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发帖数: 29846
英国历史学家Paul Johnson:佩林代表了与政治正确对立的美国的好传统,她有勇气。
Why America Will Stay on Top
Eminent historian Paul Johnson on Sarah Palin, the tea party, and 'baddies'
from Napoleon to Gadhafi.
In his best-selling history of the 20th century, "Modern Times," British
historian Paul Johnson describes "a significant turning-point in American
history: the first time the Great Republic, the ric... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The death of Osama bin Laden has driven a stake into the heart of the Left,
causing progressives to bleed and moan as their unholy alliance with radical
Islam absorbs the devastating May 2 blow.
The radical Islamic half of the romance is in agony as it sheds bitter tears
for the mass murderer. Indeed, Hamas, Hezbollah, the armed wing of Fatah,
and tens of thousands of radical Muslims around the world have prominently
displayed their sorrow and anger for... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Ann Coulter历数从马克思到萨特到波兰斯基等各色著名左派是如何对待女性的;“二
To Liberals, Every Woman Looks Like a Hotel Maid
by Ann Coulter
I suppose we'll know the truth when the DNA testing comes back, but close
observers of privileged liberal men are not shocked by the accusations
against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the socialist head of the International
Monetary Fund. (And you thought you were getting screwed by your banker!)
Only in Hollywood movies are handsome lacrosse players from nice families
seen as ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Now we turn from the mostly meaningless college gap to the mostly
nonexistent wage gap. It is quoted ad-nauseum that women make 75 cents for
each dollar a man makes for the exact same work (it used to be 59 cents, now
it ranges from 75 to 80). In response to this, Nancy Pelosi helped push
through congress the Fair Pay Act. (1) Furthermore, April 20th, 2010 not
only represents a day we should all get stoned out of our gourds, it’s “
Equal Pay Day.” This holiday (of sorts) symbolizes how far into ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Colorado voters make a stand (mostly)
In the only state-wide tax increase on any state’s ballot this year,
Colorado voters yesterday offered a resounding “No!".
Proposition 103 would have raised the state income tax rate from 4.63
percent to 5 percent, and the state sales tax from 2.9 percent to 3 percent,
expecting to extract about $3 billion from Coloradoans over five years with
the money earmarked for public education. The measure’s supporters –
primarily teachers’ uni... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Sinking of the West
Abe Greenwald of Commentary magazine tweets:
Is there any chance that Mark Steyn won’t use the Italian captain
fleeing the sinking ship as the lead metaphor in a column on EU collapse?
Oh, dear. You’ve got to get up early in the morning to beat me to
civilizational-collapse metaphors. Been there, done that. See page 185 of my
most recent book, where I contrast the orderly, dignified, and moving
behavior of those on the Titanic (the ship, not the mendacious Hollywood
blockbuster) with that ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Their husbands have run some of the most brutal regimes of the Arab world.
But who are the women who stand by the dictators?
In December 2010, the French first lady Carla Bruni sat down to lunch under
the gold chandeliers of the Elysée palace with Asma al-Assad, wife of the
Syrian leader Bashar. As they sat demurely with their husbands around a
butterfly-print tablecloth dominated by a pastel flower-arrangement, a
photographer was ushered in to grab a picture for French celebrity magazines
. Aft... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - But, I have a vagina
March 5, 2012 | Posted by Baron Von Ottomatic
I have a vagina, and I insist someone pay to maintain it. You’ve come a
long way, baby. I remember when you could bring home the bacon, fry it up
in a pan, and never – never – let me forget I’m a man. A woman needs a
man like a fish needs a bicycle. You’re gonna make it after all!
It turns out a woman needs a man like a fish needs a taxpayer to subsidize
its spawning. Who knew being born with a vagina entitles you to a lifetime
of free vagina ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
When Did YOU First See Through Obama's Masquerade?
By Bill Hobbs
March 31, 2012
Columnist Peggy Noonan has finally figured out what many of us here in what
she calls "the broad, stable, nonradical, non-birther right" have known
since mid-2008: You can't trust Barack Obama.
Noonan writes:
"Something's happening to President Obama's relationship with those who are
inclined not to like his policies. They are now inclined not to like him.
His supporters would say, 'Nothing new there,' but actually I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
April 17, 2012 by Michael Laprarie
This weekend, the AP published what has to be the most slanted, biased,
loaded piece of “journalism” it has ever been my displeasure to read: “
Law Gives Zimmerman Extra Chances In Legal Fight”
MIAMI (AP) — George Zimmerman persuaded the police not to charge him
for killing unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, but the prosecutor has accused
him of murder. Soon, armed with unparalleled legal advantages, Zimmerman
will get to ask a judge to find the killing was... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Breitbart News
Sandra Fluke, the militant feminist activist-cum-Georgetown Law School
student, has fallen short in her effort to force Georgetown to pay for her
birth control.
