^2 = -dt^2 + a(t)^2 ds_3^2
where ds_3^2 = dx_1^2 + dx_2^2 + dx_3^2 instead of spherical or
hyperbolic metrics. The four-dimensional spacetime is not flat,
since the only flat spacetime in D=4 with Lorentian signature is
The age of the universe can be measured regardless whether |
c****e 发帖数: 2097 | 32 曾经收到捷克民间物理学家书信一封,长篇大论,内容深奥,足见民科在西方历史悠久
,根基深厚。部分摘录如下,请大家欣赏,看懂的请举手,万勿抄袭:(used ** to highlight
some key conceptual breakthroughs)
Define graded *Hopf/Grothendieck-Teichmuller* group manifold M
M = qE_8 <-U-dual-> qE_9 <-U-dual-> qE_10 <-U-dual-> ... <-U-dual-> qE_n
whose *submoduli space of graded moduli space* generate the modular union
by the inclusion system qE_8 -> qE_9 -> qE_10 -> ... -> qE_n
where qE_8 = SO(qO + qO) + (qO x qO)^2.
Moduli space of graded hyperbolic quantum deformed group manif |
d*b 发帖数: 21830 | 33 原理很简单,这个理论上叫双曲线导航,具体原理是用飞机离2个beacon的距离差产生
卫星导航,星际导航跟一般radio beacon的区别是,radio beacon是固定在地表的,一
卫星内存内,再广播给GPS接收机的,GPS接收机根据卫星位置和观察到的radio signal
何接收脉冲星的极化信号,如何测量很小的频移。 |
l***y 发帖数: 1166 | 34 The Earth OEMII thinks of Space as a " scalar continuum " in all directions.
From this image of space, you worked out (initiated by Euclid) a whole
geometry based on abstractions such as the point, the line, and the plane.
You finished by accepting that POINT, LINE and PLANE really represent the
true components of the WAAM, although using a mental abstraction.
This original vice, not yet corrected, is costing you a considerable delay
in the comprehension of the physical world.
Indeed: when you i... 阅读全帖 |
n***n 发帖数: 57 | 35 我们为什么会延迟?
Why Do We Procrastinate?: An Evolutionary Perspective
(based on Uncertainty and Hyperbolic Discounting)
现在 |
b*****f 发帖数: 50 | 36 贡献一把,
讲 Numerical method 简单的, 值得买的,虽然网上都有。
Finite Difference
《Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction》 by
Morton and Mayer
Finite Volume
《Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems》 by LeVeque
Finite Element
《The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element
Analysis》 By Hughes
Numerical analysis 侧重不一样,要不少基础课,估计你用不着,就不列了。
看《Numerical Recipes》不如看什么《intro to scientific computing》 |
p*****k 发帖数: 318 | 37 few minor additions to solutions by swordmans:
(1) tighter bounds could be got by using eq.(13) on this page:
[ (x+sqrt{x^2+8/pi})/2, (x+sqrt{x^2+4})/2 )
(3) one wants the even n terms, which is hyperbolic cosine,
hence e^(-lambda)[e^(lambda)+e^(-lambda)]/2=p, which gives:
lambda = [log(2*p-1)]/2 |
p*****k 发帖数: 318 | 38
yes, that is correct. thx for pointing it out.
majia222, you want the # of flips to be even to keep the rear light
still on. note sum(n from 0 to infty) lambda^n/n! is exp(lambda),
so in order to get the sum of all the terms with even n, one could
add exp(-lambda) with the same even terms but negative odd terms.
thus the answer is hyperbolic cosine. |
p*****k 发帖数: 318 | 39 note the symmetry, this is just twice of int from 0 to infty.
the trick then is to set x = (a/c)^(1/4) * exp(t) and use hyperbolic cosine
and sine. up to a constant factor, it's just a Gaussian integral again.
double check if the answer is exp[-2*sqrt(a*c)] * sqrt(pi/a)
more details can be found at:
http://www.wilmott.com/messageview.cfm?catid=26&threadid=72024 |
L*******t 发帖数: 2385 | 40 你用Levy distribution来fit期权价格,本质上和用BS模型没什么两样,这些个都是假
设return是IID的,但实际上return会有clustering, persistence,你可以试着用
Normal或者generalized hyperbolic或者Meixner来fit SP500指数的returns,可能每
议你试试看Stochastic Vol + Jump,或者用Local stochastic vol+jump来做,硬是要
用Levy分布的话,可以加stochastic time change,关于这个Google Peter Carr的
VGSA模型,就是一个例子,Levy + Stochastic time change的话多数Characteristic
function是有closed form的。用期权价格fit以后,得到参数,然后用simulation的方
法来算VaR。Wim Schoutens有一本Levy+Option Pricing的神作。很精简,但是很... 阅读全帖 |
x******3 发帖数: 5 | 41 Great solution! I didn't notice this until I calculate the answer.
