Z***1 发帖数: 1428 | 2 Expendables... not Expandables >_> |
a*o 发帖数: 25262 | 3 Expending government spending and the Fed policy are all based on Keynes....
.not sure it works with the current situation...since the Fed fund rate has
been 0 for awhile....
纽约时报... left....
读读 WSJ 或 Fox, right... |
s*******n 发帖数: 12995 | 4 actually it should be "everybody is expendable". |
d******a 发帖数: 53 | 5 ABC has tried their best to minimize this issue's impact- Make alliance to
other organizations to fight against us:
1. FCC, Google etc. gave us negative feedback on our protests.
2. ABC's Chinese employees tried to criticize, devalue, distract our today's
3. Support JM in their program indirectly
Next step, they are evaluating the outcome of our protest influence.
What they are scared are:
1. The larger and further extent of protest impact.
2. The sponsors/advertisers' of their program
O... 阅读全帖 |
s*******h 发帖数: 3219 | 6 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: deepthroat (My, you are a tall one!), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 纽约税太高了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 19 21:09:47 2014, 美东)
flex expending最高限2500,税后cost竟然是0。 |
L********s 发帖数: 88 | 7 绿灯行驶过一个路口时,被一辆闯红灯的车给撞了(对方是个劳墨)。计我们双方的速
还有点肿,当时有一点pain的感觉, 今天不碰它基本上不痛了。胸口在心窝以上的肋
骨(有大包子那么大的一块面积吧)当时有一些pain的感觉,今天似乎好了点, 用手
盖肿的地方, 也没什么问题。 还做了一个似乎是心电图似的东西,说心脏也没什么问
什么的。结果就给我们开了止痛药,把我们打发回家了。警察给我police report 时,
说report 上有一个witness 证明我们是绿灯。
身边的好多朋友建议我找一个律师要一些身体和心理上的补偿。 google 了附近的一些
律师, 有些觉得这个案子对他们小不接, ... 阅读全帖 |
L*D 发帖数: 2803 | 8 the expendables. oh yeah! |
k***u 发帖数: 5746 | 9 想看但还没去看的,建议不要去看了,,,,我们已经给它封了史上最傻动作片,,李
连杰在里面就是小丑一样,,, |
L*D 发帖数: 2803 | 10 啊?? 这是我期待的无脑打片阿!可惜这么多腕儿了。。 |
m*****r 发帖数: 878 | 12 还是要去看看吧...
看到史泰龙被人爆cei之后,被问:“what happen to you?"
答:“got my ass kicked." (不算剧透,这段预告里有)
李连杰在里面,唉,说是反映了实际情况,可一个佛教徒。。。应该不至于。。。 |
L*D 发帖数: 2803 | 14 昨晚终于看了, 还行。 打斗和爆炸都挺到位,就是李连杰演得太惨不忍赌了,有他说
话的场面一律冷场。 |
M****a 发帖数: 11261 | 15 这么早的贴都被翻出来了,我纳闷了好一会儿,以为我的记性现在这么差了.... |
W*****r 发帖数: 5681 | 16 I got it but haven't had the chance to watch it. Mmm... where did I put the
disc? |
j**n 发帖数: 20 | 17 还是要谢谢你的建议,刚刚做了点research, 可能住NJ对我们不合适。 你说的half/
half. 在费城住和工作是要交~%3.5的费城City Tax 和 %3的州税。according to
reciprocal agreement, 在费城工作住在NJ是不需要交PA州税,但是NJ的州税是要交的
, ~1.4-8.97% based on ur salary rate. 一部份NJ的州税可以用费城City Tax抵
, 并不是少交一个州税, 这要按salary range 来算。 虽然NJ有的town治安很好,
但如果要方便commute的话,靠近train station 的NJ 的 town 的 apartment 都是贵
的, 如果再加上每个月的commute expend b/w NJ and PA, 花的钱反而多了。 全部
城郊区贵,比较apartment要多方面比较,光比价钱不靠谱。建议参考 http://www.bestplaces.net/ 比较周围的治安情况。 |
I*D 发帖数: 40035 | 18 yes, you are right. it just didn't show in the picture....I use expended
metal sheet in the stove... |
s*********5 发帖数: 5637 | 19 【 以下文字转载自 LosAngeles 讨论区 】
发信人: spectrum805 (spectrum805), 信区: LosAngeles
标 题: 勿忘洛杉矶华人血泪史:第一次种族暴乱死了18个华人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 19 18:59:35 2012, 美东)
The History Page: City of Demons
In Los Angeles’ first race riot, a hate-filled mob kills 18 Chinese men
By Scott Zesch Thursday, May 10, 2012
Chinatown in Los Angeles dates back to the Gold Rush.