Today, Georgetown University President John J. DeGoia released the following
letter, in which he explained that the university would not cave to
pressure from Fluke or President Obama:
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
I write to you regarding Georgetown’s health insurance and contraceptive
coverage in our plans. Many member... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4321
来自主题: USANews版 - Brooksley Born: "I told you so."
By Manuel Roig-Franzia
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friends nudge the woman who saw the catastrophe coming.
Credit Crisis Cassandra
Regulation Debate Hinged on Arcane Point of Law
They want Brooksley Born to say four words, four simple words: "I told you
Ah, but she won't -- not at legal conferences or dinner parties. Not even in
a quiet moment in her living room, givi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Steyn哀叹今日美国
A Nation of Sandra Flukes
The tragedy for America is that she’s all too typical.
By Mark Steyn
According to Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, invited to address the
Democratic convention and the nation, America faces a stark choice this
November. “During this campaign, we’ve heard about two profoundly
different futures that could await women in this country — and how one of
those futures looks like an offensive,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - A Godless Party Expels the Creator
By Patrick J. Buchanan
September 7, 2012
The authors of the Democratic platform have inadvertently revealed to the
world the sea change that has taken place in that party we once knew.
For the first time — and in the longest Democratic platform in history, 26,
000 words — there was not a single mention of God, the Creator, whom Thomas
Jefferson himself, father of the party, proclaimed to be the author of our
right to life and liberty.
The convention had approved the new platform, but when a fire... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7077
Ann Coulter: ‘Civil rights are for blacks -- what have we done to the
On ABC's "This Week With George Stephanopoulos" on Sunday, Ann Coulter said
the Democratic party has shifted its strategic campaign focus to the Latino
vote ahead of the November elections. Of course, the conservative firebrand
phrased it a little differently.
"Democrat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Code Pink Skanks March in Pakistan: Obama ‘Worse Than Bush’
by Jammie
When you’ve lost Code Pink…
Thirty-two Americans associated with the feminist anti-war activist
group Code Pink are in Pakistan for a march from Islamabad to that country’
s tumultuous tribal belt to protest American drone strikes that reportedly
kill civilians along with their terrorist targets.
Code Pink members donned giant vagina costumes at the Republican
National Convention in August, but according to two group m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 272
来自主题: USANews版 - GOP真是秀智商下限
are you feminist?
women and men should work together and respect each other
发帖数: 29846
November 24, 2012 by Warner Todd Huston
It’s become a tradition on every holiday that somewhere in the country a
taxpayer supported university professor will come forth to trash one of our
American traditions and this holiday season we were treated to a claim that
Thanksgiving is really just a celebration of “genocide” created by “Nazis
A long-time, extreme left-winger named Robert Jensen, a taxpayer supported
journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin, felt Thanksgiving
eve wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Yes, Virginia, FGM is Islamic
by wheatington
So shocking and barbaric is the truth of Islam that, despite the lies of
its devout followers, it eventually backs up like raw sewage and emanates
from the very guardians of the filth.
Muslims in Egypt are clamouring for female genital mutilation (FGM). Yes, I
know, we’ve been told that FGM has less than nothing to do with Islam but
Muslims can only hide from the light of civilization for so long, and now
they’ve slunk out of the shadows. They’ve been emboldened!
Muslims challeng... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 316
Dear tYLS or tWall or whatever dumb shit you call it these days:
I am a second-semester 3L. How exciting. In a surprising turn of events, I
decided I want to work for a couple of years at a law firm but eventually
try to become a published author, or, if that fails, get a Ph.D. and try to
become a professor.
Why am I telling you all of this? It’s because I wanted to thank you all
for inspiring me to follow my passions and my dreams.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Tiger Beat Terrorist Sold Weed to Get By: “There was a permanent stench of
marijuana in his room”
by Jammie
Financing terror, one dimebag at a time.
While Tamerlan spent his time freeloading off his young wife, Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev relied on low-level pot sales to get by.
Despite their low-income lives, the brothers allegedly collected just
enough green to fashion bombs that reportedly cost less than $100 apiece to
construct, friends, associates and terrorism analysts told the Boston Globe.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Progressive feminists are not going to be happy with this study:
A pioneering study has shown for the first time that the brains of men
and women are wired up differently which could explain some of the
stereotypical differences in male and female behaviour, scientists have said.