My solution probably works in more general case when you consider BM hitting
any intervals on the real line or even for higher dimensional cases.
The problem has a hyperbolic geometry explanation as well given by the
Fields Medalist William Thurston:
_y |
L*******t 发帖数: 2385 | 42 喉哥,我想来想去,觉得没有multivariate什么事情,假设任务就是生成一个
portfolio weights对应的CVaR和VaR,把所有资产的return series列好,然后按照
portfolio weights加成为一条return series,然后fit一个一维的CVaR模型,很多情
况下这个都是有closed form的,比如Gaussian, Generalized Hyperbolic
distribution, EVT等等。
然后portfolio optimization的任务就是最大化我的expected portfolio return,对
应CVaR或者VaR的某个水平,这个得自己好好推导一下,如果用MATLAB,fmincon, GA等
函数都能handle nonlinear constraints,或者我们自己理论推导一下有没有closed
度就很差了。没有time series model可以handle这个... 阅读全帖 |
L*******t 发帖数: 2385 | 43 试试一些Levy distributions,可能更加flexible。比如generalized hyperbolic
distr. |
m**D 发帖数: 134 | 44 How about Centered-Euler or Box scheme? I don't know the Chinese name.
Here are some references:
{\sc Tuncer Cebeci and Peter Bradshaw}, {\em Momentum Transfer in
Boundary Layers},Hemisphere,USA,1977.
{\sc Tuncer Cebeci and K.C. Chang and Peter Bradshaw},{\em Solution of a
Hyperbolic System of Trubulence-model Equations by the Box Scheme},
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Egnigneering,
Vol 22 No. 2 pp 213-217,May 1980.
{\sc Herbert B. |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 46 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: czjd (辽宁面团 - 第四十八浪人), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 南加的资深智囊对于SCA5的评论
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 25 23:04:44 2014, 美东)
Viewpoints: A step backward on higher education enrollment
By David A. Lehrer, Richard J. Riordan and Joe R. Hicks
Special to The Bee
Published: Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014 - 12:00 am
Last week, a proposed constitutional amendment, SCA 5, passed the state
Senate with a two-thirds vote. If the Assembly takes similar action, the
people of California will soon be ... 阅读全帖 |
z*******n 发帖数: 1034 | 47 MIKE BEASLEY
For several months we’ve followed the U.S. government’s attempts to work
around encryption in chat apps, even taking the hyperbole to an illogical
extreme at one point, but we haven’t yet seen similar threats from other
nations… or at least, we hadn’t until today.
British prime minister David Cameron said today that unless the government
is given backdoor access to encrypted messaging services, he’s just going
to outlaw them:
“Are we going to allow a means of communications which it... 阅读全帖 |
f********m 发帖数: 8397 | 49 http://blogs.motortrend.com/6719595/green/127-mpg-this-volt-story-must-
Never mind the yellow journalistic brouhaha taking place on these here
fine internets in regards to the 2011 Chevy Volt. Here's why I'm so
geeked on the Chevy Volt and why you should be, too. In normal, everyday
driving we got 127 miles per gallon (fine, 126.7 mpg). Which is pretty
amazing. Broken down, over the course of 299 miles on Los Angeles
highways, byways and freeways, the Volt burned 2.36 gallons ... 阅读全帖 |
h****y 发帖数: 9234 | 50 看文章说除了比wrx长几inch,其它的尺寸都一样
"This isn’t hyperbole, either. We’re not suggesting the Levorg is like a W
RX—it straight up is a WRX, well, sort of. Subaru tells us the two cars sha
re a lot, an idea that’s backed up by browsing the pair’s specifications.
The Levorg’s dimensions mirror those of the WRX sedan (itself an adaptation
of the lowly Impreza), but it is slightly narrower—it lacks the WRX’s fl... 阅读全帖 |