... 阅读全帖 |
x***m 发帖数: 1733 | 21 because the middle level engineering manager and department head sensed
something, they want to use this
approach (hiring) to test if the executive management is resolved to
continue/expend this line of business or
cut it.
what they did not expect is that the executive is actually trying to sell it
. hehe |
P*****f 发帖数: 2272 | 22 not exactly. some analyst reduced estimation of search ads expending in Q2.
The lawsuit is a factor, but not that much. It only focuses on technical
patents, not java branding or other big issues. You know, ORCL is always
very aggresive and greedy. That's why I am not supried when I heard $6B.
founder |
s*********3 发帖数: 2890 | 23 如果在现有房子的地方,推倒重建还是比较容易的,只要符合current code就可以。但
是要申请在原来的前后yard上也造房子,就不那么简单了。 Depends on how much you
want to expend. 有时候还要public hearing。 |
g**8 发帖数: 4951 | 24 关于那个李连杰被恶心的大片, 我在过去一个贴里议论过:
简单了说, 李在片中的名字叫阴阳, 台词里也一再萎缩地自称小男人, 并且就认钱, 还
被同伙称为半个男人. 就是这样一个片子, 恰恰jimmy kimmel节目里编排搞笑特别重
去没什么,这么说有些stretch, jk团队和那个大片团队非常close是肯定的。 事实上
来被史... 阅读全帖 |
d******a 发帖数: 53 | 25 ABC has tried their best to minimize this issue's impact- Make alliance to
other organizations to fight against us:
1. FCC, Google etc. gave us negative feedback on our protests.
2. ABC's Chinese employees tried to criticize, devalue, distract our today's
3. Support JM in their program indirectly
Next step, they are evaluating the outcome of our protest influence.
What they are scared are:
1. The larger and further extent of protest impact.
2. The sponsors/advertisers' of their program
O... 阅读全帖 |
j*****3 发帖数: 654 | 26 是啊,第一波裁13500,然后明确地说六个月之后还要再裁4500,裁谁,现在还不知道。
我见过最狠的管理层,头天还信誓旦旦地说“our business is in excellent shape,
our market are expending, we have X releases during the past Y months,
increased Z registered users on our site....”,把士气鼓舞得高高的,然后第二
天就开始一个部门一个部门地连锅端,内部网shut down,收发的email全部先经人工过
滤。。。BTW,that ceo is a lawyer.
资,一边为自己寻找下家,不错。 |
L********s 发帖数: 88 | 27 绿灯行驶过一个路口时,被一辆闯红灯的车给撞了(对方是个劳墨)。计我们双方的速
还有点肿,当时有一点pain的感觉, 今天不碰它基本上不痛了。胸口在心窝以上的肋
骨(有大包子那么大的一块面积吧)当时有一些pain的感觉,今天似乎好了点, 用手
盖肿的地方, 也没什么问题。 还做了一个似乎是心电图似的东西,说心脏也没什么问
什么的。结果就给我们开了止痛药,把我们打发回家了。警察给我police report 时,
说report 上有一个witness 证明我们是绿灯。
身边的好多朋友建议我找一个律师要一些身体和心理上的补偿。 google 了附近的一些
律师, 有些觉得这个案子对他们小不接, ... 阅读全帖 |
y***r 发帖数: 1845 | 28 想起来一个小伙问他要是换组原来的工作没有人会做怎么办……民工们都是expendable
,公司缺了谁都照样运转,大可不必有这样的顾虑。 |
s********y 发帖数: 3811 | 29 the company was very good at brainwashing college hires, at least before
expendable |
t******4 发帖数: 2300 | 30 http://www.komonews.com/news/business/Seattle-sees-Chinese-tour
SEATTLE - Have you noticed an increase in visitors from Asia to the Seattle
area lately?