Researchers found that many of the connections in a typical male brain
run between the front and the MenWomenDifferentback of the same side of the
brain, whereas in women the connections are more likely to run f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
No matter how well women are doing relative to men, it doesn’t matter. They
’re still the victims of discrimination — or so they think.
This, when women today earn more college degrees and advanced degrees than
men, and have lower rates of unemployment. How are the decks are still
stacked against them?
The new Pew Social Trends survey reports that “Millennial women . . . are
just as likely as older generations to believe that women face an uphill
climb in terms of being treated equally by societ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Of Course: Feminist/Anarchist Activists Crusade for "Fat Justice," Blame
Oppression of Body Mass Index on "White Racial Supremacist"
For any Identity category that more than two people associate themselves
with, the left has a Grievance Workshop explaining why people should be
angry at other people for all their failings. You say, "Why 'Fat Justice'?
Hasn't this gotten a...
发帖数: 29846
Incest: The Next Frontier in ‘Reproductive Freedom’
January 19, 2015 - 1:03 PM
By J. Matt Barber
Like a plastic Piggly Wiggly bag fluttering about in the alley, those
untethered from God’s natural law are violently tossed to and fro by the
gusting winds of moral relativism. Jenny Kutner is one such Piggly Wiggly
bag. A 20-something assistant editor at Salon.com, she describes herself as
“focusing on sex, gender and feminism.”
By “focusing on sex, gender and feminism,” and as you will soon see, t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Forbidden 'Diversity' at The New York Times
March 20, 2015 - 8:23 AM
By L. Brent Bozell III & Tim Graham
Sound the trumpets. The New York Times announced on March 18 that it is
bringing in 20 new online-focused writers as contributors for its op-ed and
Sunday Review sections.
In an interview, Times editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal claimed, "We
were looking for a broad range of viewpoints and subjects and backgrounds
and geographical locations and every kind of form of diversity that you ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Now I understand why the climate change crazies try to cut off all debate
on their unproven hypothesis. So many of their leading supporters are
frothing at the mouth, over the line, nucking futz! Witness biologist Sandra
Steinberger, the woman who receives some the credit for convincing Cuban
traveler, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo to ban fracking in the People's Republic
of NY. According to MS. Steinberger the only jobs for women created by
fracking are for hookers and maids.
Ms. Steinberger is a b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
British Novelist to American Grads: There’s Nothing Virtuous about Being
by Mark Antonio Wright May 19, 2015 4:22 PM
A rather uneventful college commencement season full of the usual platitudes
and bromides was shaken up by British novelist Ian McEwan’s refreshingly
challenging the zeitgeist of trigger warnings, free-speech zones, and campus
censorship at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania this week.
McEwan did not shy away from addressing the current temper on campus,
choosing to foc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Here’s what womens’ sports is going to look like in the very near future.
Or should we say “womyns’ sports?” This just happens to be MMA, but
reruns will be coming in every sport.
First, some generalities about women. They do not have the upper body
strength or overall size of men. There is no sport out there where, at the
highest competitive levels, women can compete against men and win.
The winner, in 2:17 of the first round, of the above bout was Fallon Fox.
She’s got five straight MMA wins b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
University of California Imposes Codes: Can’t Say “America is the Land of
Michael Becker June 14, 2015
A University used to be the place a young person would go to be challenged.
To be exposed to a wide range of ideas, to learn to think, to analyze
information, and to be able to form and defend opinions. It’s also a place
where a young person learns the foundational information necessary to pursue
a career. “Used to be” is the key part of this paragraph, especially at
the University... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Sweden Scrambles to Produce Black Band Aids After a Blogger Complains About
White Privilege
by Oliver Lane12 Aug 20150
A complaint by a feminist, anti-racist ‘blogger’ has prompted a Swedish
pharmacy chain to search out a manufacturer of ‘dark’ band-aids.
A discussion on government-funded Radio Sweden precipitated the controversy,
as a spokeswoman for the national Apoteket chain of pharmacies went head-to
-head with Every Day Racism blog author and Left-party campaigner Paula
Triggerin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Sweden Opened Its Doors To Mass Muslim Immigration And Today It Is The Rape
Capital Of The West
Rachel Alexander
25 Oct, 2015 by Rachel Alexander
No one wants to talk about it, because it’s considered “insensitive,” but
the Islam religion does not promote a healthy view towards women. A wife is
expected to satisfy her husband’s demands even when she doesn’t feel like
it, which can constitute rape. Sweden started welcoming Muslim immigrants
in the 1970s, and now Swedish women are paying the price... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Powerful Left-Wing Lobbies Seek to Silence Dissent and Anonymous Speech on
Two weeks ago, 72 left-wing groups, including the Feminist Majority
Foundation, American Association of University Women, and Leadership
Conference on Civil and Human Rights, asked federal civil-rights officials
to crack down [1] on anonymous [2] politically-incorrect speech [3] on
campus, which they claim violates federal civil-rights laws such as Title IX
. They claim they are concerned about “harassment” on anon... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10469
And in fact, as Dan Riehl noted in a tweet, the Left’s favorite broadcaster
, NPR, used the word “schlonged” to describe a devastating election defeat
of liberal and feminist icon Geraldine Ferraro, in an obituary following
her death in 2011, and there was nary a peep of outrage, much less universal
condemnation. And you know that the liberal media all listen to NPR. Host
Neal Conan said to guest Chris Cillizza and drew not a peep of condemnation
from the prominent WaPo writer:
Sad news to r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
NPR, used the word “schlonged” to describe a devastating election defeat
of liberal and feminist icon Geraldine Ferraro, in an obituary following her
death in 2011
发帖数: 10469
And in fact, as Dan Riehl noted in a tweet, the Left’s favorite broadcaster
, NPR, used the word “schlonged” to describe a devastating election defeat
of liberal and feminist icon Geraldine Ferraro, in an obituary following
her death in 2011, and there was nary a peep of outrage, much less universal
condemnation. And you know that the liberal media all listen to NPR. Host
Neal Conan said to guest Chris Cillizza and d... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 老王洗地,trump说小猫
希拉里遇人更不淑。 请来两个祖母级的大佬拉票,这两位说的话带来的爆炸力远远超
。。。 pales by comparison with the huge missteps that two of the giants of
the women’s movement – Gloria Steinem and former Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright – made in the service of Clinton’s struggling campaign
effort in New Hampshire over the past several days.
Steinem, the 81-year-old author, social activist and co-founder of the
feminist movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s, only half-jokingly
suggested last Friday during an intervie... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8291
来自主题: USANews版 - 女兵和男兵还是不能比
按照自然规律,女人就是选不进combat unit. 要让feminists满意,
发帖数: 301
Telling Women They Have To Vote For Hillary Clinton Is Not Only Offensive,
It's Anti-Feminist
...Still, when it comes to finally putting my foot in one camp or the other,
I'm actually not yet decided. But when I do pick a side, I'd like the
opportunity and the breathing room to actually make my own decision. And
even if I do end up on Team Hillary, I'll be so much prouder knowing that
the decision was truly my own, and not the result of the ludicrous
expectation that my gender decides my vote.
A... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1034
"Words cannot describe how courageous this is. What a powerful woman. THIS
is a woman who embodies feminist ideals and strengths."
"Finally someone with some courage, decency, logic, and ethic. THANK YOU."
发帖数: 10015
feminists are women you don't want to fuck in the first place
发帖数: 2980
来自主题: USANews版 - 堵个路还带面具
I work in a public institution in a large urban area. The anti-Americanism I
have to listen to day in and day out is horrifying. It's like an alliance
of Marxists, radical feminists and immigrants with chips on their shoulders
want to collapse us into civil war - a war they honestly believe they will "
win." They love to cry about 'revolution in this country' but they have not
thought this through. What will come after, their communist black/brown
utopia of social justice? Look around t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16479
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: weidong (伊拉克学习小组副组长), 信区: Joke
标 题: 倒霉的软软:机器人政非确,被双规。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 24 19:52:46 2016, 美东)
Microsoft's public experiment with AI crashed and burned after less than a
Tay, the company's online chat bot designed to talk like a teen, started
spewing racist and hateful comments on Twitter on Wednesday, and Microsoft (
MSFT, Tech30) shut Tay d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
Hey the_donald, I'm a 19 year old girl living in America with muslim
immigrant parents. Until yesterday, I had not once removed my Hajib in my
life while outside. I tried to do it once when I was 10 years old, and my
parents grounded me for a week.
Let me tell you something right now, there are no "moderate muslims". There
are no "assimilated muslims". Throughout my life, I have been to three
differen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 714
来自主题: USANews版 - 这个回答怎么样
I will punish man who made woman pregnant but not marry her if she wants.
anti-women to feminist.
发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: weidong (伊拉克学习小组副组长), 信区: Joke
标 题: 加州革命学生反对希拉里闺蜜出席毕业典礼!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 4 17:38:32 2016, 美东)
California college students object to 'white feminist' Madeleine Albright as
commencement speaker.
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 11
发帖数: 4091
希望人生贏家能帶領自己的女性伴侶為串譜唱一曲忠盏淖摳琛br />

发帖数: 627

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