It turns out local travel experts have been tracking a huge explosion of
tourism and business travel from China over the last two years.
"The door is open," says May Zhang, owner of Seattle May Travel. "The city
is beautiful and the city is happy."
Zhang's travel business specializes in tours of our region for Chinese
visitors. She says Seattle ... 阅读全帖 |
N*********6 发帖数: 2302 | 31 Hello,
This is SpicyGirl's mj
My business is expending ....
55566 |
d******a 发帖数: 53 | 32 ABC has tried their best to minimize this issue's impact- Make alliance to
other organizations to fight against us:
1. FCC, Google etc. gave us negative feedback on our protests.
2. ABC's Chinese employees tried to criticize, devalue, distract our today's
3. Support JM in their program indirectly
Next step, they are evaluating the outcome of our protest influence.
What they are scared are:
1. The larger and further extent of protest impact.
2. The sponsors/advertisers' of their program
O... 阅读全帖 |
j****h 发帖数: 219 | 33 让我们回顾一下历史吧:
We, the parents of current and future children attending Clements High
School (CHS) and residents zoned to FBISD, petition FBISD to move the Global
Studies Academy (GSA) from CHS to a different school. Moving the GSA will
address and solve the following.
CHS was a very high performing school prior to the arrival of the GSA.
The presence of the GSA in Clements has only made competition more intense
than before.
Th... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 34 各位朋友,我们有统一响亮简洁的口号吗?
我一个你们看看:we are expendables!
或2 |
j***a 发帖数: 10844 | 35 Hiking and Backpacking Gear and Tips
I've gotten several e-mails about what gear is necessary for hiking and
backpacking. There are 100s of vendors out there selling different qualities
of gear at different prices. To try to evaluate them all here is impossible
and beyond the scope of this website. Instead I've chosen to list the most
important items you'll need and what features to look for and avoid. I
strongly recommend visiting one of the many on-line outfitters and doing
some comparison sho... 阅读全帖 |
A***n 发帖数: 2705 | 36 答案公布。老太90岁。(显然动刀了。)
Expendables 2”。 |
T*R 发帖数: 25894 | 37 嗯,你给的是突击散弹枪的弹药。
话说你看Expendable里面的AA12了吗?跟30mm机炮火力一样。又是一个好莱坞神话。 |
G****a 发帖数: 10208 | 38 The Cardinals added catcher A.J. Pierzynski to the National League
Championship Series roster.
The 37-year-old Pierzynski replaces lefty reliever Sam Freeman on the
Cardinals roster.
Manager Mike Matheny said Pierzynski gave the team an experienced bat off
the bench, and a third catcher that allows for use of backup Tony Cruz.
"It's more so what A.J. brings more than anything else," Matheny said.
Rookie Marco Gonzales was 2-0 in the division series against the Dodgers and
worked three scoreless ... 阅读全帖 |
h**********g 发帖数: 3962 | 39 科比马上就要退役了。他的全部篮球生涯都效力在湖人队。
Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest players in NBA history, and may go down
as the greatest Lakers player ever. But, had rookie NBA head coach John
Calipari trusted his gut instinct in 1996, the history of the NBA could have
unfolded in a completely different way.
John Calipari was the head coach of the New Jersey Nets in 1996, and was
amazed by wha... 阅读全帖 |
V*****n 发帖数: 893 | 40 Version 9.1 1
Riding the Paceline
A pace line is a group of riders who trade off the lead to share the effort
of riding in front so that the other
riders can rest in the draft that is created. Some of the benefits of a
paceline are safety, efficiency, and
speed. Pacelines that lack discipline can be annoying and even dangerous.
Stage One - Basics
Group Interaction
Individual energy contributes to the group energy. How an individual
interacts with the group is important
and can have an i... 阅读全帖 |
T*******e 发帖数: 4110 | 47 可以play down field, outside, 也可以play some slots。Essentially, he can
replace Lafell and also do what Amendola can do, thus makes Amendola
expendable as well. |
k**********i 发帖数: 8706 | 48 刚从影院回来
Beretta 92FS
Colt Single Action Revolver (极度经典,不剧透。。。)
Kimber 1911
HK Pistol (P9?)
FN F2000
FN P90
飞刀。。。 |